Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2080130-Red-as-Roses-Chapter-Two
Rated: E · Chapter · Young Adult · #2080130
America has been divided, and only Roseus can overthrow the powerful government.
Two: Alone

Roseus ran for about a quarter mile before slowing down to a walk. She planned to be alone in her front yard, but she wasn't expecting Berke to be home until half an hour later. Perhaps a party ended early and he could come home. After walking around the neighborhood for ten minutes, she came to a two-story brick house. The house had a roomy quality compared to the one-story houses that dotted the neighborhood. Roseus walked up to the front lawn, but instead of knocking on the door, she trudged with her aching legs to the back lawn.

There were three trees to climb and isolate herself in, and she chose the one farthest from the house. Trotting up to the tree, she climbed it effortlessly to a pretty high and stable branch, lying against it relaxingly. It was comfortable for a dogwood tree branch; Roseus began to close her eyes until something flashed by her.

Roseus bolted up the same way she did that morning, except she didn't look around wildly. She knew what, or better yet who, it was. However, she lay back down on the tree branch, acting like nothing happened. Whatever was flashing by her, it continued several times, before stopping abruptly. Roseus opened her eyes and peered around. Nothing was there, though she felt like something was there, staring at her intently. She leaned forward and glanced around; she saw only the calm back lawn as a soft eddy of wind blew. Roseus didn't lay back down. Instead, she glimpsed behind her with soft green eyes. Behind her, a husky raven-haired teenager was grinning at her. He looked about twenty, though he was only seventeen.

"Hello, Radley," Roseus said, snickering at his goofy grin. "I see you've found me."

"It wasn't hard." Radley said, sliding down the tree branch carefully to sit beside her. "I saw you walking down my street and I suspected you were coming to see me."

"Not you, silly boy," Roseus said, gently punching Radley's arm. "I...I need to be alone right now."

Radley quit laughing and grinning and fell silent. He gave a sideways glance at Roseus. "It's your father again, isn't it, Roseus?" he asked sympathetically. "He's beating you again, isn't he?"

Roseus didn't reply. She did not want to, despite Radley already knowing about her abusive father, her dying mother, and her dead sister. She couldn't bring herself to admit it. Roseus found it hard to admit the truth sometimes, even to those who already knew; however, she eventually mustered the courage.

"Yes, I suppose so," Roseus murmured, her voice cracking. "He claims I don't take care of my mother like I say I do."

"How dare he!" Radley scowled. "Roseus, ignore everything Berke says. He's nothing but trash and deserves to die at the hands of the Blue Clan."

Most would disagree with the boy, saying no one deserved to die at the hands of the Blue Clan, but he was certainly right. Berke was trash. Ardena would be dead by now if I wasn't still around. Berke never cares, he only lives life for those stupid drunk parties. She rolled over on her side carefully to stare straight at Radley. He did the same, the atmosphere turning awkward and romantic at the same time, and together they stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like long moments. Radley broke the silence after a while.

"Roseus," he whispered. "I've been meaning to ask you this for quite a while now." He allowed his voice to trail off with the last words.

"What?" Roseus asked, hiding her tears after the rotten conversation of Berke and Ardena.

Radley paused for a brief moment before speaking again. "Will you-"

Suddenly, the tree started to shake. Roseus gasped and swiftly grabbed Radley's arm. It was unlike her to rely on others for her safety, yet it was her first instinct in this occasion. This tree can't hold the both of us! she screamed in her head. She could hear her own heart, as well as Radley's, beating fast. How long before this tree collapses?

The tree stopped shaking in a sudden moment. Roseus let go of Radley and peered down to the clean-cut grassy floor. Radley took a moment to catch his breath before doing the same.

Damn you, Walker!" Radley yelled angrily. "What are you doing, scaring us like that?"

Rosues stared down, letting her green eyes become like fire. A stupid boy like Dobbs should know better before disturbing two people who were spending some of their time being alone! It made her want to scream and hit him until he was fleeing for his life, or worse, knocked out cold.

"First off, McCormick," Dobbs said in a sassy tone, "my name is Dobbs. Walker is my last name."

"But it's still part of your name," murmured Roseus into Radley's ear. Radley chuckled.

"And second," Dobbs continued, ignoring Roseus's snide comment, "I only came to see you, Roseus. It's been a while, and you're always with Vernon or Piper or worse, him!" He pointed at Radley.

Radley rolled his eyes and leaped down from the tree. "Of course, make me the bad guy," he said sarcastically. "You're such a moron."

Dobbs took a step back. He stared wildly at Radley, but calmed as his brown eyes turned to Roseus. Roseus gave a bewildered look and climbed down the tree ungracefully. Dobbs was not one to be desperate, especially for her. He normally cared about himself most of the time over everyone else, almost like Berke.

"It's not like she wants to be with you, Dobbs." Radley said angrily, bringing Roseus out of her thoughts. "Why don't you find someone else to annoy before I-"

"No, Radley," Roseus said, grabbing his arm. "It's okay. Maybe we do hang out with each other more than we should."

Radley looked at her, the spark in his eyes disappearing. He sighed, glared at Dobbs, and bounded to his back porch. He slipped through the net door and silence took back his lawn. Dobbs began to reach for Roseus's hand, but she pulled away. She let her eyes burn with hatred, but the boy did not care. He slipped his hands into his pockets and gazed down at his dirty white sneakers.

"I know you don't like me that well," he began, "but could you at least give me a chance?"

"What do you mean 'give you a chance?'" Roseus asked defiantly, folding her arms. "I've been hanging out with you and the others for years! There's no way you haven't had a chance. No way, Dobbs; and with me, you have to make a chance, not have one."

Becoming irritated, Dobbs asked, "What kind of person forces people to make their chances?"

"Me!" Roseus retorted. She shoved Dobbs, causing him to fall to the ground, and started to run. She didn't know where she was going, but something told her to stop and wait. She stopped in the middle of the road and gazed around. She did not see Dobbs, but instead saw Radley running at the speed of light towards her.

"Where are you going?" he asked when he came to a halt. "I saw Dobbs flat on his butt, but I didn't see you."

"I pushed him and ran. I think he has a crush on me or something."

Radley sighed and rested his hand on her shoulder. Roseus flinched, but didn't bat his hand off. She let his hand stay there. Closing her eyes, she allowed the moment to sink in. It felt good to Roseus. She finally felt...loved.

"Thank you, Radley." Roseus whispered, opening her eyes. "And can you promise me something?"

"Anything," Radley whispered back.

"Promise me you'll always be there for me. I need someone like you to help me through life. So, do you promise?"

Radley hesitated, blinking as his eyes went from love-struck to sad. He turned his head away, making Roseus uncomfortable.

"Do you, Radley?" Roseus asked again, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Roseus watched as the raven-haired Radley closed his eyes, sighed, opened them again, and turn to her. He slid his hands down to her fingers; Roseus wanted to gasp, but held her breath as Radley stared sympathetically into her eyes. He appeared as if he yearned to cry, but kept trying to stop himself and hold it in. Roseus repeated herself for a third time, her voice raising, before Radley put a finger to her lips.

"Roseus," he whispered hoarsely, "you know I can't be alive forever, and there will be days when I'm not here. But overall, I will make this promise to you." He leaned closer to Roseus's ear and whispered, "I love you more than anything."

"I love you, too, Radley," Roseus whispered in reply, holding back her tears. "Always have, always will."

"Always have, always will." Radley repeated, leaning away from her. She smiled and quickly hugged him as a thanks, feeling no need to kiss him now. He hugged her back, his lean arms wrapping her in a tight hold, and they let go after several seconds. Both looked away awkwardly.

"Sh-should I walk you back home?" Radley asked, blushing incredibly. "I mean, only if y-you think you'd be safe."

Roseus giggled. "Of course I feel safe enough to go back home," she said. "I'm not scared of my father."

The two Red teens began to walk back to Roseus's house, not saying a word. They'd try to push each other playfully, but never spoke a word.
© Copyright 2016 R. Lynn Waldrop (lady_drummer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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