Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2078065-On-Our-Own
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Other · #2078065
check out homieg9 on deviantart if you want to read the prequels.
Today was moving day. We went through our normal airport struggles. The movers had taken most of the stuff we were bringing a few days earlier, so it should be set. Mommy hired people to set up the house, so we wouldn't have to do anywork. As I do on most plane rides, I fell asleep. I have been accustomed to the looks that I get at the airport, so walking around in a diaper, onesie, and a baby romper didn't affect me. Beth was wearing an Easter dress and had her hair in pigtails. She had also grown used to the look.

She was excited to get to our new house. When we pulled up, we noticed it was much smaller than our old house. It was a white, two story house that was fifteen miles from campus. We were in a neighborhood, so it was going to be interesting how secret we could keep our situation.

We were still unsure as to how we were going to keep our situation a secret, or if we were going to at all. We didn't want to be rude neighbors but we also didn't want to expose ourselves. We hurried inside.

As we entered the frontdoor, it was clear that Beth would not be able to have company over, if she were to try to keep this situation a secret. The living room tried it's best to mimic an outdoor setting, but in a very childish way. The floor was carpeted wall to wall with green shag carpet. The base of the wall was patterned with green triangles, to mimic the grass. The rest of the wall was painted sky blue, as well as the occassional cloud painted on which was usually accompanied by a white shelf. On the shelves were many pictures of me, Beth, Mommy, Em, friends of mine when I was with Em and even some of Tony and Meg. Between some of the "grass" triangles, there were a few cartoon flowers painted on them. The curtains on the two front windows were light blue, to match the sky. On one wall, there was a large tree painted, with fatheads of birds around it. There were a few other butterfly fatheads on the other walls as well.

Just like in our old playroom, there were oversized baby blocks that could be used as chairs but also played with. There was a large toybox in the one corner, that was shaped like a treasure chest.
On one of the walls was a decently large flat screen television. On the wall nearest the TV was a pink sectional. Hanging from the ceiling right next to the sectional was an oversized babyswing. It was currently in a position which would allow me to lay down; however, it adjusts so I can sit up as well.

There was only one other area to the first floor. Walking through the door out of the living room, we were led into a kitchen/dining room area. The kitchen had wood floors and was painted purple. The countertops and cupboards were white. There was the expected oven, fridge, stove, sink, etc. On the fridge were letter magnets and a bunch of information on who to call if something goes wrong. Opposite of these, was the dining room table. There were two normal chairs in place. The other two spots were taken by a chair with a booster seat and a highchair. There was also a kid's kitchen playset right in the kitchen area.

Heading back through the living room, we exited through the double-doors on the other side. There was a small office area, which looked like a normal office. Wood floors, wood walls, and adult-like furniture. Pictures are the only thing that would give away our current situation.

We headed upstairs, where we stopped at an opening. The door to the left, led to the bathroom. The first thing I noticed was that there was only a tub, no shower. The tub was pretty big. The walls were decorated in Little Mermaid decor. The floors were tiled and there was an Ariel rug. The toilet had a kid's potty chair attachment, so the lid couldn't close.

Walking back through the landing area, which had nothing in it besides more pictures, we were led through another door. This was our bedroom. Along the right wall, was my crib and the changing table was not too far away. It was very similar to my bedroom in decor and color (pink walls, white carpet). My name was spelled out above the crib, however there was one main difference. On the back wall, centered, was a circle princess bed, with a canopy. Mommy said that since Beth was a big girl, she could also have a big girl bed. Beth said we could share both beds.

Looking out of the window into the backyard, there was a tall, white picket fence. There was a white patio, with pink plastic furniture. We had a swingset/jungle gym. In the lone tree, there was a tree house as well. When we went and explored, the only thing in there was a tea party playset.

The basement was relatively normal. The main area was like an adult lounge area. There was another TV with an entertainment center. My video games were all hooked up. There was a black leather couch and two black leather chairs. There was also a wooden coffee table. The back room was a storage room. The final room, was a guest bedroom. The basement was adult-like, so I doubt that I spend much time down there. Like I said, the house was pretty small, much smaller than our old house; but it was mine and Beth's.

One of the biggest surprises was in the garage. This is where most of our unpacked boxes were as well as tools and other things you would expect to find in a garage. This included a car! Both me and Beth had our liscences but had not really driven in a while; however, Mommy got it for Beth to make commuting to college easier.

It was a white electric car, so it was kind of small. On the back window there was a stick figure little girl and baby from the the 'family decals' and another decal reading "Baby On Board". In the back seat was my carseat. And on the back of the passenger seat, was a TV where I could watch DVDs. The windows were tinted and there were the stick on shades in the back windows.

Since you could enter the garage through the house, we would not have to step outside where our neighbors could see us.

After Mommy showed Beth one more thing she could cook for dinner and we ate, Tony and Mommy said their goodbyes. Beth put our plates in the dishwasher and we walked into the living/play room. She turned on the TV to Spongebob and sat on the couch . I climbed up into the swing to try it out. It swung automatically. Beth went out and made me a bottle. When she returned, she covered me with my blankie and I eventually fell asleep.

When I awoke, Beth was passed out on the couch. I screamed to wake her up and we both headed upstairs and changed into our jammies. We decided to sleep on the princess bed. I told her I was going to type this up first, so now it is off to bed.

When we woke up, Beth decided that while we had some food in the house, we should probably go grocery shopping to practice driving again. So we got up and got around. Beth did both of our hair, trying to make us look more adult like, instead of the pigtails we normally put our hair in. Getting dressed was kind of difficult, as we both had a very childish wardrobe. She wore a pair of pink running shorts with a white shirt that had a smiley face on it. She put me in a white onesie to try and cover my diaper bulge. She then put me in a pink plaid skirt and a white dance sweatshirt over top of my onesie. I wore my white converses and she wore my slides with a pair of mismatched ankle socks covered in hearts, peace signs, and smiles.

We headed into the garage, where she then placed me in my carseat. She turned on Blue's Clues and got in the driver seat. Mommy had reminded her about how to start the car, unplug the car, and use the garage door opener, so things went on without a hitch. Beth quickly got comfortable driving again and we headed to the store.

This is about the only errand we will have to do in public, as the others can be done online. While there was a store near us, we drove to a store much further away. Once we got there, Beth parked far from the entrance. She turned around in her seat and unbuckled me from the carseat. She then got out, opened the door, and hurried me out. I was prepared to be carried, as I usually am; however, Beth grabbed my hand and told me that I had to walk.

I was about to complain; however, I could tell that she wanted to make a good impression just in case she saw somebody that would be in her future classes. We walked to the cart return. I started to climb inside when she stopped me. She told me that today I could just stand on the back of the cart while she pushed. I did as instructed.

We spent some time in the store, nobody really acknowledge our presence, which was good. We picked up some groceries and then headed to the clothing section. Beth picked up some new underwear; they were still kids underwear; however, they didn't have cartoon designs or princesses, just flowers or were plain. She also picked up socks that didn't have crazy designs on them. She shopped around for some shirts that were also plain and were less obviously kids.

We could have shopped in the adult section but she chose not to. I could tell that she was really struggling with who she was and who she wanted to be. Eventually, we headed to the checkout. We went to the no-limit self-scan lane and waited our turn. She scanned and I bagged. I saw that she paid with one of my credit cards- and since Mommy has paid for everything in these past couple of years, I had plenty of money (a few years worth of my salary- which is pretty good).

We then hurried out to the car, where we packed our bags. Beth opened my door and quickly shut it behind. She buckled me in from the front seat and we were off for home. We pulled into the garage and brought the groceries inside. As soon as we finished that, I took off my shoes, skirt, and shirt and climbed in my swing and started to watch Paw Patrol.

Beth came in and sat on the sectional, handing me a bottle. Not to long after, there was a knock on the front door, followed by a girl's voice, saying hello. We stayed still, not wanting to answer the door. The voice continued, "we saw you pull in not to long ago and wanted to bring you a welcome to the neighborhood gift, as well as introduce ourselves." Beth quickly got up and headed out of the living room.

A few seconds later, I heard Beth out front. "Hey sorry, I was in the garage." The woman talked again, telling her the same thing that she had said a few seconds ago. "Well thank you" Beth replied. "I am Beth and my roommate Sarah is inside, she is still getting used to the time change" this caused some chuckles. Roommate? I guess that was a pretty good cover. The lady introduced herself as Marge from 'that house over there'. I had no idea where she was pointing but Beth would know. She also introduced her husband Bob, her 15 year old son Roy and her 17 year old daughter Jessie. They continued to talk for a while. Beth said that the neighborhood wasn't very friendly and was mostly old people trying to stay isolated, so she was happy that a younger generation was moving in and they wanted to show us that there were a few happy neighbors in the neighborhood. She also said that Jessie planned on going to UNC not the upcoming year, but the year after- so maybe they could hang out and talk about that experience.

Beth described me as her friend who was a few years older than her, but needed to move out here for work. This of course was not true, because I could work from anywhere. I did giggle when she said that we had basically known eachother since we were in diapers. Beth told them that she should probably start making dinner and thanked them again. Before they left, Beth and Marge exchanged numbers, Marge saying "Don't hesitate to call if you ever need anything". I heard her try to slowly open the front door but it was locked. This was probably good, so nobody would have been able to peek inside. She eventually came back inside and told me about the whole conversation that I overheard.

After talking, she made dinner. After dinner, we played in the living room for a while. Beth has found out that I am very ticklish, so this is how most of our playtime is spent. Eventually, it was time for bed, so she took me upstairs and we started to change into our jammies. Beth diapered me and zipped me up in my jammies and we were ready for bed.
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