Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2082148-OLD-FAHIONED
by kara
Rated: E · Article · Opinion · #2082148
where did the old-fashioned kind of boy go into hiding?

I know first thing that comes to mind when you hear of fashion is clothes. What is trending? What is the latest for both his and hers? And so on... However in literal meaning, fashion is really neither about clothes, shoes nor hairstyles. It can as well be of behavior - a manner of doing something. Well, from a light note I have made in the current society we are in - or maybe I shouldnât call it "light note" since I am actually writing about it, let me rephrase that. It has come to my attention that gone are the days that girls and boys did it the old-fashioned way. Hehe... I know. Donât get it twisted though... by "it" I don't necessarily mean the sexual act. What I mean is, gone are the days that boys tuned girls...gone are the days that boys had to act brave, girls coy and get serenaded by the boys. Well, probably I have gone a bit too far on the serenading part but donât blame it on me though. It's all the doing of the damn telenovellas. Then again you still have no right to judge me, a girl's got to dream when a girl's got to dream and create her on fairytale in her head since itâs clearly and most definitely not going to happen to most of us and more especially in our generation. In today's society, girls have taken the heading role of dating. Today it is the girl going after the boy. She has to come up with tactics to which to approach the boy with. She has been burdened with a role that was never her's to begin with, leading her to unnecessary shame before the society's eyes. But then come to think of it...is it really her fault that she has to do so? We all know that humans are beings of survival. If nature changes its ways, you unfortunately cant sweet talk it back to its previous ways. You got no choice but to adapt. So if in our natural way...since time in memorial, boys were known to be the serenades and now roles seem to be switching, could it be that the girls are just adapting to the change? I am not trying to justify all of them though since some are just in lack of some personal discipline and dignity - or so some people would put it. Where are the boys and what are they so engaged in that they are forgetting to play their roles? Then again it could possibly not be their fault. Perhaps it is the manner in which they are being brought up nowadays. However, who am I to say parents of today are doing their parenting all wrong since I am not yet one so I would not know the first thing about bringing up a child, more so a boy child. I possibly could have had something to add on if it were the girl child since I was brought up as one- duuh. Every girl has her on version of her fairytale fixed up in her mind... a fairytale future of a fairytale wedding with the man of her dreams commonly known as Mr. Right. Trust me though, there is no part in that fairytale does the girl see herself tuning the guy instead of the vice versa. Then again it is probably because we get so tired of waiting for him and when the biological clock ticks tocks...you go grab the first Mr. Wrong you find and try dragging him to the right so that you can have what you can call your own version of Mr. Right. I am not trying to criticize anyone though. Truth be told... I included, every girl at some point has tuned the boy first, or has attempted or has just thought about making the first move instead. So what if you have what I may refer to as "very severe" feelings and liking to a specific boy that has not yet shown any interest yet. Now what? Should I let the emotions and feelings kill me or should I just let it out and let him know? Dilemma! Should I follow my feelings or should I follow the rules engraved within the society? Or then again maybe I should just be tactful enough and win this to my advantage over society. Some girls may decide to make the first move, without making it so obvious to the boy that she likes him. Just enough to have him notice her and eventually like her then wallah!! The boy will be the one tuning the girl. Y'all can thank me later for those I made work easier for. LOL. Anyway, bottom line is that everybody should take up their supposed roles and stop the hell whatever it is that is keeping them busy. Personally, I like the old-fashioned kind of boy. Come up to me with that kind of a portfolio and we could supposedly work something out for you to start tuning me-donât let it get to your head though. Girls... what to do? Dilemma!!

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