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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2081798
The fourth story in the series is sure to reveal some incredible secrets.

Mizuki sat out in the courtyard drinking a cup of tea. Today she seemed rather antsy and irritated about something. Fritzi came up to her,
“Mizuki. Are you okay? You don’t seem to be in a very good mood.” Mizuki sighed and looked back at her friend,
“Hey Fritzi. It’s just that we haven’t received any news from Y-28 yet. That agent I handed the Akronian to so he could information from him. I don’t know what’s taking him so long.” She took another sip.
“I just want my mother back. I miss her…” Fritzi sat down next to her and hugged her.
“It’s okay, we’ll find her. You can trust me on that.” The two heard the hawk coming from the distance. They had just recently discovered she was a female Akronian hawk and decided to call her Kiza, a slight modification of Kira, form one of the guards from the lab’s daughters.
“What is it Kiza? What did you find?” Fritzi asked. The hawk danced around to communicate to them in some way.
“Let’s bring her to the Guru. She’ll know what Kiza’s saying.” Mizuki picked up the hawk and went to the guru’s room.

In there a small Akronian with the appearance of a small girl wearing goggles, a dress, and a backpack of medicines and medical tools. Her hair was pulled back with three braids as bangs hanging over her forehead. Many had forgotten her real name so she just went by the name of Guru. Klinkski wore red overalls to carry his tools in and construction boots while Ogaron wore a biker jacket and jeans along with biker boots. The two came in as they had just finished talking.
“What is it you want girls?” Guru asked,
“The hawk has a message to decipher.” Mizuki held out the hawk on her arm.
“Very well. You two can get started while I go with them.” Guru said.
“Alright. Let’s get to it.” Klinkski pat his nephew on the back who nodded in reply.
“What are you two doing?” Fritzi asked,
“Converting Hebi’s body into an Akronian’s; wish us the best of luck.” Klinkski slipped down a welder’s mask before turning a torch on.
I hope he’ll be the same…” Mizuki mumbled under her breath.

At the courtyard Guru closely examined Kiza’s dance and squawking and translated it,
“It appears that the man that you gave that Akronian over to… has been keeping him for his own benefits. No, scratch that, it turns out he works for a group known as the Dragon Fang…” Mizuki shifted in place impatiently and asked,
“Well what does that mean!?” The Guru looked back at her,
“It means we’ve been double crossed. Betrayed. They’re going to use him to steal your mother for their own uses. We need to get that Akronian back from those Dragon Fang punks and get the information from him ourselves.” Mizuki looked on in shock,
“My mother!? I won’t allow them to do anything to my beloved mom! Where are they!?” She asked Kiza. The hawk spread its wings and took flight.
“Come on Fritzi! We need to teach these guys a lesson!” Mizuki called out for her friend.
“I’m right behind you!” She replied. The two opened the temple doors and took off on their quest for payback.

The two ran down the mountainside following the hawk without a second thought.
“I wonder how much that guy loves his teeth.” Fritzi said running along with her friend,
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Mizuki replied back. Suddenly out of nowhere a group of three ninjas hopped down from the ledge.
“Just as I expected…” Mizuki unsheathed her sword for combat. The trio immediately took out swords and charged at the two. Mizuki dodged a swing from one of them and retaliated with a jab through his chest. Pintoil squirted out as she drew the sword.
“Akronians? They’re a part of this Dragon Fang group?” She was now confused,
“We don’t have time for questions right now!” Mizuki turned to Fritzi dodging a swing from another. She looked back just in time to avoid a blade that grazed her shoulder. A little pintoil leaked out but she was fine otherwise. The ninja hopped over Mizuki and tried to get her in the back though the Akronian was too quick for him as she blocked the blow and countered it with a slash that cut him in half. The ninja with a stab wound in his chest got back up and headed for Mizuki. Fritzi picked up the ninja she was fighting and threw him into his friend. Mizuki swung her sword at the two cutting them into two and finishing them off.
“We should be more cautious from now on.” Fritzi suggested.
“Sure…” Mizuki was feeling something quite strange inside her soul,
“Are you okay?” She shook it off and reassured her friend,
“I’m fine. Let’s just keep moving forward.” Fritzi nodded in agreement.

The two continued their journey to finding that Akronian. They soon reached three barricades with no one there.
“I can already tell what’s going to happen-” They heard yelling and watched two samurais, two ninjas, and a shogun landed onto the ground. The shogun wore a banner on his back and different armor to signify he was the leader.
“Prevent them from getting any farther!” The shogun ordered as he pulled out a spiked club and shield. The samurais went after Mizuki while the ninjas dealt with Fritzi. One of the samurais swung his club down on top of Mizuki’s head who jumped to the side.
“So that’s the Akronian who wants her precious mother back… how pathetic. She’ll be nothing but a mess of parts once we get her mother’s DNA to create our super soldiers.” The mention of her mother was enough to send Mizuki into a fit of anger as swung her sword as hard as she could and completely decimated the samurai’s armor and cutting through him. The second unleashed a powerful swing from his club that knocked Mizuki clean off of her feet. She quickly recovered and ran towards the samurai. Without warning Mizuki’s mind went haywire and flashed images of her ripping apart Akronians with actual claws. Her body and features all looked like an actual creature’s skin as if she was organic instead of a machine. Suddenly everything went black.
Good job my little demonic monster…” Mizuki’s vision turned back on to see another dead samurai on the ground.
“W-What…?” She mumbled.

The shogun ran towards her with his weapons at the ready. Mizuki felt the anger still welling up inside reaching a breaking point. She wanted to rip apart the ones that kidnapped her mother and drink their pintoil.
What is happening to me? Why are these thoughts coming to my head?’ She couldn’t understand what was happening but she needed to stay focused.
“Mizuki! Watch out!” She watched as a ninja slammed into the shogun’s chest. Mizuki looked over to see Fritzi slamming the ninja into the ground finishing him off for good. The shogun got back up and dusted himself off. Mizuki ran towards him with fire in her eyes, she never felt this passionate about killing someone before. She felt rather unnerved but she didn’t fight the feeling. The shogun was too late to defend from the blow and was completely cut in half. Mizuki now felt that her anger couldn’t be controlled any longer.
“Let’s keep moving before anyone else comes up and ambushes us.” Fritzi said,
“Agreed…” Mizuki tried to get a grip on herself.

The two continued their journey through the mountains. Finally Kiza stopped and landed on a rock. They were now standing in front of a Japanese style temple with a symbol of a dragon emphasizing the fang.
“F-F-Fritzi…” Mizuki struggled to get the words out of her voice chip,
“Yes Mizuki?” She was petting the hawk,
“Perhaps I should go inside alone. You know, there have to be tons of guys in there so a stealthy approach might be the best.” Mizuki twiddled her fingers,
“Are you okay? You seem a bit more… jumpy.” She walked towards her friend.
“I-I’m fine…” Mizuki attempted to reassure her friend.
“I’m coming in there immediately if I hear something or you’re gone for far too long. Until then I’ll wait here dealing with anybody that tries to head back to the temple.” She nodded and headed to the base of the temple. Kiza squawked once more,
“I hope she’s okay too Kiza…” Fritzi sighed.

Mizuki snuck through and old drainage pipe that wasn’t working anymore after she cut the bars off it.
Keep it under control… keep it under control…’ Unfortunately the entity took control of her once more.
Impossible, you only come out when I’m in combat…’ She fell to her knees,
Finally… your anger has reached that point. Let me I be the first to welcome you to the body of an organic being. I hope you enjoy the advantages and disadvantages.” A voice only Mizuki could hear said.
“What do you mean-? AUUUUUUUGH!!” Mizuki’s screams echoed throughout the pipe as she began to transform. Her Akronian metal turned into scales and actual hair replaced the original multi-joint head. Horns grew out of her forehead and various bones formed as armor and clothes for her. An actual mouth formed on her face and her eyes changed into a normal human’s that were hazel in color. Feet grew out of her originally feetless legs. Painfully a tail forced its way out of Mizuki’s tailbone.

Once her transformation was completed she stayed there for what seemed like an eternity. Mizuki had trouble comprehending what had just happened. Slowly she stood up and steadied herself against the wall of the pipe.
“Must kill… must… must please master… seek blood…” Mizuki had now completely lost her mind and was no longer her mechanical-self.
Good oni… now seek those who dare oppose me!” She continued forth through the pipe until she found a hatch that led to a courtyard. As she got out and closed the hatch behind her; an Akronian had spotted her.
“Intruder!” Two samurais and four ninjas appeared in front of her.
“Yes… fresh meat…” Mizuki didn’t even realize what she was saying anymore. She pulled out her sword and approached them. Two ninjas ran towards her and inflicted cuts onto her torso but she didn’t seem to feel a thing as she turned around and ran her sword into one of them. She lifted him up and stared him in the eyes before grabbing and ripping the ninja in half with said sword. The other backed up as she approached him, one of the samurais suddenly ran towards her and swung his spiked club down upon her only to barely miss as Mizuki avoided it. The now oni turned around and hacked a chunk of his neck out before kicking it off.

The remaining realized that she was a bigger threat than originally thought and decided to attack the threat together at once. Mizuki however swiftly avoided a few swings and launched a full power swing that went through two of the ninjas. The last samurai which Mizuki could tell was a woman by her body structure lunged at her full force. Mizuki let out bellowing roar as she landed her sword into Mizuki’s shoulder. Primal instinct had taken over and now it was kill or be killed. She bit down on the samurai’s neck and was forced off. The stunned samurai gripped her wound in a feeble attempt to keep pintoil from leaking. Mizuki finished her off by putting a hole into her chest. The last two ninjas stood there in shock but shook it off as they darted towards Mizuki. She didn’t even flinch as the swords completely impaled her. Tears streaked down as regular Mizuki seemed to be taking back control. Out of nowhere she gripped one of the ninja’s head and split it in half. She pulled out the two swords and rammed them into the last ninja’s eyes before ripping them out and beheading him.

Finally with the whole group done for Mizuki collapsed and sobbed over the pain of her wounds. Suddenly a voice came into audibility,
Why are you crying? They’re just flesh wounds! You’re going to receive a lot worse if you don’t get back up and stop you’re crying!” Mizuki looked around in anger,
“You don’t order me! I’ve never been in this much pain…” She cried,
I said… get up!’ Mizuki felt herself be forced up to her feet.
“F… F-FRITZI!” She yelled as loud as she could in hopes her friend could hear her. Fritzi looked up from the falcon.
“Is Mizuki insane? She’s going to get herself caught.” Fritzi rushed over to the opened pipe and ran as fast as she could through the pipe before reaching the same hatch and bursting through it. When she looked frantically for her friend she found a demon sobbing.
“Fritzi… help…” Mizuki called for her.
“Mizuki? What happened to you?” Before they could talk any further another group of ninjas and samurais appeared forcing the two to run. Fritzi picked Mizuki up and took off.

As Fritzi rushed through the halls of this labyrinth like temple Mizuki moaned even louder as her wounds were growing exponentially more painful.
“Hold on Mizuki… just a little bit more…” She looked around and quickly ducked into a closet. In there, Fritzi carefully laid her best friend down and began treating her with bandages that were in there at the moment.
“Why are you like this?” Fritzi asked as soon as she got done bandaging her,
“I don’t know, all that happened was that the entity took control again, then this voice began talking, and then the transformation happened. That’s all.” Mizuki stood back up.
“Are you okay?” Fritzi supported her friend.
“I-I’m fine… I can k-keep going…” She said steading herself.
“If you say so…” Fritzi backed away to give her friend room to stretch out.

Suddenly the door was forced open to reveal a female shogun to which Mizuki kicked out of the way before the two ran off.
“I spotted them! They’re in the hospital wing!” She yelled as she stood back up and chased after the two. Soon a door burst open revealing four ninjas that stood in their way. Mizuki took out her sword and engaged two of the ninjas while Fritzi took on the other two. Mizuki let out a guttural growl as she quickly slashed through the two ninjas while Fritzi tackled one of the ninjas and unleashed a deadly punch that crushed his skull. The last thrusted her sword at Fritzi who dodged it and smashed in the back of the head with a chair she quickly grabbed. The shogun raised her weapons only to be disarmed and knocked out safely.
“We’re not killing everyone in here. Got it?” Fritzi told her friend,
“G-Got it…” Mizuki nearly lost control again.
“Good. Now let’s get in there and get that man back.” Fritzi pointed to the open door before the two took off in that direction.

The first thing they saw Y-28 with the same Akronian from before with another shogun whose armor was the most elaborate looking.
“How did you manage to get past all my soldiers?” He asked,
“Give that Akronian back to us!” Mizuki demanded.
“You mean him? Only if you can bring me down. The Dragon Fang do not accept defeat until we’re all done!” He drew his sword ready for battle.
“Who are you anyway? What is the Dragon Fang?” Fritzi asked,
“What is the Dragon Fang? The Dragon Fang look to overthrow Oleria and reclaim the throne in the honor of our ancestors!” Fritzi looked unamused,
“Who’s our ancestors? Because if I remember correctly they were a bunch of scrap metal and toasters in the swamp.” The girl huffed.
To think that we came from such insignificant technology…’ Mizuki thought to herself,
“Say what you want but you aren’t leaving this place alive!” He charged at the two with his sword at the ready.

The two dodged to the sides before trading looks with each other and then both unleashing kicks into the sides of his head. He didn’t seem to feel a thing as he turned to Mizuki and threw her to the side while Fritzi jumped onto his back and held on for dear life.
“Get… off of me!” He threw her straight into Mizuki.
“Oof! Sorry about that Mizuki…” Fritzi stood back up and faced the shogun.
“Don’t worry…” She steadied herself.
“You are not worthy of our ancestor’s power! Prepare to fall before our great god!” The shogun yelled as he pulled out a second sword and approached the two.
“All right, we need to disarm first of all. Got it Mi- darn it…” Fritzi looked over to see her friend rushing the shogun and stabbing him in the stomach.
“Is that all? I’ve had worse wounds inflicted to me during my time in battle!” He swung his sword which grazed Mizuki’s chest. It burned as the air touched the open wound, Mizuki collapsed to the ground gripping her chest.
“I’m okay… I’m okay…” She told herself trying to hold back tears.

Your mother has pacified you. That means she’s soft, we’ll make sure that we make her the killing machine that we desire her to be.” Now he had pushed her past her limits.
“You can mock me… you can mock my friend… but no one will make my mother their own slave… am I understood?” Mizuki stood up with fury in her eyes and tears streaming down.
“Your crying does not make me any more scared. Now stand there like a little good girl and take your death!” The shogun charged her only to miss her.
“Do you think that’ll scare me? That’s a rookie move that any ninja can do.” He was still unfazed by Mizuki’s new attitude. Fritzi took this as her chance to free the prisoner they had.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Y-28 stood in her way.
“To free him, so you better get out of the way before I break you in two.” Y-28 stared at her quite amused at that statement,
“Do you think that’s supposed to scare me? You’re going to have try much better than that.” Teleported right in front of Fritzi and kneed her in the stomach.
“You’ll pay for double crossing us!” She grabbed him and slammed the agent into the ground. He threw a kick at her that she grabbed and got a good hold of.
“Now, you’ll leave this place or I break your leg and leave you for the birds to feast on your corpse.” Y-28 disappeared from her sight and reappeared outside the window.
“Well my job is done here anyway. I hope to meet you two again soon, especially Mizuki…” He threw down a smoke bomb and escaped.
“I hope we do. So I can break both your legs in seventeen different ways…” Fritzi huffed.

Back at the fight between Mizuki and the shogun were trading blows and refusing to surrender.
“So you’ve lasted longer than any others who have faced me… you’ll still end up with the same fate.” He snickered until he felt clock him in the back of the head.
“Don’t forget she’s got back-up!” Fritzi said as she threw away the broken chair. The shogun turned around and grabbed her by the neck. He began tightening his grip.
“None will escape my dragon’s grip! You’ll be gasping for air in no time.” He laughed.
“Hey dummy, I’m an Akronian. We don’t even have lungs.” Fritzi reminded him.
“You do have a fair point…” The shogun quickly blocked a slash from Mizuki.
“Nice try! You’ll have to-” Fritzi shut him up with a kick to his stomach causing him to let go of her. She grabbed hold of him.
“Now stand still! This’ll only hurt a ton!” Fritzi laughed as Mizuki charged him and swung her sword with all her might cutting straight through him.
“You… have… bested… me… take… my sword… as a… prize…” He collapsed to the ground with pintoil spewing out of his cut. Mizuki soon felt herself transforming into an Akronian who now had pink armor with actual hair of the same color and red hues to still give off the panda color scheme she was known for.
“Nice teamwork there, now let’s get out of here before anymore Dragon’s Fang members come!” The two looked over to see the Akronian they were looking for.
“Very well. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Mizuki looked at her unamused,
“It’s a saying that humans used. Okay?” Fritzi claimed.
“Let’s just get going.” Mizuki simply replied.

Back at the temple Guru looked up to see Kiza flying back over to her.
“Did they succeed?” She asked. Kiza nodded in reply,
“That’s great. When will they return?” The temple gates opening up answered that question.
“Finally you have returned! Now for you…” Guru walked up to the Akronian,
“Mizuki and Fritzi here shouldn’t have to go through a ton of soldiers in order to bring you back.” She scolded him.
“My apologies honey…” He opened up his suit to reveal him to be the same size as Guru. The body was a frame to make him look taller.
“People call me Dr. Riveton. I hope to get know you better sometime soon. I am Guru’s husband. I infiltrated the project in order to find out what they were doing. I can tell you the information, but for right now I must check in with my darling Rinsa to see if she’s been doing well.” Mizuki and Fritzi looked at each other in confusion.
“Well today’s been rather… interesting. Why don’t I check up on Hebi for you to see if his new body is done?” Mizuki nodded.
“That would be nice. I need some time to clear my head…” Mizuki sat down while Fritzi walked off. She would find out what was going on with her body.

© Copyright 2016 Gary Mega (garymega77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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