Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077431-Ch4-of-the-Alexandria-Chronicles
by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2077431
First story of The Alexandria Chronicles.

The Cherrywood Cafwas busy as usual for the afternoon rush, the servers running in between booths and tables, taking orders and serving them. The customers talking amongst themselves, the servers idly chatting with various people. No one of them really paying attention to the gentlemen that sat in the back at booth nine. His green eyes looking over the new paper, the front page cover story about the explosion at the docks. He smiled and laughed, last night had been a success. He relished in the fact that he had managed to make such a huge impact in such short amount of time. He re-read the article again while he waited for his lunch.

About half way through his lunch, he looked up to see a middle aged man setting across from him in his booth. "Enjoying your lunch, William?" He asked trying to act friendly. He eyed the Hunter carefully, as he continued to eat his food. "The chicken is a little burnt, but otherwise okay. Is everything falling into place?" He asked pushing his plate to the side next to the paper. William looked up at the werewolf that sat before him. He almost laughed at the man sitting before him. He wanted to be the Alpha of the Western territory. What William wanted was simple, he wanted vengeance against the creatures who destroyed his life.

"Yes, I'm meeting with Luna, this afternoon."

"Good." William said as he reached into his coat pocket, pulling out something wrapped in a red cloth. He motioned for him to open it, reveling a dark green jade handled dagger.

"The blade is pure silver. It should to the trick." He said smiling. "Kill the wolf, and I will worry about Alexandria. We both get what we want." William said as he placed a twenty on the table and got up, reviling just how tall and built he really was. "Enjoy your meeting Wyatt, but before you go, why don't you get you something to eat" He said as he turned to leave. "Call me when it's done." Was the last thing William said as he left the caf Wyatt huffed as he picked up the dagger, careful not to touch the blade, he had been around long enough to know what happed to a werewolf that touched pure silver. It was a painful experience, causing a burn that would take weeks to heal. He smiled thinking about how close he was to reaching his goal.

William stood outside the cafacross the street, watching Wyatt as he examined the dagger. He didn't care for the creature, he was just a means to an end for him. With one final look, he disappeared in the crowed, on to his next task for the day. He smiled as he headed towards the business section of the city. He grinned, trying to imagine the look on Alexandria's face when he showed up. If he played his cards right he would be getting rid of another obstacle in his way.

Alex had just finished the last of her meeting for the day, with the board of trusties. When her sectary knocked on her door, before popping her head in. Alex looked up and smiled at her. "What can I do for you Rosemary?" She asked tilting her head. "There is a William here to see you." She said. Alex stood up from her desk, her expression going from friendly to annoyed very quickly. "Send him in, now." She ordered. She shut her eyes calming her nerves, she opened her eyes as he walked in, a strange scent filling the room, she wasn't sure what it was, but it was coming from him. She placed her palms on her desk, holding herself up. She wasn't sure how he was standing before her, she had driven a sword through his heart. In a blink of an eye she stood before him. He was taller than her, standing at 6 foot 8, while she was only 5 foot 8. He looked down at her and smiled. He was taller and larger with muscles of a boxer. Alex meet his gaze and didn't flinch. They had had several run in's years ago when hunters were very active in the city. She waited for him to make the first move. "What do you want?" She asked never moving from her spot.

"I want Serena."

"Not going to happen, Why the bomb?"

"To draw certain players out and get rid of some obstacles." He said smiling. Alex tilted her head to the side looking up at him, her face impassive. "It didn't work obviously. The right hand is still here." He motioned at her. Alex didn't say anything, letting him talk. He always had a big ego when it came to her. He hated her just as much as he loved to gloat to her. "You're not even going to ask?" He questioned as he stepped around her to take a seat in front of her desk. She growled in annoyance at him, looking over her shoulder before turning around.

"I really could care less about how you're still alive. You coming here, was stupid. Did you really think I was going to let you walk out? You tried to kill me." Alex said moving forward slowly. "You blew up a factory full of innocent people, and you come here demanding Serena." Alex said stopping behind the chair and spinning it around so they were face to face.

"No, I just wanted tell you, that everything you and the mutts worked so hard for is fixing to come crashing down around you." He said calmly, smiling. Alex's hands shot forward closing around his throat, she gripped his neck hard enough to leave imprints. As she tightened her grip harder he laughed, stunning Alex just long enough for him to break her hold. He pushed her back and laughed, moving forward, grabbing her by her shirt and pulling her forward, tossing her effortlessly into the front of her desk. She looked up at him, she shot forward her right fist connecting with his face. He quickly blocked her left fist, pushing it way with his hand, and punching her across the face with his right, knocking her back, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She brought her hand up, touching her lip the blood dripping onto her hand. She looked from her hand back to him.

"I'm not the same man." He said coming back at her again. She moved first blocking his punch, and landing a blow to his stomach, followed by a kick to his mid-section. He doubled over, Alex moved forward to strike again, but stopped in her tracks when he started laughing and launched forwarded his arms grabbing her by her waist and lifting her into the air, only to be smashed down into her desk, breaking it in half stunning her. William knelt on top of her, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her head up, slamming his fist into her face repeatedly, each blow causing more blood to splatter onto what was left of the desk and his hand. He stopped and let her head fall back. He looked down at her bloody face, happy with his handy work for the moment, he stood up pulling piece of cloth from his pocket.

"Tell Serena I'll see her soon." He said as he tossed the cloth on top of her and left her there blooded. Once he was gone, rosemary came rushing into the office. She made her way over to Alex, helping her to sit up. Blood dripped from her face, Alex placed her head in her hands running them down her face, whipping and smearing some of the blood. Rosemary helped her to her feet, before running off to get a wet towel. Alex slammed her fist into the wall, she was beyond pissed. She sighed and took out her cell phone, firing off a quick text to Lilly, to meet her at home ASAP. Rosemary returned, handing Alex the towel. "Thank you, you can go home." Alex said as she wiped the blood off her face. "Are you sure?" she asked. Alex nodded her head yes. "Have the cleaning crew fix this first thing in the morning, I'm leaving for the day." She said as she tossed the towel in the chair walking out leaving Rosemary standing there, alone looking around at the aftermath.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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