Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077395-Ch3-of-The-Alexandria-Chronicles
by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2077395
First Story of The Alexandria Chronicles.

Alex clung to a piece of broken wood that bobbed with the ocean water. What was left of the ship carrying various groups of people to The New World. Alex placed her free hand on her side applying pressure to her wound. She let out a painful yell as she pulled herself onto the wood, positioning herself on her back. She looked down at her chest unbuttoning a water and blood soaked shirt. Her chest had several pieces of small wood sticking out of it, blood running freely from the wounds. She looked around to see if anyone else was alive, seeing no one in sight she laid down "Fucking Pirates." She said as she shut her eyes in pain, blood drained from her wounds as she lost conscious.

Throughout the night Alex would wake and pass out. The hunger waking her, telling her to feed. The inner demon calling to feed. Her inner demon howling and yelling, no matter how much she tried to reason with it. She passed out again finally giving up trying to reason with it. When she came to again she heard voices yelling. She felt herself be picked out of the water and placed in a small row boat. She looked around the best she could. Her eyes settling on a female at the head of the boat, giving orders. She turned around looked at Alex. All Alex could do was stare in awe of the woman. Her grey hair blowing in the wind and her blue eyes matching the color of the ocean. Alex couldn't look away, even when the woman turned her attention back what she was doing, she passed back out as they neared their destination.

Alex woke laying in a bed made of warm furs, a cover coming up to under her arms. She tasted blood on her lips, the sweet metallic taste, she felt full and satisfied. She tried to sit but quickly feel back groaning in pain. "You have been out for three days. I was starting to wonder if you would live. But then again you're not really alive now are you, vampire?" A voice from the side of the cabin spoke causing Alex to turn her head in shock to the right. She found the grey haired woman from earlier sitting with her back to her at a desk. She could smell her all the way over to the bed, her scent sweet and earthy like green apples and sandalwood. Alex looked at her back grinning. The woman turned around looking back at her, waiting for her to answer. "You're a smart woman, Captain." She said turning her head and looking at the ceiling. "Centuries of experience." She said back, standing up from the desk and walking over to the bed.

"Who are you?" She asked taking a seat on the bed, pulling the furs back to look at the bandages. "Alex." She answered as the woman removed the blood soaked bandages. Her side had been stitched and the wooden splinters pulled out. She reached over and grabbed a cloth from the night stand, out of the bowl. "How old are you Alex or should I call you the Bringer of Death?" She asked as she cleaned the wound. One- hundred and two, and Alex will be fine. How did you know" The brunette nodded her head as she re bandaged the wound. "Who are you?" Alex asked as she stated to feel light headed. "What...did you....put on the...wound?" Alex stuttered out. "I'm Luna, a werewolf. I am the daughter of the werewolf and vampire that bit and sired you" She answered. "I put an ointment on the wound, to help with the pain." She said "You might feel a little rush." Luna said as she pulled the furs back up. "I wasn't ...aware that ...they..." Alex tried to talk but quickly lost her train of thought. "You ....don't smell like ...a...a werewolf." Alex said as she closed her eyes. Luna looked down at the vampire as she passed back out. "You are more than an average vampire Alex" She said as she got up off the bed and returned to her desk.

Alex woke the next day, her wounds almost healed. The restraints had been removed, leaving her free to roam around the boat. She found Luna standing at the helm, compass in hand. Alex stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up, watching the Captain, her scent catching in the wind, Alex inhaled deeply, feeling a strong pull towards her. She couldn't explain it.

The sun shinned through the window on to Alex's face causing her to stir and wake from her dream. She groaned as she opened her eyes. Her body warmed by the person next to her, she smiled as she looked at the sleeping form of Luna, even while she slept she couldn't help be taken in by her beauty. In all her years she had never met anyone as exquisite as Luna is in her eyes. She still felt the same way even after knowing each other for so long. Alex sat up in the bed, the covers falling down to around her waist. She lifted her shirt up, looking at the wound. It was almost healed, and it would be after she had, had some fresh human blood. She got out of the bed careful not to disturbed Luna. She grabbed her clothes for the day and went to shower.

The steam from the shower covered the bathroom, Alex stood under the shower head letting the hot water run over, taking the time to think about the events of last night. The weight of what happened fresh on her mind. She felt responsible for everyone in that building, after not seeing any hunters in nearly than 45 years she had gotten comfortable. With William Strong resurfacing things are no longer safe. This will be the beginning of another war. A war that no one really could afford. The vampire numbers were dwindling down and so where the werewolves numbers. Each being hunted down over the centuries after being discovered by human due to the constant battles and wars between the two supernatural species. Thankfully the two communities decided to form a truce and work together to put an end to the centuries old war between the two for the better of their people. Alex was deep in thought that she didn't even notice Luna enter the bathroom until she pulled the curtain back. Alex smiled as she looked at Luna like she was the most beautiful creature in the world. Luna stepped forward pushing her lips into Alex's as she reached behind her and pulled the shower curtain closed.

It was a quarter till noon before Alex made it into her office, after her shower and grabbing a quick drink, her and Luna made plans to meet up again later that night to discuss William, it was near eleven when Luna left to meet her pack mates. Her sectary greeting her handing her a small pile of papers. She quickly thanked her and headed to her office, she smiled as she read the top one, the reporter was waiting for her in the office. She took a deep breath before opening the door calming herself, she would hate to kill the reporter in a fit of anger. She opened the door, walking in startling the young woman. She was looking at the art piece that hung on the wall. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Alex said as she took her seat behind her desk. "I wasn't aware that you would be here Ms. Tanner, I was expecting Jake to be here."

"Umm, I wasn't scared, you just surprised me, that's all, and Jake asked me to come since it was my Article." She said smoothing out her clothes and setting down. Alex eyed her carefully trying to get a read on her. They had some run in's with each other over the course of the past year. Mainly doing interviews about some of the work the company has done for the community. She had been with Jake a few times that he had come to talk to Alex, but she had always waited in the lobby, mostly due to the fact that they were discussing random vampire attacks. Alex tilted her head to the side resting it on her hand. "I'm going to get right to the point, Ms. Tanner. Your article yesterday is fascinating, but I'm kind of curious as to how it came to be?" Alex asked smiling as she waited for Ms. Tanner to answer. "You can call me Rei, and to be honest why is the CEO of a major company interested in some half cracked news story?" Rei asked curiously. "Like I said it was fascinating, to be honest I was wondering if you could give me a few more details, it's not every day the Headline reads Single Mom and Dog Murdered by Vampire Cult." Alex's smile never leaving her face.

Rei sighed seeming to take the bait. "The woman's throat was ripped out, it was weird, and there was no blood around the body. No evidence to of a struggle. The dog had bullet wound to the head. It was killed like it was a werewolf, I mean who the hell has silver bullets? Why do you really care about this, I looked up pervious records and this isn't the first time a body as turned up like this, and each time it has Jake came to visit you, it happened three times last year and each time the day after I came with Jake and had to wait in the lobby while he talked to you, why? Rei asked leaning forward looking Alex in the eyes trying to intimidate her. Alex let out a laugh as she leaned forward meeting Rei half way. "I think you are holding back, you know more than you are letting on. Your little tactic you just did here." Alex said gesturing towards her. "Won't work, have a good day Ms. Tanner. I assume you can show yourself out." Alex smiled as she leaned back. Rei let out a huff and stood up, walking over to the door as she placed her hand on the door handle she looked back "I will get my answers, I always do." She said and Alex smirked. "I'm have no doubt, I'm sure I will see you again." Rei left the office leaving Alex smiling.

"Interesting girl." Alex said as she looked down at her cell phone, quickly strolling through her text messages. The door to her office opened again, this time Misty came walking in, a permanent scowl on her face. Her hair long and hanging over her green eyes. She sighed as she took a seat, propping her feet up on the desk. Little bits of dried mud falling off onto the desk. Alex let out a low growl of annoyance at Misty's behavior causing her to laugh. "I'm glad to see you too are you okay, Luna called last night and told me about the dock. Who was the pissed off girl I passed in the hallway? She asked finally taking her feet off the desk. "I'm fine, and that was Rei Tanner, she wrote the article yesterday. She is starting to look into things. She may be a threat." Alex said leaning back into her chair. "Want me to get rid of her?" Misty asked pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"No, I will deal with it later. She knows more than she is letting on. One more problem to add onto the list of ever growing problems." Alex sighed, "Did you find the vampire responsible?" Misty smiled "I did, I have her at the run down asylum, and she is sedated right now."

"How old is she?" Alex asked

"She was in a blood lust when I found her." Misty continued ignoring Alex

"Misty, How old is she?" Alex asked again with a little more authority. Misty Sighed "She is eighteen." Alex nodded her head. "You don't want to kill her do you?" Alex asked already knowing the answer. "No I don't, I think it would be a waste." Misty said not bothering to look at Alex. "Bring her to my estate tonight. I will talk with her and make the final decision then. I would like Izurus body if it is manageable" Misty nodded her head and got up to leave. "In the meantime have a group of vampires search the city, find the hunters. They are not to engage but observe and report back. I'm sure you would like to get back to work, or at least take a shower first. Can't have the Chief Medical Examiner walking around covered in mud and smelling like trash besides I'm sure you will have lots of work after last night." Alex said as she flicked the dried mud of her desk onto the floor. Misty huffed and flipped her off as she left the office. Alex laughed as Misty left the office. She was only 500 years old but acted like a teenager, Alex could only guess it was because, she turned her while she was 18, but 500 years later the two of them made a powerful team. Alex never turned anyone she thought would be weak.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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