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Daniel shrinks and now his fate is in the hands of his fat, raunchy fellow student Zach. |
It was just an ordinary Friday forenoon for Daniel and only two lessons remained between him and the much-anticipated weekend. Daniel was a slim guy and it was kind of an open secret that he was gay: He had a quite feminine look with his long blond coiffed hair and his effeminate clothes and all his friends were girls. And with one of these friends, Stefanie, he was sitting in the chemistry room trying to do an experiment. Unfortunately, neither of both were really interested in chemistry so they had not been listening when the teacher explained what they had to do. Stefanie: “I have no idea what we're supposed to do... Maybe we should just ask Mr. Roberts...“ “We better don't do so“, Daniel interrupted her, “otherwise he'll know that we didn't pay attention, and we'll get a bad mark“ “So what shall we do then?!“, Stefanie asked. “Don't know... Let's just improvise a little bit. I mean what is supposed to happen? These are just school chemicals – they won't be dangerous“, Daniel said. And with that said, Daniel grabbed a random test tube and poured its content into the beaker that had already been placed above the Bunsen burner. “I doubt that's right... I mean , just take a look at the other students' beakers... Their fluid seems much clearer than ours“, Stefanie noted. „Well, maybe you're right...“, he answered. “I'm gonna get some water so we can water it down a little bit“, Stefanie responded in a slightly annoyed manner. While Stefanie was on her way to the sink, Daniel sat down and grabbed his cell phone without paying further attention to the beaker that was still being heated up. When he took a look at it, it was already too late: There was a small explosion and the glass shattered surrounding him in a cloud of smoke that made him cough and breath in all those strange fumes. Mr. Roberts immediately ran to him: “Are you okay?“ “Yeah, I guess so“, answered Daniel still coughing due to the smoke. “You haven't been hit by any shards?“, Mr. Roberts worried “No, I suppose I must have been lucky“, Daniel said. “That could have gone wrong“, Mr. Roberts said, “you really need to pay more attention!“ “Yes, you're right, sir. I'm sorry.“Daniel replied lowering his head when suddenly, the bell started to ring. “Okay, listen please“, Mr. Roberts said clapping his hands to get his students' attention, „That's it for today. You can go now.“ „Except for you“, he uttered while turning to Daniel, „you're going to clean this mess, and Stefanie, you'll help him.“ „Of course, Mister Roberts“, Stefanie sighed. When Daniel and Stefanie had cleaned everything, they both had to part ways since there was still a lesson of P.E. remaining, and boys and girls were educated separately from each other. On the way to the sport hall, Daniel began to feel a little bit ill. „Seems like these chemicals left its mark on me“, he thought to himself rubbing his stomach. When Daniel arrived at the sport hall , he asked his P.E. teacher to be excused from today's lessons. His teacher agreed, but did not permit him to leave early – so he had to sit on a bench for the whole lesson. But he did not really have problem with that as long as it would mean that he did not have to participate in the gym lessons. Daniel has never enjoyed P.E.. He did not understand how the other boys could go crazy for this. Furthermore, he did not really get in touch with the other boys, and so he always felt a little bit left alone in gym class. So now he had to sit there and watch the other boys doing sport – and whereas some were quite enjoyable to look at, one of them was certainly not: Zachary Even though Zachary was a tall guy, he was also very obese – or to be more precisely: he was fat, very fat!... And in addition, he did not really seem to care about his body hygiene, either, as his longish greasy brown hair suggested. Due to that, Daniel had always tried to avoid getting too close to him. When the bell finally announced the end of the P.E. lesson, Daniel couldn't wait to get home. All he wanted to do was taking a nap hoping that he would feel better afterwards. But before he could leave, his sport teacher called him to him. “Yes, Mister Simons?”, Daniel said approaching his teacher. “Daniel, listen, you really need to show more commitment during class – otherwise you won't pass the course”, uttered Mr. Simons wth a firm voice. “Yes, Mr. Simons. I know. I'm really sorry. But I'm really ill, I guess it must have been that experi....” Daniel tried to justify himself “It's okay. Just keep it in mind.”, Mr. Simons interrupted, “Have a nice weekend!”. “Thank you, Mr. Simons”, Daniel said and walked off. After the conversation with his teacher, he just wanted to grab his school bag, that he had placed in the locker room, and head home. When he entered the room, Daniel saw that almost everybody had already left; there was only one gym bag but he didn't know to whom it belonged. As he wanted to pick up his bag, his stomach-ache abruptly became so painful that he couldn't stand any longer. Down on his knees, Daniel groaned with pain until he eventually blacked out. A few minutes later, Daniel slowly opened his eyes and was blinded by bright lights. He got back on his knees and carefully stood up. In the meantime, his eyes had slowly gotten used to the lights and he could see his surrounding now. That was when he realized with shock that everything around him was now of gigantic size. The benches, the lockers,... - everything was towering over him. “Oh my god“, he breathed heavily, “What... What happened to me?“ “No, no, no, this can't be true – I must be dreaming“, he said in his shock trying to deny reality: He had shrunk to merely a height of of 2 cm. - But he did not have time to get used to his new situation because, suddenly, the ground began to shake. “What's that? Sounds like somebody's coming...“, Daniel worried. He then heard the sound of a door being opened and turned around facing the door that lead to the rest room. It was Zachary, his fellow student, who entered the room. Daniel took a step back being shocked by what he saw. He was used to look up to other boys since he was quite small, but this was something completely different: His schoolmate was now a giant behemoth and all his body fat made him look even more massive. “FEELS LIKE I'VE LOST 10 POUNDS“, Zach snickered petting his fat belly as he headed for his gym bag. Daniel was quiet intimidated but he knew that he had to contact Zachary – otherwise it would mean that he would have to stay here in this locker room for the whole night. So he took all his courage and started running in Zach's direction. When he finally arrived at his feet, Zach was taking off his shirt that was still soaked in sweat from gym class. After the shirt had come off, Daniel could see how fat Zach really was: He had big man boobs and his big belly was quite an overhang. Daniel was shocked how someone could become that fat. But it wasn't the time to think about that; he had to get the giant's attention. Daniel wanted to scream but before he was able to do so, he had already been covered by Zach's sweaty shirt that his fellow student had dropped on the floor. Daniel could hardly move because the shirt was so heavy due to all the sweat. Nevertheless, Daniel's small struggles were enough for Zach to recognize that there was something underneath his shirt. He grabbed the piece of clothing and lifted it up exposing his shrunken fellow student. Daniel stopped breathing for a moment when Zach's and his looks met. He didn't know what he should do now. “NO WAY!“, Zach exclaimed and reached down for the tiny boy. Daniel's fear was taking over his brain and he started to run trying to get away from the giant. But it was useless; he was so small that the giant had absolutely no problem to catch up with him. The thick fingers of the giant blocked his vision and surrounded him, and just a second later he was brought up to the giant's face. Lying in the gigantic palm, Daniel cowered in fear waiting for the giant's reaction. “NO WAY!“, Zach exclaimed once again. “YOU'RE THAT GUY FROM MY CLASS! HOW DID YOU GET THAT SMALL?“ “Zachary, you... you've got to help me!“, Daniel said with a low voice shaking with fear. “SPEAK UP, RUNT! I CAN'T HEAR YOU 'CAUSE YOU'RE SO SMALL“, Zach laughed. “I need help! I guess it was an experiment that went wrong and caused me to shrink. Zachary, you need to help me to get back to normal size. Please!“, Daniel pleaded. “NAH,... I DON'T THINK SO!“ giggled the giant. “What?!“, Daniel was shocked, „what is that supposed to mean?“ „LISTEN, FAG! YOU ALWAYS TREATED ME LIKE I DIDN'T EXIST, SO I DON'T SEE ANY REASON WHY I SHOULD HELP YOU NOW! YOU ONLY GET WHAT YOU DESERVE FOR TREATING ME LIKE SHIT. TO BE HONEST, I KINDA LIKE THE IDEA OF HAVING A TINY SLAVE AT MY MERCY WHO'S GONNA FULFIL ALL OF MY DESIRE. SO NOW IT'S YOU WHO'LL BE TREATED LIKE SHIT.“, Zachary said. Daniel couldn't believe what he had just heard. „Zach, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but you can't do this to me. I'm a human being. Sooner or later, someone will be searching for me!“, he tried to reason. “TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, RUNT! FURTHERMORE, YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN BEING ANYMORE – YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A BUG AT MY MERCY NOW. AND WHO CARES IF SOMEONE WILL BE SEARCHING FOR YOU... THEY'LL NEVER GUESS YOU'RE WITH ME – ESPECIALLY NOT A THAT PATHETIC SIZE!“, Zach laughed wickedly. Daniel did not know what to say... Zach was right – no one would search for him at that size. He was now at the mercy of his giant schoolmate. “SO WHERE SHOULD I KEEP YOU?“, Zach wondered scratching his chin. “W-W-What are you talking about?“, Daniel stuttered fearing what was about to happen. “I'M STARTING TO GET HUNGRY, SO I'M GETTING SOMETHING TO EAT AND THEN I'LL HEAD HOME. I WAS WONDERING WHERE TO KEEP YOU – BUT I GUESS I'VE MADE UP MY MIND“, Zach snickered grabbing one of his shoes that had clearly seen better days. “Wait !!! What are you doing?!“, Daniel panicked. But before he could say anything else, he was dropped in one of the shoes. Daniel hit the sweaty insole and was met by a raunchy smell of dirty feet. “HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY YOUR RIDE“, Zach said with a big grin and placed the shoe on the floor. “You can't do this to me! You're crazy ! Let me outta here!!!“, Daniel cried. “I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THAT MY SOCKS ARE A LITTLE BIT DIRTY... I DON'T CHANGE THEM THAT OFTEN – I MEAN A REAL MAN NEEDS TO STINK A LEAST A LITTLE BIT, OTHERWISE WE'D ALL SMELL LIKE SOME SASSY FAG“, Zach said lifting his socked foot over the opening of the shoe. Now, Daniel could see what Zach was talking about: You could only guess that the sock, that was covering the huge sole, used to be white – now it was yellowish from all the dirt and sweat. Zach must have been wearing these socks for a very long time. When the foot entered the shoe, Daniel was hit by an even stronger odour. He tried to run towards the toe section of the shoe hoping he'd be safer there. But he was too slow. The gigantic foot came down on him and now he was caught underneath Zach's toes. Everything he could breath now was the smell of sweaty feet. Daniel started to gag thinking that he was about to pass out. Suddenly, it felt like the giant started to walk. Daniel wondered what would happen now. Just a few hours ago, he used to be a normal boy who was looking forward to the weekend... But now, he was trapped in the smelly shoe of his dirty and fat schoolmate Zachary. The thought that his life was now at the mercy of such a cruel person made a tear roll down his cheek. Meanwhile, Zach had grabbed his bag and headed for his car thinking of all the things he could do with his newly obtained slave. After a long ride, Zach arrived at home with his new slave still being caught in his sneaker. By now, Daniel had been completely covered in sweat that Zach's foot had built up because of the heat inside the shoe. Having entered his room, Zach kicked off his sneakers so that they landed on their sides. Daniel quickly got up, ran to the opening and stepped outside hoping to catch some fresh air. But there wasn't any fresh air, he was greeted by some raunchy smell even though he had left his stinky prison – he was in Zach's room which was quite dark since the blinds were almost completely turned down; only a small amount of light entered the room. It seemed like Zach didn't really bother to open a window once in a while to let some fresh air enter the room. It seemed like Zach didn't care about tidiness and hygiene at all. His room was a complete mess: Old socks and briefs were spread all over the floor and empty bottles of coke or open bags of crisps could be found everywhere. Daniel observed the room while Zach was getting rid of his clothes. Only dressed in a pair of underwear and an under shirt that was quite tight-fitting, he sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and grabbed a paper bag that had been placed on the small table before the couch. Daniel could see that it was a bag from some fast-food restaurant. “Zach must have stopped at the drive through on his way home“, Daniel supposed, but this thoughts were suddenly interrupted. “SLAVE, COME OVER HERE“, Zach yelled pointing at his feet. Daniel slowly approached his giant master. “IT'S BEEN A LONG DAY, SLAVE. I WANT TO RELAX A LITTLE BIT WHILE I ENJOY MY MEAL – AND YOU CAN HELP ME BY RUBBING MY WONDERFUL FEET!“, Zach snickered. Daniel couldn't believe it... Zach wanted him to massage his feet. He could already smell the raunchy odour coming from the feet. He didn't want to get any closer to these smelly beasts. “I TOLD YOU TO RUB MY FEET! NOW! COME ON AND MOVE YOUR LAZY ASS, FAG!“, Zach said angrily and stomped with his feet causing Daniel to fall on his knees. But he quickly got up and ran to the giant feet starting to rub them. He did not want to anger his gigantic master any further. “ FEELS GOOD!“, Zach was making fun of Daniel. “NOW SHOW ME YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR PLACE IS AND GIVE MY FOOT A BIG KISS, FAG!“ Daniel gave in.. He knew that if he hesitated, Zach would not hesitate to crush him under his massive soles. He pressed his tiny lips on the sweaty and stinking skin and kissed it. Zach blasted out laughing clearly enjoying what he saw. But to Daniel, the humiliation was too much. His eyes were filled with tears while he continued to kiss and rub the stinky feet in front of him. Zach sighed and leaned back grabbing a burger out of the paper bag. While he was eating, he did not really care about his tiny slave. Daniel looked up to his giant master from time to time – even though he couldn't see a lot since since Zach's massive tummy was blocking most of his view, but from what he saw, he could tell that Zach ate like a giant.. Zach shovelled huge amounts of fries and chicken wings into his huge mouth. A loud belch soon announced that Zach had finished his meal. “THAT WAS DELICIOUS.”, he said rubbing his belly and letting out another belch. He then leaned forward to look down at Daniel: “YOU CAN STOP NOW, BUG. YOU DID A GOOD JOB. YOU'VE EARNED YOURSELF A LITTLE BREAK UNTIL WE'VE GOT SOME MORE FUN”, he laughed. Daniel stepped back from the massive foot. He was wondering what his giant master had meant by 'more fun' - But there wasn't much time to think when he was grabbed by Zach. With his tiny slave in his huge hands, Zach stood up and walked to his desk where he placed Daniel upon. He then threw off his under shirt exposing his fat body to Daniel. He then sat down in front of the desk making the chair squeak under his massive weight and turned on his computer. Daniel could see that Zach was playing some kind of a online role game. The whole time, Daniel didn't dare to move – he was too intimidated by Zach's huge form. It was like a massive mountain of flesh set right in front of him. Suddenly, he heard a loud grumbling coming from Zach. “WOW, SEEMS LIKE THESE ONIONS ON THESE BURGERS ARE GIVING ME QUITE SOME GAS.” Having said that, Zach leaned a little bit forward in his chair and ripped a massive fart. To Daniel's tiny shape, it sounded like an explosion. When the smell reached him, Daniel threw his tiny hands up and covered his mouth. The smell was so terrible that it made his eyes water. It could easily keep up with Zach's foot stink. Big Zach was quite amused by Daniel's reaction. “ENJOYING THE WONDERFUL SMELL, MY LITTLE FAG?”, Zach snickered leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head. “DON'T BE SHY. TAKE A WHIFF!”, he added letting out another fart. Daniel just stood there totally motionless. “COME ON”, Zach slammed his hand down on the table, “DO IT YOU, LITTLE BITCH!!!” Daniel was too afraid to resist. He lowered his hands and took a deep breath of the unbearably horrendous stink. “YEAH, TAKE IT ALL IN!”, Zach mocked. “YOU KNOW, THIS IS GIVING ME AN IDEA. SINCE YOU'RE ENJOYING THE SMELL, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT A FIRST ROW SEAT?” I'M SURE YOU'LL ENJOY THAT EVEN MORE!”, Zach said with a huge grin on his face. “Oh no!”, Daniel thought to himself. When he saw Zach's giant hand approaching, his fear took over him and he started to run away - but it was useless. The giant fingers caged him and brought him up to Zach's face. “WHAT A PATHETIC BUG YOU ARE”, Zach said with a despising look. He then grabbed the waistband of his briefs and dropped Daniel in the back of it between his buttocks. Daniel was totally disgusted and started to panic. But unfortunately, every movement made him only slip even deeper between the giant butt cheeks of his giant torturer. Zach clearly enjoyed the feeling of having a tiny slave struggling between his cheeks and ripped one fart after another. The feeling of being so superior and powerful was giving him a hard-on. He stood up, dropped his briefs and fished Daniel out of his butt cheeks. With the tiny boy coughing in his hands, he went over to his bed and laid down on it. Then he dropped Daniel onto his fat belly. To Daniel, it felt like he was placed on top of a mountain. “MOVE YOUR ASS, FAG. I WANT YOU TO SUCK MY NIPPLE!”. Daniel did not want to anger his giant master and stood up. Who knew what Zach was capable of if he did not get his way. But Daniel had quite a hard time to reach the nipple: With every step over Zach's wide and undulating body, his tiny feet slightly sank into his blubbery belly fat. But as soon as he had reached the nipple, he began to massage and kiss it. Zach became hornier with every second and started to stroke his swelling cock. “AH”, he moaned, “DON'T STOP IT, LITTLE BITCH!” When Zach was close to climax, he completely forgot about every thing around him in his rush. His body began to jolt. It felt like an earthquake to tiny Daniel. He tried to cling to the huge man boobs but Zach's movements were so heavy that he lost grip and slid down all over the massive belly to Zach's private parts and landed in a jungle of curly pubes. In that exact moment, Zach reached his climax and his dick began to release the cum like a geyser shooting its hot water in the air and covering Daniel in loads of sperm. Daniel couldn't believe it – he was so disgusted. He tried to stand up wanting to get out of this puddle of cum. But it was so sticky and heavy on him that he could hardly move. He hoped his giant master would release him from his sticky situation... But all his hopes were soon destroyed when he heard the sound of loud snores. “No”, was all that came to his mind, “This can't be happening.” That fat giant had just fallen asleep which meant that he had to stay the whole night like this – glued to the private parts of a guy. The humiliation of his situation and the smell of cum and unwashed crotch was too much: He started to sob. Only this morning, he had been an ordinary boy who was just looking forward to the weekend. And now? Now he was nothing but an insignificant bug at the mercy of his former fellow student Zach. With all this thoughts running through his mind, Daniel cried himself to sleep. |