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My ride on writing.com |
I came to WDC on February 23, 2003. I didn't get involved immediately, but I remember dabbling across the site. Even though WDC was much smaller back then, it was still wonderful. I have written poetry for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, I used to write my dad poems: "My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad", type of thing. I was excited that I found a place which not only let me share my writings, but also receive helpful feedback. I sat up my portfolio with growing excitement. The first thing I tried to do was switch out my pure black case. I searched and searched on how to change it to purple. Looking around, I was shocked by how so many decided to keep their cases black or yellow. I can't remember if I posted it in the question forum, or just asked someone. But it was then I found out about promotional status'. I remember thinking, Cool! That gives me something to shoot for! So, I got busy and posted my first writing. Surprisingly, it was an inspirational piece, "Life is Easier" ![]() Here's a community who enjoys reading and writing, just like me. It wasn't too long after, I received my first awardicon! I still remember the sheer jubilation. WDC now had it's hooks in me! I expanded my membership to upgraded, and started reading and reviewing like crazy. One day, I logged on and checked my email. I had received my first promotion to preferred author! Whoo-Hoo! It was just as sweet as a promotion in the physical world. But this was even sweeter in many ways, as I was just doing things I loved, and having fun! I became deeply involved in WDC. I was everywhere and doing everything! I ran all sorts of contests, activities and upgrade groups. Some of the more well-known ones, which older members may remember are: Awardicon and Merit Badge Give-A-Way, Big Auction For Charity, The Best of the Best, just to name a few. It was during this time I was promoted to moderator! Oh my gosh! I got promoted to moderator! Yay! Yayayayay! I can't believe it! I'm blue, ya'll! Just so exciting! I couldn't believe I could be so over-the-moon. But man, I was! Oh, how many wonderful friendships I made. Some are still here, others are still here, but lying low. But most sorrowful are the so many wonderful souls who have went to that ultimate writer's desk in the sky. There are just way too many. It truly saddens the heart. But still, my life was made just a bit better for everyone I was blessed to cross paths with. One day I'll talk to them again -- in person. Then as with most things, monsters started rearing their ugly heads. Monsters of jealousy, greed, envy. The drama turned into almost a mob mentality. People were choosing sides. The drama started to seep into every little crevice. What was once a joy to log into, had now turned into ugliness and stress beyond belief. I have enough drama in my physical life, I sure don't need it in my virtual one. With that thought is when I started to back away from WDC a bit. It was also during this time, many of my closest friends left. Sadly, many deleted their accounts. Thank goodness I never did. Though, I came close. This would become my first prolong break. I still logged in every once in a while. Checked things out and talked to some friends. But it was in further and further duration. No matter how long I was away, I was always pulled back. Not only for what writing.com had to offer: reading, writing, reviewing, activities and contests, but most importantly for the amazing people on here, who quickly become family. That includes the wonderful two who own and run the site. The The StoryMaster ![]() ![]() It didn't take long after returning, to remember why I love this site so much. You can search all you like, but you'll never find another site like it! When I think back on thirteen years, it seems like in some ways, a very short time. But when I reflect back on my life during those years, the amount of change I've been through is staggering. Sadly, it was a decade of so much loss in my life. My life turned upside down and I spiraled to a dark place for way too long. This would be my next prolonged absence. This time for an even longer period of time. It was over this absence that I lost my moderator status, then eventually even my preferred status. Though, I still didn't delete my account. I always wanted to come back and dive into WDC. But mentally, emotionally, I just wasn't ready. This time in my life found me in such a bad frame of mind. It took everything I had just to make it through physical life. I still wrote in my journals. Mostly about what was happening in my life: prayers, inspirational messages and quotes, bible verses, things like that. When I started to heal from such a difficult time in my life, I found myself once again drawn back to WDC. The support and friendship were a constant I craved in my life. I knew with just a little effort, I could have that once again. It was nice coming back. A little strange, as people I knew as black cases and new when I left, were mostly all moderators. Our roles were reversed. But that was okay. In many ways, I enjoyed being a black case again. It was new and exciting. And just as thrilling when I received my preferred status once again. Sadly, some people who I was really close to and shared confidences with before I left, hardly talked to me anymore. It almost caused me to back away again. But then I realized, I'm not here for them, but for me! It's hard to have once close friendships now strained -- but I have to remember how much I've been through in the previous years, and I'm sure they've been through changes, too. It truly made those reconnected friendships so much nicer. Now I am back, almost in full swing. I'm loving every single minute of it. I've made a lot more friends and deepened old relationships. My activities and contests are hopping. I'm also entering activities and contests again, and it feels so right. I do feel like there is a special bond between us old-timers, who have been away and came back. It's almost like we know a secret. A secret of how to carry yourself on Writing.com: don't take things too personal, be careful how you promise your time, stay away and out of any drama, treasure all the people, enjoy the sense of community and true family that WDC truly is. We know the secret, you'll always come back home -- back to family. |