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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Family · #2081837
Regular Fans will know about this kind of story but Volume 2 will be unexpected and new.

"Poems" Volume 1

By:Tyelyn Christian
Table Of Contents
1- Family
2- Racism
3- I Have A Dream
4- Who Are You To Classify

Family is something that we must all have
Family is made of people who are there and of
People who can teach valuable that you need
Family is filled with Laughter and Tears
And Tribulations and Happiness
To be blessed with a strong family is very rare
A True family will be there when noone else will
Family means more than who you are blood with
It means who are in love with or who loves you
Family is like a lesson that can't be taugh in
Family is a subject noone can figure out like
Technology it always changes
Family is something that prepares you for life
They give you everything you need for the rough
rides and Strife!

Is it the color of my skin?
Are you mad at my ancestors,
For what we have accomplished,
You should be mad at yourselves we live in the
country were we put a man on the moon put forth,
millions of dollars to end world hunger and we
can't end a simple thing.....Racism!
Racism is like a knife....It kills!
When we bleed we both bleed the color red
Don't give me that talk about we're different,
Lemme tell you something people
God created one race and that's the Human Race,
Humans created Racism
Racism will keep repeating until it kills all of
The people in this country
How is this the land of oppurtunity?
When we imprison more people than Dictatorships?
We have a current ratio of 10 to 5
Every 10 prisoners we have 5 free people
Our government is cheating system we could have
Paid off China by 2015 from 2004 if we would
Have gotten money we would have an extra 725.8
Billion dollars if Richer people would be paying
Higher Taxes

"I Have A Dream"
*edited for Tyelyn*

I have a Dream that one day the United States of America wouldn't be jailing young latino and black for little to no reason and planting things on them to make the public eye make it seam like they were gangsters. I have a Dream that one day our country wouldn't be cheating the Immigrants of this country how come from 1940-2016 we have changed Transportation,Education and many other things for Americans but the people that need it the most they still get the same payrate 7.25 per hour. (Not to get to mathematic but look at it this way, You earn 7.25 per hour for working 16 hours a day for 40 years and you have to pay 20.00 per day to stay in those living quarters, your total amount payed in forty years is 1,670,400 and you have to pay 288,000 for rent and from the pesticides you have to cure you and your family of 7 every 40 years so there goes 168,000 and then for other things important for families and nourishment it will be 1,224,000 that should leave a person close to 10,000 in debt. How did we come from the boat to this point? Can anyone that question. I have a dream that whites will finally stop acting like they are scared of us and tell us how they feel without being racist.I have a dream that the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had more than 40 years ago would finally be a reality for all whites and blacks in this country.

Who Are You To Classify Me A Citizen?
The Definition of a Citizen is a person who permanently lives in residence of a country or area. For decades and more White Americans mostly and some other races strive to keep Hispanics out of the country by keeping the borders guarded.
Think of you in their shoes? Think of it like this You are 25 years old and you have a wife and 2 children and you live in Mexico and your job in Mexico is a cow-herder and you only earn 8 pesos every day. 8 pesos isn't enough to feed a family. So you decide to go to America the land of oppurtunity. You get there in America and you are an illegal citizen so you have to hide from officers and hope they dont stop you or you will be killed or deported so you have a child so you can have a slighter chance at staying here because if you become deported not only do you risk getting jailed but your family is still in America and you can't see your family for another 10-15 years. By, that time
Your youngest boy is 15 years old and not having a Male role model he is harden by the cruels of this world and 67% likely he will become a gangsster 43% he will get an education and do something with his life based on statistics. Some, people might say they come here and take our money and dont provide anything back into the system.
I say how can you provide something you dont have, You cant provide money when you dont have money. Money is something that take years to acquire and take longer to know to deal with it responsibly. This country called the "Promised Land" to Immigrants from around the nation only provides disaster and grief and it wrecks families and lives but for others it can create good things for people that they've never seen before.
American Citizens instead of doing what most of you have been doing for years and more years to come stop sitting on your butts and do something about these misfortunes and strive to make this country greater than it was before. In the words of the famous president John Fitzgerald Kennedy "Ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".

Blacks and Whites

Will It end everyone, when will the suffering end. Whites, what is wrong with ya'll, you all are the biggest hypocrites and liars in the world. You killed Natives Americans, kicked them off of their lands, forced African slaves to work in a whole different enviorment to harsh conditions and little to no pay, you even banned your own people not to enter this country and the recent your killing young unarmed black men and justifying it and also justifying the reason on why a close to 70 year old man should run for President so he could screw up the country even more. Whites, you speak on equality and peace when you are the ones for all of life have been creating everything else. You funded a 21 year old war to fight a country we had no business in fighting with but we just wanted to flex our Army's muscles. Everyone in the world hates because we call business that's not ours. Many countries such as Serbia and Iran dont like and recent encounters that they would be willing to Nuke us. We continously break the rules and laws and the Constitution that the Fore-fathers of this country made for future generations to live on. Police Officers are hired to abuse their power, they aren't hired to so say mistankely think a young black man with a hoodie is a gangster and shoot him and them try to cover up evidence proving you are on the white man's side. White people you blame every race for your own on why this country is screwed up to the bone. White get off your pretend high horse because neither one of you are high or mighty in any way,shape or fashion.
Black people stop acting ignorant. We substitue about 75% of the time when we didn't get a job from a white man it's racism. Black people 47% of the time when you are looking for a job will they not hire because of your race or pigmentation. Black people stop trying to hide the fact that your just not qualified. Maybe, you didn't have enough Education for that job or maybe someone else was better qualified and that might be a black person to. Black people instead of kicking other black people down when we try to acheive something build them up. You block blessings for yourself when you are jealous of someone. Be cool with what you what Jesus wants for someone is not going to be what he wants for you. Jesus has different plans for everyone. Black people we need to stay powerful and united and promote our young black people not demote them

*This Is Volume 1 Volume 2 is being made*

© Copyright 2016 Tyelyn Christian (ilovechicken14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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