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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2080067
Chapter 3 of my book.
Chapter 3

Arianna woke gasping for breath, clutching at her sheets as she sat bolt upright. She wiped the sweat for her forehead and threw the blankets back, putting on her dressing gown over her chemise as the drafts hit her, chilling her skin. She went to the washbasin and splashed water on her face and toweled her skin dry.

She had dreamed of that night again, of Ignus’s body atop hers, of his fists across her face. She had had this recurring dream almost every night in the first year but it slowly had receded back to her subconscious, however once in a while it would spring on her again. As it had tonight. Arianna went to her window and looked out to the forest, over which hung a quarter moon and a brilliantly starry sky. Arianna hated how shaky she was, how fast her heart pounded.

“Even in death you still hound me you bastard” Arianna muttered in the silence. The silence of course said nothing back.

Silence, it was her constant companion it seemed, as it had been for her entire life. She had no one to vent her true feelings to, not even Lana. It had simply been part of being the Princess, the only heir. Everyone who interacted with her was aware of her station. In fact only two people had ever felt comfortable with treating her as a normal person, Lana and Palma. Palma had been like a mother to her, natural considering how she had at least five children of her own. Lana however it had begun as an order, and after it had grown into a more solid friendship it had become natural. There were even times, moments when Arianna could forget what she was and her duties. She could forget that in a year she would be married to a spoiled abusive prince and that she was to be queen someday.

And she was repaying that friendship with manipulation, already she was planning on keeping her friend here. Arianna sighed to herself, she was being ridiculous, petty and childish.

Yet she had tasted friendship, the simple joy of having someone who cared about her for simply being her, not that she was a princess or that she was the heir to a prodigious kingdom. There was nothing false or hollow about Lana’s friendship.

She would stop her manipulations, though she would still approach Lady Morningstar about choosing a bodyguard among her female warriors, if to keep her father from asking uncomfortable questions. Her frequent absences to train had become noticed and her father would soon be notified and asking questions.

Arianna had one more training session with Lana before the young warrior left for her own specialized training with the Gilded Claw. Arianna swallowed hard when she thought of saying goodbye to her best friend, yet there was no help for it. if Arianna truly cared about Lana she would not stand in her way of her dreams. Arianna sighed and made her way back to her bed, thinking that she should probably get some sleep.

The next morning after she had dismissed Drina, Arianna made her way to the Council chamber, though the monthly meeting was not for another few days, Lady Morningstar would be at the palace, receiving reports from her warriors who made up her father’s personal guard. She often held those meetings in the Council chamber.

“Benjamin” Arianna heard Lady Morningstar’s strong voice echo down the corridor as she approached. “what is your report”

“Ma’am” said a deep baritone as Arianna quietly slipped into the room “the king’s defenses remain intact and strong. Insofar there has been no sign of uprisings or attempted assassinations.”

Lady Morningstar’s eyes swept over to Arianna briefly and she held up a hand to stop Benjamin’s report.

“We will continue this at a later time” Lady Morningstar said, standing. The four men nodded and saluted her, leaving Lady Morningstar and Arianna alone. “Princess, for what reason have you sought me”

“Lady Morningstar” Arianna inclined her head as she approached the table and the Lady sat down once again. “forgive the interruption”

“’Tis just as well, Princess” Lady Morningstar said with a wry smile. “listening to the same report every month can get tiresome.”
“So why do you ask for it if you know it is going to be the same?” Arianna asked sitting with her.

“Because in case there is a true emergency or a war, my men and women have been drilled to watch, listen and observe all even in times of peace” Lady Morningstar said “they will not hesitate to give me or a ranking official their full report. It will be second nature to them. that is why I ask and listen”

“I see” Arianna said “Lady I must ask a favor of you. my father has for the past three years attempted to employ a body guard.”

“And knowing your father, all of them are male” Lady Morningstar sighed “Of course and after what happened with that bastard Ignus, you would need a female until you can overcome this fear of men”

Arianna bit her lip at the last words but she kept her peace, however Lady Morningstar grinned slightly.

“I do not slight your courage, Princess” she said “it is not irrational nor silly to fear a man after such an experience. I commend you for approaching me yourself. I’ll see what I can do about find you a body guard.”

“Thank you, milady” Arianna said standing, Lady Morningstar rising hastily and saluting her as she inclined her head in thanks. “I trust you’ll keep me informed”

“Of course, a good day to you Princess” Lady Morningstar said as Arianna left her.

Arianna endured the lessons and the condescending tutors. She was scheduled for a dress fitting for a new ball gown and after she had been pricked and measured and made to stand for longer than she had patience for Arianna made her way toward the training grounds as the sky began to turn orange with the sunset.

As she approached the sparring circle, Arianna felt a bittersweet taste enter her mouth. She rubbed her hands together, now rough with calluses and scars and remembered how Lana and Mastersmith Hall had remarked their softness before she had started her training. Her hands were a testament of how far she had gone, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. Though being around men in general still made her nervous, she did not flinch so badly when accidentally touched. Arianna no longer felt helpless, things that had once bothered her were no longer a source of irritation, such as the condescension of the lords of the court or when her father brushed her suggestions and worries aside or his irritation over her relationship with the castle staff. Arianna sighed, she found herself more confident now than she ever had, thanks to Lana, and now she was about to say good bye, perhaps not forever but it would not be the same, the next time Arianna would see Lana, Arianna would be married and preparing to become queen. As a princess, Arianna could get away with befriending citizens, but once she became queen she would need to be impartial to all her people. If she favored Lana, it would mean that she would favor the Gilded Claw clan, making her seem militaristic and because the Western Kingdoms were still recovering from the wounds of the Mage Wars fifty years ago her reign would not be a happy one.

“Arianna” Lana’s voice cut through her unhappy thought and Arianna looked up. Mastersmith Hall was standing just behind his niece, his hulking figure seemed to cast the young woman in complete shadow and he held a long flat wooden box. Arianna smiled and waved to them.

“You’re late” Lana said with a grin and Arianna rolled her eyes.

“The dress makers seemed to think that I was a doll and not a person” Arianna said ruefully “I only just got away” Lana laughed.

“You make it sound like torture, being pampered” Lana said and she gently dodged Arianna’s halfhearted push. Master Hall chuckled.
“Well, Princess” he said “Lana has informed me that your training is nearly complete. With that in mind I have dusted off this for you.” he held out the long wooden box.

“What is it” Arianna asked as he set it on the bench next to the sparring circle.

“An heirloom” he said with a slight smile “your mother felt that these would be safest in the care of the Mastersmith, mostly because she would only need them when she would need to go to war.”

“If it is an heirloom why you?” Arianna asked “why not the royal treasury?”

“Your mother said this was something that only the royal bloodline could use” Master Hall said with a frown. “she didn’t think your father would like it very much if he knew she had these” before Arianna could ask what he meant he unbuckled the leather straps and opened the box.

Arianna’s eyes went first to the sword. It was a long sword, hand and half, yet this was all she could discern, the sword was wrapped in velvet from pommel to tip. The next item she examined was the quarter staff, beautifully carved with ornate designs of . . . dragons.

Arianna picked up the staff quickly, her heart hammering in her ears as she examined the carvings. They depicted two dragons, one on each end of the staff, curling around it breathing fire, their heads pointed toward the tips of the staff. They were so exquisitely detailed that Arianna could almost imagine them to be real and that night in the forest rushed back to her as if it had happened only yesterday.

“Arianna?” Lana asked, after she stared at the staff for several long moments. “Are you alright”

Arianna shook herself and forced her mouth to smile.

“Yes” Arianna said “fine, just a little surprised to see something like this in Hypren, that’s all” Arianna leaned the staff against the bench carefully as if it would break if she dropped it.

Looking back down at the box she pulled out a white garment. It was a strange and daring dress, the bodice was made of the lightest armor she had ever felt, she was not even sure that it was metal, for it gave off a white opaque shine, as though the armor was made from opals. The shoulders and sleeves were chainmail of the most delicate quality, but when she pulled it, it was like pulling on steel thread. The skirt was of fabric, though it was tough, obviously meant for much wear and tear. This was a gown of intimidation and perhaps one for battle. But once again Arianna was shocked to find that on the back of the smooth armor was the design of a dragon. She set this aside too.

Arianna then reached for the sword. She picked it up and found it extremely light, and as she unwrapped the velvet a piece at a time she could here Lana’s breath catch as the sword manifested. The hilt was made of silver, the pommel shaping into a dragons head with its mouth wrapped around a pointed diamond that shimmered in the sunlight, the grip was worn leather, and the guard was like two silver wings that swept from the blade. Arianna gripped the feather-light sword and was about to pull it free but she hesitated.
“Go on, girl, draw it” the smith whispered. And slowly she did.

Gasps from all three were loud in the silence as the blade slid smoothly out of the plain scabbard. The blade was not made of metal, but of what seemed to be diamond, perfectly faceted into a blade, fused to the metal hilt.

“By the gods” Lana said in awe. “This is one of the ancient blades isn’t it Uncle, perhaps made by the smiths of the dwarves? Forged for the first dragon mage. Or so the story goes”

“I had always thought that they were legend” Hall said in astonishment, then seeing Arianna’s look of confusion he explained. “It is a legend that all smiths know. There were seven swords made, one for each hero of the age. There was Lira, the greatest female sword master the world had ever known, Torig, the magician, Helar, the leader of men, Ragok, the kind hearted thief, one who stole from kings to give food to a poor family, Allan the youngest and wisest of all men, and finally D’von the First Dragon Mage and the greatest hero Hypren has ever known, though few knew that his sword was forged by the dwarves. All were made from gemstones, amber, ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, topaz, and diamond. These heroes were the bravest of the age, and as a reward for saving the land from its destruction, the dwarves forged the blades in thanks. D’von went on to found Hypren and his son Balth’zar was our first king. And your ancestor now that I think about it, the throne never changed hands, and the bloodline never contested.”

“Are you saying that my mother was descended from . . .?” Arianna felt dizzy at this revelation, everyone knew the legends of dragon mages, said to live high in the mountains, the few men and women who could communicate and bond with dragons, and if the legend was true, they often rode them. And her mother was descended from the first one to achieve this; Arianna was descended from the first. . . .

“Are you certain that is true?”


“Father never said anything” Arianna murmured “and my tutors seemed to have forgotten that small piece of information”

“Well, I suppose considering how your mother died, may she rest in peace, I don’t expect he would let anyone go gabbing around about it now would he?” Smith Hall said gruffly. Arianna nodded, knowing that her father hated dragons because of what had happened, so much so that he went to near insanity whenever one was spotted within the kingdom. She shuddered, she hated that side of her father, and it was frightening to see him lose control, changing from king to raging lunatic.

“No, he wouldn’t” Arianna carefully sheathed the beautiful sword, then wrapped it once again in the velvet, and placed it back into the box, along with the dress and the staff. Closing it shut she looked up at the master smith.

“If you would, Smith Hall” she said handing the box to him “I would like you to continue to keep it safe for me”

“It would be an honor, Princess” he said with a bow, then left to tuck it back into wherever it was hidden. A silence hung over the training area as Arianna thought about what she had been given, certainly a useful gift, but not practical, at least not in the kingdom of Hypren, whose people cursed dragons and anyone associated with them was drawn and quartered.

“Quite the gift” Arianna remarked and Lana nodded.

“I’ll say” she said and she turned “now shall we get started”

“What are we doing today?” Arianna asked

“Everything” Lana said “you will use all of your training to try and best me, if you can pin me in the time it takes for the shadow to get to the twentieth mark” Lana gestured to the sundial at the edge of the sparring circle. “that gives you a quarter of an hour to do everything you can to knock me down and keep me there.”

“I see” Arianna said and Lana laughed

“Very well then” she said as they both hunkered down into their sparring positions “On your guard . . . go!”

Arianna found that she had come farther than she had thought in her training, it had only taken her eight minutes to incapacitate her friend, though it wasn’t an easy task, keeping her pinned, Arianna managed and Lana declared her fully trained. For the rest of the hour Lana and Arianna practiced knife throwing and talked, simply enjoying each other’s company for what would be the last night of equal friendship the two would experience.

“Lady Morningstar will meet you and your father here to present your new body guard” Lana said after they had washed the sweat from their faces. Arianna was glad that it was getting dark, her disappointment was easier to hide. “the Lady wishes to showcase her abilities against the castle guards, so that your father can’t say no”

“I see” Arianna said slowly “I am glad she was able to address my request for a body guard so quickly”

“It is not as if you need one” Lana said with a grin and held up her hands as Arianna opened her mouth to explain “I know, Ari, you need to seem helpless, like your father wants”

Arianna crossed her arms and looked away.

“It's not quite so cut and dry” Arianna said stiffly

“Maybe not but that is the essence of it” Lana said with a shrug and Arianna sighed.

“Lana” she said “can we please not talk about my father or politics, I don’t want to argue and say good bye angry”

“Fair enough” Lana said and she smiled a mysterious smile as Arianna hung her towel up.

“I truly appreciate all you have done for me” Arianna said “more than simply teaching me and training me, but for being my equal, my friend. You have been my confidant and my most trusted ally. I hope someday, perhaps, we can have a friendship like we do now.”

“Oh Ari, don’t get too sentimental on me” Lana said “or I’ll think that you’ve been cured of your cynicism”

“Lana” Arianna said in exasperation “I am attempting to have a heartfelt moment, can you please be serious”

“Why, it is not as if we won’t see each other again” Lana said with a large grin and she gave her a tight hug. “I’ll see you soon, Ari, alright”

Arianna sighed, knowing that that was all she would get out of the incorrigible warrior and patted her on the back. Lana pulled back and turned her around and pushed her toward the keep.

“Go or your servants will be searching high and low for you soon” Lana said.

“I wish you well in your training, Lana” Arianna said as she left her friend in the sparring circle.

“And I wish you happy dreams, my friend” Lana said and she disappeared into the forge.

The next morning Arianna waited nervously for her father in the garden. She hoped that she liked this new body guard and that her father would look past the fact that she was a woman. If not then Arianna would have to wait until she was married, only then when her father stepped down would she be able to make her own decisions as queen.

“Ah, there you are” her father said as he and his two guards came up the stone path. Arianna bowed her head.

“Good morning father” Arianna said and he nodded.

“Lady Morningstar has informed me that she has selected a candidate to be your body guard” King Braddoc said as they began making their way to the training grounds.

“Yes” Arianna said “I was informed as well”

“Let us see who she has selected then” King Braddoc said and Arianna suppressed her sigh.

As they approached the forge and training grounds, Arianna could see the group of castle guards assembled in a half circle around the sparring ring. A hooded figure in a loose robe knelt in the center of the sparring ring with Lady Morningstar standing off to the side. She inclined her head to King Braddoc and Arianna as they approached.

“Your Majesties” she said gravely “this warrior of the Gilded Claw has volunteered to protect the Princess. At your command these guards will test their prowess.”

“Very well, Lady Morningstar” King Braddoc said and he turned to the sparring circle. “Guards attack”

The King’s command rang forth so suddenly and loudly that Arianna almost gasped, but the guards seemed unfazed by such a sudden command and acted on it instantly, drawing their weapons.

Arianna barely saw the warrior move yet somehow they avoided the weapons. The warrior wove and dodged among the guards, allowing them to miss and on occasion, hit one of their fellows. One of the guards managed to get in close and the warrior disabled him within two moves and Arianna felt that there was something familiar in the way the warrior moved.

It was not very long until nearly all of the guards were disabled. Only two remained and they were quickly taken out in a flash. The hooded warrior straightened from their crouch, the twelve guards groaning as they struggled to stand as well.

“Quick, skilled and efficient” King Braddoc murmured “Where have you been hiding him, my lady”

“I have hid nothing” Lady Morningstar said “this is a new addition to the clan, they have honed their skills to this point on their own, possessing a natural talent for the martial art. What do you think Princess?”

Arianna was still studying the warrior, unable to shake the feeling of having seen this fighting style before.

“They seem quite competent” Arianna said slowly.

“Then show us your face, warrior, and give us your name” King Braddoc boomed. The warrior turned and threw back their hood.

Had Arianna not grown up having to control her reactions she would have let her jaw drop, as it was she gasped slightly, though her father was quick to follow.

“I am Lana Hall, Your Highness” Lana announced gravely as she knelt before the King and Arianna, who quickly forced herself to look surprised and not downright shocked and elated.

“You are a female” the King said, the shock evident in his voice.

“Having been briefed on the Princess’s previous encounter with a body guard, I thought it prudent that a woman be tasked to safe guard her Majesty” Lana said, her voice expressionless, yet she met Arianna’s eyes briefly and Arianna saw the twinkle in them. Arianna had to fight her overwhelming urge to laugh and throw her arms around her friend as relief so profound swept her up, illustrating just how worried she had been about being appointed a new body guard.

“I see” the King said “I was aware that the Gilded Claw had female warriors in its ranks. I had hoped you would appoint a man however, your ladyship”

“With respect, sir, a man would have been a mistake” Lady Morningstar said “the Princess was not likely to trust a man to guard her after her experience. Not only that, Lana can blend in better at the court than a hulking male. With the proper attire, the princess’s body guard could blend in as a handmaiden, invisible yet on hand at all time”

Arianna did not dare look at her father, for fear she would let her hope shine through. But she could almost hear the tactical wheels in his mind turning as he considered this possibility. There was a long and tense silence, during which the defeated guards left, nursing several bruised limbs and egos.

“Very well” King Braddoc boomed “this is a good plan, despite that you are a woman, the Gilded Claw and Lady Morningstar have proven many times that they are the most competent of warriors and not just anyone is able to join their ranks.”

The King turned to Lady Morningstar and nodded then left the three women alone in the sparring ring. Arianna kept her expression controlled and Lana grinned at her.

“Don’t worry Ari” Lana said with a laugh “Lady Morningstar knows”

Arianna couldn’t keep her face expressionless this time and stared at the Gilded Claw matriarch who smiled knowingly.

“Be easy, Princess” Lady Morningstar said “it was rather obvious that you were not getting calluses from needle point. I have trained many a warrior, I know the signs”

Arianna closed her eyes and wondered how many others had noticed, though she was sure her father knew nothing, she was not sure with the other lords of the court, who could use it against her. Not that she would give into such foolishness, it would still be uncomfortable.

“I see” Arianna said finally then she looked up at Lana “did you truly volunteer”

“Lady Morningstar approached me yesterday about it, I wasn’t aware I could train here at the time or I would have volunteered much sooner” Lana said with a chuckle “It’s not normally done but it can still be done”

“I’m . . .glad” Arianna said slowly and she smiled. She was glad, truly, but she was still troubled. It would be risky certainly for Lana to be in the court. As a disciple of Malhorn and a true warrior besides Lana was one to wear her heart on her sleeve, hiding nothing about herself. But Arianna knew how the court would take her bodyguard if Lana murmured a Malian prayer in their presence. They would mistrust and attack Lana. Not openly, but they would use blackmail, intrigue and subtle influence to undermine Lana and her composure. Now it was Arianna’s turn to train village-bred Lana in the ways of court intrigue. Though it would be easier for Lana to learn, she was not entirely new to the idea of reading body language and using subtlety to her advantage.

The arrangements for Lana were made by the head housekeeper and within two days the Lady Lana was outfitted in an entirely new wardrobe, though it was not the conventional lady’s wardrobe.

“The king has been worried about you, my lamb” the head cook, Palma said, when Arianna managed to sneak down to the kitchens “he has been trying to find you a body guard ever since that night” Arianna winced slightly “there are so few women who are trained in weaponry and hand to hand combat, as it is. . .untraditional, so your father has been in a right puzzle over you and your safety. Her wardrobe is being fitted so that she can move freely and carry all sorts of weapons yet still look like a noblewoman”

“It will be interesting to see how well she does among the court” Arianna said quietly

“I’m thinking that she’ll surprise you” Palma said with an amused smile

“I hope so” Arianna sighed “I am glad though, I have not had someone, besides you, that will treat me like an equal, like a normal person. I have not had someone so close in age to interact with”

“Yes, someone that you can confide in completely too” Palma said cryptically. Arianna shifted uncomfortably, fidgeting with her sleeve. She still had not spoken about that night, not all of it, and had buried the emotions down deep.

“I must go and check on Lana” Arianna mumbled. Palma said nothing simply nodding and handing her a cookie, glazed with honey. She thanked her and left quickly.

Lana was found staring at her wardrobe with a bemused expression on her face.

“What a ridiculous looking outfit” Lana said as Arianna came in. “how in the name of Malhorn’s axe am I going to be able to move in that . . . that tent” Arianna giggled behind her hand.

“Here” Arianna said pulling out a fabulous sea green outfit. “Go and try this one on and I’ll show you how.”

“You nobles are all mad” she muttered, but took the outfit and went behind the screen. Luckily the dress was made so that a corset was not needed, but for the groans and curses that issued from behind the ornate screen, Arianna would have thought that she was trying one on.

“Bah I look ridiculous” Lana said as she came around pulling her fair hair over her shoulder. But to Arianna her words were false, her half skirt shimmered the colors of the sea, the sunlight danced off of her golden hair, the bodice was a deep blue that gave the appearance of a corset beneath but in truth, she held herself as a warrior would, her expression was aloof, adding to her mysterious beauty. Her eyes were bright and alert.

“Don’t be silly” Arianna said “you look wonderful, and I have yet to hear you complain about the lack of movement”

“Alright I was wrong” Lana said “but I look like a bloody peacock for Malhorn’s sake”

“Lana, imagine how I feel?” Arianna said with a smile, “at least you get freedom of movement, I have to wear a ridiculous corset from dawn ‘til dusk, not to mention the layers of petticoats, count yourself lucky”

“Bah” Lana scowled at the mirror

“One thing though Lana, before Father introduces you to the court,” Arianna twisted her hands. She was aware she must broach the subject on her mind and she knew precisely how proud Lana was. Yet there was no way to put it delicately so Arianna decided that it would be best to get this over with quickly and blurted out what she needed to say “you must not speak unless spoken to, nor if you are spoken to can you refer to Malhorn”

A long almost unbearable silence stretched between the two young women.

“Why” Lana said sharply “what’s wrong with the god I worship”

“Lana you know me better than that” Arianna said quietly, holding her hard stare “but a woman can’t refer to the god of warriors. To the Courts way of thinking a woman should be seen not heard, and when heard we must be docile as lambs” Arianna told her, bitterness bubbling beneath the surface, how a woman was expected to act, dainty and fragile, just an ornament on the arm of her husband or brother, or in Arianna’s case her father, was a source of irritation.

“You know how important restraint is in battle” the Princess said “I am simply asking you to use that restraint in a different way. Once we are alone I have no objection to you ranting to me about the shortcomings and the close-mindedness of the Court, but if you wish to remain here as my friend and protector, then you must follow the code of the Court”

“I see” Lana said, seeming to have calmed as Arianna spoke and her eyes seemed to be more knowing than Arianna was comfortable with.

“I’m glad” Arianna sighed in relief. “Now the dressmaker said that you should be able to hide throwing knives and a short sword under that” Arianna gave the said weapons to her. Lana grinned as the princess showed her the hidden sheath which would, with a shake of her wrist or a sharp snap of her arm, deliver a knife to her hand within a second.

“I do believe this is going to be quite an interesting occupation” Lana said with a smirk.

Lana could not have known how right she was for in the months to come the princess’s life did indeed get interesting.

Within a week of hiring Lana, a thief had tried to use Arianna as a hostage to steal the crown jewels, but when he made the mistake of turning his back on who he thought was a noblewoman, he ended up with a knife between his shoulder blades. Then a few months after an assassin crept into Arianna’s room, only to find his throat slit within seconds.

Lana was never far from the princess’s side, her chambers being next door to her charge’s, but after almost six months that changed, Lana began stealing away when she was sure that the princess was not in danger, and not returning for hours at a time. Arianna made excuses to her father whenever he found her alone, saying Lana had gone on a perimeter search, or to visit her uncle about a new knife.

It was weeks until she learned the truth.

Arianna was in the library when an assassin disguised as a servant attempted to take her life. Having been on edge since Lana had started disappearing; Arianna kept a knife sheath of her own in her bodice, and when the foul man had grabbed for her, she thrust the knife into his throat. Pulling it out she cleaned the knife on his shirt, sheathed it and called the guards, who stoically dragged the body out.
Arianna began making her way through the corridors and down the stairs and through the kitchen, searching for her supposed ‘bodyguard’ who was in for a reckoning. She made her way through the kitchen garden, then the royal garden, and finally she went to the training yard. There was no pounding that sliced through the air, an odd thing considering that there were no guards about to train. But then Smith Hall was often away these days having trained all of the guards and finding that his new apprentice was far more competent than the rumors said, he often took a holiday with his wife and children.

Yet Lana must be visiting him, she was nowhere in the castle, not in the gardens, or the stables, and she would never have gone into the forest without being accompanied or telling Arianna.

Arianna quickened her stride when she spotted Lana coming out of the forge with a smile on her face, the smiths apprentice following. Neither noticed the fuming princess, for as they left the young man pulled Lana into his arms and kissed her soundly.

Arianna did not stop, her anger doubled, but this time hurt mixed with it, Lana was supposed to be her friend, yet she had kept this from her. As she approached the couple split and Lana looked around, her beatific smile faded into shock.

“Arianna” she exclaimed, but Arianna stormed past her and into the forge. Looking around, she spied a broad sword, shiny and sharpened, hanging on a wall with others. She plucked it from the wall and turned and went to the sparring ring and with her back turned to the shocked couple, she set the tip into the loam and crossed her palms over the pommel. Closing her eyes she listened to her surroundings and took her anger and changed into a cold and calculated false calm, slowing her heart rate and breathing deeply, Lana had not taught her this technique but Palma had, a way to keep her mouth shut during Court sessions. It was a few moments before she heard footsteps.

“Arianna I-” but Lana’s excuse was cut short.

“Draw your sword” Arianna said coldly.

“What?” Lana asked. Arianna could not remember Lana sounding so startled.

“I’ll not repeat myself” Arianna’s manner was unnerving for Lana, who had never heard such iciness in her friend’s voice. But she still drew her sword.

As soon as the slithering of steel stopped, Arianna turned and lunged.

Arianna’s Cobra Strike was met perfectly, but the princess saw the surprise in Lana’s eyes, the shock of the consequences of her secrets.

Arianna slid her blade to the hilt of Lana’s sword, a challenge, but Lana refused by backing away. And so it went for several minutes, Arianna would attack while Lana would defend. Lana was unsettled to say the least by the coldness in Arianna’s expression, and unnerved by how quick she had become in her anger, so much so that she fell for a feint that a novice would know and found herself without a sword and the blade of one at her throat.

“If you ever leave without my express permission, I will disembowel you myself” Arianna hissed, and taking her sword from Lana’s throat, she turned and threw it, end over end with a strength Arianna was not aware she had possessed.

With a metallic thud it hit the door of the forge and shook there, the metal ringing, the apprentice stared at the sword with a gaping mouth then looked at the retreating princess.

Arianna did not see Lana until later that night when she had been dressed and her bed had been turned down. She sat by the fire with a book, having calmed from the events of earlier, though still angry, she regretted threatening Lana and vowed to apologize for it but she knew that her relationship with Lana had changed, how she was not certain, it would either bring them closer or drive them apart.

“All over a boy” Arianna muttered, still quite a cynic towards men. She was the heir to Hypern she was approaching her own
marriage, set to take place next spring. She shuddered when she remembered the youngest prince of Dunbro, a wealthy kingdom to the south, and she had met him a year ago at his twentieth second naming day gala. He was a fool, with as many brains as a loaf of bread, but he was strong and quite handsome.

He was also an sadist.

Arianna had wished for the thousandth time that her father would find someone else, another family, another man that she knew would not hurt her.

But all of her betrotheds brothers were married or promised, and any kingdom that would help strengthen Hypren had no sons, or was all too young, or in Amsternotus’s case, had gone adventuring and never came back.

Hypren was backed against the Mountains of Endrid, resting in what was once Eclipse Valley, the soil was the richest, the livestock and game the plumpest and the best quality, and in Mount Solaris, was where the miners mined coal, iron, gold and sometimes gems. Hypren was rich but the smallest and youngest kingdom of the four. With Amsternotus in the south, Dunbro in the north, and Bellahew in the east, and the mountains to the west, it was easy to feel small, not to mention the dangers of living in, essentially, a forest, for though many trees had been cut to make room for human habitation, it was still the most forested kingdom in the world as far as anyone knew. Wild animals attacked on a daily basis, thieves often used the woods as cover and pilfered any travelers who wandered near. Hypren was a kingdom of many farmers, craftsmen and artisans, but few soldiers, and but one warrior clan, if Hypren were at war, King Braddoc would have no choice but to turn to one of his allies for military support. And what better way than to marry your daughter to one of the princes of one of the most populated kingdoms of the four Arianna thought bitterly.

She was staring at the fire when a knock was heard.

“Enter” Arianna called.

Lana slipped through the door and closed it quietly.

“So you have finally decided that your job was worth it” Arianna said acidly. Lana winced but made her way over to the fainting chair and sat stiffly.

“Arianna, I’m sorry” Lana said

“For what exactly” the princess asked with a raised eyebrow “for not telling me where you were, for keeping secrets? Or perhaps your sorry that you forced me to lie to my father to save your skin?” Arianna rose, her book falling to the floor “Or are you sorry for leaving me to the mercy of some nameless man who thought he would do away with me?” Lana winced at each accusation but on the last her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

“Arianna” she said quietly

“Save your breath” Arianna said “I killed him before he could do much, but the fact was that you weren’t there. You were with some boy, enjoying yourself.” She turned away and picked up the book, Lana stared at her and then sighed.

“My apology seems wasted” Lana said “perhaps an explanation?”

“If you wish” Arianna waved a hand at her, shelving the book “but I have no use for it, you fell in love with your uncle’s apprentice. And I was forgotten.” A single bitter tear slid down the princess’s cheek before she could stop it “as always”


“Your pity is wasted” the princess snapped and Lana was silent for a long moment.

“I do pity you” Lana said, sadly “but only because you have never known what I have”

“If you have come merely to lecture me and list the many things that I shall never have no matter how much money or power is in my grasp, then leave my sight” Arianna shouted, fighting the tears, the sadness and the loneliness that had eaten at her since she was a child.

“You don’t mean that” Lana sighed “if you did I would have been thrown out the moment I entered this room.”

In a wordless cry of pent up emotion, the twenty year old seized a glass figurine from the shelf and hurled it at Lana, who dodged easily, the glass shattering on the stone floor.

“You have no idea what I feel” Arianna choked “you don’t know anything”

“No?” Lana asked in an almost taunting manner. For three years she had tried to get Arianna to loosen her grip on her feelings, to open up, but she had always been given evasive answers. Now it was all going to come out, Lana could almost taste it, years of pent up emotion was about to break free and flood the poor girl.

“You are jealous of what I have, a mother, alive and loving, a lover, who would give his very life for me” Lana dodged another figurine “a father who doesn’t care if I marry a farmer and talk to servants, who loves me for me, and more siblings and cousins than I can count” a book nearly hit her in the head “I don’t have to hide from the world who I am but you do and you hate it. And you hate me for having that freedom”

“Shut up” Arianna screamed, clutching her head as though in pain.

“And you are so afraid to lose your fathers faith if you do show who you are” Lana said quietly “so afraid that he will cast you aside if you tell him how you really feel”

“Leave” Arianna said raggedly

“No” Lana said “not until you admit it “

“Admit what” Arianna said through gritted teeth

“What you have been denying to yourself” Lana said “you have never wanted that throne have you? Never wanted the power you have, what many people will kill and have killed for”

Arianna stared at Lana with wide eyes, her hands shaking and and her heart pounding. As she stared into the blue eyes of her friend, Arianna felt a kind of hollowness, her anger draining from her body. She had never liked being singled out as a royal and yet . . . what else did she have, what else was she? Who was she without this life? A poor girl with no purpose? She had lived her entire life thinking that she would inherit the throne and serve her people and make Hypren a better place, she had envisioned palns for ridding the forests of thieves, lowering the taxation of imported goods and perhaps even set a trade and barter system amongst the craftsmen and working more closely with the Gilded Claw to bolster border defenses. Arianna had dreamed of making her kingdom safe, happy and fair minded place, like her grandfather had ruled. Arianna had convinced herself that she wanted that power, that it was her fate to take the throne.

And now here the truth stood in the form of her friend, staring her in the face. Arianna had never really wanted that, the delusion she had been letting herself have for so many years was crumbling in the face of this truth. Lana had read her more easily than any person ever had, not even Palma, the only mother figure Arianna had ever known, had seen her so clearly. And it terrified Arianna.

“What choice do I have?” Arianna spat turning from her and throwing her hands up “there is nothing else for me, Lana. Whether I want the throne or not, I am the only heir” Arianna gestured out her window, beyond the walls and to the capitol “my people will need me, I am the last of my mother’s bloodline. I cannot afford to want more”

Arianna felt her throat close as the feeling of entrapment suffocated her and her eyes burned with tears and she clenched her fists and bit her lip in an effort to hold them but it was futile as they spilled over. Arianna felt Lana step up next to her and her arm was around her shoulders and Arianna cried in despair, but a weight had lifted from her shoulders. Lana still held her arm around her and handed her a handkerchief

“You are such an idiot” Arianna said as she blew her nose, but only half-heartedly, her anger had died, and was now only tired and worn.

“I know” Lana said with a grin “a love-lorn one”

Arianna laughed

“Ari, just because I have someone new in my life, hardly means that there is no room for you” Lana said, realizing that for once, she and Arianna were acting their age, the older comforting the younger, instead of their usual roles, with Arianna placating Lana. There was a silence as Lana considered the princess.

“Here” Lana said taking out her dagger “this is something that my sisters and I did, a binding oath, a kind of ritual in my village. You don’t have to be blood relatives, but when you do this, you will be part of my family, a sister in all but name” Lana pressed the blade to her hand and drew a cut four inches long across her palm. She winced but handed the dagger to Arianna.

Arianna stared at it a moment then did the same, hissing at the pain.

“My blood” Lana murmured, taking Arianna’s wrist “your blood” she pressed her palm to Arianna’s and their fingers intertwined “our blood, forever united”

“Forever?” Arianna whispered taking away her blood smeared palm.

“That will scar” Lana warned, taking out a spare handkerchief and ripping it in half. “But it will serve as a reminder, that no matter what, we shall never turn our backs on each other, or let anything come between us” they wrapped their palms and stood.

“I’m sorry I threatened to disembowel you” Arianna said quietly, Lana laughed

“I’m glad you did” Lana said, at Arianna’s confused look Lana shrugged “in many ways you are every bit the princess your father wants you to be, prime, proper, bowing to societies whims as they dictate. The only time that you do not act as that insufferable princess is when you are with Palma, but even then only because Palma raised you.”

“I have no choice” Arianna said

“Everyone has a choice” Lana said

There was a silence.

“I suggest we agree to disagree in this instance” Arianna said.

“Very well” Lana said with a shrug, “it is late, I’ll be getting to bed, as should you”

Arianna nodded and bade Lana goodnight, exhausted. When she left, Arianna looked down at her bound hand.

And smiled.

 Dragon Gem Series Book One: Destiny  (18+)
Chapter 4 of my book
#2086869 by brimstone&chocolate
© Copyright 2016 brimstone&chocolate (diamondscale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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