Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077929-Ch5-of-The-Alexandria-Chronicles
by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2077929
Part one of the Alexandria Chronicles.

The sound of children laughing and playing filled the air as Luna waited for Wyatt to show up for their meeting. She sat on one of the many park benches, watching as the kids played and people walked the trail. The wind blowing slightly, she inhaled taking in the mixture of scents, she loved the spring time. The warm weather making her feel energized, wanting to go for a run after the meeting. The familiar scent filled her nostrils, she watched as Wyatt casually walked up to her. He stopped in front of her on the bench. She leaned back, tilting her head back to look up at him. He didn't have to say anything, Luna sighed in frustration. Wyatt walked off motioning for her to follow him down the trail.

"I'm placing a call to Nahla, your sister needs to be here."

"She won't come. She won't leave her estate, not since mother died. Besides I am more than capable of dealing with this, the vampires in this city are as well." Luna said as she walked besides him.

"William, is not your typical hunter, he is different now. He is faster and stronger, we need her here." He said slowly losing his patience with her as he usually did.

The two of them never liked each other, there was just something about him that her gut told her not to trust him, even if he was her sister most trusted advisor. The two often disagreed on things and it usually ended in fights that would come to blows between the alphas if others had not intervened. Luna stopped in her tracks forcing him to stop and look at her. He sighed and walked back to her, the two were alone, on a side trail that was barley used leading to a dead end. Luna let what he said sink in, she had only told him when she called earlier that a hunter had blown up the factory. Luna turned to leave, not wanting to have a confrontation in the park, where a human could walk by. Wyatt, reached out and grabbed her arm stopping her and spinning her around, she fell into him. He pushed her back onto the ground. Blood stained her shirt around the dagger sticking out of her abdomen. Her eyes burned with anger, as she bled onto the ground around her. Her flesh burned from the silver, she was determined to not let him see her in pain. He reached down pulling the knife out, causing blood to run more freely from the wound. "Your sister will come, once she is told that you died. She will be broken enough not to put up a fight and I will be the head alpha." He said as he stabbed her again, this time she cried out. The last thing she remember was him standing over her.


Alex walked into her home, her face starting to bruise. She dialed Luna again for the seventh time, with no answer. Worry starting to creep into her mind. She took off her coat and tossed it onto the sofa. She tried to call again but it went to voice mail. A small petite girl appeared behind her, dressed in shorts and a navy tee. "Your home early." She said bouncing up and grabbing Alex from behind like a little kid. Alex grunted at the sudden contact.

"You're going to have to do better if you want to sneak up on me. I heard you leave the kitchen." The girl jumped down from Alex and smiled. Alex turned around, taking the young vampires choice of clothing. "Did you crash another college keg party?" She asked amused.

"Did someone beat the hell out of your face?" The girl fried back.

'Fair enough. I need you to do something for me. I can't get ahold of Luna, she and Wyatt were supposed to meet at the west end park. Go and see if they are there and have them both come here." Alex said than headed towards her bedroom.

"Yes, ma'am, oh and by the way Misty is here with the noob and so is Serena." She said and smiled.

Alex let out a sigh and stopped in her tracks. She had forgotten about Misty and the newly turned vampire. However she had not expected Serena to be here, though she is not surprised by it, several vampires had died the other day. Alex shock her head, this day had not gone as planned at all. She turned around at looked at the younger girl. "In the den?" the young girl nodded her head yes, and left to go to the park. Alex made her way in to the den. Misty and the young vampire sat on the Victorian style sofa, while Serena stood looking out of the window towards the woods.Misty stood up instantly rushing to Alex.

"What happened?" She asked looking over Alex's face and blood soaked shirt.

"William" Serena said turning her attention from the window to them. Alex nodded her head yes. "Misty, take Katelyn and leave us. Alex and I need to talk" She said walking towards them. Misty nodded her head and looked at Alex. She nodded her head that it was okay. Misty motioned for Katelyn to follow her. "We will talk later." Alex said to the young vampire as she passed by. Alex turned her attention back to Serena.

"He wants you." Alex said as she took a seat on the sofa.

"I know, that's why I'm here." Serena said as she stood before Alex. "The sins of the past always come back to haunt us. He wants revenge. I don't blame him really. I did kill his family and his friends."

"We, I am just as much to blame as you. We were at war with the hunters. I drove my sword through his heart." Alex taking some of the blame.

"While that maybe, it was on my orders that you did so. He has the Drakes necklace. That's why he is still alive. Judging by your face, I'm guessing he has figured out how to tap into its power." Serena said as she leaned closer gently tilting Alex's head up and looking at her face. "I can handle him, why are you really here Serena?" Alex asked her voice low like she was whispering. Serena smiled as she leaned forward placing a small kiss on Alex's head. "I'm here to help." Was all she said and all she needed to say Alex knew what she meant, before she could reply back, Katelyn rushed throw the doors. "Both of you need to come, now." She yelled and turned around running back to where she came from. Both the vampires following behind her. The smell of blood, mixed with a familiar scent sent a pang of dear into Alex's heart. Laying on the kitchen table was Luna, blood dripping off the table onto the floor. Alex rushed forward only to be held back by Serena. Misty was covered in blood as she worked to save Luna's life.

"What happened?" She asked her eyes never leaving Luna.

The small vampire from before stepped forward. "I don't know, I found her like that in the park. She was alone."

Alex nodded her head, time slowed down for her, she watched as Misty wiped away blood and stitched the wound. She wanted nothing more than to hold her. Misty stepped back. "She lost a lot of blood, but no major organs were hit. I'm guessing it was silver, since some of the flesh is burned around the wound, more than likely why the wounds didn't heal up. She needs to be moved to a bed." She turned to look at Alex, "She will be okay." Alex nodded her head, walking forward and gently picking her up from the table. She carefully carried her to her room, the other vampires moving out of her way.

Alex sat in a chair by the bed, watching as Luna rested. Her emotions changing from sadness and worry to anger. Serena stood behind her, her hands rested upon Alex's shoulders. "She looks like her mother, I remember when she introduced me to Luna, she hadn't been a wolf for no one than a month. She was still a child at heart. Looking at her now at how much she has grown and done. Adolpha would be proud of her."

"I miss her." Alex said lowly.

"She would be happy that the two of you finally got together. I see the love between you and her and it reminds me so much of me and her. She is your greatest strength." Serena said smiling. "Do everything you can to protect her and she will do the same for you." She bent down and kissed the top of her head and left the room. Alex watched as she left, once she was alone she scooted the chair forward and gently took Luna's hand into hers. She threw her other arm over Luna's leg and rested her head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry." Alex said as tears fell from her eyes.


Misty sat in the kitchen with Katelyn neither of them noticed as someone entered the kitchen. "I swear it's like someone died." Someone spoke causing them to jump. Misty jumped up and spun around only to come face to face with Izuru. His grin slowly fading. "How the hell are you still alive?" she asked in shock. "I heard gun shots, I ran up top to check on Alex and Luna and the next thing I know I'm flying through the air. I woke up with a pipe in my mid-section. So I waited until the emergency crews left and I went through the tunnels. I stopped by Jay's and took some blood from him so I could heal." Izura explained.

"What happened? Why does the kitchen smell like blood? Is this the vamp that made the paper?" He asked raising and eyebrow.

"Yes, and I think you need to go to Alex's room right away. William attacked her in her office and someone tried to kill Luna." Misty said taking her seat back at the table. Izura nodded his head and walked away leaving the two alone. Misty turned her attention back to Katelyn, who was fidgeting with a paper towel. "You will be fine, just tell Alex what happened, besides there are other things to worry about. I have decided to be your mentor."

Katelyn nodded her head. "Okay."

"You will be a good vampire, you're young and willing to learn to control your thirst and abilities. I have a lot to teach you. Most of it will take time, but I promise things will get better."

"How where you turned?"

"I was eighteen when I was turned the same age as you. I was a nurse in the civil war. A rouge group of solders came through camp one day. Looking for the enemy, they killed everyone, the lined the nurses and field doctors up and shot them. They thought they had killed everyone but I was wounded, fatally. They left me to die, Alex found me a few hours later, close to death. She was a general in Lincoln's army, a very good one. She enjoys battles, I guess. Anyways she found me, some of the men that were killed were hers. She didn't want my life to end, for trying to do the right thing. So she sired me." Misty said smiling. "Back then my name was Cora. I'm 153 years old." Misty smiled at the newly turned vampire before her. "Everything will be fine." Katelyn smiled, nodding her head in agreement with her mentor.

"Everything is different, everything feels different. What about my family?" She asked looking up her. Misty gave her an apologetic look. "We can talk about that later, okay." Katelyn only nodded her head.


Alex lifted her head up, from Luna's shoulder "Come in." She said to whoever was knocking on her door. Izuru walked in shutting the door behind him. The two looked at each other, neither not having to say anything. Izuru walked over to her, taking a seat in the floor besides her. "I'm glad you're okay." She said leaning back in her chair. The two sat there for a few minutes not saying anything, just being there for each other was enough that neither had to speak

"Who did this?" Izura asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know. She was supposed to be with Wyatt at the park." Alex replied looking over at him.

"Then I know where I will start. I'll call as soon as I know something." He said standing up and walking towards the door. Alex didn't say anything as he left. Izuru is like a brother to her and her closest friend. He was one of the most supportive ones when he found out about Alex and Luna. Not many people knew, only those closest them. The two communities never gotten along much in the past and they didn't want to have to deal with the backlash the way that Serena and Adolpha did, but now things have changed, most didn't care about the two together, it was a strong unified front and symbol for hope that the two communities could have peace between each other. There were still some stuck in the old ways but that was to be expected. Throughout everything Izuru had been by her side as well as Luna's. The two having a mutual respect for each other. Because of this attack on both of them, he would take it personal.

Alex placed a kiss on Luna's forehead, before returning back to her previous position, resting her head on Luna's shoulder. She closed her eyes, drifting off to an uneasy sleep.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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