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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2077810
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Nine

Many leagues to the west in the Kingdom of Camalund, Lord Pieter Schermon, his best friend, Sir Sean McAngis, and Prince Robert, heir to the kingdom, sat around the newly proclaimed round table reading a proclamation drafted by the full assembly of Knights and recently posted in each fief of the realm. The proclamation proclaimed the rights and duties by which each Knight and Lord must abide in order to maintain their liege holdings throughout the kingdom. All minor details were written down in a much lengthier document with copies maintained on file in the royal archives and in the official Church ledgers.

The basis of the new law stipulated that all Knights and Lords within the Kingdom of Camalund swore to treat the people under their rule in a fair and benevolent manner. They swore to protect those beneath them if injustice raised its ugly head and that each person in the realm would be given an opportunity for a peaceful and prosperous life according to their desires. They were also to be offered the chance to advance into the ranks of the nobility if they had the ability and desire to do so. Any Knight or Lord failing to abide by this law of chivalry would forfeit their lands and titles and be summarily exiled from the realm.

Prince Robert hoped that the law would eventually run the last of the evil and ruthless nobles from the kingdom so he could replace them with conscientious, benevolent, and loyal rulers. It was a monumental task but this first step was needed as a catalyst and it had been fully endorsed by the Church

“We ave been working on this for months now,” Sean McAngis stated holding up a copy of the new document and stretching his sore back. “I ave been working me caretaker like a slave, not that the rascal minds, ‘e is much better off than before and I ave nae been around to chide em.” Sean was the second son of Queen Niami and King MacAngis of the Khelti, a kingdom of mercenary archers living to the west of Camalund who had helped the Prince to gain his throne. He had been recently Knighted and given a land holding. Sean was also engaged to Talina Ne Galloise, a Wing Commander of the Dragon Riders who was presently in her homeland of Vituria planning their upcoming wedding.

“The idea of the round table that Analia suggested has turned out well,” Pieter remarked glancing at the noble Knights sitting around the circular table. Each was dedicated and sworn to uphold the new laws of the kingdom and to protect Prince Robert, the future King. Pieter was the sole surviving son of Sir James Schermon, murdered by the late King George. He was also the only male Dragon Rider in the kingdom, and he and Analia were very close. Both were original residents of the eternal land of Tír na nÓg, the land of everlasting youth, beauty and peace, in their previous lives of which they remembered little but dreams.

Lord Ruolf Culloden, a member of the Sidhe and a dwarf replied. “Aye, we’ve managed to persuade some of those nasty lords to give up their holdings and spread their ugly ways somers else.” Commander Ruolf was acting as caretaker of the estates that Analia was given for her part in protecting Camalund, Alataria and Vituria in the past great war, saving them from her own countrymen, the Angalunders and the Tyberians. “I know this talking and such is somethin’ that is needed, but I need to be takin’ care of Lady Analia’s estates and you, Lord Prince, need ta be plannin’ yer coronation. Eight and ten years you’ll soon be and tis King you’ll be then.”
“We will take a recess,” Prince Robert smiled. “We need time to digest all that has been proposed and each of our lives has been put on hold to bring this kingdom into a new era of peace and prosperity. A few weeks away from the drudgery of law making and planning will help us all to see things from a fresher perspective.” He started to say more but the expression on Pieter’s face had suddenly grown taunt and worried. “What is it, Lord Schermon?”

“My dragon,” Sire,” Pieter answered. “He has just informed me through mind-speak that Princess Analia and Elise are in extreme danger. They are being held in the kingdom they were visiting by evil members of a ruthless church and your mother is there backing and encouraging the powerful clerics.”

“My mother!” Prince Robert exclaimed. “We exiled her to Vituria months ago.”

Pieter nodded in agreement. “I must go to their aid,” he replied. “Time is against us and I must hurry.” Unfortunately, although the dragons could mind-speak with each other over any distance, so far as they knew Pieter and Analia were the only two humans who could mind-speak with the dragons. Analia had explained it as an unknown power probably transferred over from their previous lives in Tír na nÓg.

“Not without me, you don’t,” Sean quickly stated, his red face quickly matching his red hair.

“Nor me!” Lord Ruolf yelled. “I promised to protect the lass and ye will nae stop me.”

“One dragon cannot carry three people,” Pieter replied and it is a long distance to where they are being held captive.”

Sean was adamant. “Then your dragon and another Dragon Rider will have to carry us as far as Vituria where we will meet Talina, she will go with us to rescue Elise and Analia.”

“You can’t possibly take on an entire kingdom by yourselves,” Prince Robert blurted. “I’ll have Sir Ryykon provide you with contacts in the north; he has friends and family in those wild lands who may offer you assistance.” Sir Ryykon Thoragild was the King’s Protector and Analia’s uncle. “I’ll also inform Analia’s father, Emperor John, of her plight using the royal messenger birds. He must be informed.”

Pieter shook his head. “Make it fast, Sire. We must leave within the hour. Ask Sir Ryykon to meet us on the practice field.”

As predicted, Sir Ryykon was at the practice field in less than an hour. He carried a hastily written scroll in his hand and presented it to Pieter. “Present this letter to Picti Lord Fionn macCargaill, in Castle Moireibh located far north of the Britanics,” he stated. “My cousin, King Rangar Thoragson of the Nordlanders does a lot of trade with him and I am certain he will offer you whatever aid he can. As far as we know, he hasn’t been bought by the Britanics like many of the other Picti Lords. I would accompany you; however, I cannot leave young Prince Robert here with so many questionable nobles eying his birthright. Give my love to my niece, Analia.”

Within minutes, two mighty dragons took to the late afternoon sky. Pieter’s dragon, which he had named Snuffy, carried him and Lord Ruolf, and Commander Shahan of the Dragon Riders carried Sean behind her on a training saddle tied to her own saddle. Although late in the day, they expected to reach Parisa, the Capitol City of Vituria before twilight set in. They departed so quickly no one had the opportunity to change their clothing, they merely grabbed their personal weapons and chainmail, and stuffed bread and cheese in a wrap to eat while in flight. There was no thought of collecting their armor because the extra weight would be too difficult for the dragons to handle on the long journey across the eastern salt sea.

Talina was on the practice field when they glided in for a soft landing just outside the castle gates in the Capitol. She glanced at them in curiosity and then ran towards them when she recognized who they were. “What are you doing in Vituria?” she asked hugging Sean as he slid down from the dragon’s saddle.

“Hard at work, I see,” Sean smiled and kissed her. “Get tired of plannin’ our wedding, did you?”

“Queen Sophie is doing most of the drudge work,” Talina replied. “She insisted.”

“We have some bad news,” Pieter interrupted as he strolled up to the two lovers. “Analia and Elise have been taken into custody by evil members of the Church in Britanica. We’re here to mount a rescue operation and need your help.”

“Aye lass and time is against us,” Lord Ruolf added as he joined the group, his face red from the harrowing dragon flight. He did not enjoy leaving the ground and as a member of the Sidhe Dwarfs, he much preferred being underground in the mining caves.

Talina’s eyes grew wide at the news. She was a petite and lissome young lady, sporting curly auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a button nose. Although not beautiful by most standards, she was very cute and her quirky and often playful personality made her a favorite among the squires when she was in training several years earlier.

“Come,” she blurted as if she was commanding one of her novice Dragon Riders. “King Lacouture must be told immediately.”

Their audience with the King lasted only a few minutes. He was distraught to hear the news and angry that exiled Queen Denize was somehow involved. No one had reported her absence from Vituria so she must have slipped out of the kingdom in a clandestine manner. That anyone would fail to inform him of her breaking her terms of exile upset him the most, especially since she had to be missing for weeks if not months.

“I understand the urgency you must make in this matter,” King Lacouture stated, “I will have the steward prepare food for your journey. I suppose Sir Thoragild did not have the time to provide you with funding?” Their nods answered his question. “Bring me several bags of Nordlander gold,” he ordered a page standing near. “Rykkon’s contacts may assist you out of the courtesy of their hearts, but I have found that a generous donation of gold prompts people to make up their minds much quicker.”

“With your permission, sire, we will leave immediately,” Pieter stated. “We can make it to Havenhall by midnight and take a short rest in Emperor John’s castle before the long flight east. Sir Thoragild sent him a message, but he will probably want to hear the news from us in person.”

“Give me ten minutes to write a quick missive,” King Lacouture smiled motioning for scribe to approach him. “It will be addressed to King Cousineau of Gaule. Arnaud and I are distant cousins. I wish to inform him of Denize’s real background and ask him to aid you in your mission. Be cautious of Queen Angele though, I fear she and Denize are related in some family way.”

They left soon after and arrived in Angalund well after midnight, exhausted, thirsty and saddle sore. They were allowed to sleep for several hours then they re-provisioned for the long trip east. King John also gave them a letter to present to the King of Britanica, but this one was straight to the point. Should anything happen to Princess Audrey, a state of war would immediately exist between Angalund and Britanica. He also noted that the Imperial Fleet was being readied for the voyage and he was also expecting aid from his new ally, King Thoragson, who already possessed a massive fleet of long ships. He hoped the warning would at least convince the Britanic King to keep the clerics in check.

The flight across the eastern ocean was a long one but they finally spotted land late in the day. According to the scribes, the eastern ocean had once taken weeks to cross but during the great upheaval thousands of years in the past, it had narrowed considerably. They flew on for several hours because the land of the Picti was almost to the other side of the great peninsula. Several hours before twilight, they descended to a small town to ask directions to Castle Moireibh.

They did not take the caution to hide their dragons; they simply landed just outside the town in a small clearing and walked on rubbery legs the short distance. By the time word was spread about the terrifying dragons and their riders, they will have already been at their destination. They also had no worry about their supplies as the ferocious looking dragons would keep curious wanderers far away from the area. As it was, most of the townsmen had rushed to their homes to hide behind closed doors but, there were a few idle men standing outside a large pub; they were either very brave or well intoxicated.

They learned from the surprised pub owner that Castle Moireibh was around thirty miles east by northeast of their position and could not be missed as it was the largest castle for many leagues in any direction. “Stay clear of the Lochs,” the man suggested. “The Kelpies have been busy lately”

“What’s a Loch?” Talina asked as they headed back to their resting dragons. They decided to take half an hour’s break to stretch their legs before continuing the exhausting journey.

“What’s a Kelpie?” Sean asked, glancing at Lord Ruolf certain he would know the answer to their questions.

“Yer a Khelti and ye dinna know yer history,” Ruolf returned. “A loch is a lake or part of the sea, Sean me boy. It’s usually landlocked. As for the Kelpies, I’m thinkin’ they be Loch monsters or sea wraiths. They come from the Loch and kill unsuspecting people walking too near the Loch.”

“You Sidhe know more about that old stuff than we Khelti,” Sean blurted as way of an excuse. “You practice the old ways and religion much closer than we do.”

“Shall we land near the castle and barge right in, or should we set down a short distance away and hide our dragons?” Sean asked sipping from his water flask. “I don’t know if the Picti have seen flying dragons and how they may react.”

“Fly right in,” Roulf growled. “The Picti have the same customs and ways we do, they’re not like those Church cursed Britanics to the south. They know about dragons from the old days and they follow the teaching of the elders. For certain, they’ll know we’re not Britanics.”

“I agree,” Sean stated. “We’re here on a mission to help Analia and Elise and we can’t waste time figuring out who’s going to react and in what way, either they’ll help us or we’ll go south and see what we can do by ourselves”

Castle Moireibh was a huge red sandstone castle sitting on a steep hill overlooking the sea. The defenses comprised of a massive curtain wall, fifty feet tall with sturdy battlements, the three other approaches were defended by high steep cliffs and the sea. The north range of buildings contained a large hall a circular keep tower and wide courtyard. The main entrance was protected by a drawbridge with a portcullis and machicolations for added defense and two corner turrets faced the large inner courtyard. A large town spread out to the south and west of the castle containing several hundred buildings and was bustling with activity as they slowly glided over it towards the castle; the people below pointed up and held fascinated but fearful expressions.

They landed square in the middle of the wide courtyard, scattering pedestrians and men-at-arms in all directions. They could hear the horses in the nearby stables putting up a fuss at the unusual smell of the sweaty dragons. The tang of the fresh salt air invigorated their senses as they wearily slid from their saddles. By the time they gathered to walk towards the large hall, the men-at-arms had recovered enough to form a cordon around them, their shields and halberds held at the ready and a force of archers quickly lined the battlements.

Pieter glanced around and held up a green bough, waving it back and forth in the breeze. This was the universal sign of peace among the Khelti and Sidhe and he hoped these similar people followed the same customs. Shortly, a small delegation walked from a large half open door in the great hall, led by a tall imposing figure dressed in the expensive chain mail of a Knight and wearing a white surcoat with the emblem of a tree embossed on it. They halted ten feet from the small group.

“Quite the excitement you’ve created,” the man stated in a rich deep voice, eying the two mighty dragons flexing their massive wings. “I am Sir Arugyle, the Lord’s Guard Commander, I hope by your use of the green bough you come ere in peace.”

“That we do, Sir Arugyle,” Pieter replied. “We are here seeking aid from Lord Fionn macCargaill in our quest for justice and honor. We will lay aside our weapons if such is required to show our peaceful intent.”

“Aye, that you must,” Sir Arugyle grinned. “There are far too many enemies seeking to harm Lord macCargaill so we must always be awares. If ye will give yer arms to my guards ere, I will take you to speak with the Lord.”

Pieter signaled for the group to surrender their weapons. Lord Ruolf chided at the idea but grudgingly handled over his massive two bladed battle axe following a low expletive. They followed the Guard Commander through the massive doors into the great hall. They were met at the door by a squad of soldiers who flanked them on both sides as they slowly made their way to a raised dais at the far end of the great chamber. A number of men stood on the dais but the focal point was a massive throne on which sat a regally dressed man.

They bowed in unison to the impressive figure. “We come in peace,” Pieter stated, speaking for his small group. “We were advised by our King’s Protector, Sir Ryykon Thoragild and his cousin King Rangar Thoragson of the Nordlanders that you might receive us in welcome and aid us in our quest.”

The imposing figure sitting on the throne stared at them but did not speak nor did he show any obvious signs of attention but simply stared at something overhead. It’s as if he’s a puppet or stuffed doll, Pieter thought. Something deep inside told him that this was not Lord macCargaill. They are testing us. He turned to the Guard Captain and gave him an angry glance. “We asked to speak with Lord macCargaill, this man is not he.”

Suddenly, an exact duplicate of the man sitting on the throne walked from behind sturdy drapes clapping his hands. He was a tall man with a grey beard and long chestnut hair. He possessed a straight aquiline nose and sharp blue eyes. When he spoke, his teeth were white and perfect. “Well done, young Sir,” he stated. “Only a person with the old blood could tell that the man sitting on my throne is not me.”

Pieter looked at him in bemusement, then at the figure on the throne, they were exact duplicates except one was vibrant the other lifeless. “Why the charade, my Lord?” he asked.

Lord macCargaill smiled back at him. “These are difficult times,” he stated. “Far too many Picti Lords have taken the Britanic’s gold and have been offered more gold and high titles to get rid of me. Master Faelan, my good friend and final line of protection sitting here, has saved my life several times.” He then bowed to Master Faelan. “You may retire, I do not believe these young nobles are here to assassinate me.”

The group watched in astonishment as the features of the man sitting on the throne began to twist and turn. In less than a minute, the imposing duplicate of Lord macCargaill had transformed into a small man with long white hair wearing a pure white robe. He stood up from the throne and smiled at Pieter and his friends, then slowly walked behind the large curtain hanging behind the throne. Lord macCargaill took his place on the throne.

“I see by the looks on your faces you are startled by the transformation of my friend Master Faelan,” he stated. “Master Faelan is a member of the Elders, what the Britanics call Druids, and he is also an accomplished Selkie.”

“A Loch monster,” Ruolf whispered reaching over his shoulder for his steel battle axe which was not present.

Lord macCargaill smiled. “Not exactly,” he stated. “A Selkie is a good person who can assume the shape of anyone or any animal they choose for a short time. They return to their own shape and no harm is done to the person or animal they copied. Actually, they person they copy doesn’t even know it. You are thinking of a Kelpie. Kelpies, as you have surmised, are evil creatures who flow over men or animals and assume their shapes and identities by dissolving the original. Their host is destroyed and they maintain their shapes until they seek to consume another prey. They are very evil beings.”

“We have friends in Britanica who are being held by the Church,” Pieter stated. “We seek your help in freeing them.”

“I know of Sir Thoragild and King Thoragson, both very honorable men and great warriors. Were it in my power to assist you, I would do so, however, with things as they presently are, I do not have that luxury. Seventy percent of the Picti Lords have sold out to the Britanics, the others keep to themselves. Every soldier I have I need simply to protect my holdings and vassals. Besides, even with all my military combined, we would have less than a tenth of what the Britanics can muster, and that’s stripping my defenses to the bone.”

“We appreciate your sincerity and candor, Lord,” Pieter replied. “Perhaps you can provide us with information concerning the Britanics and especially the Church. We lack in-depth knowledge of both.

“I will be honored. There is one possible way I can assist you,” Lord macCargaill replied pointing at Master Faelan who had returned to the chamber as if summoned. Master Faelan’s son, Kevin, is young but he has already proven himself to be an accomplished Selkie and squire. He would be invaluable in finding out information to help your cause. Please join me for a meal in my private chambers and we will discuss this situation at length.”

Lady Dragon Riders - Chapter Ten  (13+)
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land
#2078859 by Oldwarrior
© Copyright 2016 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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