Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2078912-The-Forgotten-Tribe-Prologue-and-Chp-1
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fanfiction · #2078912
This is a Fan fiction of the Wings Of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland. I hope you enjoy!
Author's note:
This is a Fan fiction. All respective credit goes to Tui T. Sutherland. (no WDC account) Her website is here  


         "Son, come closer." croaked Lapis. Coal slowly crept forward. "Y-Yes mother?"
"Coal, You are loyal, brave, and strong. You will go far in Pyrriah. Carry our legends and stories."

"Wh-What do you mean? Why would I need to? All the other tribes know about us." Whimpered Coal. Lapis let out a long sigh.

         "Not always young one, In a hundred years from now, they will take credit for our wonderful works, our tunnels will be buried and forgotten, and bones will have turned to dust." Lapis holds an old and cracked talon out at him. "YOU shall carry on our legacy. YOU are the last StoneWing." She reaches beside her and drags out a intracitely carved platinum gold necklace. "Wear this, it shall help you succeed." With those last words, Lapis' eyes rolled back and took in a shuddering breath only for her head to fall to the floor.

          Coal prodded his mother trying to wake her. "Mother, Please don't go! I still need you." he choked. As he said this his eyes began to be rimmed with tears. As he started to sob, he turned and ran off through the labyrinths of tunnels, his feet pounding on the ground, while his heart pounded in his chest.

          Wailing he turned into a giant cavern full of crystals of all colors. In his grief he smashed most of them. Soon he became tired, due to grief, not getting enough sleep becuase he helped his mother, and the exertion of the last couple of hours. As he curled up he felt something cold around his neck. As he touched it he somehow felt calmer, as if he was reading this whole thing.

         Even so he pulled it over his gnarled horns to inspect it. He was shocked! It was the necklace his mother had handed him, though he doesn't remember grabbing it. "Mother, why? I'm just a dragonet, I can't do what you have asked of me to do. I just wish I could go to sleep for a thousand years and then forget about all this." As he said this a single tear rolled down his face and landed on the necklace. With a shower of sparks, Coal dropped to the ground, asleep, with his talons curled around his mothers necklace.

Chapter 1

         Where am i? thought Coal as he opened his eyes. Looking around all he saw was darkness, pitch black. It made no differince whether his eyes we closed or open. Well what did i expect? Blinking twice he flicked his night lenses into place. Much better...

         As he rose to his feet he felt something under one of them. What! When did I get this? he thought as he held up a necklace. The longer he stared at it's intricate markings the more he felt as if he should remember something, though for the all the gems in Pyrriah he couldn't figure out why.

          Looking around with new clarity he saw thousands upon thousands of beautiful crystals about a giant cavern. Again he felt the same nagging feeling that he should remeber something, but couldn't. And yet he could. He felt anger and sadness rush over him, and he felt as hif he wanted to smash just a few of them. Figuring that he wouldn't survive long with out any food or water he began to wander through the tunnels. Through twists and turns, ups and downs, caverns and narrow tunnels he wandered. Ugh, my feet are killing me. But not as much as my stomach

More of Chapter 1 coming soon
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