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Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #2084364
Importance of organ donation
Teacher Nagaraj is teaching his favourite chapter(Human heart) in biology and the students were listening keenly and taking notes on his teachings and in between nagaraj was getting a call from some unknown number and he puts on silent to continue teaching the class ,though the mobile was put on silent someone was calling continuosly and the mobile was vibrating continuosly and ngaraj was continuing his class even after seeing the multiple calls and finally after nagraj completed his class he saws the message as "Immediate your son has been admitted on Ymca hospital,porur".

As soon as nagaraj saw the message he rushed for the bike parking and took his bike and drove fastly and reached porur ymca hospital where his son was admitted and nagaraj wife rajeswari was looking worryingly , standing outside the emergency ward seeing his son(jagan) was surrounded by doctor and nurses .As soon as nagaraj saw his wife rajeswari's worrying face he was asked ,"what happened ?".Rajeswari said that jagan suddenly fainted in his room over a furniture and when i saw he was unable to breath so i took the help of neighbours to bring him to the hospital.Nagaraj hugged his wife who cried as soon as he finished saying the incident.

Jagan parents were eagerly waiting outside the emergency ward to check about their son's physical condition with the doctors and after half an hour the doctors who diagnosed came out of the emergency ward with doleful face and said your son needs an immediate operation as his right kidney was not functioning and almost failed and immediately need to perform a kidney transplantation operation.Nagaraj and his wife were looking each other in grave silence and nagaraj asked to the doctor "how soon they can start the operation and cost for the operation".Doctors replied in sad low voice that they needs to find the right kidney which should match with their son's blood group and HLA typing in order for the transplantation to be success."Doctors said that they will enquire with the known kidney donor sources and will let them know by tomorrow".

As time passed on nagaraj and his wife did not leave their son's room all night ; the old nurse kept sighing and speaking in whispers;.And in morning the doctors said that they could not able to find the donor and asked nagaraj to check with their relatives whose kidney can be compatabile with his sons."Nagaraj called his relatives who were close to him for the help but no one came forward for to help for his 7 year old son whose nearing the death".

Nagaraj was sad and frustrated and rushed to meet his close friends circle and informed them about his son's situation and nagaraj close friend Basha came to the hospital to help his son,and asked the doctor to check his kidney compatibility and look for compatible with jagan's ."As soon as the doctors analysed basha they said that though basha blood group is compatabile with jagan's blood group the antigens were not matching and doc explained that "Out of over 100 different antigens that have been identified, there are six that have been shown to be the most important in organ transplantation. Of these six antigens, we inherit three from each parent.Except in cases of identical twins and some siblings, it is rare to get a six-antigen match between two people, especially if they are unrelated. The chance of a perfect or six-antigen match between two unrelated people is about one in 100,000".

Nagaraj then thanked basha for his helping hands and before leaving hospital basha said "Inshallah " .everything will go well said basha and left the hsopital.Nagaraj and his wife rajeswari were with his son for the rest of day saying jagan that everything is alright and doctors needs to perform a minor operation .Jagan asked his parents when he can go back to school to play with his friends and teachers.",with tears on his eyes nagaraj replied soon he will be going to school.

Nagaraj tried to get help from lot of donor, social service organisations to help his kid but everything failed and finally after a few days of restless rush for helps which he could not get his 7 year old son died painfully after lot of other alternate treatments.Nagaraj and rajeswari cried for several days and their hearts were filled with pain and sadness ."Though they had money for saving their son but they could not get the organ at the right time for saving their only son.

After undergoing agony of pain due to the loss of his son for few months Nagaraj decided to create awareness on importance of organ donation to society ,so he decided to create the awareness among students who can make the impossible things to possible so that the same kind of incident which happened for his son won't happen for the other human life's which are in needy of organs.Same day "Morning nagaraj went to principal room for a internal discussion" and after some time nagaraj went to school common notice board and posted a notice.Few students after reading the notice shocked away and said the teacher lost his mind due to the loss of his son.The biology teacher came to his class and started his period and gave a very crisp and precise about the chapter which he taught like always and after the class has been completed he asked to students "any questions or doubts", all the students kept silent and one of the student raised his hand and asked he had a doubt but not on the subjects but about the notice which nagaraj has posted on the common notice board which said that "he was going to bury his newly bought maruthi shift car on 13 th of August on the front of school prayer memorial ground " and the student asked the reason for the activity and teacher smiled and said you will understand on august 13 th.

Everyone on the school saw the notice and shocked and said that the teacher has lost his mind and he is wasting a resource and some students commented saying " instead of burying the car he can give the car to him so that he can use the car effecitively by going out with friends and can save the waste of resources".Few students and clerks working on the school commented saying that he doesn't know the value of money going to ury his 6 lakhs new car.

Nagaraj returned home and his wife came to know about his notice of burying the car on school on 13 th august through neighbours and like everyone she did not ask him why he was going to bury the car though she was on a confused state of mind and grave sadness as a mother she lost his only son and was very ill mentally and where other things doesnt bothered her much than her husband who is there taking care of her.

As days passed everyone in the school ,"students,parents ,working staffs was laughing,abusing and making fun of nagaraj's act and yet nagaraj kept quiet and slience and on the day of 13th august Nagaraj came to school driving on his newly bought shift car and everyone was staring him quietly and weirdly on him and then after the prayer was completed few of the construction workers were digging on the school ground and they dug a big hole on the ground to put a car and everyone on the school were watching after they completed.Nagaraj was standing in front of the burial ground where the big hole was dug and he started speaking,"My dear students,friends,and other teachers of the school as i put the notice on the school many of you had the questions of why am doing such a activity and many of you made fun of me and abused me and even said i lost my mind because of the death of my child and said i was mentally retarded and for those questions am going to address today ",so he pointed the student from his class who asked the query other day and asked him what was the importance of today and the boy kept silence for sometime and said he doesn't know and nagaraj asked few of other students and everyone were silent and finally he said that no body knows the importance of today but every younger generations knows that feburary 14 th valentine day and he was laughing with a tear in his eyes and said today is organ donation day and everyone should understand the importance of organ donation rather than wasting such a precious thing and burying to ground everyone should come forward for donating the organ and everyone here were speaking against me for burying a new car without utilizing the resource properly and a car is just a lifeless thing for which people got agitated and angry on me but many people who are dying around us are wasting their precious organs by burying or burning in name of religion and caste which becomes a waste and obviously leads for the loss of other lives which is in need of the particular organs and there are many people who requires eyes,heart,kidney,liver etc and many people who lose their lives because of less organ donors in our country and please students show the compassion for the organ donations where you can re-live after the death".And with tears in his eyes nagaraj said we can save many human lives and worrying fathers like me who has lost my only child because was unable to get the matching kidney for my child because of the less organ donations in our country.In order to say the statement strongly i made such notice which can reach people easily and young students who are the back bone of country should initiate for this life saving activity!!...

Note : By being an organ donor you can save the lives of 7 individuals by way of organ donation and enhance the lives of over 50 people by way of tissue donation.

At present, most organs for transplants come from living donors, whereby these donors may legally only be the immediate family. As a result, only a small percentage of organ seekers are able to find compatible and keen donors. An alternative is deceased donation where organs are retrieved from a person declared brain dead. Due to the extremely low number of deceased donations, most people awaiting transplant breathe their last.

Did you know?

In India every year nearly
500,000 people who die because of non-availability of organs
1,50,000 people await a kidney transplant. Of which, only 5000 get a transplant whereby only
2 lakh people die of liver disease,
50,000 from heart disease and
10 lakh people suffer from corneal blindness and await transplant

Tamil Nadu is the most active state for organ donation in India

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