Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2080746-The-Girl-with-a-Dark-Secret
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2080746
This is a story about a wolf cub how becomes something extraordinary.


Once upon a time...... in land much different from ours lived someone special. That land was called Narwick, and in Narwick lived a witch who was very different from all the other witches, her name was Agaba. Agaba, unlike the other witches, was very beautiful. She had long, light-brown hair, bright purple eyes that shimmered in the night, and eyelashes that were just the right amount of long. On the other hand... the other witches were not so pretty. They had dark, crispy hair, swampy green eyes ,that if you stared into them for more than 10 seconds you would reach your doom, and had giant warts all over their faces and arms.

In this land witches were feared and evil but not Agaba. In fact everyone loved to be around her. All the men wanted to be her boyfriend or even her husband. Of course Agaba was very flattered by all the attention she got but she was not looking for a relationship right now. Agaba had been around for many, many years. She was two hundred an seventy-eight years old. I know what you are thinking " How could she be that old and still look beautiful ?" Well, to answer that question witches can live to be six hundred years old and still look amazingly young.

A year later......

A year had passed and now Agaba was three hundred an seventy-eight years old now and getting really tired of all the attention she got. Agaba felt annoyed by almost all the people in her village. They always crowded her house and she never got any privacy. Someone was always there watching her, so she decided to leave the village and start a new life far, far away so no one could ever witness her beauty ever again . Even though everyone saw her beauty as a gift she saw as a curse that could never be broken. So as Agaba had been looking for a place to live where no one could find her and eventually she found a place. That place was the Dark Forest. The Dark Forest is home to all the evil and dark creatures that live in the land of Narwick.

Legend has it that deep in the forest there was a cave with the most dangerous creature of all, that creature was the Ice Dragon. The Ice Dragon is said to be the last dragon on earth. The legend says that its scales are to be as white as snow and colder than the coldest winter. When it roars shimmery ice shoots out and traps you inside its ice for fifty years. If you ask me i would never want to encounter that dragon by any means necessary

Even though Agaba had known about this, she still went to go live there two weeks later. She didn't tell anyone she was leaving because she didn't want anyone following her. The day had finally came when Agaba packed up all her things and left,she left at midnight so no one could see her leave. Although, she does think she saw a young wizard see her leave.

Chapter 1
Agaba gets a new Friend

A year had passed since Agaba had moved to the Dark Forest and she had finally settled in. As i mentioned before, all the most feared creatures lived in the Dark Forest, so Agaba had to put a magical fence to keep out all the dangerous creatures but able to let the not so dangerous creatures. Which was nice so Agaba wouldn't feel so alone. Since Agaba didn't live in a village anyomore she had to figure out how to keep herself alive. So with the right ingredients, Agaba was able to grow wheat, grape vines, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

One day when Agaba went picking for grapes she heard something in the rustling in the shrubs nearby. As Agaba walked over to the shrubs slowly she got a fireball ready i her hand to through at the creature just in case. As Agaba took one more step towards the shrub the creature finally stumbled out of the shrub. The creature was a small, weak ,grey fluffy, wolf cub. As Agaba examined the wolf cub she noticed that is paw was injured. So Agaba picked up the wolf cub she looked deep into the wolf cub's eyes, witches have an ability to see what has happened to someones or somethings injury through their eyes ( cool right ) .

What Abaga Saw

The cub had been wrestling with its brother and his mother when all of a sudden the mother had heard a gun shot in the distance. So she quickly broke up the cubs wrestling match and ran in the opposite direction at top speed. There was a hunter in the area and sure enough he was hunting for wolves. The hunter heard the wolves run off and followed the sound of their fur rustling through the trees. As they were running one of the cubs stepped on a piece of shattered glass and got hurt and wasn't able to run anymore so the mother turns around and grabs the cub with her mouth and keeps running the direction they were originally going. Since she had the cub in her mouth she couldn't run as fast as she did before. So the hunter was able to catch up and was practically right behind them. The hunter shot four bullets and one of them hit the mother in the paw and as she fell she tossed the cub and he fell next to his brother. The cub, who was not injured, helped his brother get to safety. They took cover in a hollow tree nearby. When the hunter was in the mothers reach she tried to bite him but she was to weak. So she just laid there and the hunter took his gun and shot her right in the heart and she died. When the injured cub, heard the gunshot he quickly ran towards his mother who laid there on the ground. The hunter kicked the cub away from the mother and started to drag her away. The cub got back on his feet, weak and frail, tried to run back his mother but this time the hunter shot the cub and started to drag it alongside with its mother. Still in the hollow tree the cub just saw his mother and brother die. As the cub started to wine the hunter turned around and started to walk towards him . He quickly bolted away from the hunter. The hunter started shooting at him and hit him in the leg . The hunter gave up on chasing the cub and left the cub to die on its own. The cub was stilling running and stumbled down a hill and fell into the shrub in Agaba's garden.

As Agaba saw this she started to cry. She had never witness a tragic story. She said to the cub," That's horrible. I guess you don't have anywhere to go then ".Then as she was wrapping the cubs injured leg she said," Then you shall stay with me. Ooh and i'll have to give you a name. Lets see......... I will name you Cerise. Yes that will do, Cerise Wood shall be your name." Agaba saw that the cub did not understand what she was saying so she grabbed a magic potion and sprinkled it on top of Cerise so that she could understand. She told Cerise again," You are now going to live with me since you have no family left. Is that okay with you?" Cerise nodded in understanding. " Oh and now your name is Cerise Woods. Do you like it?" Cerise nodded again. "It's staring to get late, we should go to bed.", Agaba said. So Agaba got ready for bed and then she realized that Cerise didn't have a place to sleep. So she whipped out a nice, fuzzy, warm, blanket and laid it in an old basket she had laying around the house. " Cerise this is where you will sleep. Is that okay with you?" Cerise didn't give a response but she did go over to the bed and started to fall asleep. "I'll take that as a yes.", said Agaba in a soothing voice so she wouldn't wake up the cub.

A week later.......

A week had passed and Cerise's leg had already healed up. Cerise had taken a liking to Agaba though Cerise thought something about her was ...... a little off, but she thought nothing of it. " Cerise dear, can you come here?" Agaba said. Cerise ran to Agaba from where she was sitting. " I have something very special for you." When Cerise heard this she tilted her head in curiosity. " It's a magic potion that will allow you to speak and communicate with me and other animals" said Agaba. So Agaba mixed the potion one more time to make sure it was ready to give to Cerise. " Okay Cerise i'm going to put it into your water bowl so you can drink it." said Agaba. Cerise drank from her bowl and in a few moments something happened. She was able to speak! She could not only speak with Agaba, she could also speak with animals.

Chapter 2
Something bad Happens

A few years later......

Agaba was now old in age and Cerise had already looked like she was an adult. Cerise loved to talk to her best friend that she made not to long ago. She made friends with a old looking owl. His name was Jeffery. One day when Cerise and Agaba were playing ball Agaba accidentally hit Jeffery in the stomach and knocked him out of the tree he was in. When Cerise brought the ball back to Agaba she went to help Jeffery in case he was hurt. Luckily it just knocked the wind out of him and they have been best friends ever since.

She and Jeffery were talking about which is better, strawberries or cherries? Cerise loves strawberries and Jeffery loves cherries. But when they were arguing on which is better Cerise had heard Agaba fall down when she was trying to put something on a high shelf. Cerise ran inside and helped up Agaba to her bed. Since Jeffery was an owl he was able to look with his x-ray eyes, all owls in Narwick have x-ray eyes, to make sure nothing was broken. Unfortunately Agaba had broken her right arm when she fell over. Agaba was very old in age so this was a really big deal. If she didn't see a doctor in the next 24 hours she might not be able to cast magic anymore. Which will mean no more magic barrier to keep out the most dangerous animals.

As soon as Jeffery told this to Agaba and Cerise they both were very quiet. Agaba knew she was old but she had lost count when she turned four hundred and ninety eight, and right now she five hundred an eighty nine years old, which is the age most witches start to lose their magic. Night had taken place and Agaba was not getting any better. Agaba knew that she had to do something that she hasn't done in a long, long time. She was going to go to the village to see a certain someone she met a long time ago. That person was a young wizard.

It was midnight and Agaba was getting ready to head out to the village. She wore a long, warm, dark black hood to conceal her identity. Before she left she wrote Cerise and Jeffery a note in case she didn't make it back by dawn. It said." Cerise and Jeffery i have set out to got to the village. I am going to visit an old friend to get some last minute ingredients for a potion. Cerise, i have put a spell on the house so you are not able to follow me. Jeffery i have also put a flying spell on you so you could not go to the village and me. I will be back by late dawn so please do not worry." Agaba knew that she wouldn't be back be dawn but she didn't want to make Cerise and Jeffery worry.

Agaba had made it safely to the town but her arm hurt even more than before. She was in terrible pain. She asked the town folk if they knew if a young wizard lived there. She asked the baker but he didn't know. She asked the blacksmith but he didn't know either. Her last hope was the shoe maker. She hoped he knew where the young wizard is. She asked the shoe maker the same questions as the baker and the blacksmith," Do you know where a young wizard might live?"

He said," Let me think.........Yes i do, if you go out back you will see a little cottage with one brown cow on the porch. If you knock on the door seven times and then pause for eight seconds then knock again but this time only knock three times and pull the leaver that shows up. The door will open and step to the right you will find him standing on the ceiling sweeping.

So Agaba did as he said and sure enough she found the young wizard sweeping on the ceiling of his home. The young wizard said," Welcome to my lovely ho...... Agaba is..... is that you?

Yes, Cory, its me

Where have you been? The last time i saw you was when you left the village and told me goodbye.

Yes i know that was a hard night for you. You were like a son to me back then. I still remember the good days we had when you were my apprentice but now i need your help. As you can see i am not well and i'm going to die soon so i need you to do me a favor before i go. Can you do that for me?

Of course. What do you need me to do?

Do you still remember the potion i showed you on how to make things become human?

Yea why do you need it? What are you planning on turning human?

A wolf.

A wolf! But why they are supper dangerous.?

Over the years as i lived in the forest i met a wolf cub who had just lost her family. So i took her in and i raised her. And i know that she wants to experience the life of a human so this is my last gift for her .

I understand but you do know that the potion is not permanent right? Once it wares off she will be a wolf again.

I know that's why i also want you to make a concealing spell on my black hood so that when she wears it she is human and when she takes it off she will be a wolf. As Agaba finished her sentence she collapsed onto the floor very weak and tired. Cory got some of his healing fire from the fire pit and put it on Agaba so she wouldn't feel the pain.

No! don't put the fire on me, its time for me to go. Please tell Cerise, the wolf, that i love her and that she was the best daughter, friend, and partner that anyone could ever have. Please make sure she gets this message and the potion along with my hood. Send a bird to the forest and tell him to bring all the stuff to her with a letter saying what i just told you. And with those words she closed her eyes and never woke up. Agaba had just died.

Chapter 3
Cerise's Transformation

It was about ten minutes before dawn and Cerise was just waking up. She sat up and yawned. As she looked around the house she noticed that Agaba was not making breakfast. She was wondering if Agaba was getting a head start on picking the grapes in the vineyard. So she went to the garden but Agaba was not there. She was starting to get worried. She looked all over the house but didn't find her. Now she was getting really scared, she had never been seperated from Agaba before.

© Copyright 2016 Jessica Lopez (dippy_fresh123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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