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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2078894
A referendum campaign to ban sex.
Superficiality By Rory Smith
Chapter One

In the old fashioned town I grew up in.
I was told, I could never love you.
But now I know from the depths of my soul.
From the depths of my heart.
From the depths of my heart.
That I will always love you.

In old fashioned times I’d be hanged.
For this crime, but I will always love you.

Lady Hewitt was the most powerful business women in the world. A grey haired 40 year old, of quiet determined personality. She had inherited her financer fathers business. He was the legendary womaniser, adventurer, gambler and founder of ZargCorp Finances. The entrepreneurial genius who had made billions on stock market crashes and collapses, and political shenanigans. He had made his money in Edinburgh, and London.
But Lady Hewitt did not like her dead father. She held him responsible for the suicide of her mother, Sarola, a Bangladeshi immigrant who had been seduced as a virgin maid by the ruthless entrepreneur.
Sarola had killed herself after discovering her financier husbands affair with numerous other women after their marriage. This left a terrifying hatred of sexual relations, and sexual desires to the young Lady Hewitt. And as she aged she hated the sexual shenanigans of the perverted world, especially of men. Of pornography, strip clubs, affairs, pre marital sex, brothels, the sexualisation of women, glamour models, lap dancing clubs, lingerie models, sex shops, porn magazines, porn videos, swinger clubs and the judgement of women by men simply as sexual objects. She hated with a passion, and so did her half brother Julian.
Julian was the overweight, dark haired, half brother of Lady Hewitt. Julian was one of Lady Hewitt’s two closest friends
Julian was too his eternal shame a virgin at 29. He waited passionately to lose his virginity, in hope for the one day, and saw as time slipped away, and he watched every movie repeated and remembered how he had not ,lost his virginity since the time he saw it last. It drove him mad with frustration only the friendship of his half sister and her closest friend was able to cure this resentment at the world.
The two felt they were the most hated people in the world.
But the two had another friend their young vibrant and wonderful Solon.
Solon was a 25 year old short, dark haired survivor of child sex abuse. She had had suicidal tendencies from the age of 12 when her step father had sexually molested her. The case was brought to trial, and the abuser was punished with life imprisonment. But Solon still had nightmares of the horror she had suffered.
The three had a passionate hared of sex, and set up an organisation for the criminalisation of sex, called
Sex Is Evil, which went by the acronym SIE. To be honest this organisation had no real levels of support. But Lady Hewitt would attend meetings online and list her key reasons to hate sex;
The Chief executive of the organisation was Lady Hewitt
The Chairman was Solon, and the Deputy Leader was Julian Hewitt.
The key reasons were
1. The judgement of men and women by sexual attraction blinding the world to morality, intelligence, and usefulness to society.
2. The judgement of women as slags, If they sleep with lots of men, and of men as failures if they do not sleep with lots of women.
3. The sex abuse of children.
4. The sexualisation of youngsters.
5. The rapes and attacks on adult women, and adult men.
6. The using of excuse of jealousy for domestic abuse and murder by men of women for being with a different partner.
7. The adultery by men and women humiliating their partners.
8. The affairs that result in illegitimate children.
9. The fact that sexier people do better in life than unsexy people, and the injustice of that.
10. The decision of who to have children with being dependent on how sexy someone is rather than how good a parent they would be.
11. The sick way that some people see evil as sexy, mysterious, and manly.
12. The waste of time that people waste thinking about sex rather than how to help society.
13. The waste of money and resources on sex, rather than on useful activities.
14. People fantasising about you in sexual ways without your permission, and how that is an invasion of privacy, and personal space. Imagine it, it could be your wife, mother or daughter, being judged in such a way.
15. Men setting up industries to sexualise women. Imagine it, it could be your wife, mother or daughter, being judged in such a way.
16. The fact that men and women can be judged on superficial ways, rather than the value of their heart and soul.
17. The fact that the religions of the world have understandably said that false idols must not rule. Sex is a false idol.
18. The search for sexiness is time you could have spent worshipping god.
19. Sex is seedy and disgusting. You want prooth, well would you have sex in the street, or sex in front of people.
20. Sex had been hijacked by people with an agenda to promote their people.
21. Sex has been hijacked to sell products over the head of your better instincts.
22. The fact that some women boast smugly of finding bullies, serial killers, rapists and other bad boys sexy. This is evil, and finding people sexy for being evil is evil. Finding bullies sexy makes bullies win.
23. Wife beaters think they are manly and sexy for being evil. This is evil.
24. Men wolf whistling women is evil.
25. Bestiality is perverted six act against nature.
26. Incest is a vile act.

Lady Hewitt would speak for hours about her passionately held belief that sex was a sin, and evil.
Julian Hewitt and Solon were her disciples in this holy campaign to rid the world of this sin.

Chapter Two Desperation
In 10 Downing street Prime Minister Edward Brown, discussed with his special advisor Crys Shirt, the financial problems of the Prime Minister’s workers party. The Workers Party had been in power for 12 years, but the party was mired in political and economic scandal.
Brown shouted furiously at Shirt, ‘We are 15 million in debt. With no one wanting to back us. How can we put forward the interests of working and middle class people?’
Shirt replied, ‘Well you alienated the trade unions, and working class with tax rises for lower earners, and you alienated the middle class, and media establishment with anti business rhetoric, and a recession. You have no group to back you.’
Brown stood up and threw his mobile phone across the room. It smashed into pieces. Brown swore at the top of his voice. Brown then commented, ‘Look for anyone to get financial funding from. I don’t care where you get money from, as long as it is legal.’
Shirt spoke up, ‘Well there is one group I found. I don‘t know if you would want to associate with this group.’
Brown screamed in anger, ‘Spit it out, man.’
Shirt was agitated, and spoke, then took out a pamphlet from his jacket pocket.
The pamphlet read Sex Is Evil, and listed in 4 pages AS the reasons why sex should be banned.
Edward Brown read the pamphlet with a wry smile on his face, commenting, ‘Is this for real. What is this, that daughter of that right wing fascist Lord Hewitt? I knew him, he stood in my constituency in some mad referendum plan on the legalisation of cannabis.’
Crys Shirt suggested, ‘I think we should ask her for a donation of 20 million pounds, if we hold a referendum on her plan to ban sex.’
Edward Brown, stated, ‘But surely she would not give us that much money for a referendum she would have no chance of winning?’
Crys Shirt replied, ‘But if we make her think we will try and help her win. She would be open to our scheme.’
Edward Brown let out a chortling laugh, ‘What a campaign we have in store. And I have just the man I know who can represent the keep sex legal campaign. He knows more about sex than anyone. And I owe him a favour.’

Chapter Three - The Setting Set Place
Prime Minister Brown and Lady Hewitt shook hands outside 10 Downing Street to a rung of journalists, TV reporters and radio commentators.
Prime Minister Brown announced he had arranged a sincere deal with the billionaire philanthropist Lady Hewitt. They had met and agreed the wording of the referendum.
Do you agree with the proposition that sexual intercourse should be banned? Yes or No.
The reporters laughed their heads off at the question. This was the definition of the silly season. No one had even bothered to carry out an opinion poll. The response of the public would be obvious.
The Prime Minister asked for questions, from the reporters.
Chief Reporter Heseltine asked the first question of the English Broadcast News, ‘Is the decision to have a referendum to ban sex, anything to do with the 20 million pound donation by Lady Hewitt to your party?’
Brown with his fake indignation replied, ‘Disgraceful. The idea that I could be bought off over such a trivial fee is an outrage. I assure you this is a sincere referendum on the issues. Why would we be stupid enough to change our policy over such trivial amounts. The very fact we are open about, this, shows we have nothing to hide. It is purely a coincidence.’
Rachel Carter, a short dark haired journalist of the Scottish Daily Publish, asked another question, ‘So why on earth are you putting forward such a ridiculous referendum to the public? When we know no one in their right mind would agree with such a ban.’
Prime Minister Brown then laughed off the question, ‘Is it not about time that this question was put to the public. We have had referendums on Europe, devolution, voting, and referendums in the USA on gay marriage, taxes. Why can’t we be the first people to have vote on the belief that sex should exist.’
Some in the press conference laughed at this ridiculous question. Some grew angry.
Aled Parkes, a 29 year old short blonde haired graduate journalist of the Welsh Eastern Gazette put forward a simple statement and question, ‘Is this the final nail in the coffin of your pathetic reign?’
Edward Brown coughed and made a joke, ’This is my coughing not my coffin.’
There was deafly silence.
Lady Hewitt then shouted up, ‘We need to ban sex.
Look at all the sex abuse, rape, sexualisation of women, sexual harassments, the adultery that humiliated and killed my mother. Look at men and women being judged in superficial ways, rather than the value of their heart and soul.
Sex is seedy and disgusting. Sex had been hijacked by people with an agenda to put forward their looks and actions.’
There was uproar in the crowd of reports as her voice turned shrill.

Chapter Four - Meet Harry Bailey
Harry Bailey was a 6ft four inch tall handsome, Oxbridge educated son of the Bailey political dynasty. A former Deputy Leader of the Workers Party. Bailey was a top spin doctor, with a link to the historic glory days of the Workers Party.
He was known as a bisexual seducer of various wives and husbands. He was known as a Casanova, and Don Juan of the modern age.
Prime Minister Brown appointed him because no one knew more about sex than Harry Bailey. Plus Harry was owed a few favours by Prime Minister Brown, in terms of hiding sex and financial scandals, for the Workers Party. Harry Bailey was capable of seductive charm, but also of being foul mouthed when he wanted to put forward jokes. He had a reputation as being a wonder for the political careers of those he wanted to help but of doing terrible PR for his own record. But he still had a popular appeal to the working and middle classes of the country. In short, he was a rude foul mouthed sex addict, who had a masterful ability at spinning other people.
On the verge of his first speech to the pro sex campaign, in Aberdeen, North East Scotland, he was greeted with a opinion poll that said 99% of the British public wanted sex to not be banned. His speech was too be viewed at dinner time.
Harry decided to enjoy this referendum for the ride. After his own financial scandal he was going to use this opportunity to get back to the mainstream of British public.
The speech was made at a football stadium to a crowd of 20,000, who turned up to see a speech that it was hoped would rejuvenate the political career of a popular but complicated man.
Harry decided to sprinkle his speech with lots of jokes.
He began, ‘Greetings fellows. The last time I had to make a speech to people about sex, it was at my sex addicts discussion group. Or was it at that orgy I had afterwards.’
The crowd roared in laughter.
Harry decided to go for his killer line, ‘Now sex has been controversial for me in my career. No seriously, my ass and penis have got me into a lot of trouble over the years.’
Some people whooped in laughter at the candid honesty of Harry.
Harry then listed why he thought sex should not be made illegal, ‘Sex is a vital part of our lives. To take away sex is like talking away pleasure of art. It is like banning films because some films are rubbish. It is like banning vision and sound because sometimes they make us suffer. It is like banning hate and love. These are things that make our lives rich. And to say that because some people are sick enough to abuse others that the rest of us should be banned from this sensual, symbolic and intimate pleasure, Well that is just jealously ruining lives of the majority for the pain of others.’
The crowd cheered Harry in agreement.
But then something deeply embarrassing happened,
Harry was so over excited at the agreement of the public that he got a little too excited and he was standing beside a very thin podium that revealed his over excitement, In a collective gasp of disgust the audience grew horrified at what was in this man.
A male questioner asked Harry if he had had any recent affairs.
Harry replied, ‘I know your wife like you know the palm of your right hand.’ Then he laughed.
The questioner then quickly replied, ‘What not at all?’
Harry was furious at this witty response and threw a plastic bottle at the questioner.
Harry then looked across the room and saw a beautiful blonde women called Alicia, he remembered from his political lobbying days. He remembered she had not slept with him. He beckoned toward her and said, ‘So Alicia, I notice you have a drink in your hand. Tell me, do you spit or swallow?’
Alicia replied, ‘Still up to your pervy ways I see.’
Harry reacted furiously and shouted, ‘Someone take this dirty slut out. Honestly some women have no respect for their betters.’
This speech was broadcast over the whole country, to watching millions of various ages.
This was terrible publicity, and sadly for Harry, the first headline story of the evening news, was one of a paedophile scandal in Yorkshire, Followed by a sensational scandal, that rocked Harry to the core. It was revealed that Harry had had an affair with former Prime Minister Gavin Spence’s wife, and that the child, he had in office was in reality the child of Harry Bailey.
The story was then followed by a revelation that the child of King Thomas V, and heir to the throne was in fact the child of King Sven of Sweden.
This was followed by the scandal of the Tyneside Ripper, a rapist who had raped and murdered 5 women, in sexually motivated crimes. Before fleeing to safety in a non extradition treaty nation.
These stories were perfect in giving the case, of why sex should be banned, for the British public,
Over night the public saw the stateswoman like dignified, and tragic private life of Lady Hewitt against the scandalous, spoiled brat womanising, life humiliating of Harry Bailey. The disgusting child abuse scandals, the rapists, and extramarital affairs that lead to men and women being humiliated.

Chapter Five - The Polls Move
Overnight a new opinion poll, was carried out. To the amazement of the elite, the polls that seemed as stable as the continental plates had shifted like rapidly.
Now 42% of the public wanted sex banned, compared to 58% supporting sex.
But over the days the political skills of Harry Bailey deserted him. He made a flurry of gaffes, that showed once again how terrible he was for his own publicity. He chatted up journalists of both genders at the press conferences, made rude remarks about the large breasts of some women in the press conferences. He also made disparaging remarks about women. He made sexual innuendos to beautiful women on the platforms, then called ugly women dogs, when he felt they were not good looking.
This might have worked if he was running for President of the USA, but this was the UK.
As a case in the point on the campaign coach. One time he was being interviewed by the news channel Eastern Kurland Today, by a beautiful blonde haired reporter Cichelle Rachel, when he looked out of the coach window to see a woman with a big bottom walking down the street. He shouted after her, ‘Look at those peaches, mmmm yes. Squish, squash. There’s a pear I would like to take a bite out of.’
Everyone on the coach laughed nervously at this remark, which just encouraged him. As the coach overtook the big bottomed lady he looked at her face and said, ‘Well ten out of ten for the ass. But shame about the face.’ He then laughed so passionately, he did not notice everyone on the bus looking shocked and disgusted.
Harry then boasted of his sexual exploits to some female journalists to try to turn them on.
One reporter, a beautiful blonde woman, Selina Wark was on the bus. She was an ardent feminist, and she was a good feminist, that was against bullying and rape, not one of those bad feminists that support rape and bullying.
Selina was furious at Harry’s attitude, and tempestuously questioned Harry, ‘What kind of man insults women like that in a humiliating way? You are a bully, a creep, and a boor.’
Harry looked at the name tag on Selina’s lapel, and replied, ‘I don’t need to feel inferior to you. I have banged 1000 better looking woman than you. You are nothing. I give you two out of ten for looks, and 1 out of ten for personality. And I am being polite. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.’
Selina then lowered her tone of speech to his level and said, ‘I have had sex with better looking men than you.’
Harry replied sardonically, ‘Well I’m sure of that. A woman like you has slept with so many men, she gets a reputation. Maybe all the studs have had a go on you.’ Harry chortled deeply, then waived for Selina to be escorted off the bus, by his heavily paid security guards.
True to form, another time on the coach, while being interviewed live for a local radio station, he saw two muscular men walking down the street. The two men were wearing t-shirts and jeans. Being a bisexual sex addict, Harry shouted after them, ‘I’ll be the filling, in your sex sandwich.’
The two men were outraged, and ran toward the coach. Harry laughed at the sight of these two men grappling with the bouncers on the coach.
Harry joked to them, ‘Did anyone tell you two, you look sexy when your angry?’ The two were refused entry onto the coach and Harry blew them kisses as the coach pulled away leading to stones being thrown at the coach by the two men.
Another time, he took the coach to a notorious red light district of one of the largest cities of the UK. He saw a massage parlour was open, so paid for 6 of the journalists to get into the massage parlour for free. Feeling in a horny mood. He decided to leave the coach and entered the massage parlour, himself, and hired four of the massage women to work on him, while he was there. Some journalists managed to get in and find him in the act.
Harry was known for funding his time through university as a private erotic dancer. But now it came to light that he had also moonlighted as a professional gigolo. He had throughout his adult life spent a career, as a gigolo for men and women on the side. He had a business card printed that read, ‘Harry Bailey. Professional seducer whether you be man, woman or anything else, Harry Bailey can satisfy your bodily needs. Call Harry or visit his private erotic website.’
Throughout this he also continued his career, as a professional glamour model photographer. Handing out his glossy golden coloured business card to every good looking man and woman he saw. It gave his business telephone number and the names of his company, ‘Big Golden D Photography.’
More scandals of his other extramarital affairs of impregnating other men’s wives became more wide spread. He had apparently impregnated 6 other men’s wives. He had ruined 138 marriages while serving as commissioner for the European Federation, via affairs with men and women. He had turned some straight men gay, and had seduced men from all major religions, and political persuasion.
Including his affair with the leader of the far right nationalist party, ‘The Dutch Orange National Liberation Movement.’
By the end of these discoveries the public had grown, sick and tired of sex. They had become disgusted with what sex was offering for society. Now for the first time the opinion polls shifted to the majority wanting a ban on sex. The campaign to ban sex led by 63% to 37%.
Some religious leaders had come out in favour of a ban on sex for the main reason, that sex was a major distraction to people worshipping god.
One priest, the sixty three year old Father Joseph Hayes pointed out that humans had already had animals mating via artificial insemination for over a century.
Artificial insemination was pioneered by Ilya Ivanov.in Russia in 1899. The priest also pointed out that in 1935 Suffolk sheep semen was transported by plane from Cambridge to Krakoiv, Poland, with joint international research from Poland, the USSR, Cambridge, Scotland, and Uruguay.
The Priest also pointed out that artificial insemination had been used in pedigree animals ranging form cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, sheep, zoo animals, honeybees, turkeys, and pandas.
So in other words, humans felt it OK for animals they bred for food, sport and leisure to be banned from sex and to fertilise via artificial means, but that it was different for humans. Look at people paying vets to make their dogs and cats infertile.
When Harry Bailey was told, on his campaign coach about the comments about artificial insemination being used he made a joke and said he used to work at a sperm donation clinic but that he was fired for drinking on the job.

Chapter Six - The Banning Sex Campaign Revelation
In the campaign headquarters of the ban sex campaign Lady Hewitt was becoming more confident that her campaign would work.
She was forming a close bond with Dewi Morgan, a 26 year old fellow virgin, who was waiting for Miss Right. Dewi was partly disabled after being hit by a car as school boy. He was shorter than average, had blonde hair, and was a little overweight. But he still had bags of charisma. He had to limp as one leg was shorter than the other, and spoke slower than most people. But he had passionate ideas and beliefs and was energised by the campaign to ban sex.
Dewi and Lady Hewitt talked everyday. Dewi was full of ideas to attack the campaign to keep sex legal. It was a series of devastating negative attacks pointing out the child abuse scandals, the rapes, the sex abusers, and the sex maniacs. Asking questions like ‘What sort of sickoe wants his children to be abused? Ban Sex!’

The campaign was so successful that even builders, scaffolders, footballers, soldiers and bricklayers had decided they wanted to ban sex, including wolf whistling.
Dewi also came up with the economic argument. It was said that men thought about sex every six seconds. Well imagine what a drain on the economy it was that men thought about sex every six seconds. That was approximately 16.6 per cent of the day taken up thinking about sex. What was a waste of time, and energy. What a distraction from business and finance ideas. How many builders, and computer programmers were not finishing their work in time due to too much masturbation? So his thinking was that if men thought about work, or family, art, sport, charity or education in those 16.6% of time instead of sex that would mean a massive productivity, fitness, and educational boost for the country.
How many men, he claimed, wasted their time masturbating for 5 hours a day instead of working, or learning? How many men spent their lives looking for perfect sex, rather than the perfect cure for an illness, business ideas, or athletic achievement for their country?
Even the economists and computer scientists started to realise this could be a 16.6% boost to the economy, science and art and sport worlds. How many more Olympics medals, football and rugby world cups, Wimbledon tennis tournaments, British golf opens, and snooker titles would the Scottish, Welsh, English, and Northern Irish teams win with this improvement?
How many more great songs, and films would be created if people spent more time thinking about music or fiction ideas?
Julian, Solon and Lady Hewitt were delighted with the work that Dewi had done. Although they also realised Harry Bailey was a major cause of their campaign doing so well.
Julian and Solon discussed their lives. Julian explained in depression how frustrated he was that virgins were given such negative stigma for being virgins. How virgins would be ashamed of the fact they had never had sex. He hated the way he would wait for years for the time he could lose his virginity.
Solon talked of the abuse she had suffered as a child. Julian talked once again of the frustration that being a virgin made him feel, Oh the shame and embarrassment he felt at never having had sex. Of the mad frustration it made him feel. Of the fact that it made him wish he had had sex. But now he was too old to have sex. Who would want a fat mentally frustrated slob like him? Oh how jealous he was with men who had had sex, and how frustrated he felt of not having had, but he told Solon he did not blame any woman for not finding him sexy. After all not everyone can be sexy. He would not like it if people he did not fancy hated him for him not fancying them. There are people born with terrible disabilities, people born ugly, people born outside the world of sexual norms, it is just part of life.
Julian said ‘Look most people aren’t sexy. Most people are either too ugly, too young, too old, too nasty, too crazy, too stupid, too boring, too addicted to drugs or alcohol, too smelly, too closely related, the wrong gender for people to see them as sexy. Not everyone can be sexy. I am fed up with the sort of person who tries to get me to be frustrated, or mad, or angry at women not finding me sexy. I went on the internet and there were some trolls goading men for not having lots of sex. What were those trolls trying to do? Drive men mad and turn them into rapists or women haters? Well they won’t win, I will never hate women, I will never be a rapist. Plus at least I can honestly say I have never had sex with anyone under the age of consent. When I was growing up there were other boys boasting of having had sex with 13 year old girls. That is not something to be proud of nowadays.’
Solon sympathised with Julian over his mental illness problems, but her problem was the opposite. She lost her virginity at too young an age. Paedophiles had abused her, paedophiles who were attracted to children. Solon spoke up, ‘I wish I was still a virgin. When I was growing up I had tonnes of sexual partners. But I didn’t want any of them. It was horrible it made me mentally ill and suffer suicidal tendencies too. I worry that some of those creepy evil guys have uploaded the videos they took us of having sex onto the internet.’
Lady Hewitt interrupted, ‘Please never kill yourself guys. My mother killed herself. It has been seen time and time again. Suicide is a virus. Once one person in a group kills themselves, then other people in that social group, or family or work, may kill or attempt to kill themselves. Remember there is always more to see, and to live for. Find a cause a belief, values to fight for.’
The conversation then spilled into the referendum debate.
Dewi had done so well, that Lady Hewitt invited him in to her office for a celebratory drink.
Dewi normally did not drink, but he accepted, for once. The two had a bottle of martini, and lemonade to drink. Solon left them alone as the two giggled their way through the night.

Chapter Seven - The Tattoo Parlour
Harry Bailey visited all sort of businesses, work places, and leisure places to makes speeches for the pro sex campaign. Large numbers of the places were based on the sex industry, such as porn magazines, strip clubs, nightclubs, fashion magazines, sex shops, sexy lingerie manufacturers, topless cafes, porn tv stations. Also there were places, and people that benefited from people searching for sex such as singles bars, dating websites, pubs, bars, sexy actors, sexy singers, sexy reality TV stars, sexy models, sexy comedians.
But one day Harry Bailey decided to make a visit to a tattoo parlour. He made his favourite tattoo jokes for the watching press. His first was, ‘I don’t have a tattoo, you don’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari.’
Then he made his second tattoo joke, ‘Actually I do have a tattoo. It is quite a long tattoo, it says super star politician known for his sexy ways, and ways of seducing beautiful people. But I would be sounding like I was boasting if it told you where it was written.’
Then he made his third tattoo joke, ‘Actually I have two tattoos, on my either of my bottom cheeks. A letter W on each one, so when I bend over it says WOW.’
Harry was in the middle of Saint Fuxburgh Street, the only street in the town that was inhabited by more than two sex shops and two churches. Harry made a joke, ‘I don’t know which one is giving gods message out for, that we should go forth and multiply.’
Then Harry saw a young 17 year old dark haired tall, boy walk into the library. Harry fancied the guy, and walked into the library. He walked up to the boy, and after an innocent few seconds of introduction, he then skilfully steered the conversation to something more exploitative, and started asking him explicit questions about the boy’s sexuality. It was shocking, Harry was the clichéd sexual predator. And in the library of silence people could hear his explicit sexual questions to the boy, about his sexuality, and then proceeded to explain to him in graphic detail the act of anal sex. Telling the boy that, in his opinion, it was the most pleasurable form of sexual intercourse, that would always result in orgasm.
Now let me point out there is nothing wrong with being gay. But walking up to a underage boy and trying to describe graphic sex acts of any sort is despicable. And once Edward Brown heard that this was what Harry Bailey was doing, Brown decided to take care of the matter in a very brutal and extreme way.
Harry Bailey soon left the library, and was still at this point sure of his campaign to keep his pro sex campaign going. Every time the polls shifted to banning sex he decided it was a joke.
Bailey was working a disaster for the polls, but then he made the biggest mistake of the campaign. Bailey finally proved the point that sex can be bad for your health. The sex addict, Harry, saw across the street from the library, a sex shop, and he decided that this was a great place to visit. He waved the journalists to follow him.
Harry didn’t understand why the journalists waved at him to stop. He was too addicted to sex to care. He ran across the street at top pace.
Just then a 4 x 4 truck was driving down the road, at 80mph, and slammed right into the fateful body of Harry Bailey. Harry Bailey was bounced over, and then he flew down the street at top speed. Harry lay on the road, and looked up to the sky with his body suffering massive internal bleeding and his legs and arms broken.
Harry joked his final words, ‘You’re lucky I’m not angry. At least I died a man who did what he wanted to do. After all those pussies and cocks weren’t going to eat themselves.’
Then he passed on.

The campaign was immediately taken over by Prime Minister Edward Brown.
Chapter Eight - Drych
Lady Hewitt woke up the next day with a hangover, her bed seemed worn down, she was feeling sick, and walked over to her toilet and vomited. Just then she heard a sound behind her. She ran back to her bed. To see that sleeping in her bed was Dewi.
Dewi put his hand to his forehead, and groaned, ‘What was that? I have never had a headache so bad,’
He turned round to see Lady Hewitt who was naked. Dewi was naked too, but was under the bed clothes.
Lady Hewitt screamed, ’What have we done? Oh my God. We are supposed to be the perfect moral guardians.’
Dewi spoke up, ‘I can’t remember what we did last night. I think I had too much too drink.’
Lady Hewitt turned to see there was camera in her bedroom that had obviously been recording them.
The two then pressed the play button on camera to discover that they had been engaged in sexual activities with each other for 2 hours.
The two looked on in shock and amazement at the things they had gotten up to with each other.
Lady Hewitt laughed, and Dewi looked sheepish. Just then the door of the bedroom flew open and to their further chagrin, it was Solon.
Solon screamed in shock and embarrassment, ‘What are you two watching a porn move for?’
Then Solon quickly realised the film was involving her two buddies, and laughed in shock.’
Solon shouted at them, ‘You have just broken your own laws that you want to make? What have you done?’
The three then argued with each other over what Lady Hewitt and Dewi had done.
Lady Hewitt then shouted, ‘We can’t tell anyone about this we’ll be a laughing stock. And we’ll lose the referendum.’
Julian then came into the bedroom with a big grin on his face
Solon asked, ‘What are you smiling at? Your sister has just broken the law we were supposed to get impose.’
Julian laughed, ‘Well guess what, I just lost my cherry.’
Solon looked shocked and said, ‘What are you talking about?’
Julian then said, ‘I met some guys last night who got me laid with a couple of hot babes. I spent last night boning, two sexy babes that would make most penises explode in ecstasy. Let’s just say from now one I won’t be Julian the Virgin, I will be Julian Ice Cool Super Stud.’

Just then Lady Hewitt’s butler, Hendry, ran into the room carrying his mobile tablet. He could not see Julian, who had moved to the window, looking as proud as a peacock.

Lady Hewitt said, ‘What is it Hendry? You look a bit shocked.’

Hendry spoke in his deep North West Wales accent, ‘Lady Hewitt. I have some bad news for you. Your brother has just been caught up in a sex scandal. It’s in all of the news. Newspapers, websites, news channels. He was caught having sex with two big breasted blonde women in a brothel.’

Lady Hewitt looked furious, ‘Prostitutes. What on earth were you doing Julian?’

Julian stood up for himself, ‘They weren’t prostitutes. It was a massage parlour, and they were just so turned on by me they decided to sleep with me. Well sleep is not exactly what they did with me? I met two guys in the street we got talking and they took me to the massage parlour. I was feeling a bit tired so how was I supposed to know I had such animal magnetism, and sexual attraction to women, that the massage would turn into full sex. Anyway what are you guys watching. Why is Dewi here? ’

Solon replied, ‘Dewi and Lady Hewitt have just had sex.’

Julian, took two seconds for what had just happened to sink in, then his face turned to fury.

Julian shouted, ‘What have you done to my virgin sister. You are using my sister.’

He walked forwardly aggressively to Julian. Hendry pulled him back to stop him getting near Dewi.

Hendry stood up for Lady Hewitt, ‘You can hardly claim the moral superiority when you have just slept with prostitutes.’

Julian was feeling like a hot headed stud, and wanted to protect the honour of his sister.’

Solon shouted in fury at Julian, ‘How are we supposed to win the referendum when one of the main people in our campaign has slept with prostitutes? What if you caught a STD? What if you have had sex with sex slaves, who were forced against their will to have sex with you?’

Julian looked sheepish, ‘Oh I hadn’t though of that.’

Dewi spoke up, ‘I think this may have been a stitch up. We can turn this around and say isn’t it terrible what the pro sex lobby do to pay for women to seduce vulnerable naïve young men.’

Julian startled and responded, ‘Hey mate. I seduced them. We should say isn’t it terrible what a young stud like myself can do to naive women. Lock up your daughters, the stud is in town,’

Dewi shouted back, ‘They were prostitutes. They have probably been forced to sleep with 1000 men.’

Julian defended the honour of the prostitutes, ‘Don’t believe everything you read in the papers. They were normal sexy women, who just couldn’t keep their hands off me.’

Hendry then turned the remote control for the TV on.

On the TV was Prime Minister Edward Brown.

Chapter Nine - The Spin

Prime Minister Edward Brown stood by the front door of 10 Downing Street. And as the new head of the pro sex campaign made a stunning passionate speech.
Brown spoke, ‘Ladies and gentlemen. I pay tribute to the late Harry Bailey, who met such an unfortunate end. It is a terrible blow for his family that he was accidentally run over by my ex spin doctor Andrew Campbell.’
Brown continued, ‘But let me as the new head of the pro sex campaign suggest that this is the time for the country to realise what a foolish and dangerous step it would be to ban sex. Now the anti sex campaign suggest that sex needs to be banned because of child sexual abuse, rape, sexual harassment, enforced prostitution. Well let me point out those things have already been made illegal. Why should we ban good sex, because of bad sex that is already illegal? Sex is a part of the human condition. To ban sex would be like banning sport, art, happiness, music, culture, movies, love, anything that makes life fun and interesting. Of course rape should be illegal, it is vile and evil. Of course sexual harassment should be illegal it is vile and repulsive. Of course child sex abuse and adult sexual abuse should be illegal, they are evil, and beneath contempt.’
The photographers continued to photograph the Prime Minister, as he continued to round on the anti sex campaign, ‘Now today the media is full of the story of Julian Hewitt and his affair with two prostitutes. Let me point out I never discuss the private life of my rivals as a reason to vote against them. But the hypocrisy of the anti sex campaign stinks. They preach values of abstinence, and purity, above all and yet they then carry out paid for sex, with women who have been exploited for their bodies. I have never used a prostitute, and I never will. Let me say to Julian Hewitt, you may be pleased with yourself. You are no longer a virgin, but you remove yourself of the claim that you are the moral guardian of our nation when it comes to sex. Whatever next monks, nuns, ministers, preachers, imams, and bishops paying for sex while calling for sex to be banned?’

Back in the Lady Hewitt bedroom, Julian ranted at the TV, ‘I did not know they were prostitutes, How can it be my fault if two good looking women decide to have sex with me? Anyway maybe they weren’t paid, and they just found me so sexy that they decided they needed to have sex with me. Not all women have the same taste in men. Can’t some guys accept that ugly guys get laid sometimes? I had chances before missed, now I struck gold. I am the player of the moment.’
Julian was strutting like a peacock, and heard some reporters outside the gates of the mansion taking photos of the mansion.
Julian screamed out to the reporters, ‘You bunch of virgins. I bet you’ve never had a threesome with two beautiful women!. Well I have, and I can satisfy women better than any of you guys. Babes that are totally out of your league.’
The mass of reporters outside the mansion roared in laughter.
Julian felt pleased with himself, the sense of majesty of having lost his virginity to two sexy women had overpowered him.
Lady Hewitt then exclaimed, ‘I think I need to ask Dewi a question.’
Lady Hewitt got down on his knees and asked Dewi, ‘Dewi. I have fallen in love with you over this campaign, and if you don’t mind I would like to ask you to be my husband.’
Dewi smiled, and commented, ‘Yes I do.’

Just then they turned on the TV to see King Macbeth the Second, of the UK, release a statement stating that he wanted the people of the UK to back sex staying legal. Like the PM he felt rape, and sex abuse should be kept illegal, but that good sex should be kept legal.
It was only one week to go before the referendum vote would take place. And a new law was to take place, all opinion polls results were banned from publication in the media, the internet, newspapers, the TV, until after the election voting had stopped. So the last published opinion polls had the yes to ban sex side winning the referendum.

Chapter Nine Before the Show

Lady Hewitt, and her husband had by now withdrawn from the ban sex campaign. They had decided that they wanted to continue to have sex with each other.
Solon had decided if it made her friend happy to have sex maybe she should have sex.
Julian had decided he was a sex stud and why let a talent like that go to waste. It was obvious to him now that he was gods gift to women. Although curiously there did not seem to be tonnes of women banging down his door for sex in reality.
Incumbent PM Edward Brown campaigned avidly for the pro sex campaign. He knew this referendum was not just on sex, but on his leadership. He needed to show his authority over the country.
In the televised debates Prime Minister Edward Brown debated against a tub of lard, as Lady Hewitt had resigned from the anti sex campaign. He spoke time and time again putting forward the argument for sex. But once again as no opinion polls were allowed by law, nobody knew if he had won or lost the debate. Posters were placed around motorway service stations speaking for sex to remain legal. Brown even managed to persuade the religions to go back and speak out for sex as a natural part of the human condition, that God had created. Even catholic priests and the Pope came out for sex.

Chapter 10 The Referendum Result
Voting took place over two days. As this was such a special election, more time was allowed for people to vote. Some voting booths stayed open for 48 hours. The Prime Minister voted. And on that very day Lady Hewitt publicised that Dewi had impregnated her, and that she was hoping for a child in 9 months time.
Julian carried on shouting to anyone who insulted him that they were virgins, and boasted that he had sex, with two women at once.
Solon decided to set up an anti paedophile charity that would target the real sinners of sex. Good sex was OK in her view.
The exit polls result was announced on the United Kingdom Broadcasting News, by Chief Political Reporter Charles Williams. He announced that the exit polls placed the result as, the campaign to ban sex received 2% of the vote, 95% said keep sex, and 3% said I don’t know.’
Some people would ask why someone would bother to got to the polling booth to vote don’t know. But it is a legitimate intellectual viewpoint. After all you can’t know the answer to everything. Why does everyone always have to be so sure of all they believe?
Prime Minister Edward Brown stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street, and accepted his campaign victory, to a rousing crowd of supporters. Unfortunately some people had taken the call to keep sex legal as an excuse to put forward whatever desires they had to the front.
Some of the revellers had brought with them, giant inflatable dildoes, or blow up sex dolls, female and male. Some men had brought with themselves fake breasts, or sexy female lingerie to wear. Some girls had brought with themselves hundreds of packets of king sized condoms with them, and chucked them at the Prime Minister saying he was the new sex god.
The victory turned into the opposite of a riot, a giant sex party of orgies, People were having wild sex.
But even worse there were practioners of evil sex carrying out their acts as if these acts had been legalised by this referendum.
Some supporters of bestiality held up banners saying, and shouting the slogan, ‘Bestiality is best.;’
People who had carried out the disturbed act of incest held up slogans saying, ‘Incest, fun for all the family.’
In Downing Street people had wild sex with each other.
All across the country sex parties were held to celebrate the remaining legality of sex. Swingers for Sex Parties were held in virtually every street in Britain. Some people had 30 in a bed sex orgies.
In one castle in the Scottish Highlands, a party of the most famous actors, artists, pop stars, rock stars, rappers, ballet dancers, business people, sports stars, and models held the most explicit sex orgy of all time, televised live on an adult TV channel.
In one estate in London a series of aristocrats held a big sex party of what they feared would be the last night for themselves to have sex.
To celebrate the referendum result MPs and Lords in the Houses of Parliament suddenly started having wild sex, with every random stranger they could find. No change there then.
The leaders of the ban sex campaign had dissipated, mostly deciding the campaign was wrong, some with their tails beneath their legs to lick their wounds.
Edward Brown saw his opinion polls shoot up to the highest rating since Winston Churchill. As the country saw him as having united the entire country, and fought a existential threat to humanity. It was his Falklands moment.
This was the greatest moment for the UK since Britain defeated NAZI Germany. From a moment where Britain looked like sex was banned, the people of Britain, famed throughout the world for the farce, ‘No sex, We’re British.’
The British famed for their stiff upper lip.
The British famed as the reserved morally upstanding purveyors of sexual fair play, and Victorian moral prudity. The British had now become the first people on the planet Earth to vote for legalisation of sex.
Edward Brown went on to win the next general election with a massive landslide of 452 seats, on 56% of the vote. The opposition party, the Union Majesty Party was second, holding onto just 122 seats. The Scottish Progressive People Party ended the night in third with just 7 seats.
Brown was now seen as a decisive, persuasive, morally upstanding, unifier of the people of the UK.
He was so popular there were even calls for him to be made the President of Europe, as he was a fighter for freedom and human rights across the continent.
The President of the USA, and his advisors would ask Brown for advise on how to gain this amazing electoral success that he had.
Julian never had sex again, but he didn’t care, he had slept with some beautiful women, and that was enough for him. He became confident, and never felt inferior to anyone, but he never slept with anymore prostitutes. And he campaigned against the industry, for exploiting women.
Lady Hewitt and Dewi had two kids.
Solon found a husband and had three children, before marrying a woman, in her later eons.
But no one ever did find out that Brown had paid for the massage parlour women to sleep with Julian. No one ever did find out that Brown had had Harry Bailey killed.
No one ever did find out that Brown had accepted a bribe to carry out this ridiculous referendum in the first place.
But no one ever does suspect the worst in the leader of people.


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