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Has science gone too far again? Or is the time right? |
Progress. Excerpt story from Dusk Stories. Copyright 2012. Warning contains: violence, language and supernatural creatures. The work was going well. Well, not today. “Raagh!” the patient screamed. The man and woman tried to stabilize the raging patient. “Come on! Administer the stabilizer again!” she ordered. “It’ll overdose!” he warned. “It’s dying otherwise!” she commanded as he injected it. It roared in pain, and then whimpered as it died. Patient # 302: Gwen or rather Subject # 302. “Fuck. Another one for the incinerator,” she said sadly. He covered its face. “Don’t feel too bad. You know it’s worse than fifty-fifty,” Ivan said. “I know, but lately it seems like thirty-seventy. We need those supplies from Reynolds,” Sarah said. “He’ll be back soon. I’ll take this one down. Go get something to eat,” he said with concern. She washed up, and headed down the long metal corridor to the unofficial break room. This place was used when they did not want to go too far from their work, which was much of the time. She sat by her colleague. She smiled to herself. They were doing it! They were the unafraid! The ones who would change people’s ideas and what is accepted in the world! She looked up at subject 100. It was the closest they had come to success, but it was still early. It was suspended in fluid in a glass cylinder, right in front of the room. It was completely mindless, but the body was perfectly stable, and healthy. It was made from the boss, Henry. It was Sarah’s greatest work. Why were people so scared? Human cloning is the next logical step. Why stop progress due to fear or religious nuts? She could not understand it at all. They had gathered her in the remote arctic to do what must be done without interference. There, hidden under the ice, they could work to their hearts content. They would return with success, and the whole world would be forced to accept it! Forced to acknowledge them! The man looked up. “Was she admiring herself again? Honestly, this can’t be good for her ego,” he thought. “Admiring your own work again?” he sighed. “It’s going to be miraculous. Why can’t people see that? I mean to stop progress and for what? Superstitions?” Charlie came in and ignored them as he went to the fridge and got a sandwich. It was the same thing again. Daniel sighed, “Well, perhaps they are worried you’ll go too far?” She seemed animated by this. “There is no ‘too far’ in science! I mean, there would be no idea of evolution if we didn’t take things further!” she argued. “You mean, the THEORY of evolution,” he said simply. “Pft! There you go again! If it were up to you, we’d have never discovered the world wasn’t flat,” she accused as if he was the one responsible for holding back development. “Honestly, you’re so illogical sometimes,” he sighed. Why wouldn't he just admit she was right?! “Uh! You are so stubborn! Religious ideas have always held free-thinking progress back!” she said. “It's funny you should say that since the progress you mentioned hasn't rewritten religion only the science accepted at the time. Hmm, it seems obvious which is flawed,” he sighed. “Why do you always argue with me? We're both working on this!” she said. “It's annoying to hear you argue with yourself. Should everyone agree with you? Where's the fun in that? It makes things more interesting. Besides, the person with no beliefs is the one who more easily caves on them,” he said. “Whatever. When is Reynolds coming back?” she sighed. This man was always so argumentative. “You'd have to ask Henry or Samantha,” Daniel said. “Well, where is he?” Daniel shrugged. She stood up. “I'll go find him. You don't do anything around here,” she said. She walked into the hall as the light went dark. Daniel stood as she re-entered. The room was dimly lit. “Why are we in power-saving mode?” he asked as he tossed her a flashlight. “Damn! Reynolds is better at the electrical systems. I hope it's nothing serious,” she said. “I'll check on the others. You find Henry,” Daniel said. … Without hall lights, it was kind of creepy. Only the lights in the essential rooms and intersections had any sort of power. She slowly made her way to Henry's idea chamber, a room where he liked to brainstorm. Tick! She heard what sounded like a footstep to her left, down the hall. She looked down the long corridor but there was nothing. She shook her head. Turn the lights off, and she was acting like a frightened school girl. She went forward and knocked before entering. Henry stood with his back to her. His hands were behind his back. He was an older gentleman with only hair around his face. The map before him was covered as the documents lay on the table before him. “Henry. We're having a problem with the power,” she said simply. “Yes, I know. All essential systems are running. Until Reynolds returns in a couple of days we will suspend operations. We need the supplies he's bringing for the generators. Don't worry. He'll be back in two days. Until then, all personnel will carry lights when needed,” he said calmly. “Do we have to stay at this level? Are we that low on fuel?” she said. “Safety first. I can't have you all freezing. Leave it to Reynolds. But enough of this boring talk, how did the specimen come out today?” he asked. “The duplication was a success, but we've been unable to get brain activity where we want,” she said. “This was a copy of you, correct? Well, maybe she was as stubborn as you. I have a new technique that I'm going to try once things are up again,” he said. “Oh? Well, what is it? I'm not doing anything. I could take a look at it for you!” she began excitedly. “Please, patience. It's not completed. You'll see soon. In the meantime, get some rest. I know how these losses toll on you,” he urged. “I . . . I'll be fine, but okay. Don't hold out on me for too long!” she said as she closed the door and left. He sighed. “No, no. It won't be much longer,” he said. Later. She stopped in the unofficial break room before going to bed. It was like Halloween. Everyone, but Ivan was there in sleep wear. They were telling scary stories. Turn off the lights, and they were five years old again. Everyone went to bed. She put on her nightgown. It was a gift from Reynolds last expedition. He always brought back lingerie for the women. He was a pig but she wasn't washing now and it wasn't too ridiculous. It was actually pretty nice. She lay down and thought about her day as she drifted off. . . . Ivan walked out of the morgue. He had done all the necessary reports and left the body for Henry. Usually, Ivan would incinerate them, but lately Henry would want to look at the bodies first. Oh well, it meant less work for Ivan. He noticed the hall lights went out. The medical area wouldn't be affected by power-saving mode so, he hadn't noticed. It would have been nice if someone had told him. He clicked on his flashlight and moved slowly. Maybe he would stop by Samantha's room. She was always up. “Hehehe.” He saw someone. “Oh, hey Sarah. What’ve you got there? No!” The pipe hit him down. It hit him again and again. “Why?!” he pleaded. Whump! The wall became slick with blood. Sarah woke up with a start! Some nightmare that she couldn't remember. She couldn't shake it. She decided to go for a glass of milk and cookies. She walked without even putting her shoes on. The floor was cool metal and she hurried down the dark corridor with her light in hand. The blue glow from Subject 100's tank gave the room a nice glow. She bent over and looked inside the fridge as a red glint seemed to reflect off the door, but she didn't notice. What was left to snack on? “No . . .” She heard what sounded like a weak whisper. She turned to look down the adjacent hall. “Hello?” she asked cautiously. She was sure she heard something. If this was a prank or Samantha being slutty again! Sarah stepped down the hall a few feet. Her light shined upon the unspeakable! Ivan was-! He was lying on the ground as two people, a man and a woman , were- eating his stomach! Who were they? How? Why? She panicked as they looked up. “Aaaaaah!!” she screamed as she ran back to the break room. She slammed the door in their faces and locked it. She screamed in fear as they banged on the door loudly. She didn't know what was happening! She backed away from the banging door. Why her?! Her hands shook as her teeth clattered. She backed up more toward the wall. She didn't think it could get any worse as she finally started to think. Got to get-! Smash! She fell to the floor as the fluid spilled out from Subject 100's chamber. She screamed in horror as it grabbed for her! “Aaah!” she screamed as she crawled away. The liquid all over the floor. She got up first as she ran to the nearest place she could think of. Her room was bolted tight behind her as she freaked out. “No, no!” she sobbed. She was curled into a ball, and shook. This had to be a bad dream. It has to be-! Please let it be! She started praying to make it through this! She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she didn't hear anything. Were they still there? What about the others? Didn't they hear her scream? She tried to calm herself down. She couldn't just stay in her forever, could she? She moved to the door in fear. What if they were just waiting there? Bang! Bang! The knock startled her. “Sarah? Are you in there?” It was Charlie. “A. . .are you alone?” she asked. “Yes, come quick,” he said. She opened the door. “Oh, Charlie! It's you! Listen, you won't believe-!” He looked at her with serious eyes. “I know. They got Gabe and Simon,” he said. Gabe and Simon were arctic experts and had chosen the location in the first place. “Do you have your light?” he asked. She nodded. “Why?” she said with confusion. His light was cracked. “I don't think they like the light,” he said as he moved. She didn't ask where he was going. She was just glad to not be alone. She followed him too closely, and ran into him once or twice. They went into the wooden door into a small chapel-like area. He locked the door. “We'll be safe in here. They won't come in here,” Charlie said as he sat down in front. “What? What about the others?” she said with fear. “Huh?” “Well, we've got to go get them!” she said, refering to Charlie really. “I'm not leaving. This is our fault. I'm gonna stay right here,” he said. “We need to radio for help, and-!” “They got the radios already Simon saw that,” Charlie interrupted. “What?! Okay, we get everyone and wait for Reynolds to get back,” she said, trying to plan. “I ain't leaving. Do you know what they are? What they really are?” he asked. She looked scared as he leaned in. “They're just . . . failed experiments,” she said with false confidence. “You created the perfect vessel for them. All body with no mind or soul! They're demons! Evil spirits hungry to come into this world!” he exclaimed madly. “You're scaring me!” she said. “You should be scared. You ain't heard them talk yet. Not human.” She shook. They shouldn't be able to talk. No one taught them. Where are the voices coming from? Who or what is speaking? She shook the ideas away. Just nonsense, but why did she stay here still? “Fine. I'll get the others. You can stay here if you want! How many do yo think there are?” she asked. “Tough to say. I know Gabe got one. Simon must've got at least two when he lit the damn room on fire. Probably five or so,” he said. Five?! How was she supposed to? Bang! Bang! Gunshots rang out. “Daniel!” Charlie said. She turned. “I'm going. Can I have my light back now?” she asked in fear. She didn't want to leave without it. He handed it to her slowly. “I'll lock the door behind you,” he said. “Thank you, Charlie. That makes me feel much better,” she said in a dull voice. She heard the door bolt behind her. Why was she going to Daniel anyway? He should be looking for her. What kind of man was he? She stepped quietly and slowly. She was afraid at every corner as she moved to where the sound came from. She saw a body! It wasn't Daniel. It was experiment 100. It was gunshot. She didn't linger though. He must be ahead! She ran as she saw him. She almost flew into his arms in relief. He turned to her calmly with a gun in his hand. She had never supported guns but now she wanted them all around her! Still, she wasn't gonna admit she was wrong, especially not to Daniel. “You're alive?” Daniel said. “Don't sound so disappointed. Let's get out of here,” she urged. “Where are the others?” he asked. The others? She had finally found someone useful. It was time to leave. Not stay like Charlie. He was clearly off his rocker now. “I don't care anymore! Look, they are probably dead. Let's just get out of this place!” she said. She didn't want to look around anymore. “Samantha and Henry must know something. Besides, Henry has the keys to the emergency sub. It's not like we can run away either. We'll freeze to death outside,” he said calmly. How could he be so calm about all this? It made her angry. “Fine. I'll go see Henry and get us moving, but Charlie is locked up in his chapel. He says he's not leaving. He says we deserve this or something. I mean, you should hear what he thinks they are,” she said, seeking support. “They are demons,” Daniel said simply. “Come on!” “How else could this have happened? They seem to possess some sort of intelligence.” “...” She had no response. “I'm going to get Samantha and see if Charlie will come too. Are you coming?” he said. “Henry's room is close! We should get the keys first!” “So you can leave them?” “Dammit! I'm going if you're not in the sub in time. I'm leaving you! But I'll wait as long as I can.” she added. It wasn't reassuring. “We'll be there. Just wait. Be careful then,” Daniel said as he ran off. She didn't mean to snap like that but why wander around at a time like this? She ran up to Henry's door. She knocked loudly then just opened the door. Henry stood calmly with his back to her. He was looking at his wall of ideas. The table behind him held a cold sandwich with a knife on the plate. Samantha must've cut it for him. He would forget to eat sometimes. “Henry, don't you know what's happening here?!” she ordered as she shut the door. “Progress.” “What?!” “Unfortunately, Daniel brought weapons here! He knows the rules. He always was strange,” he said. “What are you talking about?! Look, we have to get out of here! Do you have the keys to the sub chamber?” she asked. “I expected more of you. Don't you see that we've done it! Our work is a success, beyond our dreams!” he said. “No! Do you have something to do with this?!” “We did it. It wasn't long ago when I found out the truth about Subject 100. You see they just needed a little time. That's what we were missing.” “You're saying they are a . . .success? Then why all this violence?” “They must've felt threatened. These disputes will soon resolve. I'll see to it. But you must know, you are the only one who can appreciate what we've done here,” he said. Then. Henry saw the eyes flicker in the subject's tube. It should've been impossible. What surprised him most was that it seemed to try to hide it. “I saw that. Can you hear me? Open your eyes! You don't need to fear me,” Henry said with excitement. It's eyes opened. Subject 100 looked at him with curiosity? “Fascinating. It worked,” he said as he drained the tank of fluid with a simple control box. The subject stood before him. Henry smiled in triumph. “Wait until the others hear about this!” Henry said with a smile. Subject 100's face changed. Then it spoke in a voice unlike Henry's. “Don't. They must not know. They wouldn't understand.” Henry couldn't blame it for being scared. Why wouldn't he trust the others though? “Very well. We can bring them in slowly. Come,” he said. Henry quickly placed the body of Subject 102 in the tank to hide it. He brought Subject 100 to his reading room. The large white room had only a table with chairs and a tablet device. The subject sat in the white chair. Henry wrote eagerly in his notebook. “So tell me what is our birthday?” Henry asked to check the memory download. They thought it must've failed till now. “I don't know,” it said. “That's strange. I'm sure I included that. Don't you remember anything of my life? It looked at him with red eyes. Henry was startled for a moment. “I am not you Henry. I am from a place beyond. I have found you through this body. It serves as a vessel,” it said. Henry's mouth was open as his eyes widened. He became excited. “Are you saying you existed before the body was cloned?” “Yes, a long time.” “This is, this is amazing! Where do you come from? Who, who are you?” he asked. “I have many names. Telling you would just scare you. I wish to live here Henry and share my knowledge with mankind,” it said. “Incredible. A life from another place. This dwarfs our work. This discovery could change everything!” “People won't understand. They'll try to destroy me, and your work,” it said. “Yes, it's too soon. Can you, can you bring others?” It smiled. “There are many more. If we had enough they couldn't kill us all,” it said. “Incredible. I have so many questions. A new race to interact with mankind. People will never forget this. A good scientist confirms his results. Can you get more here as I make more vessels?” “Of course. Will you help me bring my people here?” “It's the only logical thing to do. For the sake of knowledge. Now, tell me about the place beyond,” he said. Now. “It's incredible. I'm currently theorizing another dimension of spiritual entities, unseen to us. Ones that can only interact with help of empty physical forms. I'm calling it the Theory of Worldy Space so far. Imagine, where they are from. Think of it!” he said. He's fucking crazy. Still, she could understand. “They're from fucking Hell. They killed two of us already that I know of!” she screamed. “They panicked. Food is running low. That's why I sent Reynolds out early. It was a misunderstanding when the others attacked. Don't you understand? It's our responsibility to help bring them into the world!” “Give me the keys to the sub. You're fucking crazy!” He looked at her in shock. “I can't believe this. You've committed the greatest crime a scientist can make. You fear the unknown! This is OUR work whether you like it or not!” She grabbed the knife! “Enough of this shit! I've had it!” She stabbed him in the shoulder and he fell down hard. He looked up in shock. “You stabbed me! What's wrong with you?!” She pulled the keys out of his pocket. “Don't hurt them!” he said as she ran off. The female subject knelt over him. “Don't let her get away. She will bring bad men here,” he said. The subject smiled. It was made from her! . . . “Fuck!” They were all over the sub area. How the hell was she going to get through? She snuck away and thought hard. She doubted she could just sneak past there. There are too many. Where are Daniel and the others? Dead? How could he leave her to begin with? Think! Think! Think!!!! What did she know about them? She remembered what Charlie had said. What if they don’t like the light? The lights were out before anyone saw them. Maybe the generators weren't low after all. She had to make it and hope it would at least slow them down. She moved as quietly as she could toward the power room. It was a good distance though. She froze as she heard laughter. A chill went down his spine. She moved slowly. “Mother! Mother!” the voice echoed wickedly in the dome-like power area. She moved slowly down the walkway toward the center controls. Down below were several generators, all linked to the control panel. “Why are you scared Mother!” the voice echoed. She looked around, but there was no one. She inched closer to the panel. Her hand moved closer until it was only an inch away. She was going to make it! “Raagh!” it screamed as it attacked from under the walkway! The thing had leapt over the side and clawed at her face. Sarah screamed as they struggled. The thing's face snapping at hers. Sarah fell and it got on top of her and began clawing at her face like some sort of animal! Her face bore red lines as she panicked and grabbed its hair to pull her down. She pulled it down with one hand and began using her free hand like a hammer to its temple. She slammed it over and over as the thing shrieked and scratched. Sarah bit her face and got on top of her as it screamed. She started pummeling it fiercely! “I've had it! Die! Bitch! Die!” She kept hitting it over and over until she couldn't hit it anymore. It stopped moving. Whump! Whump! Whump! Finally, she stopped and got off. It started to crawl off. “AAAH!” Sarah screamed as she kicked the thing in its ribs and it flew off the walkway and fell hard on the ground several feet below. She looked down. It twitched. Was it still alive? She ran over to the panel this time and put it at full capacity. It wasn't ever supposed to be that high, but what did she care? She was leaving. Let Henry freeze out here with them. The lights went on full-blast and she heard it. The screaming. She looked down as it rolled in pain. “Ah no! NO! AHH!” it screamed in agony. She couldn't understand it and didn't care. It was time to go. She ran for the sub, for escape. She didn't care if they all froze to death or starved. She ran in a nervous high, her heart beating faster. She heard nothing, but pain as she walked into the sub area. They were all lying everywhere. She stepped over them carefully and hurriedly. Almost there. She opened the top of the sub. She didn't see anyone inside. She jumped in. Where was Daniel? What was taking him so long? I mean, she even made a detour! She hesitated for a moment. He would understand, right? She would send back help so, it's okay? It's not her fault! She told him to come! The lights went off again! No! They shouldn't have burnt out so fast! Who did it? Henry? He wasn't moving anywhere! Was he? She had to go now! She screamed as the hatch opened! Daniel came in. “Let's go. They're still down!” he urged. She didn't need to be told twice. They submerged and were soon on their way. They had made it. He sat next to her. “It's about time. What happened to the others?” she asked only after they had moved. “I couldn't get them. Samantha was . . . dead. And I couldn't find Charlie,” he said. “Well, we got out. That's something,” she said. “Yeah, I'm glad,” he said as he put his hand on hers. She didn't know what to think. Where was this coming from? “Hey, wasn't Charlie in the chapel?” she asked. Why would he move? “No, he must've moved on,” he answered. “That's weird. I was sure he wouldn't move,” she said. “Ha. Why are we talking about this? I don't want to argue,” he said. He doesn't want to argue? Since when? “Hey, Daniel. Was the stained glass still in the chapel? Or did Charlie take it with him. He loved that scene. I just hope he had it with him,” she said sadly. “He must've taken it,” he said. “I see.” . . . Inside the base. He could see the sub taking off. “NO! Dammit! She left me!” Daniel said as he pounded the wall. “She said she'd wait!” Daniel turned in the large lower level. They all came in the dark room and surrounded him slowly. They were snickering with malice. He stood still. Henry was there with Subject 100 behind him in the shadows. “This is progress? Looks like you made a monster gang,” Daniel said. “You never should've been here! You don't have an open mind!” Henry said. “It's over, Henry! She took the sub. We'll freeze down here,” he said. “Don't be a fool. Reynolds will be back soon and we will all continue our work. He's even bringing more DNA samples. A wider, variety of bodies for our work,” Henry said. “So, he's evil too?” They moved back and forth. They wanted the sweet taste of his fear. He stood still, defiantly. In the sub. “Could you check the pressure readings for me?” she asked. He turned his seat around. “Sure. It looks like-” It happened quickly! “Ack!” he choked as the knife hit the collarbone, trying to get his throat! He pushed her wrists back in anger. “You bitch! I knew there was no fucking glass!” “You've never been in the chapel! It's just an empty room with bibles,” she spat. She struggled and kicked him. “I see you really are a pain! Just like all the others!” She struggled to no avail. “I thought they were just like you!” she spat. “Haha. They are all fools. Did they think I would settle for being a slave under 'subject 100'? I knew someone would try to escape. I started the violence, but you know the best part?” he said as he started to choke her. His eyes were crazed as he spoke, and looked into her dying eyes. “I killed Reynolds! They are all going to freeze to death out there. I win,” he laughed as she scratched his face. “No last words, bitch?” he smiled. She looked into Daniel's face. He had only taken the job to be close to her. She could admit that now. She opened her mouth in tears. “Daniel isn't authorized to use the sub,” she said her last words. Henry had never trusted him. “What the fuck did you say?” he said. He looked at the viewer. That damn bitch set the sub to go straight down! He took the controls as the voice denied him control. He put her hands on the controls. “User recognized: Password?” it beeped. “What kind of a sub needs a fucking password?!” he spat. “Incorrect,” it beeped. He could hear the sub breaking apart. “Sub1, Clones, Progress, Science! DNA!” “Incorrect!” “AAAAAH! You stupid bitch!” The sub exploded inward like a tin can! The password was the place where she and Daniel met . . . Now. They snickered while waiting for him to panic. “Come now, Daniel. You should see our point of view,” Henry said. “You expect me to die like a dog? If you want to get in the real world, you've got to go through me!” he demanded. He pointed his gun. “Violence Daniel? You really are primitive,” Henry said. He shot rapidly at the dark figures leaping at him madly. Their bodies hit the ground in sprays of blood. Click! Click! No more bullets! “Enough!” Subject 100 said as he charged forward and lifted Daniel up in the air. “I've had enough of this human,” it said as its body burst monstrous horms and a tail! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Henry screamed in shock at this demon before him! He just kept screaming over and over without stopping! “Someone shut him up!” it said. “We'll all go together!” Charlie said with explosives strapped to his chest! They were used earlier to break into the ground. “Go back!” Charlie yelled as he charged! “Fuck!” Daniel thought. Just what he needed. Daniel gripped the beast's arm with his arms and legs tightly. He saw it in an instant. “This project is going to change the world. I want you to be a part of it. You are a great problem solver,” she smiled in her yellow dress. He didn't like the idea. “I don't know.” She smiled. “Hmm. I don't know what else to say. You need to look inside yourself. There must be something about this project that is worthwhile,” she insisted. He thought for a moment. “I think there is.” Boooom!!! Later. “What do you think happened?” the man said as he looked at the frozen skeletons. “Who cares? Just some guy who got lost from his crew probably. Speaking of which, let's go back. There is no wildlife in this area to track,” he said. “Alright. It's just that this one looks kind of strange,” he said. The body had what looked like a broken horn on the skull? End. |