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by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2079461
Part One of The Alexandria Chronicles

Alex pulled up to the Los' Heart Church of God, it was one of the oldest buildings in the down town area and well kept. The brick work was beautiful in its laying, the stained glass paintings done by a local talented artist last year. Alex never really paid attention to the building much, not because she wasn't a religious person, but mostly because they all looked the same to her. She made her way up to the white wooden double doors and pushed them open. The green flushed carpet stood out against the white painted walls of the entrance way. Ahead of her the room opened up into a larger area with pews on each side, from where she stood she could see the pulpit, a wooden table in front of it, and a body resting on it covered by a white cloth.

William stood off in the far left corner next to a door, dried blood on his shirt and fresh wounds on his face. As she walked forward into the church, passing pew after pew. She stopped in front of the body. She turned her head to look at William, he stood slightingly against the wall watching her, as she turned her attention back to what was in front of her. She didn't need to pull the cloth back, she knew in her gut who was in front of her. She gently took the cloth in hand and pulled it back, revealing Serena's face. She looked at piece, the blood that once coated her face had been cleaned off. Alex looked down at her sire, her mentor. She felt a surge of emotions run through her body, the strongest one being guilt.

Alex placed the cloth back over her face and turned her full attention to him, he pushed himself off the wall bringing him to his full height. Alex nodded her head, at the unspoken question. William smiled walking towards her, in his mind he was ready to meet whatever fate he came today. Alex lunged at him tackling him back into the wall, using all her strength. The wall behind them cracking, she punched him in his face, reopening some of the newly formed wounds. He blocked her next punch and pushed her arm away and brought his head down connecting with her nose, busting it open, he pushed her back and up into the air causing her to land a few feet away from him on her feet. He might not have the pendant anymore but he still had the strength of a hunter.

The two locked up again, trading blow for blow, Alex went to punch him, and he side stepped and caught her arm, quickly twisting it and pulling her forward and kneeing her in the stomach, causing her to double over. He twisted her arm more, almost to the point of bones breaking. He brought is elbow down in the center of her back, forcing her all the way to the floor. He yanked her up by her arm and pulled her into a bear hug and slammed her down into a pew, breaking it in half. He backed up, catching his breath. His eyes never leaving Alex, as she stood up shakenly. She spit out blood, and rushed forward, William managed to block the first to punches and kick but was quickly met with a vicious right hook to the jaw, knocking him into the nearest wall, Alex was on top of him grabbing a fist full of hair pulling his head back and slamming it into the wall.

William stared to laugh, coughing up blood as he did. He pushed off the wall throwing his head back into her face, dazing her just enough to get her to let go and tackle her to the floor, raining down blows to her face. Alex was on the verge of losing conscious when he stopped. He reached behind him pulling out a filed down piece of wood no bigger than the average knife, positioning it over her heart. He pressed down, dark blood poured from her mouth, as he pushed down harder. Alex's hand reached up around the wood, trying to stop him from pushing it deeper.

William rolled off her, sitting by her, he looked over at her, watching as her movements almost stilled. "Don't worry, your family will be in hell with you soon. Wyatt is going to make sure of that." He said standing up, turning his back on her. He smiled as he walked towards the front of the church, thinking he had won. He stopped, slowly turning around when he heard movement from behind him. His smile turning into fear as Alex slowly stood up, her hands pulling the wooded stake from her heart and tossing it to the side. "Situs inverses, my heart is on the right side." Alex spoke as her skin started to turn black, and her bones began moving and breaking. He watched as she transformed into what he didn't know. Standing before him was a creature with yellow eyes, her skin now covered in fur that was dark as night, and her build more muscled and her hands wider with clawed like finger tips. She looked like a werewolf you would see in movies standing up as if it was still human. Her hair long and flowing down around her, her vampire fangs still present, two bat like wings stood out from each side folded in.

He looked at her in horror and awe, he couldn't move even as she walked closer to him, tossing the pews out of her way into the walls, some breaking the stained glass windows .He didn't back away, standing in front of him, was the bringer of death in all his years as a hunter he thought it was just a nickname, not really a true demon. He laughed, knowing he was about to die by the magnificent creature in front of him. He closed his eyes, the Bringer of Death reached forward, pushing her clawed hand into his chest and ripping his still beating heart out.

She looked down at his lifeless body, then to the heart in her hand. She squashed it in her fist, blood and tissue falling to the ground like ground up meat. She turned away from him looking back over the church and the mess that was made. It looked like chaos and death, nothing that a church should be. She extend her wings and lifting off the ground like a bird, her only thought now to stop Wyatt.


Rei Tanner pulled up to the Alexandria home, walking up to the door before she could ring the bell, the door opened. Misty looked at her with curiosity, she had briefly seen her pass her in the hallway the other day, and didn't get a good look at the young woman till now, she felt a pull towards her that she couldn't explain and it bothered her, Misty could smell her scent causing her to relax. She studied the young woman's face, her eyes green, like a forest and her long black hair pulled back into a bun. Misty caught herself smiling.

Rei stood there for a few moments not saying anything wondering why the woman was staring at her, "Umm..Hi. Im Rei Tanner and I'm here to see Alexandria. I have an appointment." She said hoping the girl would buy the lie. Misty was brought out of train of thought when the girl spoke bringing her back to the task at hand, they didn't need a human here while Wyatt was on his way and things were more than likely to get ugly and she didn't want to have to worry about a Human getting hurt. "I'm sure you do, but she is not here at the moment, so please leave." Misty said as harshly as she could hoping the girl would take a hint as she slammed the door in her face.

Rei was about to respond when the door was slammed in her face rudely. She stood there for a few seconds before turning away and getting back in her car confused as to what just happened. As she drove away, another car passed by with tinted windows. Rei pulled over up the street and got out doubling back, and heading towards the back of the estate.


Wyatt opened his door, stepping out. He surveyed the area as he made his way to the passenger side of the car. He opened the door for Nahla, and fell into step with her as they approached the door. Both were greeted by Misty as they approached. Misty motioned for them to follow her, she led them into a large room with a long table, like you would see in a conference room. Nahla gasped when she laid her eyes on Luna, she rushed forward pulling her sister into a hug. Wyatt stood in shock as he looked at the two women in front of him.

"Wyatt, tried to kill me."

Nahlas priority to protect her still wounded sister kicking in, as she moved to shield her placing her body in front of Luna's. She turned to face him, teeth bared, her anger seeping out of her body.

"I guess it's pointless to deny it. God I was hoping she was dead."

Wyatt wasted little time, he shoved Misty into the book case along the wall, breaking it and rushed forward, dagger in hand. It happened fast, Nahla shoved Luna out of the way, the blade piercing her lung, as her and Wyatt feel backwards. Misty ran forward from her spot on the floor and yanked him off the top of Nahla, the dagger still sticking out of her chest. Misty knelt down next to her, Luna rushing to her sister's side. Luna held her sister in her arms, tears running down her cheeks. Blood staining her hands it ran from her sister's chest. "I'm so sorry." She kept repeating over and over again. Nahla looked up into her sisters eyes and smiled at her the best she could. She weakly brought her hand up and tried to wipe away the tears. She tried to talk but couldn't her hand fell back down as she gasped for air, blood filling her lungs. Once her chest stopped moving, Luna hugged her close, unable to hold back the rest of her tears. No one payed any attention to the other person that had just walked in on the scene.

Misty backed away, there was nothing she could, Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the reporter from earlier standing in the door way, her cell phone in hand. Wyatt moved towards her jumping at her his intention on killing her. Everyone was too caught up in what was before them that no one noticed her. In the blink of an eye he was in wolf form, the large beast with light brown hair flying through the air. Misty barley made it in time to cover Rei with her body as sharp claws tore at her back. Both landing with a hard thud against the floor. Wyatt stood over them snarling, ready to attack when he was blindside by Luna, a flash of gray was all Rei seen as it collided with the wolf on top of them.

Misty swore under her breath as she heard growls and snarls, she rolled over onto her back, regretting it instantly, she watched as the two werewolves snapped and bit at each other, Luna gripped Wyatt by the underside of his neck and shook her head left to right quickly, tearing the flesh. She lost her hold and he ducked down snapping at her stomach, tearing open the stab wounds. She stumbled and he charged forward at her using his body and ramming himself into her, knocking her off her feet and into the wall. He grabbed her neck with his teeth and squeezed as hard as he could, she whimpered in pain.

His hold suddenly released, when Rei ran and jumped onto his back, holding on for dear life as she used her cell phone to hit him in the head. He bucked her off his back and into the wall, landing with a hard thud, her body falling helplessly to the floor, she screamed when he started to tear at her flesh with his teeth and claws. Misty went to move towards Nahlas body to get the dagger, Wyatt walked over, positioning his body between her and the dagger, and he dipped his head low and growled. He went to attack only to have Luna jump up on his back and sink her teeth into the back of his neck. He tried his best to get her off by jumping and swinging his body in different directions. He threw his body under the table knocking Luna's head against it, forcing her to let go.

Misty watched as Luna changed back to her human, blood coated her skin as she lay there on the floor naked and unconscious. She looked over to Wyatt direction, a human arm shooting up into the air and landing on the table. He pulled himself up, much like Luna his body was covered in blood, bite marks and scratches. He locked eyes with Misty and then back to the dagger. Both rushing towards it, Misty had her hand around the hilt, when his knee collided with her face, knocking back and to the ground. Wyatt yanked the dagger from Nahlas body and held it up. He turned his attention back to Luna, he stalked forward like a predator hunting his prey. He violently brought the dagger down, as he did the glass window on the far side of the room broke and he was slammed into the wall, nearly going all the way through to next room.

The Bringer of Death knelt down next to Luna, wiping a few strands of hair from her face, blue eyes met yellow eyes for a brief moment, before Wyatt took the opportunity to rush forward as fast and has hard as he could, burying the dagger in the Bringer of Deaths shoulder, throwing them both to the floor, as the creature yelled in pain from the burning silver, Wyatt took the opportunity to escape and live to fight another day. He changed back into his wolf form and jumped out of the now open window. Luna, crawled forward as the creature pulled the dagger from her shoulder and tossed it across the room. She had every intention of going after him, until Luna placed her hand over her heart.

The creature sat up into a sitting position, "I need you here." Luna said as she was pulled into the creature's lap as she slowly changed back into her human form. She rested her head against Luna's her scent calming her, Alex moved her head and opened her eyes, looking around at the carnage. This was the beginning of a war, she looked over to where the body of an unfamiliar person lay bitten and mauled. She looked over at Misty as she laid unconscious on her back, and the body of Nahla. This was only the beginning. She felt Luna move in her lap, she looked down at her, her once happy blue eyes, now filled with defeat and sadness. Alex leaned forward and placed a kiss on top of Luna's head. The door to the room opened with Kyle, Izuru and Katelyn coming in, the look of shock and horror on their faces, each going to the aid of different person.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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