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by reaper
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2077597
Emily wakes up and meets mummy's wife

Part two: Emily

Emily woke to a much clearer head and naturally a full diaper. "oh yare... that happened..." now she had long ago trained her body to wake up at the first hint of morning... so she could get out of witch ever clients bed she had been paid to sleep in, before said client woke up and they had the awkward "I had the best night, need to do this again some time" sepal that they all needed to say, for whatever reason.

The crib slid open easy enough, and as Emily moved over to the dresser she found she was thankful for quiet hinges as there was a baby monitor standing guard. Ready to wake mummy.

Quietly Emily rummaged through the dresser draws till she found some cloths. She dint think mummy would mind if she wore these as she had thrown away Emily's original cloths.

There wasn't much of a selection but when your alternative is just a big baby diaper you take what you can get.

As she was thinking this she noticed that she still had the pacifier in her mouth. Quickly she spat it into her hand, "it's been fun but I gotta run" Emily spoke aloud. Smiling to herself on her cleverness till her eyes fell on the baby monitor once more.

"Good morning Emily"

Emily spun herself to face the door "mummy you're awake?"

"Of course... how could I sleep thru all that sneaking around you were doing"

"Oh well... it's been fun and all..."

"Seems you've been a busy little bee... did you find what you were looking for?" mummy pointed to the draws Emily had been searching.

"Oh...um... yes"

"Excellent, why don't you lay down on the floor and let mummy change that diaper for you...?" Emily frowned, had she really forgotten that she was still wearing her socked diaper "then maybe I can make you some breakfast" Emily immediately laid herself out on the floor. Any thoughts she might have had of leaving gone from her mind at the thought of "breakfast"



Emily was soaked. I could tell that right away. Still she dint seem to mind so I left her waiting on the floor as I quickly gathered the cloths she had thrown about and put them away. Humming quietly "whistle while you work" to myself.

I found her pacifier in the draw, were she had dropped it when I walked in. she would probably need it later I was shore. So I put it in my dressing gown pocket, then set about finding the supplies needed for her diaper change.


I nearly fell asleep again, the floor was covered in what could only be the most comfortable carpet in the world, probably most expressive too. I liked listening to my mummy move about the room. Whistling a song from a long time ago.

Then she started to change me, at first it was bad, not as bad as the smell of my last one, the smell this time was bearable, but what got me was how when she opened it I was startled by the sudden cold. Then of coerce she went to work with the wipes. Cleaning up my... well not "privet part" god knows that it wasn't very privet any more. "Sensitive area" I could tell she wasn't trying to tease me but buy the gods I was getting worked up just by the idea that this wonderful woman was my mummy and she was..."

"Lift" I didn't know what she meant. Oh gods please don't let her be disappointed in me "lift your butt up so I can remove your diaper" oh... I lifted, felling dumb, I should know this by now I mean this was my second? no third diaper in two days.

"Ok down" I dint need an explanation for that one, the new diaper felt... dry... it's the only word I know that fits. Strange but I liked it, mummy was applying baby powder now, it helped with the urine smell but still I couldn't wait till I could smell nothing but mummy, her boob in my face eclipsing my eyes with its beauty...

I felt mummy close up my new diaper and applied the heavy tapes, we were done it was breakfast time, I started to get up.

"Oh no you don't were not done yet" I stopped, looked at mummy confused what had I forgotten?

"Baby Emily may be in her diaper but I doubt if she is leak proofed" oh yare I remember being worried about that when I diapered myself, but back then I dint think it would be a problem "it's not like I will be using it" had been my arrogant thought. Then mummy had fixed it when I was having "dinner".

Mummy ran her finger around the waist and leg holes adjusting the fit till it was water tight.

"Ok... job well done, now let's get you fed, we have a long day ahead of us."



While Emily had her morning breast milk I made a few calls and just like that Emily or Britany as she was known hear ceased to exist. Dental records, birth certificates, address, social security number, pictures on the net, video surveillance. Every digital record was erased within a few minutes. Her apartment would be cleaned out, her belonging taken to one of my ware houses, were it would be safe.

It was possible that there was still a trace of her some were in human memory and paper. But first they had to look and it was doubtful that anyone would.



After I drank my fill, I found myself in a really good mood as if I was on a really good buzz trip... like really good.

"Oh looks like my milk is making baby Emily all happy" mummy's voice was so nice. Nice mummy boobs. "Well let's get you dressed, then you can play with your toys while mummy gets ready for the day" mummy glanced at her watch "look at the time, I haven't even had my breakfast yet?"

Mummy gently stood me up. I was so full my belly gave a little sloshing noise, witch mummy heard. "Well if you keep this up all those stomach crunches are going to be for nothing..."

I surged, I sort of liked the sloshy feeling. "Alright, enjoy it while you can but you're going to have to work out while I'm at work..." work out, well I did enjoy working out before, mainly because of the envois stares and half hidden boners. Wait, mummy's going to work "don't worry, mummy got you a baby sitter..."

"But..." was all I got out

"No arguing, besides I won't be long and you will like your baby sitter"

"Promise" I dint like this. But what could I do? Was I really expecting her to take care of me all day, all week, year? Of course mummy had to go to work eventually, casinos don't run themselves.

"I Promise" mummy hugged me then "come on let's get you dressed"


Cloths were over rated, mummy picked out a nice dress for me witch was lacy and frilly with ruffles... I had only worn it's like on Halloween when I had dressed up as little bow peep. In fact if the dress had been blue and white it would have been a better little bow peep costume. It was revealing in all the right places, plus with my hair up in twin pony tails and my bulging diaper I looked...

"Absolutely adorable, baby salmon is a good colour on you baby, do a spin for mummy"

I laughed and spun around in my new shoes. My mummy's eyes watching me reflected a hundred fold in the mirror box that was a part of my wardrobe now, there were racks upon racks of cloths, all a perfectly tailor fit to my size. Had she had the cloths made over night or did I just fit the mould?

I was about to enter my 9th turn "ok you can stop spinning now" I was a bit sad I had been having fun, and as I stopped I felt I little dizzy, so when I stepped down from the box I tripped over and fell onto the floor... it was unnerving how my first reaction was to start crying... fortunately I only got half a sob out before mummy was helping me up.

"It's ok, it's alright... Shhhh... you are going to be fine... look no damage"

I nodded, I had to get a grip, I had way worse than that and mummy was holding me. Her scent so close. I couldn't help but be ok "I'm ok... sorry"

"That's quite all right Emily these things happen, you will just have to be more careful so you don't hurt yourself"

"Yes mummy"

"Good girl... come on time to see your new playroom"

"the play room..." mummy lead me into the huge room, it was a day-care wonderland, there was everything a baby girl like me could ever wish for and everything I dint know to wish for "have fun" I raced into the room.



I enjoyed watching Emily explore, she had gone straight for the stuffed toys, trying to pick them all up at once then dropping them when she noticed the toy box. Witch was the size of an average bed with its hinged lid stuck open due to the immense number of toys overflowing from it.

I never got tired of seeing my baby's happy faces as they found their favourite toy... I really wanted to stay and watch but I had to shower at some point before the board meeting. The last thing I wanted was for the old men to get "distracted".

Mentally I made a list as I walked back to my bed room.

Eat, shower, dressed business, meetings at 9 "don't fire them just because they are men drooling over what they can't have" office work for one hour, "who am I kidding two hours" lunch, "finally something to look forward to" afternoon high stakes poker game, "work my mojo on those fat cats" then it's off to the afternoon tea with the president "election year don't give him an extension on his lone again no matter what he promises in the new year" home around 5 maybe 5:30 he is a gas bag"

By the time I had finished my shower by breakfast had arrived. I had ordered it taken to the play room so I could watch Emily play while I ate. The young girl who bought it up wasn't new so wasn't at all shocked at the sight of Emily. It had been her at one time.

"Do you miss it?" I asked in between bites.

The girl smiled as she lifted her skirt to revel her own diaper "it's safe to say you changed my life mummy... I mean miss..."

"Please keep calling me mummy, oh and I'm done now so you may clear"

"Of course mummy" the girl started clearing the little cafe stile table I had been using. I was about to leave to go get dressed when a question came to mind.

"Oh and do you know if "she" has arrived yet?" the girl new who I meant, not all my baby's had meet my other half, the ones that did... let's just say she is my better half and she had tendency to scare them straight... in the very literal sense.

"Oh yes... she arrived sometime this morning... about 4 I think and had been in the casino."

"Thank you" I headed off to get dressed "have her bought up now please" instantly the girl was on her earwig thing, she continued to follow me as she relayed my order then told me "eta 6 minutes" I nodded

"Very well finish up your cleaning then retune to me"

"Yes mummy" the girl curtsied lifting her short skirt once more and then left.



Meanwhile in the elevator.

Two big men dressed in casino security officer's uniforms escorted the VIP up to the penthouse floor.

"We are to get off on the floor below... you will go up to..."

"I don't need directions, I have been here before. It is my home after all." The men might as well have been robots, unless ordered they wouldn't even blow their nose.

"I am sorry, but orders are orders" the other tied to calm me down. I rolled my eyes at him.

I sighed, deciding it was not him I was annoyed at, I was an emotional time boom these days, this man dint do anything to me, I was just annoyed at being summoned, it wasn't like my wife to send her minions.

I glanced at my watch wondering once again why I had been summoned at all

Still it would be nice to see her again.



Mummy straitened my dress as we waited for the elevator. I wondered who was coming that I had to meet her... I wanted to go back and play.

"When will you be back?" I blushed I really dint want to sound like a needy child.

"Oh Emily mummy will be back to feed you your lunch" I put on a brave face, she was going to come back.

Mummy turned to the serving girl who was waiting to take the elevator down with her cart thing. "How do I look?" she asked for the third time, since we got hear.

"Perfect" answered the serving girl. I saw her blush a little bit, as if she was having naughty thoughts.

Then before mummy could ask again the lift doors dinged and opened to reveal a teen aged girl leaning against the back of the elevator. She wore a sleeveless black crop top, under a pair of blue denim overalls. She had hope earrings and her hair was a deep shade of red almost scarlet, it was curled short so it framed her face perfectly.

She was blowing a huge pink bubble in her gum.

"Emily...Say hello to your baby sitter" mummy placed her hand on my back and pushed me forward "her name is Hellen"

"Hellen, Emily, Emily Hellen" mummy introduced us before I could say hello

Pop went the bubble as Hellen waddled forward "High squirt" Hellen waddled because she was pregnant, like wow I have never seen some one that pregnant. She caught me staring "I see you haven't told her anything... like usual"

Mummy blushed "well... I dint have time..." she stepped onto the elevator with the serving girl "you two have fun with that" the door closed before anyone could call fowl.

I looked at my babysitter with awe, had her very presence been enough to unsettle mummy, I had never seen mummy lose her cool, she was the poster woman of cool, yet this pregnant teen had shaken her.

"Ok kid it's just you and me" it seemed weird to be called kid buy someone younger than me. "First thing you got to know is your new mum and me are married..." wow illegal much this girl couldn't be more than 17 "been married for almost 30 years now" she smiled as I did the "yare right" expression.

"come on kid, it's a long story and I want to sit down" she lead the way and we walked back into the main room where she... with more grace then one would expect of a girl in her condition... jumped over the back of the sofa. Landing in a seated position... "Take a seat, this is where it gets weird"

"You don't say?" I walked around and sat on the sofa next to her.


So it's like this, if I understand what Hellen told me, my new mum was over 3 thousand years old, give or take a hundred. She had stopped aging when she reached maturity. She thought herself a diamond child, a witch with the power to bend humans to her will. Not knowing how or why this happened to her she sort out wise men, those that claimed to have talked with gods. In the end they grew to love her or fear her. Many tried to kill her. So she moved into prostitution. Going from town to town, taking a new name each time so as to not cause trouble. She was used by men for a long time. The emotional scars are deep. Deeper still for the fact that although she has bedded thousands of men, not once did she become one with child.

She had not long come to this new world "America" when she had a midlife crises if you can have one of those when you're over 2 thousand. Never again would she let a man use her, touch her. She took her vast wealth that she had accumulated over the years and built a school for young girls. In a world run by men her school was a taboo, yet thru the mastery of her mysteries powers she was able to stay open and out of trouble.

She did that for 2 hundred years till, women got the power to vote, to join the military and be treated as an equal to any man.

She moved to Vegas started a casino, thru the use of puppet men. They ran things she took a cut. And as thing go in Vegas. For every casino they knock down two more are built in its place. That is when she started her next "hobby" she wanted a baby. She adopted 6 children and in turn she razed them leave then let them leave the nest. This was ok for a time till she came a cross Hellen who was a 17 year old girl forced into prostitution. By her step farther after her mother passed away giving birth to her.

Mummy rescued Hellen bought her to the casino... and this is where it really gets weird... breast feed her. You see Hellen invoked such a strong maternal feeling that mummy's breast started producing milk, witch Hellen couldn't resist.

It wasn't long after that, that Hellen was back in diapers and mummy was treating her like a real baby.

Over the next 5 years they realised that Hellen hadn't aged. Somehow mummy's milk had made Hellen like her. Their relationship had its ups and downs witch she dint go into with me. They got married the very day mummy made it legal for same sex mirages in Vegas. Her power and influence in the world of men steadily growing with her wealth.

Then about 15 years ago mummy hired a pregnancy specialist, gave her the impossible task of getting one of them pregnant... well long story short it worked, Hellen got pregnant but the baby stopped developing at around 19 months in the womb. They had a fight over what to do.

Mummy wanted to have Hellen have a C section, with the hope that the baby would continue to develop.

Hellen feels that that is the wrong move. She believes the baby will come to term when it's ready and that removing her now will kill her.

They have lived separately for the last 7 years, in that time mummy has tried to make Hellen jealous buy seducing young girls, turning them into adult baby's then parading them in front of Hellen.

But I was different "yay me" mummy hadn't fucked me. Hellen was very surprised when I told her that. Then she went almost catatonic when I told her mummy would be back to breast feed me my lunch soon.

"But you're ok"

"Yes?' I made my answer a question

"You don't understand" Hellen put it into a way I could understand "you're not totally mind fucked... your brain isn't mush"

"I don't know... my brain doesn't work like it used to and I think about mummy boobs way more then I should..." I was thankfully Hellen interrupted before I could embarrass myself any more.

"The girls that she had feed before, they all lost their adult minds, and every drop of milk erased their memories... any blank spots in your memory?"

"Not that I know of... but how the hell would I know if I had forgotten stuff." I wasn't worried, I probably should have been. Hellen was freeking out. Saying stuff like "this doesn't make any sense" or "it's just not possible" with my favourite "you don't seem to have a split personality" I surged "maybe I do or am developing one."

"Do you remember your mum, dad, family friends... boyfriends?"

"Yes... well most of them... I had a lot of boyfriends, I was kind of a slut... I'm not proud of a lot of the things I have done, had done to me but it all worked out, I met mummy and you, and you seam nice..."

"She's not nice... I'm not nice... she turned you into a baby" she said it like I dint already know, the baby bit, "but you are nice... you dint have to tell me that story, you could have just dressed me in street clothes and kicked me out"

"Probably should" she looked like she was considering it, me and my big mouth. I was about to tell her I was only making a point, or beg her to let me stay. When she said "but we would never make it past the goon squad... she has got them buy the purse strings"

"You mean she got them enthralled like those other girls" yep I was jealous, I hadn't really thought I was the only one but now I couldn't lie to myself.

"Ha...her money has more power over them then her magic power ever could" come to think of it this was Vegas.

"So what do we do now?" I asked after an awkward silence.

"Now... we find some fresh diapers, I don't know about you but I need a fresh one." As she got up she walked away from me for the first time and I saw that she was indeed diapered.

"Your still..." I dint get to finish my obvious question.

"Pregnant bladder and well some...hay... I don't need to give you any excuses" she waved her hand at my own outfit witch now I thought about it did need a fresh diaper.

"Your right Hellen... I'm sorry I dint mean it like that I just thought after 30 years..."

Hellen started laughing "what did I say?"

"Oh little girl, in 30 years you will know what's so funny" I made a confused face at her, I felt like I was missing some big joke, like someone had put a 'kick me' sine on my back. "Baby if you're still in this mess after 30 years you will definitely still be in diapers, the only real question will be: are you still you?"

The end of part 2 of 2 unless I make a three witch at this point is very likely.


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