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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2080039
chapter 9 of my novel
Chapter 9

Archy sat in the plush chair inside the castles foyer staring at the blank parchment. He hadn't
had word from the boys in nearly a week and was beginning to become worried. The last entry into
Braydin's captains log only spoke of a mysterious island and the ship having taken some damage. He
couldn't help but imagine them stranded out there on some island in the middle of the ocean starving to
death. Archy began to fidget in his chair as his pipe sat smokeless for some time now. He retrieved his
pipe and lit it once again with a small flame on the tip of his finger. A few puffs of smoke trailed from
his mouth and nose as he inhaled deeply to calm himself. He stared at the parchment for a few more
seconds before becoming irritated and crumpling it up and tossing it on the floor with his infernal
little man made his way for the front door of the castle thinking fresh air to be a better
relaxant than stale smoke. The door closed quietly behind him causing the remaining smoke from the
pipe to dance wildly in the small draft and the parchment sat crumpled on the floor beneath the
cushioned chair as the words Back on the hunt scribbled themselves over the wrinkles and folds of the
discarded paper.
. . .

The full moon was high in the night sky above the steamy cobblestone streets of Port Ugal. The
lamps lining the streets spilled their dull light across the glistening stones like sunlight dancing on the
scales of a fish swimming lazily in the local brook. The only sounds were the music and laughter of
the open door taverns lining the dockside roads. The sounds carried high on the winds to the ears of
families sleeping soundly mere blocks away, and could even be heard faintly in the center of town
where men gathered and spoke solemnly in hushed tones.

Oscar and Miles had delivered the warning to the Port Authority only two days ago. The
message quickly spread to the magistrate and the Council of Elders. Oscar stood by the main door to
the building leaning casually on the wall with crossed arms as he listened to the city official speak
about what needed to be done to prepare for the attack.

Miles on the other hand was waist deep in the politics of it all and knew that all of the talk was a
waste of time. He moved from one table to the next trying to persuade the men to take action.
Hornklaw would be upon them in a matter of days if they were lucky. The guard had been doubled and
the citizens informed on what to do should it occur but surely there was more they could do to prepare.
The city guard was made up of three hundred men. They were good in a fight and were more than
capable to handle the occasional brawl or murder, but Hornklaw was bringing an entire flotilla against
the city. The letter indicated more than eighty ships flooding the harbor and the streets with their ilk.
Miles worried that time would run out before a solution could be found. He shook his head and walked
over to join his friend at the rear of the room.

"There is no talking to these old ones," Miles whispered harshly.

"Never shoulda tried says I," Oscar snorted loudly to the dismay of his friend.

"We had to try for the sake of the people here in..." Miles stopped as his friend held up his large
hand in a motion for silence. Miles began to question Oscars intentions until he heard them too. The
warning bells rang through the streets and the meeting went silent.
. . .

The men at the docks took position with their bows and swords at the ready as they watched the
dark fleet come into view. The black sails poured over the horizon like a dark storm making its way to
the fragile coast line. The men rang the bells and screamed out warnings to the people asleep in their
beds. War was coming to Port Ugal and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. The enemy was
still about two days out and the men had been given their orders. Men scrambled through the streets
carrying boxes, bags of feed, furniture, and anything else that could be used to build a barricade against
the intruders. The streets that were once quiet and tranquil became teeming with activity. Women were
dragging children from houses hoping to find a more secure place to protect the young and men were
building defensible walls and arming themselves for the coming battle. Preparations went on through
the night.

The next morning six hundred ragged and tired men stood watch on the makeshift walls as the
enemy closed the gap between themselves and the town. Miles and Oscar walked the walls giving
encouragement to the men and checking their equipment. They had both seen battle many times and
killed many orcs and men alike. They comforted the men on the walls and chided them when necessary,
these men were not fighting men, they were afraid.
. . .

Hornklaw stood on the bow of his ship watching the coast through his spyglass. They are ready
for a battle he thought to himself as he collapsed the spyglass and placed it back on his hip. Hornklaw
walked across the deck thinking to himself as Jessykah was seated at a table mid ship.
"Soon my dear this once prosperous port will belong to me and my kingdom. They make
preparations to meet us on the field of glory. They do not know the surprise I have in store for them
upon my arrival," Hornklaw said as his grin began to spread across his lips.

"I cant believe you would actually stand and fight with even odds," Jessykah spat as the half orc
ran his filthy fingers down her cheek to cup her chin.

"I said nothing of even odds my precious flower," Hornklaw replied with a deep chuckle. "I will
use these fools to dispatch my unwanted slaves, then I will set my minions upon the beach to crush and
destroy this pitiful ink splotch on my map!" he said these last words with such hatred that the poor
woman nearly fell from her chair at the shock.

"They will not kill innocent people just because you say so, you wretched creature!" Jessykah
screamed in defense.

Hornklaw burst into laughter once again as he replied, "I wont have to say anything.
Undoubtedly they have already received the warning I have sent them." Three ships moved up to pass
the flagship of the fleet as Hornklaw spoke. Jessykah could only gasp as she noticed all of the captives
bound and gagged with their ankles chained to the decks.

"Say hello to my probing attack on the town!" Hornklaw screamed with laughter as the ships
passed. Jessykah let her chin fall to her chest as she began to sob for her people.
. . .

Waves lapped at the steel hull of The Braying Mare as it cut a course through the choppy
waters between Braydin and his goal. He stood at the tiller with the wind in his face and his silver hair
blowing in the wind. The ship was in fantastic shape and still the fastest he could remember riding. His
eyes scanned the horizon for a sign of anything of note. The horse shaped masthead had been converted
into one of the seven cannons aboard his ship and The Rancor had been outfitted to match. Braydin was
amazed at the devastation caused by the new weapons and was glad for the upper hand. The gnomes
were an amazing group of people and he was glad they counted him as a friend.

Braydin soon spied six tiny black dots on the horizon to the south. He raised his hand and
Marko waved a flag high in the air, and soon Thorn was waving a similar flag back from the crows nest
on The Rancor. The gnomes had offered many tactics involved in using the cannons, which had
originally been invented to help ship have a shorter turn radius. The Rancor moved up to flank The Mare'sstarboard side.
"Full sails!" Braydin cried as he unleashed the appropriate whistle. Crews on both ships

scattered into the rigging as signals were coming down from the crows nest confirming what Braydin
had seen. Six members of the flotilla left behind in case he showed up. Both ships lurched forward
crashing through the waves ahead of them sending white spray flying into the sky.

Braydin smiled as he notice the six dots on the horizon swell, telling him that they had also
loosed their sails and were heading right for him. He spared the time to glance over to the adjoining
steel ship. Owens hadn't been his first choice, however his first-mate declined the promotion so the job
went to his second. The man turned out to be a fairly good captain and he remained cool in a tight
situation, but this was going to be his first real test as captain and Braydin was hoping he could handle
it. Braydin looked once more to the horizon before placing the whistle to his lips. A long low whistle
cried out from behind the ships tiller.

"Prepare the cannons!" Braydin cried as the two ships veered away from one another. "The orcs
will rue the day they took to the seas! Let them come and greet The Brotherhood of the Stallion and
with them the sons of Gailland!"
. . .

Miles stood watch as the three lone ships entered the harbor with the flotilla behind them
bobbing far out of range. Oscar ran his fingers over his chin and twisted his mustache nervously.
Miles looked to the harbor and then to his friends many times as if to draw his opinion.
"Parley?" Oscar asked noticing Miles' discomfort.

"I don't think so, even if he did see the new walls, he could easily pound this beach into dust
with half of his forces. I counted forty heavy warring ships at least. That's nearly four hundred soldiers
at his command in the first line of ships." Miles said before returning to his brooding thoughts. "It must
be something else. Go and tell the men to stand down. Let them come to us."
© Copyright 2016 Charles Clayhorn (ccameron at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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