Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084396-Daredevil
Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2084396
Corruption and romance! I started working on this over 4 years ago and kind of stopped
as rushing home from my office, the roads were clear and empty, i was doing 85 in a 65 lane. red and blue lights flashed and i sighed and cussed, then pulled over. i waited and hunted around in the glove box for my registration and insurance information.
a soft knock on my window with the butt of a flashlight.. i rolled down my window, and a cute and i mean very cute police officer smiled down at me.
" want to explain why you're doning 85 in a 65 lane miss? i actually clocked you in at 97 a mile or two back." he had a warm southern accent, dark dark hair and possibly light eyes. it was pretty dark. he was dressed in a short sleeved shirt, and i noticed tht his arms were tattooed. light skin but he couldnt have been black.. not with that beautiful hair.
" oh.. im. coming home from work..."
" rushing to your boyfriend huh? let me see your license and registration and ill let you off with just a warning. i ran your plates, clean and seems like everything is straight."
" oh.. ok" i dig into my purse, and pull out the license and hand it to him, blushing a bit as our hands touch.
" miss... nikki? hmm.. let me call you and we can forget this ever happened."
a sexy and corrupt cop, i like this.
"sure." i reply writing my number down. I dont expect him to call me, and if he does he probably jsut wants a good time. im not exactly opposed to taht...
I finally make it home 20 minutes later, drop my bag and coat on the easy chair in the foyer, and turn on my ipod and dock before taking clothes off on the way to the bathroom. by the time i get to the bathrom, im naked, and my phone is ringing.
" ugh!" i exclaim. i head to my room and pick up anywaay, even though the number is unknown to me.
" hello?"
" miss nikki? Its me, officer rhonson. i stopped you.."
" yeah?" i say, noticing tht my voice gets more sultry. i hate that sometimes, my voice always gives me away. my ex had used to love it. when i was in the mood, and ready to go he woutd ask me to tell him what i wanted, whisper it into his ear.
" wanted to make sure you got home safe..." his voice is even warmer on the phone, that southern accent turns me on.
" yeah, i was actually about to take a bath.. got the water running now."
" bet its nice. how about you let me take you for a cup of coffee or something?"
" nine sounds good.. there is a nice place by me.."
" ill meet your there gorgeous."
we both hang up, and i get into the bath and soak for a good hour, until my toes and fingers and wrinkled i get out, play around with my hair before deciding to tease it iup in front and pin it up in back. i pull on a fitted skirt and a v neck tee with some wedges, then text hiim the name of the place.
i feel overdressed, but when he steps in the place still in uniform, and flashes me his killer smile, i damn near melt.
" you look good." he says hugging me, then stealing a kiss on my neck.
" thank you."
" what i meant is that youre sexy." he says with that same smile. we head to a table in back, and order coffee (him) and green tea (me)
" you have a boyfriend?"
" no...why did you think that?"
" you were rushing.. i figured that you were trying to get to him.."
" no.. that wasnt it at all.. i work at an office, i was just trying to get home quickly."
" oh yeah?" he takes a sip from his coffee, then gives me a smile.
" yeah."
" what do you do?"
" im a secretary at sanford construction... but i went to school for business, i want to become a stock analyst.. you know, work for a big company and actually have a say in important things."
" what?! no way. couldnt find work or what?" he asks.
" a combination of things... im saving to move to nyc, but in the meantime i have to push papers and get ordered around by my superiors, people who are very rude."
" that sucks, it was like that when i started with the force.. since i was young the older guys hated that i came on the scene, and that their women checked me out.."
" oh.. i was never a guy magnet." i begin.
" thats ridiculous. youre beautiful.." he says.
" whats your name?"
" thought i told you.. its chase."
" how old are you?"
" 27. you?"
got any kids, girlfriend, drama?"
" no.. i came here from tennessee when i was 19, left my family behind to make something better of myself but i didnt count on moving here to rhode island. its so far from home, but i love the sea. its beautiful."
" i love it too.. it makes me happy." i begin.
" anything else you want to know?" he asks draining his cup.
" what are you mixed with?" i ask.
" i dont know." he answers honestly. he runs a hand through his hair, then studies me.
" how do you not know?"
" well, my mother is black, but i never met my father, and she wont talk aobut him around me. she never has. she was a real religious woman. i kind of get the feeling that she didnt know him very well, maybe something sinister took place, but it sucks not knowinf who oyu are.. gtowing up in the south is hard enough, but it was worse, not kknowing my father.
" im sorry." i say
" no.. dont be. everyone has issues with their fathers these days, its a sad world we live in."
"hmm... we fall silent, then chase clears his throat.
" would you like to meet up again? i really like you.. i think youre beautiful, youre sexy.. you have a lot of sex appeal."
m " oh, couldnt be me. i have no sex appeal. i cant be ssexy."
we both rise, and chase leaves money to take care of the bill.
" oh youre kidding yourself." he pulls the door open for me, then we stop at my car.
" no.. ive alwayss been shy."
" your're gorgeous." he kisses my cheek softly, then calls a quick goodbye to me.
the whole way home i think of him. what kissing his lips would feel like, what it would feel like to touch the hardenend muscles on his body, what the sex would be like. im getting ahead of myself, but i cant ignore the sexual attraction i have for him. it pulls me in, makes me smile.
back home i clean up the place, then have ice cream before heading to bed.
My phone wakes me up, and i turn over sleepily. the clock says 4:57. its too early for the bill collectors to begin hounding me, so i dont know who else it could be. i answer with my eyes still half closed, and chase's warm voice wakes me up immediately.
" morning. want to get some breakfast or something?"
" its 5am!" i begin.
" yeah, so i just saw you less than 12 hours ago, but i want to see you again. we can go to the waffle house."
" let me pull something on." i say.
" ill give you 30 minutes, then ill be in front of your place."
"sure." i pull on a pair of leggings and a cozy tee shirt before my favorite bebe boots, then throw my hair into a high ponytail (with many pins in back). he is in front of my place in a big black truck.
" morning." he says throwing me that sweet smile.
" morning." he is dressed in a black t shirt and jeans and i have to admit that he looks good with his hair brushed back.
" waffle house is ok?"
" yeah."
" so.. i really like you, already and not because youre smart and have your head on straight. there is something about you."
" oh.. thank oyu." i begin feeling my cheeks redden.
"in addition to that, youve got a cute body." he begins. i sort of like it that he is bold and tells me what is on his mind. we order our food, then i sip from my hot chocolate before he begins speaking again.
" tell me about yourself."
i take a deep breath, then look at my nails which i had just gotten done a few days ago.
" ive got a big family.. well, my immediate family. there were 7 of us growing up.. my parents, 3 brothers and a sister. two of my brothers have passed away, the other one is a cop and my sister has a few too many kids.. my parents dont really talk to any of us anymore. i ahvent gotten together with my family, in years.. i left them right after high school..."
" im sorry." chase says immediately. i give him a smile, then toy with the ring on my middle finger.
" dont be.. its no ones fault. families fall apart all the time."
" do you ever miss them?" he asks.
" yeah, i do.."
" i..."
our food is placed in front of us, and we both dig in immediately. i hadnt realized how hungry i was. about halfway through his mega pancake breakfast, chase puts his fork down.
" i dont have much of a family.. my mother raised me all by herself. i was very sheltered.. always. she never let me do anything and for a long time i ressented her. i was the only guy not allowed to go to parties during high school. naturally, i acted out once i got here.. there were so many women..." he chuckles, then looks at me.
" yeah.. i bet."
" i made mistakes you know, broke hearts.. i was young and reckless. sometimes im sorry, but other times i dont care.. i did what i waanted to, and i had a good time doing it."
" i see. have you settled down?" i ask. we share a smile, then he finishes his coffee.
" yeah. a lot. sometimes i think im ready to settle down, get married then i get scared that i wont be happy, that ill have to be stuck with the same person for years. i cant stand to be bored. i want to be happy, wild, free. i guess that i never want to grow up."
" i never want to grow up either."
after breakfast we go our separate ways, then i head back home to change for work. I hated working on a sunday, but that was life. i quickly threw on a long blouse to go with my leggings and boots, then did my makeup. they had called me in at the last minute, so i would probably be there later than 9 o clock. i sped to work, happy that there hadnt bee n a cop there to stop me.
" its 9:07 nikki! you're late!" my boss said once i slid in. i sighed, then headed to my desk and turned on my computer. I didnt exactly hate work, because there were often new tasks to do and osmetimes even some numbers to crunch, but it wasnt as exciting as stocks were. to me, nothing was as interesting as the stock market. (ok video games came in a close second place) but i had always wanted to be part of the new york stock exchange. now it only sounded like a dream. I didnt make very good money working here, despite my college degree but it was steady, i got a paycheck every week and it was enough to pay my bills and save a litte bit each week, but it would be awhile before i got to go to new york.
There was a folder of papers to be typed, and a little bit of bookkeeping to be done, but still, it was a lot of work.
" wheres davis?!" i exclaimed in frustration.
" his wife just had a baby..." my boss informed me.
" and...."
" he getss time off which means you have to take care of his bookkeeping work. i expect that done by the time you leave tonight."
i sighed and got to work.
I didnt get to leave work until 7, but when i check my phone there is a text from chase, that was sent only 5 minutes ago.
" lets meet up tonight. how about a drink or two?"
" yeah.." i run off the address to work, and sit out in my car to wait for him.
he is in uniform when we do meet up, and i love that. he looks good.
" just got off work..." he says. we both agreee on a small bar a few blocks from my place,. the music is slightly country, its not really crowded. we both choose a seat right at the bar and chase orders a miller for himself and a jager for me.
" hey... we never really finished talking at breakfast."
" you wanted to ask me something else?" i ask.
" nah, not really.. i felt like you wanted to ask me something else though."
he's right, i do want to ask him something, i want to make sure that i dont get my heart broken, that i dont regret any of the time that i spend with him, but i just sip from my drink and shake my head.
" no.."
" you have dreams dont you?" he asks.
" sure, dont we all?"
" i guess.. i never really wanted to be just a cop, but thatss how it is. ive gotten comfortable in my career.."
" what do you really want to do?" i ask. he smiles, then leans closer to me. close enough so that his lips brush my ear. it sends a shiver straight down my spine.
" something crazy.. oyu know, omething that takes a lot of balls and adrenaline to do."
" oh yeah? like what? a race car driver?"
" nah. i used to drag race with police cars when i started with the force. ive always had this wild streak inside of me.. its in my bones. when i was just 10, i was driving 4 wheelers and tractors down south. my mom hated it. i would come home with a broken bone at least 3 times a year."
"hmm.." i reply noticing tht he is still closse to me.
" i would love to fly a fighter jet, but my eyes are horrible.. i have to wear the strongest contact lenses..someone on my dad's side must have had bad vision, it sucks for me. i never even met the guy but hes fucking things up for me."
" dont be likke that." i begin.
"what about you? you picked a safe career.. there arent really too many challenges in stocks.."
" yeah, i just want to be successful."
" whats the point of all that success if youre alone?" he asks.
" how are you so sure that il be alone?!" i exclaim. the bartender looks at chase, like he is waiting for him to correct himself, but chase only smiles.
" working 100 hours a week, no social life.. no sex life. youve got to let your hair down sometimes. i can tell youre uptight, probably stressed out all the time. how do you get off?" i look at him in surprise, aand he orders another drink before finishing my jager off for me. If he keeps up with this drinking, he will definitely be cabbing it home tonight.
" i dont.. really."
" when's the last time you did it?" he askks with that same childish grin. i want to rise and slap him in the face, whenever guys talk to me like he is doing, it makes me blush and sweat buckets.
" i dont know, six months ago.."
chase clicks his tongue, then leans close to me again.
" thats a shame. bet youve got pent up stress." he kisses my neck softly, then downs his drink.
"so what?"
" What are you gonna do about it? keep walking around uptight and not satisfied? that really sucks..."
i find that i like chase. he is wild and reckless, which isnt really something that one would expect out of him. i never really liked guys like him, but he is doing something to me.
" why should i have to do something aobut it?" i demand. he laughs, then gets up and runs a hand through his hair. his hair is beautiful, dark and glossy and it has a lot of body. chase is really sexy.
" one more tequila!" he says slamming his glass down. the bartender nodss, then chase downs his last shot and throws two $20 bills on the table. "keep the change man."
he wobbles a bit on his feet, but regains his balance and wraps an arm around my waist.
"lets go for a ride babe.."
" no way! youre drunk." i say.
" hmm.. well, ive got the keyss to my truck right here, and im going to take you on a ride.. if you dont want to ride, head on home. ill tuck you in." he says this with a little smile, so i agree to a ride with him. i know that its incredibly stupid, riding in a car with a very sexy and slightly drunk cop, but he is right.. ive never really lived. i grew up sheltered, did exaclty what my parents asked of me by going to college, and getting a job... i hadnt ever had a serious boyfriend, just a bunch of flings and half assed relationships that i cojuldnt work out.
chase opens my door for me, then hops into the car himself and guns the engine, roaring out of the parking lot.
" youre doing 100!" i exclaim.
"so what? you were just a couple nights ago right?" he steers with one hand, eyes on the road and lets his other hand creep on my thigh. i want to say tht he is moving too fast, but we did have a couple dates already. it would be fair game to sleep with him tonight.
" i wasnt drunk!" i say softly.
" neither am i!"
we both remain quiet for a minute, listeinign to the sound of his truck straining against the open road. it feels good, its a good feeling to not be worried about anything but what is happening now.
" i can drive with no hands!" chase exclaims taking his hands off the wheel. i scream, and grab the wheel myself while he just laughs.
" youre ridiculous! crazy!!"
" you love it." he slows down so that he is driving at a reasonable speed, then grips my thigh again.
" i hate it."
" you love it..." he pulls over, then lets the car sit idle, the lights cutting through the thick fog caused by the sea.
" i..." chase leans over, and kisses my lips, holding my face in one of his hands. his hnd is stilll on my thigh, and i can tell that he wants to go further, much further. i can taste the drinks on his tounge, i like the way the stubble from his chin feels on my face.
" chase..."
"nik?" he asks. he leans over for another kiss, this time a much longer one. i want to let him take me all the way... i unbuckle my seatbelt, then run a hand through is hair, smooth as silk.
" you can tell me no... you can demand me to drive you home now."
" no, none of that.. "
" see i love that part about you. you try to hold back, but the pull is too strong." we are still so close to one another. if i move another inch, i will be sitting in chase's lap.
he suddenly kisses my lips one more time, then guns the engine and speeds ahead on the road.
" where are we going?" i exclaim.
" i wanna show you something." he drives towards sea breeze drive, which is very close to the beach, and i immediately think or doing something naughty on the beach. he parks in a little lot close to the shore, and cuts off the engine before shooting me a smile.
" has your ex ever taken you here at night?"
" no.. we had house dates." i reply.
" he was lame.. come on..." he slips off hiss shoes and i do the same before grabbing his hand and running to the waters edge. i like that chase is so unpredicatable and a little off, it makes me like him more. there is a big full moon in the sky, and it dances on the surface of the water. its very romantic.
" its pretty right? i come here to think sometimes. it looks great on nights when the moon is full."
" how many other girls have you broght here?" i ask. chase looks at me deeply, then brushes a lock of hair out of my eyes.
" never cared about anyone enough to share secrets with them."
we dig our feet deeper in to the sand, and i jump back as a cold wave rushes over my feet. chasse just laughs, and unbuttons his shirt before throwing it off to the side somewhere.
" now, you do the same." he says, letting his pretty eyes burn into mine. peer pressure is a bitch, because i give in easily and unbutton my blouse before throwing it near his shirt. he gives a smile, then grabs me by the waist, kissing my lips hungrily. i dont have to worry about the cops stopping us and asking us to leave, i am with the law.
" god youre sexy. im not just saying this to get into your pants.. that would have happened anyway." he says. he is cocky, and i have to admit that i love that too. not too cocky, but that little know it all attitude that he has is sexy.
" yeah?" i ask.
he raises his wifebeater over his head, and tosses me another smile. he is well built, muscular arms, nice smooth stomach with a 6 pack going on, he is tatted like crazy...
" oh yeah.."
" guess its my turn huh?" i ask taking my bra off and tossing it to him. chase looks at me in surprise, then unbuckles his belt, letting his pants and boxers fall to the sand. i just stare, like ive never seen a naked man before, and chase gives me that little cocky grin. he knows he is sexy...
he doesnt say another word as i struggle to get out of my leggings and toss him both those and my panties. we stand stark naked on the shore, staring at one another. i had never been this spontaneous with a man, ever.
" i brought you here to skinny dip, but i didnt think that yiou would go along. i figured that you would take my keys while i was naked and speed off." he says with a grin.
" shut up..." i grab his hand, and we run to the water and jump in. its like a shock to my system. its so cold. i hold onto chase, my aarms around his shoulderss and we kiss softly. he gives me little kisses on my eyelids and ears, and i feel so sexy being in his arms.
" damn i got lucky with yu didnt i? smart, sexy, killer body." we kiss again, and again, and i feel chase grab my waist with his hands.
" do you believe in love?" i ask
" yeah i do, i hope that i find it one day.. i hope that i end up happy with someone.."
" me too, thats all i want. to be happy and to be loved. i would trade in success for that, anyday."
" youre a romantic." he states.
" yeah, always hve been but its not very realistic

 " what if you find someone that wants the same things as y ou?" he asks. i look at him in surprise, then kiss him again,.
" ill never find that."
I catch a terrible head cold from frigid skinny dipping,m and call off work the next day. at around 9, chase gives me a call.
" you sound terrible." he says.
" no shit.. i feel like it too.:" i begin.
" i could bring you some medicine." he says.
" yeah. tall and handsome.. come over..."
he chuckles, then tells me he just got off work, he will go home and shower first. i tell him that i will leave the door unlocked for him, jsut in case i fall assleep.
he trips over the trashbag i have at the door, thus waking me up.
" god damn!" he growls.
im in here!" i call out. he appears in the doorway, then smiles at me.
" got you hot chicken noodle soup, it is my fault youre sick."
" no.. come sit down." he approaches me, and kisses my lips softly, his own tasting sweet.
" damn, we were out there for a bit long huh? its a shame.. i still didnt really get to feel you.. i felt your emotions. i know its hard for you to belive, but im a bit of a romantic too.."
" i like that." i reply. he gives me another smile, then eases next to me with soup and bowl in hand.
"chase you dont have to."
" it turns me on to see a girl eat."
so i let him feed me, his eyess never leave me as he spoons the hot soup into my mouth, one arm around my waist, the other feeding me. i think that i do begin to fall for him... just a little bit. after i finish the soup off, i pop a dayquil, and chase politely asks if he can spend some time with me. i wipe my nose and tell him yes, before turning the tv on. we lie face to face, it feels weird to be this close to someone, especially when my nose is snotty and my eyes watering.
he kisses my lips gently, and i feel my heart float.
" will it feel this perfect forever?" i ask softly.
" i can make it feel that way..."
" dont promise me..."
" you think too much.." he says putting a finger to my lips. we kiss softly, and chase looks at me, really looks at me.
" lets go out somewhere tonight!"
"ive got work in the morning.!"
" call in again.!"
so i agree to let chase take me out again that night. despite my cold and fever, i want to get out of the house, plus chase is excited to take me somewhere. the weather isnt exaclty cold, but it isnt hot, so i throw on a pair of skinny pants, a tanktop, and wedges and throw my hair up. i have a cup of green tea before he comes to pick me up, and i have to smile when i ssee him. he had went and slicked back the sides of his hair, and in the middle it was gently combed back. he had on straight leg pants, a button up that had the first two buttons unbuttoned, and wingtip shoes. he looked good, in that sort of rebellious way. his sleeves were rolled up with his tattoos showing.
" damn.. you clean up nice." i say. he gives me a smile, then hands me a helmet.
" no way..!" i say.
" yeah. the weather is nice for a change. i havent taken her for a spin all year.."
" wow! glad i didnt wear the skirt i had planned on wearing."
" thats really too bad. youve got great legs."
the sun is just beginning to set, so i think its an absolutely beautiful time to be out and aobut. chase throws on his jacket, and i put on the helmet before he gets on the bike and instructs me on how to hold him.
its like the perfect dream. a sexy man who knows how to ride a motorcycle, taking me out on a date.
Ive never been on a bike before, so i hold onto him tighter than ever, and keep my eyes closed until we come to a stop. chase pulls his helmet off, and i do the same, noticing tht my hair didnt get ruined.
" hope you like seafood!" he exclaims.
"love it actually."
the place is crowded, and the wait line for a seat is damn near out the door, but chase gives some bs excuse about being a cop and they let us through.
" you didnt have to do taht." i begin.
": come on, ive got a gorgeous lady with me, and i want to hurry up and eat dinner so that i can really show her a good time." he says.
"hmm.. whats your idea of a good time?" i ask. he just grins, and looks over the menu with a smile on his face.
the waitress appears like magic, and chase orders a beer and a huge shrimp plate while i just opt for calamari pasta and red wine. my appetite isnt with me like it usually is, but i catch chase checking me out as i study the desert menu.
"What?" i ask feeling my cheeks burn.
" nothing.. just enjoy looking at you.let me know when thats a crime."
" youre a smartass."
" and youre uptight." our food is placed in fornt of us, and chase goes to town on it. watching him eat is even a turn on. i find myself getting excited as i nonchalantly study him. the way he licks his fingers...
with a big belch, he unties his napkin from around his neck and drains his beer, causing the lady at the table next to us to make an ugly face.
chase leaves the bill and a hefty tip on the table, then we head back out. i wonder where he is planning to take me to next. with him its alwayss a surprise, something im still trying to get used to.
" come here..." he leads me to the side of the building, and kisses my lips, making sure to wrap his strong arms around my waist. it feels so good as we kiss, chase slips his tongue in my mouth gently, and lets his hands creep lower. i dont try to stop him at all, but i do reach up and run a hand through his hair. he must love that, for i feel him against me straining to get out.
" god damn you. thats my spot. i love having my hair played with. the right touch can make me go crazy."
"im not sorry." i reply doing it again. with a kiss and a gentle bite on my neck, chase slips his helmet back on and we walk hand in hand back to his bike.
he speeds out of the lot, and onto the highway. my eyes are closed and my arms tight around his waist, so i cant see where we are going, not like i want to. we come to another stop, and this time we are in front of a nice house. its small, but not tiny.
" this is my place..sorry if youre disappointed. the rest of the date is going to be a house date." he says..
" its nice." i reply handing him my helmet. he takes it and follows close behind me before checking his mailbox.
once inside, im quite surprised. chase has nice leather furniture that looks comfortably broken into, and paintings everywhere.
" i love art." he explains as he catches me looking. he takes my jacket from my shoulders, and tosses it on a rocking chair that faces the tv, a huge 50 someting inch flatscreen. there are many paintings of black art, and a few more of beautiful self portraits of himself, and a woman who must be his mother.
" my mother taught art and sold paintings for yearss down in tennessee... thats how we got by. she worked at a factory during the night, and during the day she sold her work. she painted everyone on our block and they loved it. she sold all of her work. one day, shes going to be very famous. shes still young, not even 55 yet."
" wow... do you think she could paint one of me?" i ask.
" yeah. she always likes a challenge." chase kicks his shoes off, then settles onto the couch before taking his shirt off. in only a black wifebeater that clashes beautifully with his skin, i can see all his tattoos.
" im going to take a shower.." i reply.
" go ahead." he gives me a smile, then flips on a football game. i take my boots off once i get to the bathroom door, and do the same with my clothes before smiling. the bathroom is absoljutely gorgeous. a black toilet with black sink and ivory claw footed tub. there is a huge bay window covered by thick black curtains and black towels on the towel rack right next to it.. chase has some eye for interior design.. i turn the shower on as hot as i can stand it, and get in, letting the water run over me. l let my hair get wet, then reach for something to scrub myself with. he has a few extra washcloths, so i select one of those and begin washing off.
naturally, all he has to wash with is axe body wash, so ill have to deal with smelling like a man tonight.
i take a long, hot shower then get out and wrap myself with one of the fluffy black towels. i hunt around for a comb and something to run through my hair, and successfully come up with both a wide tooth comb and some pretty good hair moisturizer. i pull my hair into a low bun, lotion myself, and smile once i see tht chase had left me a long white tee shirt to change into. i hadnt heard him come in, so i wonder if he had taken it upon himself to take a peek at me.
i head back dowstairs, and see that chase is still in the same spot, eyes glued to the tv, but once i have a seat he tears his gaze from the tv and looks at me from my head to my feet.
" feel better?"
" yeah, much.."
" i could get you osmething... if you need anything. a cup of tea?"
" no, im fine.." i reply.
" mind if i turn off the light?" he asks. i shake my head no, and he clicks off the light, then joins me on the couch.
"when is the last itme you wre in a relationship?" i ask.
" about 3 years ago... i thought that she may have been good for me, but she had a substance abuse problem.. i mean im a cop, and she thiught that being awith me meant immunity... i arrested her ass as soon as i saw the pipe."
" wow."
" it was a drag. what about you? your last relationhip?"
" ahh... was nothing really special. he was too clingy. i mean i love to be around someone i really like, but he was really insecure and tried to control me and what i did. he saw me talking to a coworker and flew off the handle.."
" that sucks.. maybe you were too much woman for him." chase jokes.
" hmm.. i hope not."
" so thats when you became extra cautious of men right?" he ask, prodding deeper. i stare into his eyes and nod my head.
" its alright.. im not like that. you can do what you like, but dont do me wrong. dont treat me like shit.. i hate that."
" i wouldnt do that" i whisper.
" good.." he flips to a movie, and i lie my head on his sshoulder. i still feel like shit, and i feel congested like crazy, but being next to someone else makes it a little bit more bearable.
" i would be lying if i told you i didnt want to sleep with you nik. " chase says
" chase.. "
" its been on my mind since earlier, when we kissed outside the restaurant.. you found my spot, and that drove me crazy.. the way your hands ran through my hair... you dont realize how much you turn me on.."
" i dont.." i begin.
" thats a shame.." he looks into my eyes, then kisses my lips. i know that he knows that i haave nothing on underneath this shirt, which goes to my knees. i love the way chase kisses, and i love the way that he holds me. i know that the night will end with he and i together on this leather couch. he gives me another smile, then grips my thighs, one in each hand. we kiss, and he lifts me on his lap before pausing to whisper into my ear.
" its up to you." but the way that i feel, the way that he feels against me, nothing is going to stop us. i let my eyes roll as he kisses my neck, lifting the t shirt up even further. its dark, but i dont need a light on to tell me that chase loves what he has right in his lap.
" your skin is so soft. even axe smells good on you." chase is working to get me turned on, and it doesn take much.
" thank you."
he laughs at that, then grips my naked waist.
" damn i cant wait!"
" what are youo waiting for?" i ask.
"my heart to stop beating so fast." he admits. with that, i kiss his lips tenderly and tell him he has nothing to be nervous about. he seems to wake up, and lifts the t shirt over my head. it feels just as it had thaat night when we were at the beach together. nothing to hide. chase begins kissing my neck gently, a trial of kisses down to y collarbone while his hands explore my naked skin. he grabs a condom from somewhere, slips it on, and takes me right on his lap. it feels amazing, just as i thought it would. we dont speak at all, only our bodies speak to one antoher and they dont need words to commnunicate. chase makes my body sing, and makes me smile. it had been quite awhile since i had felt comfortable with anyone... i would have never imagined that my "type" would be a hard liquor drinking, high speed loving, fast talking country cop. i love it instantly. to kiss him makes my heart race, it even makes it skip a beat. after we finish, we curl up together on the couch under a blanket. neither of us seems to want to get up, chase has his arms around my hips, and his words tickle my ear as he whispers.
" you were great..." he clickss off the tv, then i speak and break the silence.
" chase?"
" yeah?"
" you know exactly what youre doing, i love that."
" no doubt, pleasing you is awesome.."
we wake up the next morning a little bit after 10. its cold, but chase and i snuggle closer together to one another and watch at the news.
" want to get breakfast?" he asks.
" i have nothing to wear.." i reply running a hand through my hair. chase gives me a smile as i stand up and stretch my arms towards the sky, then tosses me the shirt from last night.
" hold on, i can get you a pair of sweats or something.."
" ill go shower really quickly."
i hop in the shower and wash my hair once again before brushing my teeth and pulling on the shirt. chase comes in just as im finishing up and hands me the pair of sweats.
" what are you in the mood for?" he asks.
" waffles... i begin.
"me too." he says.
© Copyright 2016 Kingash (dsptlyskgash at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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