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The love of a bodyguard for her master, the Woman King Solaris, is a heavy burden to bear. |
In a palace corridor HOOD, a handsome young man with brown hair and green eyes wearing Medieval clothes, dressed like an outlaw, approaches QURA, a young woman with black hair and brown eyes dressed in royal bodyguard clothes bearing the royal insignia of SOLARIS, the famous Woman King. HOOD: I know your mind is restless. Please... tell me what troubles you. (PAUSE) I know you carry a heavy burden. I recognise secrecy when I see it. Your eyes guard a secret too painful to bear alone, a truth too dangerous to utter and yet too dangerous to conceal. So please... tell me what plagues your mind that you might be given some peace. QURA: I do not know what you- HOOD: Don't think I am a fool. Your eyes betray what you deny with your words. I know of the pain you bear alone, in silence, in secrecy. I know a broken heart-a heart filled with desperate longing, when I see it. (PAUSE) QURA: My duties must come before my desires and that is how it has always been and that is how it shall remain. My life does not allow for the luxury of love. My life is committed to my duty above all else. HOOD: Your life is committed to serving your master no matter the personal cost. Is that it? QURA: (PAUSE) Yes. HOOD: I understand now. You have always loved your master but as you are simply your master's right hand there can never be anything more between you. (PAUSE) You must hate me beyond imagining. It grieves me to know that you are plagued by such love that you can never receive, but another has been given that very love which you crave. QURA: Understand this. I bear you no ill will. What's done is done and there is no changing what has happened. The feelings of my master are something that neither you nor I can predict nor control. She chose you and I must accept that. I am her right hand, always and forever. I have fought by her side, comforted her in her darkest hours, seen her at her weakest and protected her at her most vulnerable. I do not regret the life I have lived for it brought me to her and to regret my life is to regret my love and I could never betray her like that. (BEAT) It was you whom she chose. I saw the ardent love she bore for you as she gazed into your eyes. Long before you had joined together in holy union. I saw what her heart longed for. I saw that she had given you her heart. I saw the love I yearned for given to another before my eyes. I cannot deny the torture I have endured since that very moment. It has weighed on my heart and mind every second henceforth. Yet I linger on for I am my master's right hand and must linger on in this agony. Duty before one's own life and longing. She taught me that. (BEAT) If she were to choose to love a man I am grateful that it should be you. I only ask one thing of you. Love her as I cannot. Protect her at all cost. Speak only the truth to her and never betray her trust. I would lay down my life for her. (PAUSE) Can I trust you to do the same should the need arise? HOOD: You can trust me to live and die for her. (PAUSE) QURA: I am glad to hear that. But should you fail her and betray her in any way... I will do everything in my power to protect her from your failings. If she truly loves you beyond all things then I will not end your life, however... should her love turn to hatred I shall end you. Make no mistake. HOOD: I would never dare betray Solaris. As surely as I live I will never bring harm to her. I have nothing but her best interests at heart and I desire nothing but her happiness. QURA: Her life and her joy are in your hands. Rest assured that I will be watching you both every step of the way for am I not my master's right hand? HOOD: You truly are your master's right hand. Your gracious nature is matched only by that of Solaris herself. I see so much of your spirit shine forth from her and the same can be said of you. You truly are a marvel that I cannot ever hope to aspire to. Your love, your dedication, your loyalty... I do not think I could ever be capable of such greatness. |