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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2083126
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Fourteen

“They’re there,” Kevin told the group as he smoothly slid onto the ale stained bench next to Pieter and motioned for Kenzy to join him. Pieter was surprised when a cute young stranger followed Kevin into the pub, but more concerned about the fate of Analia and Elise.

“How did your uncover this information?” Pieter curiously asked. “They’ve been in those dungeons for four or five days and not a word of gossip filtered out about them, and, you were gone less than two hours?”

“We have our ways,” Kevin smiled and signaled for the pub owner to bring him a jug of barley mead. “I was lucky and found one of me people within the castle. She, like me, is a Selkie and was originally thrown into the cell with your friends. They previously rescued her from being burned as a witch and she befriended them. I’d like for you to meet Lady Kenzy from Alba.”

Kenzy nodded shyly at the small group sitting around the table. She recognized Sir Geoffrey but the others were strangers, although, Lady Audrey had talked so much about them she felt as if she already knew them.

“How are they?” Pieter anxiously asked. “That is, how were they before you escaped I mean?”

“I have only been free for a short time, Lord Pieter,” she replied. “The dungeons are horrible but when I escaped they were well. I managed to learn the layout of the castle and surrounding area and was trying to conceive of a plan to rescue them, and then Lord Kevin and I met by accident.” She smiled at the bizarre memory.

“Pieter, call me Pieter,” he insisted glancing curiously at Kevin. “Lord Kevin?”

“Faelan is me surrogate father,” Kevin unceremoniously replied. “Me true father is Lord Cinead MacAlpen of Alba. I ‘ave been apprenticed to Faelan until such time as me father orders me to return home to ‘is small kingdom. As for me and Kenzy, it was ironic that I was posing as a playful scullery maid and she was a tough burly guard. However, we did accomplish what we set out to do. Now, we must come up with a plan of rescue.”

“We’ve been giving that a lot of thought while you were away” Pieter replied. “A few ideas seem plausible, however, we…..”He suddenly halted and appeared to be listening to something none of them could hear. After a few moments he glanced at them with wide eyes. “They’ve been removed from the dungeons,” he blurted. “Analia’s dragon, Whiff, just communicated with me via mind-speak. Both have been taken to be fed and cleaned by… David Alwaythe?” Pieter was shocked at receiving this unexpected news.

“David! David from Camalund?” Sean blurted. “Wots ‘e doing ere? ‘E was banished from the realm for helping those traitors.

“No explanation,” Pieter returned, but Analia flashed a message to Whiff that they were bathing and enjoying a desperately needed meal. This is the first time I have been able to communicate over any distance, always before I had to be very close to my dragon.”

“Something’s up,” Talina stated. “A traitor from home helps them out of the dungeon, feeds and bathes them; it must be a scheme of some kind. He has to be conspiring with that evil Arch-Bishop.”

Kenzy suddenly sat upright and held her hands against her head. “I see many ships full of soldiers,” she whispered. “They are landing on a rocky shore and setting up great tents. I think it is the western side of Britanica as the sun is to their backs. I can barely understand the visions, but, the message is from the dragon called Cali, Lady Elise’s dragon.”

“You mind-speak with dragons?” Kevin was astonished.

“Only once before I spoke with Whiff, Lady Audrey’s dragon,” Kenzy meekly replied, “But that was a few simple words right after they rescued me.”

Once again, Pieter concentrated as if in a daze and they knew he was communicating with Whiff. “Lady Kenzy is correct,” he finally stated. “There is an enormous fleet from Camalund and Angalund disembarking on the western shores of this kingdom. Analia’s father has come to rescue her and brought Prince Robert and many of his knights with him.”

“This certainly changes our plans, or lack thereof,” Sean casually stated. “With Analia and Elise safely out o’ the dungeons, at least for the while, perhaps we should make contact with Emperor John with the fleet and seek advice. I’ll lay odds this is the reason they were released from their prison, they must need Analia to act as a mediator with her father.”

“I’ll contact our dragons and have them meet us in the forest west of here, and I’ll see if Whiff and Cali will drop Ruolf and DarDar off at the landing site,” Pieter stated.

“I’m not certain if DarDar will approach the dragons,” Geoffrey quickly cut in. “He had a terrifying experience in the forest the day we first met, when a wild dragon attacked us. Lady Audrey saved us but DarDar refused to even approach her friendly dragons afterwards.”

“Didn’t you say that this DarDar fellow mind-spoke with Whiff and was given directions to meet us?” Talina asked. “Surely by doing that he can’t still be afraid of them?”

“Mind speaking dragons, dwarfs, magicians, ogres that act like men, what strange new companions ‘ave I joined,” Kevin chuckled. “What is to come next my fellow adventurers?”

“And you changing into a pretty flirtatious maid and all that,” Talina quipped with a grin. I think you are certainly among people of your own kind, Lord MacAlpen, and sure I am that you will discover much more if you stay with the likes of us. Analia draws strange people and even stranger beasts like bees to clover.”

“DarDar either choses to fly on the dragon or be left behind,” Pieter stated. “It may sound cruel but there are more important things to be done, such as rescuing our friends. Does he understand you when you talk with him?” he asked Geoffrey.

“Lady Audrey mind-spoke with him, but I sense that he can understand quite a bit. However, he does not talk other than making harsh guttural noises.”

Pieter concentrated, trying to mind-speak with Whiff. He was not as good at it as Analia but he was learning. Within minutes the message was relayed. “Time for us to head for the fleet.”
As they rose to leave, Geoffrey held out his hand to stop them. “I will nae desert Lady Audrey and Elise. I must discover where they are being taken and find oot more information, it will be important in making your rescue plans.”

“Nor I,” Kenzy added. “I owe them much more than friendship. I will accompany Sir Geoffrey and help him to locate them. Lady Audrey was also trying to find a way to rescue my family still held in the Church prison in Lincolnshire, I must remain here and hope she has come up with a plan for that also.”

If Lady Kenzy stays and places herself in peril, so must I,” Kevin shrugged. “We both ‘ave special abilities that may be needed to gather such critical information.” Kenzy blushed at the complement for she knew she was a mere farm girl and no high-born Lady.

Pieter grinned and patted Geoffrey on the back and handed him a bag of coin, he knew that it would take money to grease the dirty palms of would be informers. “Our drop point and rendezvous will be at the old barn where we stayed this morning. Be careful, especially if you allow DarDar to accompany you, I will inform Whiff to let him stay at the barn. Proceed with caution as I have a hunch this Arch-Bishop fellow can be quite cruel.

“He’s a kitten compared to the Inquisitorius,” Geoffrey replied. “Father Ignatio is the devil incarnate. Let’s just hope he hasn’t gotten his evil hands on them.”

* * * * *

As they neared the western coast of Britanica, they were surrounded by scores of Dragon Riders and War Birds, the giant eagle-like mounts flown by the female Alatarian Riders called Valkyri. Their dragons met them in the forest west of Londinim and they flew directly west with no thought of secrecy, after all, everyone in Britanica would know of the invasion fleet very soon and seeing flying dragons and war birds would only enhance the fleet’s capabilities. Also, by now the Dragon Riders would be scouring the countryside for cattle, pigs, and sheep to feed the army.

Very soon they spotted the western sea in the distance and as they drew nearer they could see a large fleet beached on the sand shoals along the rugged shore line. Above the ships a massive encampment was sprawled out along the grassy cliffs with hundreds of tents, scores of campfires, and herds of war horses enclosed in a large corral. It was a large force, but only a small part of what the west could muster. Obviously, they would have to send the ships back to pick up reinforcements if an agreement could not be made with the King of Britanica.

As he landed, Pieter could smell the bitter charcoal fires of blacksmiths combined with the rich aroma of horse manure, and the more alluring smell of cooking fires. The Wing Commander of the Dragon Riders escorted them to a large tent where several figures stood shading their eyes from the sun’s glare. A massive figure stepped forward and grasped Pieter’s forearm in a strong wrist embrace, it was Ryykon Thoragild, Analia’s Uncle and the King’s Protector. “I see that you made it safely to Britanica,” he smiled. “We’ll hear more of your adventures.”

After releasing Ryykon’s bone-crushing grip, Pieter turned and bowed low. “Welcome to Britanica, your Majesty,” he stated, addressing King Robert. He was an attractive young man with a mop of straw blond hair, light blue eyes and nice soft features, and he was well-built, with powerful muscles now showing beneath his simple tunic. “We weren’t expecting an invasion fleet.”

Robert, new King of Camalund held out his hand. “We received dire news of Analia’s capture and imprisonment, Emperor John and I decided we needed to teach these easterners proper manners.” He nodded towards Emperor John who had just rode up on a powerful destrier and quickly dismounted. John was of medium height, middle aged, thin, with a gray beard and a dusting of white at his temples.

“What of Audrey?” was the first thing out of his mouth as he grasped Pieter’s arm in a strong welcome embrace and amiably nodded to the other new arrivals.

“Last we heard she was out of the prison and being bathed and fed,” Pieter replied. “That is according to her dragon, Whiff, who also stated that she was rescued by, David Alwaythe.”

A look of incredulity lit up their faces. “Come,” Ryykon stated, motioning for them to join him in the command tent. “We will discuss more over refreshments and in private.” He was all too aware of how quickly spies could infiltrate into an invading army, there was already a multitude of local villagers bartering with the men for food and other favors. One audacious innkeeper, by the name of MacTaavish from a village he called Hope Town, had already set up a tent and wagon with barrels of cheap watery wine.

After they had been seated inside the large command tent, Ser Thoragild nodded to King Robert and took command of the conversation. “Tell us all you have learned, Lord Pieter, especially about this unknown land.”

Pieter took a sip of the watered wine and let out a whoosh of air. “We met with Lord Fionn macCargaill in Castle Moireibh as you recommended but he was in no position to help us. It seems as if most of the Picti Lords are under the yoke of the Britanics. He did provide us with one of his mages who has special powers. His name is Kevin but his true identity is Kevin MacAlpen, the son of Lord Cinead MacAlpen of Alba. He has the ability to shapeshift, to change into any person he wants and is called, a Selkie.”

They glanced at him with renewed interest as he continued. “We flew down at night to just north of their Capitol City of Londinium located on the eastern coast. We were met at a barn by a local cavalier and friend of Analia’s by the name of Sir Geoffrey who had with him a giant ogre dressed as a man whom he called DarDar. It seems as if Analia rescued both of them in one fashion or other.”

“My daughter picks up strays like lost puppies,” Emperor John chuckled. “Continue please.”

“We left DarDar and Lord Ruoff at the barn and made our way to the Arch-Bishop’s castle and monastery. Kevin entered and came out a few hours later with a girl called, Kenzy, is a Selkie from Alba whom Analia had earlier rescued from being burned as a witch. They discovered that she was being held in that castle, and then Whiff contacted me and told me they were released by David Alwaythe. Kevin, Geoffrey, Kenzy and DarDar stayed behind to gather information on where they are being held or taken to.”

“Quite a tale,” Ser Thoragild stated. “Did you learn much of their military, social, and political structure during this adventure?”

Pieter turned to Talina. “She talked with Sir Geoffrey and Kevin more about those things.”

“The most powerful group in this kingdom is the Church,” Talina stated. “Their leader, the Arch-Bishop, has the power to overturn the King’s laws and he rules with an iron fist. Their political and social order is very similar to ours with a King and Queen and a host of knights and Nobles. Their Army I can guess to be about the size of that of Camalund, but, it is my understanding that they are to become allies with a very powerful kingdom further east called Gaul, which has a similar social and political structure but they speak Gauloise, like my people the Viturians, and not the common tongue. They, like the Britanics, defer to the Church which is controlled by a cleric whom they call Pater-Omnia.”

“Would the King of Britanica be amenable to discussing terms with us?” King Robert asked.

“One important thing I forgot to mention,” Talina added. “Queen Denize is also here at the Royal Court and she is a favorite of the Arch-Bishop and the King and Queen of Gaul. As for the Britanic King, Athelfyrd, I understand that Analia and Elise saved his life during a hunting accident so he may be somewhat sympathetic to our cause.”

“If Denize and David Alwaythe are here, it’s logical to assume that the Britanics are aware of our military capabilities, including the dragons and war birds,” Ser Thorgild mused. “We must alert our riders to the possibility of them possessing the deadly scorpions.”

“You mentioned local allies, Ser Geoffrey and others, how are you to communicate with them?” Emperor John asked.

“Sir Geoffrey,” Pieter replied. “Here they call their Knights Sir and not Ser as we do. I arranged to use the old barn north of the capitol as a rendezvous point and a message drop. If they discover anything useful they will meet us there. I suggest we post a dragon messenger there on a rotating schedule.”

* * * * *

Early the next day, after giving him provisions and telling DarDar to remain at the barn, Sir Geoffrey made a decision to switch pubs so they moved to one closer to the main road leading to the Arch-Bishop’s castle. They were dining on an early lunch of mutton stew in trenchers, an unusually tasty meal, and watching through the pub window at the traffic along the street. Even well before noon, the pub was crowded with clerics, many of them already half-drunk and becoming overly rowdy. Several were openly chasing the barmaids and the occasional lady of the night that the inn keeper allowed inside to generate business. Celibacy was clearly not part of their Church doctrine, although, they were forbidden to marry. Geoffrey told them that any proven issues from the sexual liaisons were taken to the monastery and raised as acolytes and future clerics or nuns.

Their vigil was finally rewarded when a gilded carriage slowly made its way down the busy thoroughfare. Inside the coach they clearly spotted Arch-Bishop Julian and Queen Anne Hortense. Before they could pay their tab and follow the carriage, a man riding a beautiful roan stallion trotted past. He was obviously following the carriage but far enough behind it not to be seen by the occupants or suspected of being with them. They recognized him immediately as Father Ignatio.

Thankfully, the mid-day traffic, both foot and conveyance was heavy and it was easy to follow them through the tight streets. The carriage finally stopped at one of the local churches, large enough of itself to be a cathedral, and the two occupants entered. The carriage remained so they knew this was likely a short visit and the Arch-Bishop and Queen of Britanica would return soon. Father Ignatio passed the waiting carriage and continued on down the street after nodding to the driver. Geoffrey stayed with the carriage and suggested that Kevin and Kenzy follow Father Ignatio as he was aware the Inquisitorius knew him by sight. They followed the cleric for half an hour and he finally halted at a well-established stable which obviiously catered to the wealthy and he talked with the owner for a short time. He then remounted and they followed him to the main gate of the King’s Castle.

“Let’s go back and talk with that stable master,” Kevin recommended. “Perhaps the Inquisitorius left some kind of instructions for him to follow. As they neared, they ducked behind a stack of hay. Kevin transformed into a richly dressed Knight in gilded armor and Kenzy appeared as a beautiful Lady dressed in a gown which obviously cost a fortune.

“Pardon me,” Kevin stated, catching the stable master’s immediate attention. “I just passed Father Ignatio and he asked me to see if he left his riding crop here, he’s misplaced it somehow.”

The stable master bowed slightly. “No, your Lordship, he was checking on his carriage and trunk rental for tomorrow that’s all. I am certain ‘e had it in his hand when ‘e left.”

“You will provide him with your best conveyance for tomorrow, will you not?” Kevin questioned. “It is a bumpy ride to…,” he hesitated and looked addled as if he had simply forgotten the next day’s destination.”

“Aye, it is a difficult drive to Essex due to the rains,” the stable master smiled. “Father Ignatio will have the last one that I have since he used one early this morning to send some special clerics to Raleigh.”

“For certain, my man,” Kevin replied. “I will purchase him a new riding crop.” He smiled and added. “Should you find the old one lying about, you may keep it, jewel and all.” He grabbed Kenzy and they sauntered on down the street glancing back to see the stable master searching desperately for the expensive jeweled riding crop.

“Obviously, Father Ignatio does not want to use one of the Church carriages,” Kevin whispered, otherwise he would not be hiring a rental. His mission to Essex must be a secret one and he requested a trunk so that is why he can’t simply ride his stallion.”

“Why Essex?” Kenzy asked. “Do you think perhaps that’s where he is taking Audrey and Elise?”

“Taking them there or sent them there already,” Kevin mused. “There is a bypass around the other side of the Arch-Bishop’s castle that joins the main road to Essex; he could have sent them out very early this morning in that other carriage. That well-dressed Lord we saw descending into the dungeons as we left yesterday could very well have been his accomplice.”

Geoffrey was still milling about in a small market when they returned. “They’re still in there,” he nodded towards the massive church. “Anything happen with Father Ignatio?”

Kevin explained what they had seen and learned from the stable master and his suspicions concerning the early carriage.

“There is a large castle in Raleigh, the home of the Earl of Essex who died from a hunting accident several months ago. The Church confiscated the holdings as the late Earl owed back taxes to the crown and a very large debt to the church. I think we have discovered where they are being taken. As for the Arch-Bishop and Queen Hortense, they may be having a meal together or the Queen is vying for another convent to be built, that’s her passion lately.”

“Let’s get what information we have to the drop site and head for Raleigh,” Kevin suggested. “I understand it is less than a day’s travel by horse.”

Lady Dragon Riders - Chapter Fifteen  (13+)
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
#2083127 by Oldwarrior
© Copyright 2016 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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