Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084020-The-Great-Outcome-Of-200-Years
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2084020
Here's the crazy story I wrote for my mock exam. I hope you find it unreasonably funny. :)
         Benjamin Freitag - English          Mock Exam 2016-05-11
         C. America In 200 Years

The Great Outcome Of 200 Years

It was a dark and rainy evening in New York City. Birds were slowly dying, babies were crying and rain was hammering. Jack was in a deep chain of thoughts when standing there on the side of the dark city street, all alone with only a wooden wagon at his disposal (other than his pathetic thoughts). His job was to sell hot dogs and hot dogs only. Unfortunately, for the customers the buns were soggy like wet sponges and the hot dogs were mere pathetic excuses for sausages, especially compared to the wagon on the other side of the street. They even had lights! Nobody had lights. The opposing wagon was covered with fancy light bulbs that outshone even the last bit of decency Jack had left in his heart. "This isn't supposed to be bloody Christmas," Jack muttered to himself as he continued receiving no attention from anybody on the street.

After his session, Jack decided to give up his work for the day and put together his stuff. He dragged his wagon back to where it belonged (in his garage) before he set off for a little adventure. Jack always tended to rest in the garden in the middle of the city, but this time, he decided to head for the Times Square. From time to time he felt like he needed something different in his life for a chance. Something to brighten up his life. What Jack didn't know was that this was probably going to be the most exciting adventure he was to ever experience.

While sitting on a wet bench in the middle of Times Square, Jack gazed up towards the many tall skyscrapers as he removed his rich, black hair from his eyes. Advertisements covered every wall that was in sight, boasting lies with pictures of beautiful women with perfect bodies and perfect hair, holding a product while smiling to the camera with their perfect white teeth. On the largest screen there was a picture of Donald Trump where "Make America Great Again" was the punch line, marked in bold, fat letters. Trump stood there smiling with his cheesy smile, with his characterized orange-blond hair. Jack leaned back as his attention continued upwards towards the very top of the skyscrapers. Doing so, Jack didn't realize that behind him there was a certain product that would change his life. Somehow Jack managed to fall off his bench, landing into a giant metal tube. The tube was colored with a shiny white paint. The front was a giant glass door, curving around the front. If Jack ever got a chance to read it he would have read "Random Spontaneous Cryonics Tubes In Random Spontaneous Places(TM) labeled on the very top of the tube.

Jack was now stuck in the tube, he couldn't get out. Somehow the tube started digging its way beneath the ground, dodging the railroad system and striking dirt and continuing further into the earth before it stopped a hundred meters beneath the surface. It then proceeded to freeze Jack completely and utterly, putting him and his mind in a frozen state for what felt like all eternity.

A couple of centuries later...

Jack woke up with a shock. The tube thing had apparently dug its way back to the surface because Jack could clearly see through the glass. However, what was on the other side of the glass door was far from what even Jack had expected to see before his very eyes.

Jack found himself in the middle of Times Square. The place was crowded! Even more people were in the Times Square than ever before, however, what immediately took Jack's attention was that every single person in the entire Times Square was wearing a wig. And it was not just any kind of wig. From the looks of it, every single wig was an exact copy of Donald Trump's hairdo. Even the models in the advertisements had the same hair, posing and advertising in sexy positions.

The air was very thick and dirty, even thicker and dirtier than what New York was two hundred years ago.

Many people were looking at Jack, but nobody seemed surprised at all. Jack, on the other hand, was freaking out, uncertain on how to react to it all.

A guy with a newspaper appeared out of nowhere and smashed Jack hard in the face, making Jack fall hard to the ground like a wimp. Jack dragged himself back up and started reading the newspaper. The newspaper was apparently very helpful to people like him because it told him everything he needed to know about what had happened to earth. Apparently Trump had a secret relationship with the leaders of Russia and China before he was elected president. Apparently they were all best friends and even liked to have slumber parties at times. They took over the world by storm and made a set of their own rules, one of them being that every human in existence needed to have the same hair as Trump. Every country in the world had been claimed and now the world only had one country, with the name 'Kim John Trumpica of Putin In'.

Jack was freaking out when reading this, however, there was something within' him that made him agree solely to everything Trump had said. Jack felt a connection to every action Trump and his friends had done.

During the first years of Trump and his friends' reign, every human on earth was united during one year, thanks to their identical hair. Since everyone was so happy with Trump (including his friends) during the first years of being president he was elected to be president permanently. Everyone was perfectly happy with it and Trump was even allowed to make all his own decisions because everyone trusted him so much.

Jack felt something in his stomach. What could it be? Could it be satisfaction? Was Jack really content with life? He was understanding the ground foundations of life in general. He saw it clearly now.

With these new boundaries implemented, instead of building a wall around the borders of Mexico, Trump decided to build a wall in outer space, just for the heck of it. The wall surrounded earth so that it looked like Saturn. "Why?" you ask? Well because he could. His friends were in on it too. Even the terrorist groups were all in on it. These were the necessary actions made to form a stronger bond with all people on earth.

Jack found a TrumpWig(TM) on the ground, picked it up and started inspecting it. Could this be the true him? Could this be the answer? No. It's too simple, there had to be more to it. Or was this really the solution? The solution to life in general? Jack started panting but continued reading.

Now, after all of these years the world has evolved to look entirely the same as Earth. Everything is really just an illusion. The air, the grass, the clouds, the sun, the water, everything. All the elements of the earth had been replaced with technological copies, made to represent the good old days of 2014. Everything was literally just the same, but more advanced. This decision was made by Putin this time. It may have been the biggest waste of money ever since Trump's hairdo, but it was the greatest leap in humanity. Trump's son's grandson named Trump (because he was a savage rebel and outlaw that didn't like to be called boring things like junior) was just like Trump. The only difference was that he was a bit cooler than Trump, but nobody really knew it.

With a sweaty hand, Jack put the dirty wig on his head and yelled "I get it! It all makes sense now.". People turned around to see who just yelled, smiled and said to themselves "He understood it too. Good on him". Jack then proceeded to blend in with the people and become one with everyone. He then proceeded to fade into the crowd. He was never to be seen again. Or was he?

Lack of research and knowledge is equivalent to lack of sense. Anyways, thanks for reading!! -Benjamin

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