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Meeeeehh...got forced in this one |
And also the most embarrassing day of my life so far. I woke up this morning to the fact that the potion does in fact *NOT* wear off overnight, and had to drag myself downstairs to the witch’s room to let her know she was wrong. At first I think she forgot I’m not normally obese, because she didn’t seem to notice anything until I said. So she got me an antidote, and I slowly shrunk between a light breakfast of heavily-seasoned hashbrowns and getting ready for work. I managed to get my clothes on after I lost about two-thirds of the weight—a new pair of even tighter jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt. But I was still kind of puffy as I went down to the storefront to don my apron and clean. I was shocked when the witch told me the shop was closed today. I asked her—I thought we only closed Sunday—and she said we were going to celebrate ‘Thinsgave’ instead. She meant Thanksgiving, but she couldn’t seem to pronounce it right for how much she appeared to care. So we spent a good few hours in the kitchen cooking up all sorts of foods. Mostly a lot of cooked vegetable dishes and some fruit platters. And we laid it all out on the table, and… that’s when I noticed just how many chairs she’d set out… …I barely had the chance to ask before the doorbell rang… And it’s not quite what you’re thinking; she didn’t invite her family. She tells me they’re all kind of a bunch of pricks she doesn’t talk to. No, she invited… her business associates… – – First there was this dainty little witch (if you can call these witches little… the one who captured me’s like seven feet tall or more…). She has this weird little smile, and these beady little eyes, and a dress that looks like it’s from ye olde Europe. My witch… Oh, her name is Rema by the way… Well Rema made me get the door for all of them, and the dainty witch pinched my still-swollen love-handles as she entered. And then she called me a 'cute wittle chub-chub’… *barf* Next came these twin witches—one with red hair that stuck up like horns, and one with pink that hung down like coattails. They seemed almost like they were conjoined twins, because they never lost physical contact with each other. The farthest apart they got was holding hands… in which position they used their others to feel me up… Then one last person showed up—a male witch. I never really think of guys as being witches, so I was kind of surprised. He was even taller than Rema, and had long black hair with ectoplasmic green stripes in it, and all sorts of eyeliner markings on his face. I dunno… He didn’t sexually harass me like the others (thank god), but I know he was staring at my ass… – – The witch had me do some last-minute cleaning as I finally shrunk back to normal, and then I joined the group in the kitchen. Rema sat on one side of the table with the dainty witch, and the twins and male sat on the other. Then Rema commanded me to sit at the end where everyone could see, and that’s when I knew for sure this was not going to end well….. So the witch sat straight, clapped her hands and thanked everyone for coming. She explained that this was a holiday my 'kind’ celebrate with a big feast, and everyone seemed delighted. Then she officially introduced me as her new test subject….. and said I’d be demonstrating one of her concoctions……… I protested, but of course, she didn’t care… I had to wait a few minutes with everyone staring, as she scuttled off to the livingroom, and rummaged through some things. She dropped a bunch of stuff on the floor, and finally returned with a little paper bag. Then she he sat back down, and pulled a red pill from it. She showed it to everyone and briefly explained how this was the perfect potion for pranking someone at a buffet. Just slip it in their food or drink while they’re not looking and presto! But why describe, when she could just show them? So she turned around, handed me the thing and said to swallow it. Ohhhh, how I wish I could’ve told her no… I took the scarlet capsule and downed it with some cider, then sat back in the seat, terrified for the ride ahead… The red-haired twin commented how someone would clearly see that in their food. Rema protested, but then the pink-haired one said it should be a chewable tablet, not a pill because the victim might crush it in their mouth. The warlock just kind of sat there listening, and the dainty witch seemed like she wanted to join but didn’t know what to say. And then everyone stopped when my tummy growled. I felt so awful with all of them staring… But not as awful as when my stomach started to churn. I was sure I was about to inflate. I sat there, kind of holding onto my chair for dear life….. when after a while, I noticed I didn’t feel full, I felt… empty. Like I was famished. And suddenly I got this… this URGE to eat as much as I could. The dainty witch turned to Rema and asked how long till it started. Rema told her to shut up and watch, and she sat back with a huff. Then after a few minutes the male witch coughed and said that perhaps the dose wasn’t strong enough. Rema said she knew what she was doing and told him to just wait. I sat there for a while longer. I felt sooo hungry, and the food looked sooo good. But I knew what’d happen if I ate anything, so I held back. The male witch started to seem a little impatient, and suggested that I’d get even bigger if I took another pill. Rema agreed somehow, and handed me a second one. I took it with the rest of my glass of cider, and the pink-haired witch 'graciously’ refilled the cup. … And then the urges got even worse. All I could think about was how hungry I was, and how delicious all the food looked. I drooled a little, and my stomach growled like a tiny monster tearing around in me. And then the red-haired twin stood up saying she was tired of waiting and shoved a glob of mashed potatoes in my mouth: and that first bite was the trigger. I reached out and started grabbing everything I could get my hands on; cranberry sauce and strawberry salad, stewed vegetables and stuffing, little cucumber-carrot sushis and chocolate puddings—these guys had no idea what a traditional Thanksgiving meal is by the way. Literally the only thoughts I had were of how much I wanted to eat, and how inadequately small my mouth was. I didn’t even care that everyone was staring at me, blushing and biting their lips like they were watching porn. I just couldn’t get enough. I downed another cup of cider with a loaf of banana bread, ate a fruit salad… and a handful of roasted nuts and dried fruit…. and then stopped… I leaned back in my chair and unbuttoned my pants. My belly hung out, big and bloated though not abnormal size, and I felt like I could throw up… Rema leaned over, gave me a pat on the tum, and commented on what a big appetite I had (even though it was obviously the pill). The dainty witch however, asked if something was wrong since I’d stopped eating. I honestly thought there was something wrong too … I’ve blown up twice already, and neither was near this small… The warlock beat around the bush for a second and finally asked if Rema remembered an elasticin. She blushed, and said of COURSE she did! W-what, did he think she was stupid or something? He said of course not. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to work with two pills, and it was entirely his fault for suggesting the second. Rema nodded in agreement. Then he recommended I take some more elasticin just in case, and she agreed, pretending she thought it’d make me more comfortable. Even though everyone knew she screwed up in the first place. The witch went and fetched a jar of this hand-sanitizer-like goop. She measured out a teaspoon for me, and within a few minutes my stomach seemed to loosen. … Which was kind of a bad thing, because then my appetite spiraled completely out of control. My cravings made me cram in dinner rolls and milkshakes, potato chips and various pies; I even drank an entire bottle of ketchup, that’s how fucking hungry I was… And my belly just grew bigger… and bigger………. and bigger…… It rode my shirt up, forced the fly of my pants open, billowed out and over my lap… Then the chair collapsed, and the mixture in my gut sloshed as I hit the floor. Everyone got up a little for a better look at me, and behind the urges and overstuffing I felt horridly embarrassed. And then I went for more food and realized… I couldn’t reach the table. I pushed myself up, but the closest I could get to standing was resting on top of my own paunch; I was even bigger than the night with the yellow potion. The twins giggled, saying what a glutton I was. … And then I felt both grateful and heartbroken when they picked up some platters, brought them over and started feeding me. I couldn’t stop myself from eating. I only managed to swat one plate out of the pink-haired one’s hand before Rema commanded me not to resist. So I just lay there on myself while they plumped me on pastries, and it got harder and harder to keep my feet on the ground. Eventually my belly got so huge I was propped up on it, but the twins didn’t stop. In fact, Rem and the dainty witch joined in. It only ended when we ran out of food. The twins offered to run out for more, but Rema said she didn’t want me to get TOO big yet. I was new, and not used to these transformations. I think this is the first time I’ve agreed with her… I felt like I was ready to burst. – – So about the next hour was entirely humiliating and awkward. Everyone had to have a feel of my ball-like midsection; Rema of course violated me entirely, exploring everywhere her hands could physically go. The dainty witch was more reserved, giving me little pats everywhere. The twins were the worst; they were way too aggressive, and kept poking me in places I insisted I didn’t want to be poked in. They’re really pretty childish. I think the only one who was genuinely gentle was the male witch, who asked me a lot where I wanted to be rubbed. I told him I really didn’t want to be touched at all, but gave him the least-awkward places if he absolutely had too. His work actually kind of soothed me a bit; I think he has professional massage training or something. Then as the sun set, they finally left. The dainty witch was the first to go, saying she needed to get home to feed her cats. Followed by the male witch, who said he’d be buying some potions soon. And then finally the twins, who stopped Rema to say they’d be ordering a box of the pills, as soon as they were perfected; especially in a powdered or chewable form. Then finally we were alone again. The witch popped a frozen pasta in the microwave and commanded me to write about my day. She said she liked my previous posts, but wanted me to try being a little more descriptive. (I tried.) At about the part where I took the second pill, she finished her dish and walked out. I stopped her and asked how I was supposed to get to bed, since I couldn’t move. She said she’d help after changing into her pj’s. She hasn’t come back. I have the feeling I’m going to be sleeping on myself tonight… …………… And the feeling this is all going to my thighs… Woke up feeling great and asked the witch if I could go to the gym. I think she’s depressed, because she told me sure. She hasn’t even been in brewing new potions or anything. So I ate a light breakfast and left the shop for the first time since I was captured. It was really… I can’t think of a word for it. Like seeing sunlight for the first time after being trapped underground. Even though I knew I’d have to go back later… I strolled around the shopping district for awhile, enjoying all the sights and sounds of the outside world, before heading over to the local gym. I uh… borrowed the money for a day pass from Rema… So I went in to find something to loose a few quick pounds on. And, and, Here’s the cool part of the entry: I found a treadmill, and about five minutes into my workout, this really cute girl came and hopped on the machine next to me. She had freckles and kind of a Western accent, and I’d better stop there because I could go on forever about her. Anyway, I said hi to her, and she actually said hi back. She was very social and outgoing, and we became pretty fast friends. We talked about certain video games, and foods we both liked, and even had a short conversation on the local laws (especially agreeing on the questionability of obedience curses being legal). The treadmills weren’t on very fast of course, but we both got tired after awhile and decided to call it a day. She said she’d like to hang out again sometime if I got the chance, and even gave me her cell number. :) Though she static-shocked me when she handed me the little paper. Hoping that’s not an ominous sign. xO – – So I was actually in a pretty good mood when I had to return to the shop at sundown. Rema was tending to some late customers—this real lovey-dovey couple—and kind of just ignored me. So of course I went up to my room and decided to write. I actually do really enjoy writing by the way. Now I’m really hungry from a long day out. Going down for dinner. – – Ate a ton of food. So much for losing weight…...................yea........ummmm........the end?.......fuck.......(a day later...)......NO!, damnit, I don’t wanna write about today. Uhh… Once upon a time I got fat the end. There ************************ … Alright, I didn’t think so… Curse won’t let me write with so little detail… Because Rema’s a FUCKING BITCH. ………. *sigh*………. Anyway……………….. Woke up this morning from a weird nightmare where pumpkins took over the world and made everyone fat. Was sick again, but it’s letting up a little. So I went downstairs for work, and remembered the witch was out and the shop was temporarily closed. And I was happy about that. No annoying customers, no bitchy witch, no cruel experiments… Well it was my job to feed the guinea pig, so I took her breakfast and brought her dishes out from last night. She didn’t eat much… Then I had my own breakfast, and……. Well er… I ate… No. I just felt like…. No. I just sort of… FOUND MYSELF eating bran cereal with chocolate milk and peppers. … I mean… I didn’t find anything wrong with the chips or icecream, but THIS was just… weird… Either way, I did finish it and do the dishes, and then headed back up the stairs. And on my way up… suddenly… I like… I felt this… Kind of… fluttering? In my stomach. It was just like… Only lasted a second, and just this weird feeling that made me think a spider was on me or something, but when I put a hand to my belly there was nothing there. Except that my gut was a bit bigger than yesterday, but I wrote that off to my ridiculous eating. So I… just kind of ignored it and continued on. – – Back up in my room, I got on the laptop. Watched some videos, played some games. After a few hours, I took another nap, and as soon as I woke up I felt that… fluttering… again… Even stronger this time… I mean the first time it was barely anything, and it didn’t last long enough to even guess at what it was, but this time I really noticed it… I didn’t really know what to think. I rushed to the bathroom and lifted my shirt in front of the mirror. I guess my size perception was a little screwy from being blown up before, so I didn’t think it looked that bad. I put my shirt back down and napped for another hour. – – Sunset fell and I was starving again, so I went into the kitchen for a bite. Got out the pasta and stuff and made myself some macaroni and cheese from scratch. Cooked it on the stove, added the spices. Took the pot off the burner, and reached for the salt and pepper… And then the soy sauce. And the mustard. Some little mandarin orange slices. Chocolate chips and sprinkles… … Aaaaaaand then I stopped myself to wonder what the fuck I was doing… Was this… a normal thing to eat? ………….. I went and ate it anyway. Took the dishes to the sink, and washed them. And then on my way upstairs I felt the fluttering yet again. ………………….. Except it……………………… ….. It wasn’t…………… fluttering this time, it was…………………… ……………………….. It was more like… kicking………………………………… I-I felt something…. move… i-inside me……… It scared the shit out of me; I-I almost shit myself, I… I rushed to the bathroom and looked at myself again while feeling around… DAMNIT, I HATE WRITING ABOUT THIS!! It did it again, and now I was sure….. REMA IS A FUCKING BITCH, and… and I think I’m… somehow pregnant…? BECAUSE REMA IS A BITCH!!! STUPID CUNT-ASS, BUTT-LICKING, FETISH-OBSESSED FUCK-FACE!!!! So I had a little freak-out… I may’ve broken a vase or two in a rage… REMA IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR LEAVING ME ALONE WITH THEM AND DOING THIS TO ME!!! SO YEAH THAT’S PRETTY MUCH MY DAY. THAT ENOUGH DETAIL? FEELS LIKE ENOUGH DETAIL. STUPID REMA TOLD ME I CAN’T STAB MYSELF. FUCKING CURSE. OKAY I’M GOING TO BED NOW GOODNIGHT. |