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A cute and sad story about my old cat. Rest in peace little buddy! |
The little lion Once there was a Warrior Princess, her name was Karly. She lived in a huge castle with her other family members, Jen her little sister(youngest warrior princess), her loving mother(the queen), and her caring father(the king). But the the family member she was closest to was the little lion, Tommy. The queen had adopted him when he was small. She told us when she adopted he was shaking the cage and roaring to where the whole town could hear it. Even though the queen already had a pet in mind, she had felt really bad for the lion so she decided to adopt him to live in her family forever. Soon the queen Married to the king, and had Karly and Jen, and the little lion still lived. When Karly grew, she started to play with the lion. So one day she rode the lion around town, then brought him back to the castle and sat with him outside while he chased around the mockingbirds. Then after words she would feed him raw fish and other meats. In the mornings the lion would come into her room to wake her up, and Karly would respond by patting him on the head. As the princess grew so did the lion. So one day when the warrior princess and her sister went off to sword fighting, the queen noticed something wrong with the lion, by the way he acted. Even though he was already sick, she noticed he became even more sick. So the queen called in the royal pet vet who examined the lion... So when the princesses got back from practice Karly was the first to hear the news of what was going on with the lion. The queen said, "The royal vet came in to check on tommy, and the vet said that if he didn't start eating more food they were going to have to set him into the woods to die, (Put him down)." Karly cried when she heard the news and she ran off to love on the lion as much as she could. Her sister eventually heard the news and cried too because she loved the lion as much as Karly did. The lion ate but, after a week nothing improved. On a Saturday the princesses and the queen went to see some good friends. Then when they got back the lion was asleep and did not feel good. So the royal family knew it was time... The royal family called the vet to check on the lion. The vet said that they could either put him into the wild for him to die, or keep him for a few more days and let him die on his own. The king and queen chose to set him free in the wild to let him die, because they were going on a vacation the upcoming week and didn't want to worry too much about him and also knew it would be very sad to see him die on his own. They told Karly to take him in the woods to find a place for him to die, so Karly took him to the woods on the royal carrage. When she reached the woods, she helped the lion out of the carrage and found a huge tree for him to lay around. She put him under the shade of the tree and sat with him for a minute. She looked at his huge brown eyes, and he looked back at her and gave her a why are we here? kind of look. "It's okay" she said to lion even though she knew it wasn't. She sat with him and listened to the mockingbirds sing. He did not go after them, even though he wanted too. So, it was sad because he loved to chase birds, but the mockingbirds were his favorite because they were full of grace. She sang a song to the lion. The lion listened to her carefully. She pet him one last time, and his eyes fluttered then instantly shut. She felt his heart stop beating. She cried into his soft maine. Then when she stopped crying she gave him a kiss. Then she carved his name into the tree, then put flowers and sparkly stones in a pattern all around him, to show others how beautiful and amazing he was to the world. Karly left on the carrage looking back at him. She cried on and off the whole rest of the week, but she got over it because she knew he was always in her heart. R.I.P TOMMY SWIRBUL A GOOD CAT |