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Forgotten and mindless scribblings and other spare parts. Warning: Not ready for reading. |
Abandon all hope ye who enter here. For your consideration, a messy box full of notes and scraps from a musty, unfinished project. An intoxicated circus of unruly characters vying for survival in the final edit and an uncooperative plot. Grammar and Punctuation were last seen passed out in the kitchen. Posted here for your amusement and thoughts. Please let me know if you find something worth keeping. And thanks for slogging thru the swamp with me. ******************************************************************* There is that mysterious bird that visits with us year around. It is a Imperial Woodpecker that John says is a magical being named Imperialis, he is Jonn's favorite traveling companion. William said, "I didn't know Imperious is magical. What can he do?" "Your father told me that he can understand human speech. And I don't doubt it to be true; it's the way that bird looks at you, I'm sure he can understand every word you say." "So that's how Father does it" "Does what dear?" "Father always knows where to find me when I'm lost. I think that Imperious can speak to Father." "Yes, that would explain some things, Imperious has been bird-dogging you since you were born." "Once, though, I think he told me he was a Paladin. This was shortly before my wedding" Bartholomew stopped what he was doing and both he and William looked at May oddly. May smiled. This slip of the tongue now started something she had not intended. The fact that Jonn is a Paladin was a very private matter between Jonn and her. She knew secrets that must be taken to the grave. William asked, "Imperialis told you that he is a paladin?" "No William, of course not. Birds cannot be paladins. He spoke to me of your father. It was a warning. I didn't want to listen." May looked first at William, then at Bartholomew, they looked confused. XXXXXXXXX DRAGONS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX However, beware... most of Chapter One has very little to do with dragons; they being shy folk and all, it does take some time to coax them out. But if you must have more, I think part 6 has more dragon in it than the other bits. What matter is it to dragons if one half of humanity kills the other half. That leaves at least one half to carry on. What more do you need. It is the Universal Harmonious Balance which matters and humans are a part of that measurement... We would never allow them to become extinct. Yet each individual life is little consequence to the whole. Your Paladin ways are useless, humanity will always be the same. It is why you fail. Your belief that you can create change one soul at a time is corrupt. "err...Bartholomew... Sir Dragon?" "Lord William, being that you are a one-quarter dragon; you may call me Mr. Bartholomew, but I prefer just Bartholomew, that is-- if you would allow me to address you by your given name." "Yes, yes of course." Said William, then he spoke very rapidly; " what it is like to be a dragon?" "Why yes, certainly, where should I start? The first thing you need to know is that Dragon speech is very difficult to understand even among dragons. Dragons think in adjectives and anecdotes, this shortage of verbs and nouns is why it takes so long to comprehend anything a dragon has to say." Bartholomew looked at William expectantly. "Ha! Welcome to the world of dragons," said the Wizard, "they never say or do exactly what you are wanting or expecting. And Bartholomew here is one of the most reasonable of all dragons." James continued, "Here's what you want to know; but not necessarily what is most important to know. First: there are thirteen dragons, no more, no less. When one dragon is killed another new, young dragon is chosen from among humans of a dragon bloodline. I know it sounds trite but I've seen it myself. Such a thing has only happened once and I was there. Second: hmm... well, Dragons are exraordinary people with magical dragon powers, not the other way around... er... you understand, right? People with dragon blood may have some dragon-ish characteristics but they are not ." "And lastly, and most importantly; when 'A Dragon;' that's the person, becomes 'The Dragon;' that's the serpent, he becomes a fully liminal being which is different from being entirely human and the beast may not know or trust you at all. Of course, 'The Dragon'" may return to his natural human state whenever it wants to." "I didn't know any of that! It's amazing," William said "You have been walking on Andor for naught but 15 years, you can't expect to know everything." replied the Wizard James. "Now, if no one minds. I will continue," said Bartholomew. "William, remember what I said, the language of Dragons is the main reason for almost all the ill will between humans and dragons." "But, there is another reason... you must understand, dragons are an embittered lot. They horde resentments like precious treasures and they never forget the smallest betrayal. Few people can live up to such high standards and Dragons value a trustworthy friend above all their resentments. There exists a sacred bond between the Paladin and the Dragons for all dragons are good, an annoying trait, shared only by the Paladin." "Do keep in mind-- In their ardent pursuit of evil a dragon will often trust his heart first and evaluate the situation later. Unfortunately, due to their great size and fire breathing nature, a dragon's indiscretion often leads to tragic results which are not forgotten by the townsfolk." Bartholomew went on, "it is not my purpose to frighten you. You have a good heart, William, and any dragon you meet will know that. Dragons do not purposely harm the righteous and I think it is very unlikely that any dragon might kill you by accident." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WHAT IS WRONG WITH WILLIAM You must understand he put forth too much of his power into the struggle Mary watched him as he slept. Jonn was a terribly complex man. He was like no one else. The Paladin and the Seafarer were not ill. They remained straight and the power was with him. It was Jonn, his first self, that was twisted and wasting away. “ What are we going to do with you” Mary sighed quietly. I've even been in touch with the mad queen. Mary certainly has The Way about her and a touch of greatness. Harold was born to be the King. The Paladin Jonn had made him a great King. A King from the days of legend people said. It was hard on Harry to see his friend like this. “Who was he?” Harry tried to remember. “Paladin, Seafarer, or Jonn of old.” What was plain to Harry is that Jonn and he shared something that would break this curse. But what was it? Jonn was standing at the edge of something terrible and Harry must pull him back. Only Harry could do this and he did not know where to start. There seemed no time. Harry and Jonn were together under the tyranny of the present. Harry would have to lift up his spirit and carry Jonn but he lacked a Paladin's strength to carry him for very long and something good had to happen in that time. This moment may not come again, not in time.” Mary saw him as a second father, wise, strong and dependable and that blinded her to his illness. The Paladin, His Seafarer, Jonn of old was indestructible, could not be broken, could not be killed, and could not be wrong. King Harold believed all these things because he wanted them to be true... as a child believes. He knew this but it gave him comfort and he continued to believe. The King knew that the day would come when he needed Jonn to be The Paladin and he the squire, just as they were in the beginning. Then there would be other times when he would be Sovereign and Jonn his subject, his Seafarer. But the truth will not be denied and suddenly the smile was gone and the truth had him in its jaws. “Your dying Jonn” said the King “He's dying Harry” Mary spoke sadly “Damm it to hell. He has the Sadness. I don't want to believe it, but I must if we our to help him. I do not believe he is beyond help.” “I wonder where he caught it” Harry replied flatly. “Why could he not heal himself?” . As the King spoke Jonn did not face him but looked out to sea from the a opening in the wall where stood a balcony. When Jonn realized his friend had gone quiet he looked inside and saw him leaning heavily on a chair, staring down at the floor. After a moment the King looked up, looked hard into Jon's eyes. There was no time or need for idle talk, no putting things off till tomorrow or even after dinner. Jonn was standing at the edge of something terrible and Harry must pull him back. There was no time, Harry and Jonn sat together in the tyranny of the right now. Though they sat apart Harry had his friend in his arms. He could hold him for only a short time. This moment may not come again, not in time. A long stillness came between them. The king sat down heavily in his chair. Jonn did not move, he did not look away. Presently the King looked up again but he seemed to be looking far away. He spoke. “I am the king of all the Highlands. Master of sails, and Lord of the North” “You will not die, I will not allow it.” Now the Kings eyes were focused, he tried to smile but the tears rolled down his face. No one spoke again, it seemed like a long time. “I'll go fetch us some wine, the good stuff and plenty of it. The gods know we need it.. I've got a cask older than you and I put together; from the Southward Isles, it only gets better with age that wine does. Oh and I have whiskey, of course, I'll bring some of that also, just in case. I know you don't like beer or mead” Harry looked at Jonn. “Yes I know about you. If you stop drinking you will become ill and eventually die. I remember that much of my training. We need a plan. We cannot set you up for failure that would be disastrous. King Harold spoke again, “Well I'll send for Martha first thing. She'll know what to do.” “And don't you go looking at me like that. For once, just once, give up that god awful high and mighty, all powerful, attitude of yours. It is just possible that someone might know something you don not. See! There it is! I know that look, the King doesn't know what he is talking about. Alright. I am simple man, I know it. But I also know you better than you know yourself and you are frightened. I see it. You have been living with fear for some time now I suspect, always afraid, every morning you wake up with it and each hour of each day it haunts you. This is a sickness of your soul, something has gone broken in that vast mind of yours and the harm is spreading. And its not the drinking that your afraid of, although you should, its something else, something deeper. I don't know what it is but I'm sure you don't either. You are as powerful as you ever were, but now you believe that all you do will turn to failure, that you are doomed to misery and defeat. How the hell do we fix that. You have got to trust me. You're not thinking right. You must not trust your own judgment you must trust mine. Put yourself in my hands, I will not fail you. Remember....You are not alone. Somehow, someway I will convince you that there is something you can put your hands to that will bring joy and purpose back into your life. You haven't had a drink today have you? And Yes it shows. Maybe you thought you could fool me, eh? Have you been thinking that you could push me away as easy as that. You are not the man you once were. Oh, do not worry, few could tell. Kings and Queens may look you in the eye and see nothing unusual but I know you better. I can see it. Can't you see it? You are alone even here with me. You want to be alone. Its the only thing you have succeeded at anytime recently. It has been years has it not, putting away all that you once loved because it all became just too much bother? Abandoned those who love you best. “Drinking was always a friend and then it wasn't. I began to feel that the whiskey I was pouring didn't have my best interests in mind.” “The drummer waits just beyond the door or perhaps just done the road. I cannot go out into the world, there is something greater than I. It is following me, he will catch me.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PARSEVALL SPEAKS WITH THE DEACON And there atop a mighty spire, its parapets scorched and battered, one man and one dragon held each other gaze. Below them upon a wall lay the Dragon Bartholomew. He heard the words spoken by his master, the Deacon. "When the Old One touched the still pool and put into motion space and time; the dragons were there." "And now, what have you become," spoke Parsevall, "You have answered your call to duty and we have battled all this day. You are defeated and the four apostles you seek abide yet in this tower. We can fight from this day till the last day and you will not defeat me." 'Look upon the mighty Draconis Gemot; all of you lying wrecked and exhausted on the roofs of my castle. I know you are mortal; perhaps I should kill all of you now and be done with this" "Peace... Parsevall, peace," said the Deacon sadly. "Did you expect dragons?" "I do not believe in dragons," said Lord Parseval, Priest, and master of the Druids "Close your eyes," the Deacon said, "and you will." "My brothers and I have been waiting for you. You are not responsible that we are enemies. That has been determined by others in other stories. We ensure all things are held in balance but the accuracy of the scales cannot be foretold. We are here to repair the damage you have done but we have failed" "You have brought forth a great new power among men. We will call it Magic and those who wield it will be Mages and their masters... Wizards; fair names for a foul business. Such power is a wild thing that cannot be tamed." "Yes, this war is over and we are defeated. I name you 'Wizard' the first of your kind and Master of the Magic. This is your legacy and your world will be changed forever." "Beware, should you choose to destroy us, a new Draconis Gemott will appear in due time and the young dragons will not know what they are doing. Armed with the best of intentions they will raise armies of men to do what we could not. You know of what I speak, the strength of men unbounded. They will murder each other in the millions to own the secrets held by the four lost apostles that you have stolen. I fear that even the Paladin cannot prevent this." " I will not return the four apostles to you, my people need them here. With this power in the hands of men a new era of prosperity will be born. I am not afraid. The Magik has always existed, awaiting someone to bring it into the light, its nature cannot be changed." The Dragon raised his voice slightly, "Parsevall... greatest of Priests, you understand better than all your peers that the nature of the Magic will only equal the will of the mind which wields it. Take heed, even you in all your glory is constrained by the 'Old One, Lord of the Other World,' She alone writes the law which will bring forth something altogether new from the nothingness." " I will not return the four apostles to you, my people need them here. With this power in the hands of men a new era of prosperity will be born. I am not afraid. The Magik has always existed, awaiting someone to bring it into the light, its nature cannot be changed." "I, the first Wizard, will dedicate myself to controlling the Magik. I will tame it to my will and ensure that it is not ill used. I will forsake the old ways. You must trust me, let me make a peace." "Alas," spoke the Deacon, "I have no choice but to trust you. Keep the existence of the Apostles a secret, known only to you. Hide them so they will be safe for all eternity. As a token of our goodwill the Draconis Gemott will now defend you from any enemy and we will trust you in all things. I put our fate in your hands" "You, Parseval, are master of the world." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GO HOME HAROLD "But not unchanged. He has mastered the final trial through a victory unequaled in all our history." He feels compelled to travel alone." "How long do you expect him to be gone? I have need of his counsel." "Months, years perhaps. He needs to reorder his mind to his new truth." "Harry wait!" Called Father Ferdinan as the Crown Prince suddenly turned to leave. "He left weeks ago on the last day of his trial, you will not find him." Prince Harold came to a halt, his back to Ferdinan. "My Prince, your father has called you home. You must answer that call, you are to be King. William must follow his own path, you must let your friend go. No longer are you the Squire and he the Master" Ferdinan paused, this was a terrible moment he had not foreseen, his mind was uncertain. William's greatest test my yet be ahead. The living of this new life could be much harder that dealing with the death of the old. The question was... could William do both. What if he, the Wisest, was wrong? Ferdinan banished such thoughts and spoke to Harry as he used to. Softly he said: "Go home, fulfill your responsibilities, put into practice all we have taught you. A greater glory awaits." "Aye, you may be right and I will do as you command, I will return to the Kings Court... but I wonder-- if my father were here what would he say. It was he who taught me that friendship is everything even greater than family." said the Prince with a sorrowful voice. He turned then, and faced Father Ferdinan. "You are wrong my Lord; concerning Sir William, he will not do well alone. I know him as no one else does, send the Paladin after him; he should be by my side." "I will not," The Wisest said with a note of finality in his voice, "he knows the way home. He has been granted great power and he, alone, must decide what to do with it." "It will kill him." replied the Crown Prince. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What do the Vendell want They want our magic. They have no magic in their lands. They crave this power with a burning intensity. They believe magic will make every man a king with all one can desire at their command. They have no idea of the power they are dealing with. It is a dangerous force if not controlled. They want to steal our magic as if it were gems or gold but their lands are barren of a primal source. No magic can exist where they dwell. The disciples are the primal force. It is the nature of their creation that each is bound to one land among all the lands of Andor. The East of North Andor, our homeland, is blessed with the presence of three disciples. The first Wizard, Parsevel, sanctified by the glory of divine Grace brought them to us from their heavenly conclave. Some say he kidnapped them, though, I don't know how this would be possible. Should the Vendel come into procession of the Great Scroll they will no doubt attempt to follow Parsevel through Heaven's Gate to the place where the disciples dwell. Either way all is revealed in Parsevel's Scripture. We must find it first and protect it from abuse by those who lack the power to control the powerful magic contained within the scroll or else devastation of all Andor could result. The Vendel have been taking prisoners from our shores for many years now, becoming bolder every year that passes. They are targeting magical folk now, Druids, Paladin, Witches, and Wizards. They are obcessed with Magic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GOOD LINES You will want to know everything, I suppose. However, take heed. Sometimes it is a blessing not to know. ..... of pride and principle ... true love, true friends and those that encourage such things. ... True Love, True Friends, and those that believe in such things. William didn't know what to say; so he said nothing. "Are you sorry to be here and to hear all that you have heard" You are wrong. This land is the home of the enslaved and the slave master, the oppressed and oppressor, the conqueror and the conquered and all have made a peace in this place. This enclave of heroes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DWARVES "Dwarves... Most of what I have heard are simple stories without any basis in fact. But I have heard other tales that have the ring of truth." "They live far away in a place that is exceptionally hard to find behind mountains, tall and treacherous." "It is often said that they live in a land where astounding magic is common as the wind. But I believe they have no magic at all." XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ALCONIS AT THE HENGE / EVERYONE AT THE GREAT DRUID HENGE Alconis held his head erect and painfully stretched his wings. As he walked towards May and Jonn the dragon evaporated into human form. Dressed in torn and charred leather armor Alconis was of average height and more round than square. Jet black hair, a thin mustache, and a pointy beard defined his flat facial features. Lady May, I am glad to finally meet you and your son, do you know, last night Jonn may have saved my life.. Alconis grabbed Jonn's arm and looked into his eyes. Your husband is a very good man, May." Rose and Harold came to the meeting and sat down on the grass next to William. "This all rather incredible," said Harold, "what a glorious day was yesterday, and who knows what today has in store." "Yes, amazing." said Rose, "I just saw a real dragon and I watched it transform into a man. Is this a place where legends spring to life?" Prince Harold was speaking very rapidly yet clearly, it seemed that he had a lot of practice, as he spoke he rocked back and forth and his hands could not find a place to rest. "Do not worry Rose, we are with William now and quite safe I am sure. Look at that magnificent armor he is wearing. Did you sleep in it, William? Only a true soldier can sleep in his armor. William, you look better, are you feeling better?" "Yes Sire, to everything." The Prince stood up and gave a hand to William, obviously, it was time for him to stand also. He took a few steps back from the crowd and asked William. "Who is that old gentleman in the paladin armor?" "That would be my grandfather, Ferdinan" "Yes, yes, of course. I have heard of him. My father told me he is a legend. I thought he was dead." "Now, who is the Dragon?" "That is my Uncle Alconis." "Indeed, William, you are full of surprises. And the priest is your father." William nodded. "The Wizard, he is also your uncle?" Harold looked to William for confirmation. William nodded again. Interesting, three brothers; a priest, a dragon, and a Wizard all the sons of a Paladin. Very curious. Then the prince walked out into the center of the gathering and stood tall. There was silence. Harold announced in a steady, measured voice-- "I am Crown Prince Harold, son of King Clarence. I do not know all of you by sight, but I do know each of you by reputation and it is plain to me that I find myself in the company of heroes. My purpose here is a puzzle but I trust all of you and I am at peace. Our King has pledged me to the service of the House of Ferdinan when I was invested as the Prince. Lord Ferdinan, Sir Paladin, I am at your service." William then gave everyone a broad smile and had a seat. May muttered under her breath, "finally, someone is in charge." Ferdinan stood up and bowed to the prince, Sire, I assure you, we are all at your command for service or battle. William was filled with questions but he remained silent; he felt it would take days, maybe even weeks to understand all the mysteries he had witnessed. Why had Grandfather attacked his own son? William had no answers. He looked down at the armor he wore, how had he come to this? He did not recognize himself. Everyone was quiet. "My son," Ferdinan said to Alconis, "my beloved, do our vows mean nothing, how will we trust each other in the future? Put away the dragon and return to the man. stay with us now and know your nephew better. He will need you before all is done." Alconis replied, "Much, have you hidden from me and you are betrayed by your own suspicions. I am Dragon, I deserve better. And so, all the pitiless horror of a time not yet set in motion shines before us. The evil of this world unveiled must be withstood and only the dragons can carry the sins of your beloved, we do this so others may be set free from fear and be reborn into the true courage. If you wish to be trusted, you must place your trust in my peers... they are not your enemies." "Alconis, please, why must you speak dragon?" replied James. "I never quite understand." 'Alas,' thought the dragon, 'they will not yield this day or any other.So be it, brother will battle brother and--' Alconis felt for a moment that all hope was gone, and he envisioned the days ahead. He spoke again gentler this time "Will your children, your people, my comrades, will they run their spears through this heart?" He leaped from the tower and disappeared into the approaching storm. "What the Hells does that mean. Damn the riddles of dragons," yelled the Wizard. "Sometimes I do not believe I understand dragon speech at all." remarked Jonn. "Peace, my sons, hearken to the bells. The entire city is up in arms and the militia will be here forthwith. We must find a suitable location to make new arrangements." Ferdinan continued, "I pray that your brother will be alright, it is my hope that he will go to James' house... I cannot imagine where else he might go for help. He will not be able to travel far, his wounds are too deep. We must get to the Drummond as soon as possible, Alconis's life may depend on it." The four moved silently and unnoticed from the tower, James lead them to a business establishment a few blocks away. He had keys that let him in through a rear door by the stable, this brought them into a large room filled with printing presses. "We will not be disturbed," said James. "This is my publishing house, I have horses here." William was filled with questions but he remained silent; he felt it would take days, maybe even weeks to understand all the mysteries he had witnessed today. Why had Grandfather attacked his own son? William had no answers. He looked down at the armor he wore, how had he come to this? He did not recognize himself. Everyone was quiet. "Grandson, look at me. You have heard of me before, yes?" William only nodded. "Good. We must know each other better. I take your silence to signify that you have had enough to ponder for one day?" William nodded again. "Then, carefully consider all that you have learned and seen. Your life has changed forever-- I know. I am not unsympathetic to your plight; childhood's end should be gentler than this". "This gathering has been planned for months and no one present expected today's events. I do apologize, it is unfortunate that these circumstances have befallen you. Do not despair, for tomorrow you will awake as a man and you will find your new skin more comfortable than the old." "Be assured you are not abandoned. You have this day inherited greater friends than you could ever imagine even in dreams." "When will everything be explained to me?" William asked in an even voice. "Everything cannot be explained, that is the way of our lives, but I will tell you what I know... tomorrow," said Ferdinan. William was relieved, he had enough for one day. The group did not tarry any longer and were soon mounted and off to the Royal Hotel Drummond. Rose awakened Lady May in her bedchamber, informing her that her husband had arrived. May was about to leave the room without any clothes, not even her slippers when Rose reminded her that maybe a robe would be more appropriate. May raced up the spiral stairs and entered unnoticed into James' great room. She heard her husband's voice and stopped where she was, her heart aching. No one saw her as she crumbled to the floor. "Father, how could things get so out of hand? He is my brother. Does family mean nothing?" said Jonn. Ferdinan sighed, "Alconis and I have grown apart, perhaps our minds have narrowed as well. Still for a man of over a hundred years, with half my ribs broken, I look fairly good, do I not? I must have some power even now in my dotage. Maybe, I still possess enough power to keep control of my own house. In these uncertain times, our loyalty cannot be compromised or the House of Ferdinan will certainly fall" "Alconis is a dragon, he must be true to the Draconis peerage." said Jonn "He is my son first and I need him, more now than ever." answered Ferdinan "Jonn," called May softly. Jonn turned swiftly and saw his wife sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes. He instantly ran to her and picked her up. "I told you I would not be gone long," Jonn whispered in her ear and she smiled. Rose came running up the stairs, "Sir James there is a man at the back door and he is bleeding! He says his name is Alconis and that he knows you." James said, "William and Batholomew, you're with me." Down the stairs and out into the courtyard they ran. Bartholomew grabbed a lantern hanging beside the courtyard doors and approached with caution a figure in the shadows. He kept his hand on the hilt of his rapier and carefully observed his man. The lantern revealed black hair, a thin mustache, and a pointy beard. "Stay with me," James said to William. Alconis was sitting in the dark on a stone bench in front of the stables. He was not so tall as his brothers and rather large around the middle, he looked somewhat bearish. He was in rough shape, here and there his dark green leather armor was charred and torn. On his left side from chest to waist was ripped a large hole exposing an ugly, deep gash. Bartholomew sat next to Alconis, "A paladin's touch is required if you want those wounds to heal. Happily, we happen to have two paladins currently at the hotel. Come, my brother, let us go inside.Your father will be happy to see you." Alconis spoke, "Father is the one who did this to me! This was his plan all along to keep me here." "I know, but he did so at great need. You ignored his command and refused to stay for the conclave. You cannot refuse the head of your house, what did you expect him to do. You broke your vows," said Bartholomew. "Father forgot his vow to the Draconis Gemot, he has sworn his allegiance to their wisdom. I am loyal to those who merit my loyalty." Bartholomew answered, "These are harsh words, I will not hear them. There is a middle way and I, leader of the Draconis Gemot, command you to find it. Obey you father in all things; he is a very wise man, and you have not the right to sit in judgment of his wishes." William entered the disc of light shone by the lantern. "Bartholomew, you're a dragon?" "Why of course I am. Did you not see the dragon when you took your vows?" "I thought that dragon was an illusion like the shadows of wolves which were running across the walls." "No, I am the dragon. It was you, William, who brought the wolves into the room. There is a strong magic which runs through that ceremony and It brings forth our true selves. The wolves are more real than you can imagine and one day you will meet them again." "William, this your uncle Alconis. One of three brothers; Jonn, Alconis, and James. Alconis spoke, "William, I am sorry we must meet in this manner but I am very glad to know you. Though I did not know of your existence, I have always felt your presence. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WHAT TO DO WITH THE VENDELL "I summoned you all to Inari-Anar for I bear dread news. North Andor and all the Magick Lands are in peril. We must act to keep the ancient powers from being abused." said Ferdinan ***************************** I told Alconis before you arrived. My words filled him with rage. I had to stop him from doing something rash... something that could doom us all but he would not listen to me. So you found a battle between a father and his son. "Ferdinan continued, "Well, at least, we three are agreed even if the dragons are not. The 'Apostles' must be found by us and no one else." "Aye, all other ways are a greater danger and not only North Andor will be affected," said Jonn. James did not speak immediately, old memories overcame him. He had not seen his father or brothers for years and had missed them all. Yet, was it now his duty to kill the old ways? To birth a new era in the harsh truth of more screaming and dying? "I am weary of battle," he said softly. James looked to Father Ferdinan and Brother Jonn to find the strength to bear this burden. James said, "Must we start a war to achieve our ends? Is there no other way?" "James, I know you well enough to know your thoughts... The Old Magic has stirred and shown the danger before us. "There will soon be war with the Vendel and this war will cover are true intentions. If other powers find the truth of Perceval's war with the dragons it will be a dark day indeed. No one can know that the Apostles are among us, who can tell what the other great powers would do." "Well... yes," said James, "But father, should we succeed and gather all the Apostles in one place, what then? There is no way into the Valley of the Sacred Mountain. I have spent ten years looking and found no entrance.Perhaps it would be best to leave the Apostles where they are. They are well hidden and--" "No!" interjected Ferdinan. It is evil that searches for such secrets and we can only protect the ancient truths for so long and I fear that time is running out. We must be true to the "Quest" our family must not fail." "Jonn, tell him. We must put aside the Quest, for now, it has waited two hundred years and it can wait a few years more. The Vendel are coming! And they are far greater than we once imagined. Jonn, tell Father what you have learned. Jonn said,"I have learned more than you may imagine. There was a shipwreck with survivors, 3 men who did not speak any language known in West Andor. They had strange customs and an odd look to them; one man has black skin." James said "Black skin! He must have had a terrible disease! Jonn said, "No, I am sure it is normal among his people. He is the youngest of the three but seems the best educated and the most well mannered. The others look to him for leadership. All are sturdy young men accustomed to laborious work and hardship. "Son, how came you to this knowledge? Jonn said, "These men have been living on my farm this past year. James said, " I think perhaps it would have been wise to inform me of this brother. "I decided the risk was too great to entrust to a messenger and besides your exact location has not been known these past ten years." Jonn paused and collected his thoughts. "The Vendel come from a vast country, larger I think than both North, South, and Middle Andor Combined. The sailors said that from their land a great ocean current flows first to the South and then turns East. It is upon this current that they sailed against contrary winds for forty days to reach Middle Andor, from there they sailed North along our coast until a storm overthrew their ship and they washed up on our the shores near Cairntarry. "The ship was on a voyage of exploration with strict orders not to make contact with the natives. "We are citizens not 'natives'," the wizard objected. Sir Jonn ignored this comment and continued on,"Fortunately, a friend of mine lives in the fishing village that these three men wandered into and he saved them from a mob who believed the black man was a demon and the other two... his followers." "Cairntary is much more than a fishing village! I do not like this news at all! Maybe these men are spies. War is coming, I've felt it in my bones," said Lord James. Sir Jonn lifted his head up and smelled the air and felt the peace all around him. He sighed. "Alas, the war may have already begun. Grant me your attention and I will explain." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Not all lies are evil. We tell our children there are no monsters but of course, it is all a pleasant falsehood. There are monsters with more malice than a gentler god would allow... or than a child can imagine, and it is all the worse because the worst of them look just like us. Evil is not a metaphor, it is a child's smoking bones chained to the ground; attesting, to its grim-- very real, reality." "What can we say of such things that anyone could understand, and if we had the words, would we use them? Would you?" "Do not be bitter, we have others truths that most do not know. Good does conquer evil and the truth does set us free. All the horrors of human existence are eclipsed by the magnificence of human achievement. I know this, you know it too." "You know it is true! Maybe it would be easier if were not. Then we would have a duty to no one and be responsible for nothing." "Admit it, you still want to go with the boys, to the evil places, to fight all that has gone wrong. You yearn to have friends once again who will trust you with their lives. But our wars are over." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ferdinan the Alcoholic Grandfather Jonn, why are we in this place where the poor people live, surely you do not have friends here? I do indeed, a few of my very best friends live right here in this house, three men and their wives. I will introduce you to them, they will be very glad to meet my grandson. All those people live in this one house! It is not that small of a house after-all and you will not find a dwelling with more love in it; not in a king's castle or the wealthiest homes. These people took me in when no one else would. All they knew was that I had nowhere else to go, they asked no questions. Grandfather, you were never poor. Yes, I was, once upon a time I had nothing, not a penny and no friends. I was drinking hard and I could not even take care of myself. Remember, my precious grandson, history is written by the winners. No one tells that part of my life, few know of it now. I was well protected. But how... how could this happen to you. You are a great man. A hero. There is a sickness of the mind and like a demon, it steals everything from you. You lose everything you love because you lose the ability to love. But how... how did you learn to live again? I mean how to love again? They are the same thing. You must understand that I would never have found my way out alone. Once, I was a proud man but when that was lost, I learned to ask for help. And those friends I had pushed away and forgotten, they found me and lifted me out of the darkness. It is love that saved me, Live a loving life. Find those worthy of your love and love them in return, never let go. When they stumble let them lean on you; when they cannot walk-- carry them; and when they fail you ask only that they try again. Never dessert the ones who love you. They see the best in you and such friends will believe in you when no one else will. I am sorry, Grandfather. I never thought that poor people were worth very much. I did not know you were one of them for a time. Then it is time to start your life anew. Come and meet my friends in this humble house and then never let go of them. . ****************************** death yields to the wizard "Paladin, will you wrench this man from my grasp, with your magic raping me as the wizards do with their murderous incantations? " "I have no plan for murder, at least not today, nor will I force your obedience. You will willingly do as I ask for love's sake. I need this one, allow him to abide with me for a little while." . ****************************** May speaks of a wealthy Priest and a Wizard Father Jonn, the parish priest of a wealthy village, had traveled ten days with his wife and son to meet this man in the greatest city of West Andor: Inari-Anar. The city center was flooded with people on this beautiful summer morning. Jonn rented rooms at a pretty inn on the edge of the city within the outer wall. The main house with two wings and a large barn filled most of the property, it was all half-timber, wattle and daub, with high peaked roofs covered in rounded clay tiles, from the paved street ran a cobblestone road right to the front door. This type of construction represented most of the buildings in the city, the others were built entirely of wood and stone. "William, where is your father!?" I shrieked. I couldn't help it, a terrible dread overcame me and turned to a wild panic, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Jonn is dead," I heard myself saying." "May, tell me of your life with Jonn," asked Bartholomew as he tended to the wounds of a young warrior. Yes, he was a Priest, but also, a Paladin and they were men of legend. Kings and Tyrants, madmen and saints, all called him a friend and sought him out in times of trouble. He grew up as a Royal Seafarer and sailed all over the Eastern Sea with a commission from King Henry, He and his brother served together chasing pirates and engaging in naval battles. They served aboard the same ship. James was the ship's captain and Jonn age 12 the first lieutenant. May was not used to anyone going missing. Both brothers had gone missing. One brother was May's husband, the other a wizard. He was a Paladin and a priest. Both Kings and Tyrants, madmen and saints, all called him friend and called on him in times of trouble Once he was a royal seafarer and sailed all over the world with the Kings' commission, chasing pirates and engaging in naval battles. He and his brother did this together . They served aboard the same ship. James was the ship's wizard and captain. Jonn the first lieutenant. "William are you awake?" "Yes mother" "Do you remember your father's pirate stories? Your father spoke of that awful warship all the time. You loved hearing his sea stories. What was the name of that ship? "The Osprey" was that it?" "I didn't realize father's stories were true. He must have been at sea a long time?" "Twelve years walking on the water more than on land. Do you know that your father grew up on that ship from the age of twelve to twenty-four." "I never knew that about father" "Your father is full of surprises." "Mother, how old is father's brother." "Let me see, your father is forty-five so that would make James sixty. Why do you ask?" "I never thought much about it. I think Father appears much younger than his age." May was as worried as ever but speaking to William about his father made her feel better. Lady May, can I get you something to eat? Or a drink maybe?" Bartholomew asked. "However would you find anything in this mess." "I assure you the hotel has the finest kitchen in the West of Andor." "I'm sorry Bartholomew, a strong drink would be nice, old whiskey perhaps? "Bartholomew, I have not seen James in ten years. One would think that in all his wizardly wanderings he could have stopped in up the valley for a visit. Not once, not in ten years. "Lady May, I have not seen Sir James for ten years myself, not until last week when he unexpectedly arrived home." "I had to protect my mother." "Why did you not tell anyone of your injuries?" "They didn't hurt much," said William. Bartholomew looked at the nasty incisions. "Lord William, I think you and I will be the best of friends" May returned to the room with her face composed and carrying a small knife and a pair of shears. She and Mary-Rose had to cut the clothes off Harry. ***************************Bartholomes sends his daughter to the Palladium.. Bartholomew feared this day would come to pass. She had the 'way' about her, it meant only one thing. Bartholomew called "Wait!" He ran to James. "Take Mary-Rose with you. Lord High Wizard, you will have need of a woman in your company. My daughter is a true blooded highlander and her bones are hard. She will not slow you down." The magnificent Old Wizard exalted above all others, and the last of his line; wondered at the weight of this responsibility. He looked sadly at Bartholomew. The wizard allowed himself one moment of pity and then he smiled. "I know, Bartholomew, you need not convince me. This quest is foreordained unto her, however, the decision was yours to make. "I will take as good care of her as I can. This is..." James searched for the right words, "It is a courageous offer, I will not forget it. This is our fate. Three heroes and one Old Wizard. Is there nothing we cannot do. "Well, William, we will have to put off our expedition to the ends of the world. We are going to the home of the Paladin." The wizard looked at William and Harry. "You men are in luck. You will have a woman to look after you till you can take care of yourselves." The three were overjoyed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MAY SPEAKS TO WILLIAM OF HIS FATHER "May, tell me of your life with Jonn," asked Bartholomew as he tended to the wounds of the young warrior. Yes, he was a Priest, but also, a Paladin and they were men of legend. Kings and Tyrants, madmen and saints, all called him a friend and sought him out in times of trouble. He grew up as a Royal Seafarer and sailed all over the Eastern Sea with a commission from King Henry, He and his brother served together chasing pirates and engaging in naval battles. They served aboard the same ship. James was the ship's captain and Jonn age 12 a midshipman. May was not used to anyone going missing. Both brothers had gone missing. One brother was May's husband, the other a wizard. He was a Paladin and a priest. Both Kings and Tyrants, madmen and saints, all called him friend and called on him in times of trouble Once he was a royal seafarer and sailed all over the world with the Kings' commission, chasing pirates and engaging in naval battles. He and his brother did this together . They served aboard the same ship. James was the ship's wizard and captain. Jonn the first lieutenant. "William are you awake?" "Yes mother" "Do you remember your father's pirate stories? Your father spoke of that awful warship all the time. You loved hearing his sea stories. What was the name of that ship? "The Osprey" was that it?" "I didn't realize father's stories were true. He must have been at sea a long time?" "Twelve years on the water more than on land. Do you know that your father grew up on that ship from the age of twelve to twenty-four." "I never knew that about father" "Your father is full of surprises." "Mother, how old is father's brother." "Let me see, your father is forty-five so that would make James sixty. Why do you ask?" "I never thought much about it. I think Father appears much younger than his age." . Lady May, can I get you something to eat? Or a drink maybe?" Bartholomew asked. "However would you find anything in this mess." "I assure you the hotel has the finest kitchen in the West of Andor." "I'm sorry Bartholomew, a strong drink would be nice, old whiskey perhaps? "Bartholomew, I have not seen James in ten years. One would think that in all his wizardly wanderings he could have stopped in up the valley for a visit. Not once, not in ten years. "Lady May, I have not seen Sir James for ten years myself, not until last week when he unexpectedly arrived home." THE FIRST DAY ENDS THE TRIAL BEGINS The sun was now a glorious ball of warmth high in the sky. Everything was alive, moving with the urgency of spring. For a long time the last Paladin was still and quiet; his nameless young female companion gave him a gentle push. "No, young lady, I am not sleeping. My eyes may be closed but I am not resting, I am remembering." Of course, this is not the end of the story-- as you know very well; we have only finished the tale of the first day. It was a remarkable day but we have years to go. There are the battles of Habolds Sea and Cairntarry and the journey north to the Monastery Glen. Nor can we forget the Mad Queen and then, of course, the Journal of Parseval has to be at least partially reviewed and the story of how it was found must be told. Ah... the 'Journal of Parceval.' You have heard of it, Yes? Everyone believes it is only an old relic of imagination, But you know otherwise, I can tell. It is very real and very important, within Parceval's tome is the location of his fabled castle where he defeated the Draconis Gemot; and there somewhere in the vast fortress are the three missing apostles. You have a question? How do I know Parceval's castle? Well, young lady, I was there and lucky enough to get out alive. Are you surprised? No'o, I have not mentioned the journal or the castle before because they have not yet entered the story. You see, while I was enjoying my carefree youth, each member of the House of Ferdinan was searching for the great scroll; that is why the Wizard James was gone for years searching the artic shores... He was looking for Parceval's great work all that time and was close to finding it when I first met him. Yes, yes. It is very confusing, both in the telling and in deed. All the company were among the very wise, yet no one could decide what to do next. So... there I was sharing the company of heroes gathered at the great Druid Henge, but despite its comfort hunger soon compelled the party to return to James' house where they were reunited with Prince Harold and Lady May. I was quite overjoyed to find Bartholomew present as well, apparently he had a change of heart but did not speak of it, his daughter Rose was also there. Now this is the gathering upon which all that follows depends. Jonn, James, Harold and William, Lady May, Bartholomew and Rose. Seven of the brave and true fated to be the Seven Knights of Ferdinan. Not in six hundred years had the Paladin invested such an Order of Knighthood, anointed and sworn to keep the Faith by Father Ferdinan himself In due time it was determined that the first order of business was to follow King Clarence's instructions and bring Harold north to the hidden homeland of the Paladin. It was decided that they would all go since it could not be decided who should stay. Six years would pass before they took up the quest again. William and Harold entered the Monastery Glen as students and studied there for six years. William displayed uncanny skills of the spirit and a devout dedication to holy service; thus he was schooled in the secrets of the Paladin faith. Harold, on the other hand, proved to have exceptional combat and leadership skills, he studied the ways of kings. The boys were boys no longer and the two men stood at the top of the hill looking out on the Long Lake. The last sun of winter was in the west and it shown through the monastery gate illuminating the two friends in an orange glow. They had that day graduated from the monastery and were now Paladin monks, trusted teachers of the faith. They wore heavy dark green winter cloaks of their calling with yellow belts and fur hats. Tomorrow was a special day, William would become a Paladin, a member of the high Priesthood or die in the attempt. For a long time the last Paladin was still and quiet; his nameless young female companion gave him a gentle push. "No, young lady, I am not sleeping. My eyes may be closed but I am not resting, I am remembering." The sun was now a glorious ball of warmth high above the bell tower at the Monastery Glen. Everything was alive, moving with the urgency of summer. Tall green hardwoods and thick wild flowers swayed in the mid-day breeze. The old man stared intently into the eyes of the girl as she wrote down his words. All was as in a dream. The girl stood and stretched her lithe body, resting her fingers for a moment. What to do now? Where are they going and how are they going to get there? That young lady is the question. We started with a prologue of sorts. . Then on to Williams adventures while lost in the city of Anari-Anar and next there appeared Father John and the meeting with the great wizard James. Next to be introduced was the Royal Inn at Drummond Hill and Bartholomew and the girl at the front desk; who is destined to marry Harry and have an affair with William... this will lead to much drama and life long scars. But, the bonds between Harry and William were to strong too be broken. The old one said, "Of course, this is not the end of the story-- as you know very well; we have only finished the tale of the first day. It was a remarkable day but we have years to go. ... a short time indeed for two young men to grow into manhood and become ...Well, the men they were meant to be. Yet it is all the time they have to become two pillars strong enough to endure the fate of millions upon their backs." And there are the battles of Habolds Sea and Cairntarry. Nor can we forget the Mad Queen and then, of course, the Journal of Parseval has to be at least partially reviewed and the story of how it was found must be told. Yet to come are the Trial, and the Reunion, there is the rescue of William from the sadness and the Last stand of Clarence. Then there is the betrayal. The day William and Mary consummated their lustful infatuation with each other. Mary belonged to Harold, they both knew that, Mary loved Harold and hoped they would be married. Though Mary was not yet betrothed, she and William were on the wrong side of every side there was. William had wanted her from the first, but she choose Harold for here love yet enjoyed William's attentions.. They kept it a secret from Harold. They were young and foolish. Do you know the 'Journal of Parceval.' You have heard of it, Yes? Everyone believes it is only an old relic of imagination, But you know otherwise, I can tell. It is very real and very important, within Parceval's tome is the location of his fabled castle where he defeated the Draconis Gemot; and there somewhere in the vast fortress are the three missing apostles. You have a question? How do I know Parceval's castle? Well, young lady, I was there and lucky enough to get out alive. Are you surprised? No'o, I have not mentioned the journal or the castle before because they have not yet entered the story. You see, while I was enjoying the years of my carefree youth, each member of the House of Ferdinan was still searching for the great scroll; that is why the Wizard James spent years searching the Artic shores... He was looking for Parceval's great work all that time and was close to finding it when I first met him. Yes, yes. It is very confusing, both in the telling and in deed. All the company were among the very wise, yet no one could decide what to do next. But that all lies in the future. For now the story hangs in the balance at the Dragon's Henge So... there they were a company of heroes divided, some gathered at the great Druid Henge and the others at the Royal Drummond. ****Now these are the heroes upon which all that follows depends. Jonn, James, Harold and Ferdinan. Four of the brave and true fated to be the founding Knights of Ferdinan. Not in six hundred years had the Paladin invested such an Order of Knighthood, anointed and sworn to keep the Faith by the Wisest himself. Harold, Bartholomew, May, Mary-Rose and Grendall. Those at the Henge had little choice but to descend through the mountain to the valley far below. The secret way down was fraught with dangers. It would bring them out below the tree line. Ferdinan said, "there is nothing else to do. We will have to proceed into the depths of the mountain. I have been through the passage once before, I traveled alone and had hoped to find Parsevall's Scroll here at the henge. You can imagine my disappointment when I found nothing here but the First Tree. A remarkable find, none-the-less. The tree is filled with ancient knowledge that the Druids had imparted him and we had many long conversations. ***** The Dragon Bartholomew reveled in the glory of flying among the high peaks as he journeyed south to Inari-Anar. He flew into deep green valleys and he soared about the peaks. Bartholomew was well aware what he had done. He had devised this plan long ago but hoped he would never have to use it. He stranded his friends at the Henge so he would have time to work. He needed to consult the head of his order (Parsevall) to know what his next actions would be. True, Bartholomew's loyalty was divided but this ambiguity of purpose came naturally to the DRAGONS. Bartholomew was instructed to join Harold and escort him to the Monastery Glen at Palladia. **** The other half or the fellowship remained at the Royal Drummond; Harold, May, and Mary-Rose and the Mayor sent his grandson, Grendall, to join them as a extra layer of protection. He was a soldier in the city guard and friend of the Grand Wizard. They would be joined by Bartholomew some weeks later arriving after his voyage from the Henge. In due time they determined that the first order of business was to follow King Clarence's instructions and bring Harold north to the hidden homeland of the Paladin. By this time a month had passed and Harold was at last completely healed. It was decided that they would all go since it could not be decided who should stay behind. The Monastery Glen, the Long Lake, and the sacred Isle were hidden in a inaccessible valley deep within the Dirondac Mountain range. Only Bartholomew knew the way so he would lead the expedition there by foot and canoe. Fortunately, Grendale knew the magical skills required to build the birch bark canoes needed for this kind of journey. They would have to assemble these sleek craft entirely from materials supplied by the forest. They could not carry boats or the materials to make them. It was a long, difficult way upriver from the North Falls to the place where any boat could navigate the river and only a small shallow water craft could do it. They would then paddle hundreds of miles to the north to a great, large lake, a vast , wide ribbon of blue a hundred miles or more in length from there they would put ashore and follow secret paths to the long lake. ****** Alconis plans to meet with William to secretly to tell him what the Vendell want. ***** Where is the scroll? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Six years would pass before they took up the quest again. William and Harold entered the Monastery as students and studied there for six years. William displayed uncanny skills of the spirit and a devout dedication to holy service; thus he was schooled in the secrets of the Paladin faith. Harold, on the other hand, proved to have exceptional combat and leadership skills, he studied the ways of kings. The boys were boys no longer and the two men stood at the top of the hill looking out on the Long Lake. The last sun of winter was in the west and it shown through the monastery gate illuminating the two friends in an orange glow. They had that day graduated from the monastery and were now Paladin monks, trusted teachers of the faith. They wore heavy dark green winter cloaks with yellow belts and fur hats. Tomorrow was a special day, William would become a Paladin, a member of the high Priesthood or die in the attempt. They were silent, both knew William would go to the Sacred Isle and there he would endure one last test of his faith. Neither knew what the test was but the ceremony was known to be very dangerous and not all survived. Harold was worried-- William was not. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX For a long time the last Paladin was still and quiet; his nameless young female companion gave him a gentle push. "No, young lady, I am not sleeping. My eyes may be closed but I am not resting, I am remembering." The sun was now a glorious ball of warmth high above the bell tower at the Monastery Glen. Everything was alive, moving with the urgency of summer. Tall green hardwoods and thick wild flowers swayed in the mid-day breeze. The old man stared intently into the eyes of the girl as she wrote down his words. All was as in a dream. The girl stood and stretched her lithe body, resting her fingers for a moment. What to do now? Where are they going and how are they going to get there? That young lady is the question. We started with a prologue of sorts. . Then on to Williams adventures while lost in the city of Anari-Anar and next there appeared Father John and the meeting with the great wizard James. Next to be introduced was the Royal Inn at Drummond Hill and Bartholomew and the girl at the front desk; who is destined to marry Harry and have an affair with William... this will lead to much drama and life long scars. But, the bonds between Harry and William were to strong too be broken. The old one said, "Of course, this is not the end of the story-- as you know very well; we have only finished the tale of the first day. It was a remarkable day but we have years to go. ... a short time indeed for two young men to grow into manhood and become ...Well, the men they were meant to be. Yet it is all the time they have to become two pillars strong enough to endure the fate of millions upon their backs." And there are the battles of Habolds Sea and Cairntarry. Nor can we forget the Mad Queen and then, of course, the Journal of Parseval has to be at least partially reviewed and the story of how it was found must be told. Yet to come are the Trial, and the Reunion, there is the rescue of William from the sadness and the Last stand of Clarence. Then there is the betrayal. The day William and Mary consummated their lustful infatuation with each other. Mary belonged to Harold, they both knew that, Mary loved Harold and hoped they would be married. Though Mary was not yet betrothed, she and William were on the wrong side of every side there was. William had wanted her from the first, but she choose Harold for here love yet enjoyed William's attentions.. They kept it a secret from Harold. They were young and foolish. Do you know the 'Journal of Parceval.' You have heard of it, Yes? Everyone believes it is only an old relic of imagination, But you know otherwise, I can tell. It is very real and very important, within Parceval's tome is the location of his fabled castle where he defeated the Draconis Gemot; and there somewhere in the vast fortress are the three missing apostles. You have a question? How do I know Parceval's castle? Well, young lady, I was there and lucky enough to get out alive. Are you surprised? No'o, I have not mentioned the journal or the castle before because they have not yet entered the story. You see, while I was enjoying the years of my carefree youth, each member of the House of Ferdinan was still searching for the great scroll; that is why the Wizard James spent years searching the Artic shores... He was looking for Parceval's great work all that time and was close to finding it when I first met him. Yes, yes. It is very confusing, both in the telling and in deed. All the company were among the very wise, yet no one could decide what to do next. But that all lies in the future. For now the story hangs in the balance at the Dragon's Henge So... there they were a company of heroes divided, some gathered at the great Druid Henge and the others at the Royal Drummond. ****Now these are the heroes upon which all that follows depends. Jonn, James, Harold and Ferdinan. Four of the brave and true fated to be the founding Knights of Ferdinan. Not in six hundred years had the Paladin invested such an Order of Knighthood, anointed and sworn to keep the Faith by the Wisest himself. Harold, Bartholomew, May, Mary-Rose and Grendall. Those at the Henge had little choice but to descend through the mountain to the valley far below. The secret way down was fraught with dangers. It would bring them out below the tree line. Ferdinan said, "there is nothing else to do. We will have to proceed into the depths of the mountain. I have been through the passage once before, I traveled alone and had hoped to find Parsevall's Scroll here at the henge. You can imagine my disappointment when I found nothing here but the First Tree. A remarkable find, none-the-less. The tree is filled with ancient knowledge that the Druids had imparted him and we had many long conversations. ***** The Dragon Bartholomew reveled in the glory of flying among the high peaks as he journeyed south to Inari-Anar. He flew into deep green valleys and he soared about the peaks. Bartholomew was well aware what he had done. He had devised this plan long ago but hoped he would never have to use it. He stranded his friends at the Henge so he would have time to work. He needed to consult the head of his order (Parsevall) to know what his next actions would be. True, Bartholomew's loyalty was divided but this ambiguity of purpose came naturally to the DRAGONS. Bartholomew was instructed to join Harold and escort him to the Monastery Glen at Palladia. **** The other half or the fellowship remained at the Royal Drummond; Harold, May, and Mary-Rose and the Mayor sent his grandson, Grendall, to join them as a extra layer of protection. He was a soldier in the city guard and friend of the Grand Wizard. They would be joined by Bartholomew some weeks later arriving after his voyage from the Henge. In due time they determined that the first order of business was to follow King Clarence's instructions and bring Harold north to the hidden homeland of the Paladin. By this time a month had passed and Harold was at last completely healed. It was decided that they would all go since it could not be decided who should stay behind. The Monastery Glen, the Long Lake, and the sacred Isle were hidden in a inaccessible valley deep within the Dirondac Mountain range. Only Bartholomew knew the way so he would lead the expedition there by foot and canoe. Fortunately, Grendale knew the magical skills required to build the birch bark canoes needed for this kind of journey. They would have to assemble these sleek craft entirely from materials supplied by the forest. They could not carry boats or the materials to make them. It was a long, difficult way upriver from the North Falls to the place where any boat could navigate the river and only a small shallow water craft could do it. They would then paddle hundreds of miles to the north to a great, large lake, a vast , wide ribbon of blue a hundred miles or more in length from there they would put ashore and follow secret paths to the long lake. ****** Alconis plans to meet with William to secretly to tell him what the Vendell want. ***** Where is the scroll? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Six years would pass before they took up the quest again. William and Harold entered the Monastery as students and studied there for six years. William displayed uncanny skills of the spirit and a devout dedication to holy service; thus he was schooled in the secrets of the Paladin faith. Harold, on the other hand, proved to have exceptional combat and leadership skills, he studied the ways of kings. The boys were boys no longer and the two men stood at the top of the hill looking out on the Long Lake. The last sun of winter was in the west and it shown through the monastery gate illuminating the two friends in an orange glow. They had that day graduated from the monastery and were now Paladin monks, trusted teachers of the faith. They wore heavy dark green winter cloaks with yellow belts and fur hats. Tomorrow was a special day, William would become a Paladin, a member of the high Priesthood or die in the attempt. They were silent, both knew William would go to the Sacred Isle and there he would endure one last test of his faith. Neither knew what the test was but the ceremony was known to be very dangerous and not all survived. Harold was worried-- William was not. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Chapter 4 Quest to save William You must understand he put forth too much of his power into the struggle Mary watched him as he slept. Jonn was a terribly complex man. He was like no one else. The Paladin and the Seafarer were not ill. They remained straight and the power was with him. It was Jonn, his first self, that was twisted and wasting away. “ What are we going to do with you” Mary sighed quietly. I've even been in touch with the mad queen. Mary certainly has The Way about her and a touch of greatness. Harold was born to be the King. The Palladin Jonn had made him a great King. A King from the days of legend people said. It was hard on Harry to see his friend like this. “Who was he?” Harry tried to remember. “Paladin, Seafarer, or Jonn of old.” What was plain to Harry is that Jonn and he shared something that would break this curse. But what was it? Jonn was standing at the edge of something terrible and Harry must pull him back. Only Harry could do this and he did not know where to start. There seemed no time. Harry and Jonn were together under the tyranny of the present. Harry would have to lift up his spirit and carry Jonn but he lacked a Paladin's strength to carry him for very long and something good had to happen in that time. This moment may not come again, not in time.” Mary saw him as a second father, wise, strong and dependable and that blinded her to his illness. The Paladin, His Seafarer, Jonn of old was indestructible, could not be broken, could not be killed, and could not be wrong. King Harold believed all these things because he wanted them to be true... as a child believes. He knew this but it gave him comfort and he continued to believe. The King knew that the day would come when he needed Jonn to be The Paladin and he the squire, just as they were in the beginning. Then there would be other times when he would be Sovereign and Jonn his subject, his Seafarer. But the truth will not be denied and suddenly the smile was gone and the truth had him in its jaws. “Your dying Jonn” said the King “He's dying Harry” Mary spoke sadly “Damm it to hell. He has the Sadness. I don't want to believe it, but I must if we our to help him. I do not believe he is beyond help.” “I wonder where he caught it” Harry replied flatly. “Why didn't heal himself?” . As the King spoke Jonn did not face him but looked out to sea from the the hole in the wall where stood the balcony. When Jonn realized his friend had gone quiet he looked inside and saw him leaning heavily on a chair, staring down at the floor. After a moment the King looked up, looked hard into Jon's eyes. There was no time or need for idle talk, no putting things off till tomorrow or even after dinner. Jonn was standing at the edge of something terrible and Harry must pull him back. There was no time, Harry and Jonn sat together in the tyranny of the right now. Though they sat apart Harry had his friend in his arms. He could hold him for only a short time. This moment may not come again, not in time. A long stillness came between them. The king sat down heavily in his chair. Jonn did not move, he did not look away. Presently the King looked up again but he seemed to be looking far away. He spoke. “I am the king of all the Highlands. Master of sails, and Lord of the North” “You will not die, I will not allow it.” Now the Kings eyes were focused, he tried to smile but the tears rolled down his face. No one spoke again, it seemed like a long time. “I'll go fetch us some wine, the good stuff and plenty of it. The gods know we need it.. I've got a cask older than you and I put together; from the Southward Isles, it only gets better with age that wine does. Oh and I have whiskey, of course, I'll bring some of that also, just in case. I know you don't like beer or mead” Harry looked at Jonn. “Yes I know about you. If you stop drinking you will become ill and eventually die. I remember that much of my training. We need a plan. We cannot set you up for failure that would be disastrous. King Harold spoke again, “Well I'll send for Martha first thing. She'll know what to do.” “And don't you go looking at me like that. For once, just once, give up that god awful high and mighty, all powerful, attitude of yours. It is just possible that someone might know something you don not. See! There it is! I know that look, the King doesn't know what he is talking about. Alright. I am simple man, I know it. But I also know you better than you know yourself and you are frightened. I see it. You have been living with fear for some time now I suspect, always afraid, every morning you wake up with it and each hour of each day it haunts you. This is a sickness of your soul, something has gone broken in that vast mind of yours and the harm is spreading. And its not the drinking that your afraid of, although you should, its something else, something deeper. I don't know what it is but I'm sure you don't either. You are as powerful as you ever were, but now you believe that all you do will turn to failure, that you are doomed to misery and defeat. How the hell do we fix that. You have got to trust me. You're not thinking right. You must not trust your own judgment you must trust mine. Put yourself in my hands, I will not fail you. Remember....You are not alone. Somehow, someway I will convince you that there is something you can put your hands to that will bring joy and purpose back into your life. You haven't had a drink today have you? And Yes it shows. Maybe you thought you could fool me, eh? Have you been thinking that you could push me away as easy as that. You are not the man you once were. Oh, do not worry, few could tell. Kings and Queens may look you in the eye and see nothing unusual but I know you better. I can see it. Can't you see it? You are alone even here with me. You want to be alone. Its the only thing you have succeeded at anytime recently. It has been years has it not, putting away all that you once loved because it all became just too much bother? Abandoned those who love you best. “Drinking was always a friend and then it wasn't. I began to feel that the whiskey I was pouring didn't have my best interests in mind.” “The drummer waits just beyond the door or perhaps just done the road. I cannot go out into the world, there is something greater than I. It is following me, he will catch me.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Jonn ventures forth into the city to contact his information suppliers and learns of ***Harold's kidnapping and all the details behind it.**** ***Jonn finds information*** relating to the kidnapping of Harold and the *Bad Guys* who did it. HOW DOES JONN RECIEVE WORD OF THE KIDNAPPING. *Who tells him ... or maybe a written message from the king WHO ARE THE BAD KIDNAPPERS AND WHO IS THEIR LEADER AND WHAT IS THEIR MOTIVATION to kidnap Harold How is it Jonn learns this information the same day Harold is rescued. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Brief outline:told from end to beginning The summit is guarded by the 13 dragons. From the bottom of the mountains to the summit to the place where dwell the 13 apostles is a perilous journey, no air (Magic breathing necklaces are found along the way) but plenty of Snarks and Mulligrubs to combat. Once at the summit, the apostles will be found dancing in circles all about the golden throne room. The missing apostles will join and insist that our heroes stay and dance with them forever. Someone must stay. William, Jonn, James, Bartholomew, and Mary- Rose are there at the summit. Once found, To gain entrance to the secret tunnels the evil wizard, Grouchy, will have to be defeated. He has been conspiring with the Vendel to stop our heroes. The entrance to the tunnels and Grouchy's (The Mad Queen) lair are in the mountains of the arctic circle. A pass through the mountains must be found. Dog sleds and igloos. Jonn's soul is found in the "White Wilderness." "We cannot find his soul, he must find us before it is too late. Before the depression takes him and he causes his own to death." Jonn's Soul is found in the company of five ghosts, friends of his from an earlier time. Death is there but Jonn's friends will not let him go. An eternal struggle is in progress. Time does not pass for the ghosts yet Jonn grows old. Death Defeated. William saves his father. Deadly adventures ensue as the attempt is made to cross the White Wilderness. Follow the caribou and cross the green wilderness Birch Bark Canoes, reindeer herders, and the Great Northern Forest The voyage by ship north from cairntarry to Churchill. ( Vendel trading post with the elves and voyageurs ) Fight the Vendel fleet at the entrance to the great bay. The Vendell have ships and cities on both shores and have built fleets there. Galley's and slaves and caravels. Perhaps an island adventure (Flaming almighty trident of the winds) defended by growling clod-hoppers and the ancient mariner. Cairntarry. Jonn and James collect their fleets/armies. All gather there in preparation for the invasion of the great north bay. Father Ferdinan has found the entrance way to the Arctic Mountains and after consulting with Wizard James AFTER THE TRIAL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Wisest, where is he?" Harry had waited impatiently for weeks for the Paladin to return. He feared for his friends life. He was aware that the High Priests would make camp at the Sacred Isle for many days following 'The Trial' but his instincts warned of danger. "William is quite well and unharmed." Replied the Wisest, "He has mastered the final trial through a victory unequaled in all our history. It has changed him. He will wander alone for many months, years perhaps. He needs to reorder his mind to his new truth." "Harry wait!" Called Father Ferdinan as the Crown Prince suddenly turned to leave. "He left weeks ago on the last day of his trial, you will not find him." Prince Harold came to a halt, his back to Ferdinan. "My Prince, your father has called you home. You must answer that call, you are to be King." Ferdinan paused "Go home, fulfill your responsibilities, put into practice all we have taught you. A greater glory awaits." "Aye, you are right and I will do as you command, I will return to the Kings Court" said the Prince with a sorrowful voice. He turned then, and faced Father Ferdinan. "You are wrong my Lord, concerning Sir William, he will not do well alone. I know him as no one else does, send the Paladin after him; he should be by my side." "I will not," said the Wisest, "he knows the way home. He has been granted great power and must decide what to do with it." "It will kill him." replied the Crown Prince Quotes from dragons XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What matter is it to dragons if one half of humanity kills the other half. That leaves at least one half to carry on. What more do you need. It is the Universal Harmonious Balance which matters and humans are a part of that measurement... We would never allow them to become extinct. Yet each individual life is little consequence to the whole. Your Paladin ways are useless, humanity will always be the same. It is why you fail. Your belief that you can create change one soul at a time is corrupt. You are wrong. This land is the home of the enslaved and the slave master, the oppressed and oppressor, the conqueror and the conquered XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Nestor is locked in the cellar But Cornelius was not dead nor did he know what to do. He and his companions were locked in a cellar. Three small candle lanterns sat on the floor burning brightly. Each man picked one up and eyed it with curiosity. The candle burned more brightly than a candle should and showed no sign of burning down. You could blow on the flame as hard as you might but the flame would not leave the wick. Able spoke, "I'm thinkin this might be the magic that all the folks here believe in." "I wouldn't jump ter any conclusions so fast," said Linden, "That thar candle might just be made from some kin-o' stuff we haven't seen before." Earlier, before the battle began, Nestor had escorted them into the cellar and said, "It's for yer own safe keeping." He then turned, walked out and barred the door. It was a very sturdy cellar, stone walls and floor with heavy planks overhead. The door was equally robust and there was no opening it. There was no way out so the three men settled down to wait. They did not wait long when the door burst open and there was Nestor standing in the doorway. Sounds of battle could be heard from the outside. "You men have two choices, you can stay here and rejoin your countrymen or you can come with me on a long journey to the west. You will be safe there." Cornelius spoke, his countenance was one of grief and guilt. "I am sorry, Nestor, I have lied to you, we are spies. The whole story about being shipwrecked was a deception." Cornelius could no longer look Nestor in the eye and he stared at the floor. "Our hearts have changed since we arrived. The people here are free in a manner unknown to us and we wish to remain free men." "Alright then," said Nestor, "I always suspected as much, but I have liked you anyway. The past cannot be undone. I will put my trust in you again, but make sure this time I am rewarded with trustworthy companions." All three said, "thank you very much," then Able said formally, "Nestor, we will follow you wherever you lead, to any end or purpose." Cornelius and Linden enthusiastically agreed. They said many other things but it all meant much the same. "Let us join the battle, we will fight by your side as proof of our loyalty to Cairntarry!" Cornelius declared loudly. Nestor interrupted before anyone else could speak. "The battle in the streets must be settled without us. My commanders are much more knowledgeable concerning warfare than I and I trust them to what is right in my absence." "But..." |