Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2080066-Dragon-Gem-Book-One-Destiny-Part-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2080066
Chapter's 2 of my book. sorry I can't give you much description, limited 90 characters
Chapter 2
Arianna stared at a brick in the wall, it was not an interesting brick by any means but it was far more interesting than listening to the boorish quibbling of the various lords that sat at the Council table. Arianna stood at her father’s right hand, dutifully keeping silent as she had been tasked since the age of fourteen when she had first entered the Council chamber.

“My province is mostly mining towns, Grathar” Lord Evercord, a broad shouldered man with a bristly mustache, blustered “we cannot be expected to grow our own food, at least enough to feed several thousand people. My liegeman depend on those imports from your plains fields yet in the past two shipments we have had to throw half of the merchandise out because of rotting or insect infected product. What say you? Do you not have inspectors in your lands?”

“Do you take me for a fool?” Grather, sharp featured giant of a man, thundered back “my farmers have been working diligently, however the crops have become flooded because of several unseasonal storms. What would you have me do? Control the weather? I am no vagabond mage, I tell you. And what about the ore you sent along to us, Lord Evercord? It was so brittle that seven year old my son could almost crumble it with his bare hands”

“Enough” King Braddoc said “obviously trade negotiations must be resolved, however it seems that there have been similar issues all over Hypren, even in Amsternotus an Dunbro”

“My king” Lady Morningstar stood. She was the only woman, excluding Arianna, who was allowed to sit at the Council table. Normally unless you were a member of the royal family no woman was allowed to sit in Council, however Lady Morningstar was the exception, she spoke for the Glided Claw clan, the only warrior clan in Hypren.

The Gilded Claw did not discriminate against race, gender or age and was separate from society’s whims and customs. It was not a blood clan, no one could be born into it but chosen. No one knew how one was chosen nor who chose them but the clan’s secrets were sacred and that unwritten law was respected by all in Hypren. By law they were required to serve the king in whatever capacity the kingdom required, though the Glided Claw would do so without the law there. In lieu of this the leader of the Glided Claw had a seat at the Council table and full vote, just as any Lord or Lady would.

Arianna could see that Lady Morningstar’s presence made most of the other lords uneasy, for she was not only stunningly beautiful with flowing golden hair, large blue eyes and elegant features completely belied by her hard expression as well as shrewd intelligence in her eyes. Lady Morningstar was an imposing presence in the Council chamber and now she swept the lords with a scathing gaze.

“It seems that there is something more going on here” she said “unseasonal weather, natural elements changing without explanation. It is most peculiar”

“Go on Lady” King Braddoc said and for once Arianna found her attention drawn to the meeting for the first time in hours.

“Within the Gilded Claw there are those who are attuned to the ebb and flow of the land” Lady Morningstar said and Lord Hagnar snorted and Lady Morningstar glared at him fiercely. “They are our elders, they spend several weeks in meditation. And these elders speak of times before when such natural anomalies occur when the land is to be drenched in darkness and Western Kingdoms threatened. These natural phenomena may perhaps be a forewarning of future danger.”

“What poppycock” Lord Hagnar exclaimed as Lady Morningstar resumed her seat “we have been at peace for fifty years since the Mage Wars, Dunbro, Amsternotus and Belahew have agreed to peace. What possible darkness” and here Hagnar rolled his eyes at the word “could befall us at this point with the Western Kingdoms united as we are”

“That I do not know” Lady Morningstar said darkly and Arianna was hard put to keep a straight face. Though the situation itself was not funny, Arianna had a sudden image of Lady Morningstar striking Lord Hagnar, a large fat man, on his bulbous nose for from the expression on Lady Morningstar’s face that is exactly what she wanted to do.

“Well until we know more, trade will be monitored in the strictest capacity” King Braddoc said “I do not dismiss the Lady’s theory”

“My king with the highest respect” Lord Hagnar simpered and Arianna attempted to keep the disgust from showing on her face. “It is a fairy tale”

“Bah, you wouldn’t know truth if it bit yer great vegetable of a nose” Lord Marhen growled. A grizzled old man, who fought in the Mage Wars, spoke for the first time. He seldom said much but he was wise and sensible and his mind was still as sharp as it was fifty years ago. “you lot can’t imagine the things that happen in this land, mages and elves, druids and dragons, magic runnin’ loose like turkeys. You can’t jus’ reject a notion outta hand jus’ cause it scares you”

“Now see here” Lord Hagnar said but the King slammed his gavel on the table for silence.

“Enough” he thundered “I have given my verdict and from now on I would like all inspections to go through my Senschal, who will thus far deem it fair and correct. Now on to other business”

Arianna went back to staring at the brick in the wall.

After the Council meeting Lady Morningstar caught her arm before she left.

“Youngling” she said quietly in her odd lilt “a fortnight or so ago you were ravished by a man you trusted. Is this correct or simple gossip?” Arianna looked her dead in the eyes and silently dared her to ridicule her or dismiss her out of hand as others have done since that night.

“Yes, Lady” Arianna said stiffly

“I see” Lady Morningstar and she gazed at Arianna with a measured look “it is a shame, had you been born of a lower class I would have petitioned you to be chosen for the Gilded Claw”

“Would you?” Arianna asked flatly

“Yes” Lady Morningstar said and she leaned forward slightly so that her voice would not be carried over to the knot of lords. “The king is a fool, had you been my daughter I would have had a sword in your hands as soon as you could walk. You have a fighter’s spirit in you, Princess, a fire that only a true warrior and protector possesses”

“I take this as a compliment lady” Arianna said “but it is not my place nor yours to say such things to my father”

“You mother knew the sword” Lady Morningstar said irritably “though females had never been held in the highest regard, we had never been forbidden to do more masculine activities. But your father has enforced his Belehewan upbringing”

“And that is his choice” Arianna said “until my twenty first birthday, Hypren is rather stuck with him”

“Bah” Lady Morningstar said with a smile “he is not so bad but you deserve more than this little one”

“Thank you, Lady for your confidence, now if you will excuse me?” Arianna said and Lady Morningstar let her go and Arianna went to her chambers and grabbed an old gown and quickly getting out of the corset and horrid shoes, Arianna put on her riding boots and the old gown and headed to the forge.

Today was the day that Arianna was to meet her defense tutor, Master Hall had sent Belle, the young kitchen maid, with the message last night after Drina had left her. Arianna was both nervous and excited. Nervous because she knew not who would teach her nor if they could be trusted and yet excited, after tonight she would no longer be helpless and she would be able to feel safe and secure again with the knowledge she could protect herself.

The Master Smith was there and once again the training grounds were deserted. They often were during the afternoon and Arianna was quite grateful for this. She had no need for her father to find out what she was doing and stopping her.

“Ah, Princess” the Master Smith said as she approached him coming out of the forge wiping his hands on a wet rag. “ I expected you”

“It has been a fortnight” Arianna said “I wish to begin my instruction”

“Uncle” a woman’s voice called “where do you keep the practice staffs?”

A young woman with a lovely heart shaped face framed in softly curled fair hair and wide blue eyes turned the corner of the forge. Had she not moved with such competence and certainty, Arianna would have thought her a noblewoman born into court life. However her clothing was such that the court would have been scandalized that a woman had the gumption to where such an outfit. This woman wore a peasant shirt beneath a leather jerkin as well as cotton trousers and tall leather boots. She looked at the princess with narrowed eyes, and then to the Master Smith.

“Uncle what is this” the woman said approaching Arianna. “This is the student you wish me to train, this girl is soft. Look at this” the woman grabbed Arianna’s hand and after a glance threw it away from her “not a scar or callous to be found. You cannot be serious Uncle, this girl has never seen a day of hard work in her life.”

“I see this is the tutor you spoke of” Arianna said coldly.

“Forgive me, Your-” the Master Smith began but Arianna held up a hand to stop his apology.

“Very well” Arianna said “if this is the path I must weather to no longer be helpless then it is one I choose freely. Even if the one to accompany me is a disrespectful narrow-minded idiot”

“You spoiled little-” the woman raised a hand but Arianna glared her straight in the eyes as she caught it before the blow could reach her face, faster than Arianna had thought herself capable.

“You may find it prudent to stay your hand” Arianna said still glaring at her.

Suddenly the woman’s face softened and she smiled brightly. She pulled her wrist out of Arianna’s grip and tossed her hair and bowed.

“Forgive me Princess” she said “I had to be sure you had the fire of a warrior before I train you”

Arianna relaxed a little though she did not smile back.

“I am Lana” the woman said, straightening “a pleasure to meet you Princess”

Arianna took a deep breath and smiled slightly.

“Lana, while under your tutelage you will not address me as Princess or any other honorific title” Arianna said “you will call me by my given name, Arianna, and I wish to be treated as any other student, no matter the exercise. This is the one and only order I will give you, even if you must beat me, tackle me, frighten me do not hold back, do not coddle me. when I enter the training grounds, rank and blood have no meaning. Can you do this Lana?”

Lana looked at her steadily for several moments then nodded curtly.

“I can Arianna” she said “but you may regret this decree”

“As long as I can protect myself” Arianna said quietly “then I regret nothing”
“Very well” Lana said “Let us begin


Arianna stared out the window as her tutor droned on about dancing etiquette. She was bored beyond reason and was almost fantasizing about her lessons with Lana before she remembered that Lana had planned a surprise for her, and after three years studying under her, Lana’s surprises were not of any pleasant sort.

Three years, had it truly been that long? Time had both flown and crawled by. It had seemed an eternity as she had learned to master even basic hand to hand two years ago. But now, Arianna thought proudly, she was able to move her body fluidly, with the same precision and accuracy as Lana who had trained for many more years. Of course Arianna had more motivation than Lana had had so Arianna learned quickly. It was weapons she had trouble with. She had learned that she was fair with a knife and the bow and arrow, but she was no great marksman. The quarter staff however was another story, Arianna moved with it as if it were part of her body and with this weapon she had surpassed even the smith. They had moved on to the sword last year. Arianna grimaced, though the staff was her choice weapon, the sword did her well, almost as well as the staff. Arianna didn’t particularly like it because it was taking so long to master, it had taken her almost ten months to gain the strength to weild a proper sword. Lana was trianing her how to incorperate her hand to hand combat skills into her sword fighting, it was much harder than anything she had ever done. She could barely hold her own in a sparring match with Lana going easily. Lana had assured her that it was amazing she had gotten this far as Lana had picked up the sword at the age of six but Arianna still felt she was lacking in some way. All Arianna knew was that she had to learn fast.

Arianna had learned more of her groom to be since her father had accepted the marriage proposal three years ago. The third prince of Dunbro, Prince Saric, was as Arianna had expected, spoiled, arrogant and lacking in any semblance of courtesy when it came to women. Oh he had been charming and suave when Arianna had frist met him, yet his eyes had held the same hunger that Ignus had when he had raped her. Arianna had no doubt about what would happen on the wedding night, when the marriage would be consumated, Saric would not be gentle or considerate and take her by force if she resisted. Arianna would make sure that she had a knife hidden in her wedding dress on her wedding day, she would not allow herself to be put in that kind of position again.

And today Lana had a surprise that she had said would test how much she had improved. Arianna was leery of the ominous warning.

“Princess” her etiquette teacher’s voice cracked through the air, jarring her from her thoughts. “How are you to become a proper Queen if you only stare out of the window”

“Apologies” Arianna said and inwardly sighed and thinking that this might become a very long day. And indeed it was, it seemed to take an eternity for her daily lessons and duties to be completed. It was well in to the afternoon before Arianna managed to slip away and get into the training skirts. Arianna had wanted to wear trousers like Lana, but Lana had insisted she wear skirts in order to get used to fighting in them for Arianna’s clothing was almost entirely of dresses, save for her riding gear which had a single skirt and was split down the middle, allowing for thick riding trousers. If her life was ever in danger she would most likely be in formal regalia and had she not been trained to move and fight in skirts she might die tripping over her own petticoats.

The Master Smith was there and once again the training grounds were deserted save for Lana who was already sweating. Arianna stood and watched her as the older woman practiced her sword play.

Lana danced when she practiced swordplay, there was no other word for it; the grace she displayed when she wielded a blade would put a swan to shame. Arianna stood off to the side and waited for her to finish, knowing better than to interrupt. For Lana this was a religious ritual, being a disciple of Malhorn, the god of war, practicing the art of weaponry was the same as a priest studying a religious text. As Lana moved she chanted various mantras and prayers, a few of them in an ancient language that Arianna knew was an older form of Hypernos, her kingdoms’ native language, a language rarely spoken anymore, not in a hundred years. The Western Kingdoms spoke the traders’ language, given no name as it was universal to all four kingdoms and in the capitols of the Eastern Provinces. The older languages of each kingdoms were preserved in old stories and religious texts and chants, such as those Lana was now chanting. Many of the more isolated villages still spoke them as a secondary language. Arianna had been taught it by the castle cook, Palma, as a little girl. And as Lana twirled her sword and lunged at her imaginary foe, Arianna caught her last chant.

“And if the blade of the wicked sheds the blood of the innocent, my hand will not stay for the injustice of inaction, my blade will not rest until it has tasted the blood of the guilty and none shall escape my righteous wrath”

On the last word Lana sheathed her sword and tossed her fair plait over her shoulders, held by a simple leather cord. Lana turned and took a towel hanging from the post and wiped her face and her neck.

“Well now, Arianna” Lana said as the clanging in the forge began. “the time has come”

“For what?” Arianna asked

“For me to test you” Lana said tossing her a staff then she put her fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. Ten men, of varying builds and stature suddenly appeared in the training yard. “you’ll recognize a few of them I’m sure”

Arianna did indeed recognize two of the men, they were Lady Morningstar’s attendants, and each of them held a different weapon and each of them took a different stance, surrounding her.

“Lady Morningstar has kindly offered to help in your training”

“You told her” Arianna growled and Lana began circling behind the men, a small smile on her face.

“You didn’t expect our little training sessions to go unnoticed did you?” Lana said “no Lady Morningstar actually approached me, last year after inducting me into the Gilded Claw and offered to take over your training, I had to remind her that it would not be appropriate considering it would draw more attention to the training and that you were hoping to keep it quiet. Now, in this test you are to evade and incapacitate as many of us as possible, with only your staff and your wits. We plan to use full force. Let’s see how well you do” and with that Lana joined the circle of men and smiled at her, before attacking.

Arianna spun on her heel dodging effortlessly, and then the rest of the men began moving in, attacking her in pairs. She blocked, parried, dodged, ducked and spun, loam swirling at her feet, she knew that these warriors had been training all their lives, and in the close quarters she was in, it was only a matter of time before they would take her down. crouching she swept at the feet of the next warrior, who jumped to dodge, but before he could return to earth, Arianna dug the staff into the ground and used it to launch herself into the man’s chest, breaking the circle. Jumping off the fallen man’s chest, Arianna ran to obstacle course, a crude plan forming in the back of her mind, she needed to thin the herd first, she needed to find a way to pick them off in no more than three. And there was one way.

In the middle of the obstacle course was a six foot deep pit of mud, over which hung a thin, leather covered beam. Arianna could say one thing about her training, she had perfect balance, and even Lana had been impressed at how hard it was to break her ground when tested. It was there she would win. Bypassing the rest of the course, she ran straight for the mud pit, with ten men and Lana hot on her heels. She quickly stepped into the middle of the beam and faced the oncoming assault. All of them stopped and Lana smiled, putting a hand on her hip.

“Very good” Lana said “playing your strengths”

“I may not be able to take you all at once, but I can take you on one at a time” Arianna said panting slightly.

“While putting yourself in a compromising position” said a dark skinned man, his voice was very deep and bass like.

“Well then?” Arianna asked defiantly. She didn’t like feeling cornered, much less surrounded, which is what they did now. One man jumped nimbly onto the beam and came at her, swiping at her head with his knife, she ducked and smacked the back of his knees, causing them to buckle. He over balanced and she rammed him in the chest, but almost the moment he was toppling into the mud pit another took his place, this one carrying a morning star, a slender mace like weapon with a long spike at the top and several smaller spikes around the head of the clubbed end. He swung at her legs but she caught the shaft of the mace with her staff and turning her staff in a wide arch she used his weight against him, he was slightly off balance and she spun on her toes and kicked him in the chest, causing him to follow his compatriot. The next man was harder, he quite literally was an acrobat that one might see in a traveling fair, he fairly ran toward her and flipped over her head, the beam flexing as he launched over her, Arianna whirled, but before she could do much his blade was at her throat. Then Lana was there at her back with her sword. Arianna swallowed, thinking fast, the man’s face was close to hers and before Lana could announce the end of the test, Arianna reacted instinctively, head butting the man in the nose. While her forehead exploded in pain, it did surprise and unbalance the man with the long knife at her throat and she brought her staff down across his body as she turned to face Lana. Lana held a sword at the ready and both froze ignoring the splashing of mud as the three men made their way to the edge of the mudpit and were hoisted out by their fellows. Arianna tried to ignore their eyes.

“Let’s see who can stay out of the mud” Lana said with a grin and she attacked, her sword cleaving the air and Arianna instinctively put up her staff to block it. the staff did block it but the force of the blow snapped the wood in half and Arianna held two halves of a staff, but she was given no time to recover as Lana thrust at her and Arianna smacked the flat of the blade as she maneuvered to avoid it, she got in closer, and was about to go for Lana’s head when Lana’s elbow came from nowhere and nearly caught her in the nose and she had to rear her head back and switch her aim to Lana’s side. She did score her hit, as the longer reach of the sword made close combat harder. Blow by blow, Arianna and Lana continued to spar, sometimes getting in a light hit once in awhile but nothing that would do any damage. But Arianna was sore, tired and her two halves of staff was being whittled down with each exchange, she needed to do something fast. Arianna saw Lana’s hunting knife in her boot and had a sudden idea. Crouching Arianna made a sweep for her legs, but Lana jumped up to avoid it and as she did, Arianna quickly took the knife from its boot sheath. As Lana came down again Arianna straightened up, only to nearly loose her head at an oncoming swing, Arianna had to lean so far back that she nearly over balanced and she put her hands behind her gripping the beam to keep herself from falling and still holding the knife, pushing her feet off the beam then up and over, doing a handstand for a moment then her feet touched the beam and, straightening, Arianna held up the knife and managed to catch Lana’s blade on the knife guard and she stepped in for better leverage. Lana stared at the knife then grinned and pushed back, breaking the contact.

The slight ring of steel on steel echoed across the training yard for another few minutes as Arianna managed to guard from Lana’s attacks but she was getting too tired and in a quick flick of her sword, Lana had knocked the knife from Arianna’s hand and the tip of her blade was pressed to Arianna’s throat.

“Dead” Lana said triumphantly and Arianna sighed in defeat, then quiet clapping came from their onlookers and Arianna glanced around her at the men gathered. Lana smiled and sheathed her sword. “Well done Arianna” Arianna was surprised to her so much praise and pride in Lana's voice.

“Well done?” Arianna asked incredulously “I was defeated”

“The point was for you to defend yourself, not to win, silly goose” Lana said with a chuckle “I wanted to see how well you have learned and if you could use more than one form of defense. And you my pupil, have passed with flying colors, keep practicing and you will beat me someday of that I have no doubt”

“Lana” Arianna protested as her teacher turned friend turned around on the mud slicked beam and picked her way back to the edge of the pit.

“Oh don’t be so hard on yourself” Lana said as Arianna followed, “firstly each of us has trained while we were still in swaddling clothes, nearly. I have been learning the sword since the age of six, the rest of the forms of combat since I could walk. This is my religion, Arianna, I live and breathe the sword as do these men here. for you to hold your own against us like that was more impressive than you give yourself credit”

“Twas an honor, Princess” said the dark skinned man with the deep voice, pounding his fist to his chest and bowing. The rest followed suit then turned and left to get cleaned up. Lana went to the trough of heated water by the forge, and began to wash the mud and sweat from her skin. Arianna looked down at herself, her skirts were mud splattered and she had a few shallow cuts and a couple of bruises. She touched her forehead gingerly and winced, it was swelling and Arianna was sure she would have a spectacular bruise by evening. She would request Palma’s remedy as the cook was well versed in cures for common ailments such as cuts bruises and winter fever because of her knowledge in herbs. Arianna had requested it of her several times over the last three years and it worked very well in clearing up bruises within a day or so. Sighing Arianna joined Lana at the trough and began to wash up as well.

“Here” Lana said, reaching down and throwing her a satchel, “there’s a spare gown in there.”

Arianna nodded and once she had cleaned her face and arms she took the satchel and went into Lana’s quarters, a small room with sparse furniture and two doors, one leading to the main quarters of the blacksmith crew and the other out into the training grounds. It was there she changed quickly and threw the soiled gown into the hamper to be taken by the laundry maids.

“Alright” Lana said as Arianna rejoined her. “I would say that your training is nearly completed. You did very well today and I am quite impressed by your progress. In just three years you have learned advanced hand to hand combat and the basic use of every common weapon as well as the advanced use of many of them. We will still work on the sword for another month or so and then my task will be done here”

Arianna tried to keep the disappointment from her face. Lana had been her first friend, an equal to talk with, laugh with, and argue with. Arianna had never had that and now it was leaving her.

“A month” Arianna tried to say nonchalantly but Lana looked at her knowingly.

“I’m sorry Arianna, but now that I am in the Gilded Claw, my training must take precedence” Lana said “and you are well on your way to defeating even the best of the warriors under your family’s employ. Don’t despair, I have little left to teach you.”

“But” Arianna almost let loose the petulant and childish protests that had sprung to her tongue. To lose her friend so soon, it would be quite hard and Arianna would be lonely. Again. Arianna hated that loneliness, it was like a darkness that swallowed you piece by piece until there is nothing left but a bitter and cynical shell. And now she was about to be thrust back into it.

“Very well” Lana said clapping her hands “I think that will do for today, don’t you”

“Yes” Arianna said as she and Lana set about gathering the weapons that had been dropped or spilled over in the sparring match. Arianna was quiet as she went about the task and as she helped replace the weapons something occurred to her.

Since Ignus’ beheading, her father had tried to thrust several warriors, all men onto her as body guards but either they were pigs who would snidely remark on her helplessness, or else were bored with the detail and quit rather quickly. Palma had confided in Arianna that she personally thought that Arianna needed a woman to guard her, someone that she would be comfortable around. But her father was stubborn as a mule when it came to mans strength over woman, it was not as though he was disrespectful, but he was brought up to believe that the man protected and provided while the woman tended to house and babes, be it on a small farmstead or a domain. He had implemented these laws a few years after her mother had died and women of nobility were forbidden to practice the sword.

It was for this reason Ignus was needed in the first place. As a small child she had been attacked thrice by unknown assassins and had somehow managed to get away to safety. It was a small wonder, she was the last of her bloodline, unless she wedded and bore heirs. This meant that if she died the throne could change hands easily, an opportunity that many would take advantage of quickly.

However, there were few men that Arianna could tolerate in her presence without flinching and her father refused to see the seriousness of the situation. Once again Arianna was about to take the matter into her own hands as a plan formed into her mind.

“Lana” Arianna said slowly as Lana got out a jar of oil and dipped a rag in and began polishing her sword.

“Hmm?” Lana asked as she polished

“The Lady Morningstar is stationed here at the castle” Arianna said “for the most part at least, and the Gilded Claws base is in the center of the capital”

“I am not at liberty to say” Lana said and Arianna rolled her eyes.

“Oh do not treat me like a child” Arianna said in exasperation “I have been there, as my right as the blood royal, you know. Anyway my point is this, is it possible that one of the Gilded Claw’s female members could be my body guard?”

Lana looked up from her polishing.

“Arianna I can’t stay” Lana said

“I understand this” Arianna said “I would prefer it be you, but it is more to appease my father than anything else. And I am unable to put myself at ease around men. I need a capable female warrior to guard me, from my father’s many candidates if anything. And it wouldn’t hurt to have someone to talk to who didn’t need to call me ‘Your Majesty’ after every fifth word”

“Hmmm” Lana said again and went back to polishing. “I will speak to Morningstar. She may be amenable to the idea.”

“Good” Arianna said “oh and will you ask her as soon as possible, the last body guard I had was so slow and stupid he ran into the door once”

Lana gave a throaty chuckle and nodded.

“Thank you” Arianna said. Turning she waved over her shoulder. “I must be heading back or Drina will be worried.”

“Good eve, Arianna” Lana said

“And to you, Lana” Arianna called back, quietly smiling to herself.

Dragon Gem, Book One: Destiny Part 3  (13+)
Chapter 3 of my book.
#2080067 by brimstone&chocolate
© Copyright 2016 brimstone&chocolate (diamondscale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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