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Election 2020: The next step -- 558 words |
Mike Johnson sat with his aid Maria Glass before the large television in his office at the campaign headquarters. He looked at the numbers scrolling across the screen. “I really can't believe it, Maria. It's a three-way dead heat.” Miss Glass smiled and sipped her champagne. “It's just as he promised from the beginning, the people want not just a change of doing things, but a change of thinking. Raymond Kroquer knows what the people want.” “He's still being knocked around by the religious right. At least the Pope is willing to wait to see how it turns out. Can't argue with a pope who believes in UFOs.” Maria changed the channel to FOX News to watch their take on the election. Three men and a woman sat behind a semicircular desk, arguing. The moderator said to the woman, “Cecile, what do you make of these numbers? I mean, is America ready for this kind of president? Can Mister Kroquer win over the hearts of the voters?” Cecile glanced at the monitor and said, “Clearly they are, Bob. Kroquer just edged out the vice president for second place. There is a huge demographic that feels this country is ripe for an evolution and that Raymond Kroquer is the man to lead us there.” One of the men spoke up. “You just said 'evolution.' What does that mean, exactly?” “Humans, as a species has evolved as far as it can. It's time for the next stage.” “But that's preposterous. Who, in their right mind, could believe the walking dead to be the path to world unity? Cecile smirked. “Gee, John, I don't know,” she said. “Perhaps you should ask the Pope. You know, the one who believes in a man who died violently, was sealed up in a cave, and then was suddenly walking around again.” After an hour of this bickering Maria changed back to the original channel. She shook her dozing boss awake. “Mike! MIKE! I You are not going to believe this.” Mike sat on the edge of the sofa just as the latest polls cam on the screen. Kroquer was winning! There was a commotion in the newsroom and a pale and shocked anchor straightened his tie. “Um. This is Luke Davies for CBS News. In a surprising announcement from the Democratic Party campaign team, Vice President Best is expected to concede the presidential election to Doctor Raymond Kroquer." The camera went live to Best's campaign headquarters. The man looked worn out as he stepped to the podium. “I want to thank everyone of my staff for getting me this far,” he said. “I want to thank those who voted for me; who believe in me. There comes a time in every election when the loser should bow out graciously. Now is that time. I concede this election to my opponent, Doctor Raymond Kroquer. "I will not be leaving you, however. I will continue to be your Vice President of the United States of America while we transition to whatever the future holds with the first of the necro sapiens at the helm. Thank you.” The live feed then jumped to a cheering crowd as the president-elect addressed his supporters. He smiled at the cameras and waved to the crowd. He leaned toward the cluster of microphones and said, “Not bad for a dead guy, right?” |