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Rated: E · Appendix · Other · #2079782
Star Wars OC
" If you can't beat them cheat them. If you can't cheat them join them. Once you join them, stab them in the back. If this fails, then run. If that fails, then you need a weaker opponent. "

Name: Tazia " Running Hound " Haeo

True Age: Unknown

Age Thought: 23

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 4'8"

Weight: Unknown, assumed to be around 150.

Appearance: Tazia is short and frankly small in all aspects. By all, I mean all. Her hair can be called long, even if it's doomed to be in a high ponytail all her life, and is platinum blonde. Her eyes are grey and look like she's constantly surprised. Around her neck is a black thread with a single purple stone charm. Around each wrist is more black thread, one with a blue stone and the other a red one. Her figure is slim and easily takes the shape of an hour glass. Her clothes usually consist of a white and slightly dusty short sleeved shirt and light blue shorts. When on a mission or on another planet, she wears a black, long sleeved shirt with little white designs on the cuffs with black pants with the same designs around her waist and ankles.

Mentor: Candor ( Deceased )
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown

Affiliation: None

Occupation: Droid mechanic ( Current ) / Mercenary ( Current )

Ship: _Exell_

Ship Appearance: The _Exell_ is a smaller ship, not made for much more than a pilot and small cargo. Through it's size, the _Exell_ is a fast little bugger. But against any professional ships, it's doomed. The outer paint is dark purple to blend in with the sky around it, very few patches of silver peeking from chipped paint.

Triggers: Anyone asking about the necklace she dons.

Fears: Bugs, being alone, loosing her companions, being betrayed by said companions, falling, loosing the use of her arms/legs, Jedi of every kind, being incompetent, Mandalorians, Hutts, water, caves

Strengths: Speed, cunning, boundless ( as it seems ) energy, ability with swords,

Personality: When undisturbed she can seem level headed and calm, but interact with her and be proven wrong. Over time of owning her shop she became less aggressive, just less - as she was still aggressive - than she used to be. Her personality is hyper and near-crazy. One moment she could be prattling on about core analyzers the next she's on about how hot it is. Mostly seen as that one weird shop owner, Tazia is quite the character. Even with this personality she isn't very trusting. But once her trust is earned she is a guard dog. She has to know where you are and where you're going. She won't let anyone come near you without reason. She feels this way about Deeth and Ikaika.

Quotes: " I'm not saying I hate you, I'm just saying I hope you '' fall '' on my sword. "
" DEETH I FORGOT HOW TO COOK -enter food here- AGAIN "
" deeeEEEEEETH WHY IS THE -enter living creature here- DEAD?! "
" Don't sass me, space-cowboy. I am not some tiny human girl. I might be abnormally small for a Mandalorian, you bantha fodder eating skeeze, but I have the heart of a warrior! If you want to go I will go! Name time, place, credits, I don't care. You are going down! Deeth we out, dis bantha peed himself "
" What do you mean Deeth. " Deeth says something " I can't hear you over aLL THESE CREDITS "
" Of course I have trust issues! With people like me in the world who wouldn't? By the way I killed your best friend. And I'm here to kill you. Sorry, I like credits. "
" I don't exactly have the _longest_ fuse. "

Jawas around her town: The local Jawas come to her with any problems with the local sand people. She, and Deeth, protect the Jawas and the Jawas in turn supply her with parts for her droids and a few busted droids a month. A specific Jawa, Ikaika, is the main transporter of the broken droids and parts. Although she has left, the Jawas still remember her and await her return.

Deeth: After Tazia bought him and fixed him up, the droid told her of his past owners, as she had repaired his memory core. Deeth says he merely stays with her because she's his master and he doesn't want her sharing his secrets, but in truth Tazia is the only " organic meatbag " he can stand, mostly because of their shared aggression, how adept she is with a repair kit, and fondness for battle.


Two Vibroswords ( Main )


Ultrasonic generators power this Echani-developed weapon design. A rare cortosis weave that protects against sparring damage ensures that traditional swordplay will last far into the time of lightsabers.

_Dead Man's Blaster_ ( Secondary )

An old myth that anyone who wields this weapon will soon meet his demise. So far the myth holds true, as everyone that has ever held it in combat has died mysteriously, much before their time. How Candor Haeo got it is unknown. Tazia Haeo now owns it but refuses to use it in battle.

_Candor's Blaster_ ( Secondary )

Candor's personal blaster is based on an old Arkanian design, but he had adapted it to incorporate all the modern technology available to the Haeo clan. Now is in the possession of Tazia Haeo, although she refuses to use it in battle.


_Tazia's Echani Fiber Armor_

Mostly used for duelists and soldiers, Tazia has upgraded and tinkered with this adaptable armor piece into a piece of armor that can't be penetrated by most droid abilities and blaster shots. Although it's good against ranged attacks, a simple vibrosword or other physical attack will render it useless.

Tazia's Theme: Little Lion Man

Deeth's Theme: Turn Off The Lights


Tazia was said to have just appeared at an Haeo clan camp one day with no memory, at the age 16. A nicer Mandalorian, Candor, brought the human amnesiac in and taught her the ways of the Haeo clan. She grew to be like the others around her, bold and headstrong, while also being unaware that she wasn't like the rest.
Others preferred blasters, including Candor, or heavy weaponry, she settled for two vibroswords as her weapons. She would go into the fray and hack and chop, catching most attackers off guard, as most were focused on the blaster assault.
It was during a battle that she gained her title of Running Hound. It was a day to remember, as people simply said it was because of the cursed blaster Candor wielded. Others say it was Tazia's fault. A select few blame the attackers. Candor and Tazia, simply out on a walk together after a harsh battle, were ambushed by a few remaining attackers. Tazia jumped at them while Candor stood behind her and shot at them with his two blasters. Eventually one tripped Tazia up and they got to Candor. They easily overwhelmed him. Tazia abandoned the fight to protect her mentor from the remaining assailants. She drove them away long enough to quickly talk to Candor. He told her to run, she refused a few times before he commanded her to. She grabbed his blasters and his necklace, then ran all the way back to camp. There she was ridiculed and tormented. She had ran. The Haeo Clan doesn't run from a fight. She packed her equipment and left, taking the title of Running Hound with her.
She hopped worlds for a while before settling on Tatooine. There she participated in illegal duels, under the alias Running Hound, and gained a name for herself. But soon as her fame grew she left to wander, abandoning fame and the title of Running Hound there.
Where she next stopped is lost, but it is said there she learned of mercenaries and bounty hunters.
The next place she was sighted for a long while was Coruscant. Again she found a dueling ring and participated. She used the alias Running Hound once more. After her second brush with fame she left that area and started anew once again, but as a freelance mercenary.
During a mission, she came across a droid shop and purchased D3-23, or Deeth as he was nicknamed by the shop owner. Deeth was aggressive and wasn't programmed to hide it. Deeth was arrogant, but not stupid. He knew alot, and also knew how to kill. Deeth was an assault droid in protocol droid plating. Deeth was the first companion, and only, Tazia had since Candor. With Deeth now at her side she took more risks, and soon was the same battler she was before Candor died.
The two now reside back on Tatooine, running a small droid shop - named Running Hound Droid & Repair - in a small town.
She often frequents the cantina, and even helps out with repairs on the cleaning droids there.
None in the town know her name, they just call her Hound.
Recently, Tazia has bought a ship to cut down on traveling costs for her random mercenary missions.


Haeo Clan:

Founded long ago, this clan has kept away from most of the main Mandalorian fleet and is completely self-sustaining. Where it is located now is lost on most that have left, so after leaving, return is impossible. The Haeo clan has five simple qualities that all Haeo must share or be cast out like a runt.
1: No running from a fight. The Haeo clan is not weak.
2: No survivors. The Haeo clan has no mercy.
3: No return. The Haeo clan has no spies.
4: No disrespect. The Haeo clan follows all orders
5: No fighting amongst yourselves. The Haeo clan is one force to be reckoned with.

Running Hound Droid & Repair:

When the customer walks up to the shop, they are greeted by a small in-the-dirt sign that says the name of the shop, with a frankly bad doodle of Deeth. The shop itself is a burned down shell of its former self, all ties to Tattoine being severed.


Deeth is six feet of pure " I hate you ". This outer plating is rust coloured and incredibly strong against many things, but mostly physical attacks. His personality is usually dark in demeanor, having to other purpose than to be a body guard. He's rude, bold, and frankly bad company. He routinely makes snide remarks and calls pretty much every living thing " Meatbag. " He has a burning hatred for Tatooine itself, although all he knows is it.


Candor was a fighter, a strong one at that. His guard was never down, and he was usually paranoid. However, Tazia and her condition slipped past his usually tough exterior and turned him softer than before, yet he was only stronger with Tazia. He was well known amongst the Haeo Clan as a born leader, a leader to fear, a leader that would encourage all that served under him. He died before the past leader died, so he could never share those abilities.


The _Exell_ was bought by Tazia from someone on Tattooine that had no more use for it, they having only stopped on the planet to sell the "" junk "" ship. Tazia fixed the small ship up, with help from Deeth, back to a minimum of what it could have been. Obviously her talents lie with droids.

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