Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2082284-Battle-of-the-Clans
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2082284
A clan of ninjas get into a battle. But someone get in the way. Who is it?
Once upon a time.......in the year 607 there was the Yukcon Clan. The Yukon Clan was formed by a family who was very wealthy. This was a clan of ninjas.The leader of this clan was named Yoki. Years after the clan was born one of Yoki's friends, Calahan, said he wanted to be leader of the clan. In this time period leaders had to chosen by choice not by force or friendship. The leader, Yoki, had no choice but to ban Calahan from the clans because he would hurt the other members of the clan for not choosing him to be leader. Calahan was furious with Yoki. When Calahan left he said," You will rue the day you kicked me out. I will come back and i will be leader of all clans!" So Calahan left to his hometown where he and Yoki were originally from filled with fire and formed his own clan.

5 Years later...

About 5 years later Yoki and his wife were going to have a baby. Yoki was going to be father and he was filled with overjoy that his new baby girl was about to be born. Sadly though the mother died just 5 minutes after the baby was born. Her heart stopped beating and she was dead. Her last wish was to name her baby girl, Harmony. And so Harmony was the baby girl's name.

In the clan there was another family who had a baby who had a boy a year before Harmony was born. Since Harmonies mother died Yoki asked the other family to help raise her. They agreed and their son, Kyle, had a new friend to grow up with, play with, and teach. It was difficult at first but Yoki loved every moment he had spent with Harmony and the family. As Harmony grew up Yoki noticed that Harmony looked just like her mother, and that brought him joy.

Years passed and Harmony and Kyle were 6 and 7 years old. They would play and watch their fathers train for when they went out at night to protect the city from the bad guys. Harmony and Kyle were so fascinated by everyone's skills on fighting, they knew that they wanted to be just like them. Almost every day Harmony would watch her father teach the other members of the clan. Kyle's mother saw the passion Kyle and Harmony had for becoming ninjas like their fathers. So, without Kyle and Harmony knowing, she made them their very own ninja suits. When she gave Kyle his suit he ran to his room to change, but when she gave Harmony her suit she said," Harmony, you do know that girls aren't suppose to be ninjas right? It's against the lady tradition. It's a man's job not a women's."
" I know that, but i'm going to change that dumb tradition and be the best ninja the world has ever seen." said Harmony.
" I know you are so make me proud." said Kyle's mother with a sweet supporting smile.
So Kyle came back with his little suit on looking like a ninja in training." Fear me not ladies, i am her to save you." said Kyle pumping his chest out.
" Wow! You look so cool. I'm going to try mine on. Be right back" said Harmony as she was running towards her room to put on the suit. She came back and she and Kyle said thank you to Kyle's mom.
" Come on Kyle, lets go show our dad's our new suits" said Harmony
And with that said they ran of to show their dad's. They were so happy that they didn't take them off for about a week.

A few weeks later it was Harmonies birthday. She was going to be 7 years old. Harmonies friends and family were going to through a surprise birthday party for her. It was going to be at her favorite restaurant. Kyle was in charge of getting her there for her party. They had a great time. When it was time to open her present Harmony got a beautiful hair clip that used to be her mother's before she passed. This was a very special gift to Harmony since it was her mom's. Her father also got her a gift, but it was for Harmony and Kyle. Her father had given them both swords to start training to become a real life ninja. They both jumped with joy and went home because they were going to start training the very next day, so they wanted to get a good night's sleep.

The next day had come and Kyle and Harmony were up bright and early for their first lesson in becoming a ninja. But before they could Yoki got a letter from Calahan saying," I have now formed my own clan and soon enough i will be taking over your's so you better be ready we are coming for you and i will finally get to finish what i started a long time ago." Yoki informed this to no one. He didn't want anyone to get freaked out or get scared. And besides his daughters first lesson was today and he want Kyle and Harmony to worry. But what he didn't know is that someone over heard him .

He arrived to the first lesson where he would teach Kyle and Harmony hot to use a sword and ninja stars and become real ninjas of the night.

A week had passed and Harmony and Kyle were exhausted. Their legs and arms were supper sore but they enjoyed. Yoki told them that they would get used to it with time. They were doing a lot better than most of the new members that just joined. Yoki saw that they had a gift for fighting with a sword. They had to train in almost complete silence so that when they were ready to go out and patrol they wouldn't disturb the town.

About two days later while some ninja's were patroling the encountered a robbery at a bakery. They were able to fight the robbers easily but the family was now homeless. The robbers took all their supplies and money. So the clan decided to take in the family and now they were part of the Yukon clan. The family had a son named Luke. He was about the same age a Harmony and Kyle. All three of them instantly became best friends and before they knew it, Luke started training with Harmony and Kyle to become a ninja too. You could tell that's where he belonged.

Two years had passed and the clan was stronger and bigger than ever. Harmony, Kyle, and Luke were doing very well in their training with Yoki, but Yoki was still waiting for the day Calahan would strike.
© Copyright 2016 Jessica Lopez (dippy_fresh123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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