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by Dani
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2077132
First story of the Alexandria Chronicles

Alex followed Luna to the roof top of the factory, she smiled remembering the first time she met the werewolf, not long after she was turned. “Thank you for coming, Alex said as she placed her shirt back on. Luna walked to the edge of the roof overlooking the harbor, Alex walked up and stood beside her. Luna never much for words, she hardly ever needed to speak her eyes and body language have always been enough. Alex looked her over, not much had changed since they last seen each other. She still had the shoulder length charcoal grey hair. Her form still small but athletic. Alex was lost in the moment taking in what was in front of her that she didn’t even realize she was staring. Luna looked over at her and grinned, causing Alex to blush and pull herself from her thoughts. Luna let out a small low laugh. Alex cleared her throat and spoke, “They are still looking for the vampire, I’m expecting a call within the next day or so, did you know the wolf?” “Yes his name was Jacob, he was still a pup, I called Nahla, four others have turned up dead along the Canadian border the last two months.”

“She knew and didn’t bother to tell anyone, wonderful. Werewolf’s dying, newly turned vampires popping up in my city.” Alex said as she took a seat on the edge of the roof dangling her feet off the side. Luna took a seat next to her. “My people are being killed and my sister dose not bother to tell anyone.” Alex looked at Luna, “Why not challenge your sister for the leader position?” She asked and Luna sighed. “You know what that would mean. I’m not fighting my sister to the death.” Alex nodded in understanding “We will figure something out.” She looked at Alex, her blue eyes almost questioning. “Is it possible that the fledgling is responsible?” Luna asked placing her hand on top of Alex’s. “I hope so, but if it is, that brings on another set of problems itself, but that doesn’t explain the silver bullet.”

“Hunters!” Luna said quietly and Alex nodded her head. “I’ve thought about that too but….” Alex said but she suddenly found herself on her back with Luna on top of her as bullets hit behind them, rapidly putting holes in the building. “No, actual hunters, how the hell did you not see the red dot on your chest?” Luna yelled as she dragged Alex to the middle of the roof away from the edge, still somewhat confused. “I was distracted.” Alex said as she found her footing to stand up, brushing the dirt off her clothes, she looked over to the other buildings not seeing anything, listening carefully she could hear the rapid heartbeat of two people across from the building. “You hear that?” Alex asked. “Yeah, they must be behind the crates on the docks.” Luna said shifting into her wolf form.

Alex could hear flesh ripping, and bones breaking. Within a few seconds a wolf with beautiful shinny charcoal grey coat stood on all four feet, her shoulders coming up to Alex’s waist. Alex smiled as they looked at each other. She ran her hand down the back of her head giving it a quick scratch, Luna let out a low growl and Alex laughed. The two ran forward jumping off the factory roof top and behind the crates on the dock, behind the two figures dressed in black tactical uniforms. Luna growled and bit into the hunters arm pulling him down he screamed as he tried to get away only to have her jaws clamp down on his throat. The one Alex faced tried to aim his gun at her only to have it yanked forward and slammed back in his face, breaking his nose. He stumbled back into the crate. Alex moved forward, he went to punch at her but she easily caught his arm and twisted it behind him, kicking him down on to his knees.

“This is…too easy.” Alex said as she looked over to Luna, blood coating her fur matting it. She looked down to the hunter, the look of fear on his face. “Who sent you?” she asked “William, William strong….please don’t kill me. We were just supposed to shoot up the place.” He said panicking “Haven’t heard that name in a while, could have sworn I put my sword through his heart little black heart.” Alex said as she turned her attention back to the hunter I front of her. She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders and in one fast motion snapped his neck with a sickening crack. Teeth tearing flesh and wet ripping noises could be heard followed by the sounds of bones being popped back into place. “I’ll have Lilly clean this up, and I’ll have Misty run the name” She said as she dropped the body to the ground. Looking over at the mauled body of the hunter, blood starting to pull around him. Alex did her best to look everywhere but at Luna as she shifted back to her human form, she looked up at the stars, trying to avoid making any kind of eye contact. “Your kind of cute when you blush, hand me your shirt.” Luna said, Alex slid her button up shirt off and handed it to her. Luna quickly put the shirt on buttoned it up to hide her naked body. “I’m always cute, by the way.” Alex smiled as she walked over to Luna, slipping her arm around Lunas waist pulling her closer. Alex smiled and kissed the corner of her mouth. “It is good to see you.” Alex said resting their foreheads together.

After a few minutes of standing there in each other’s embrace they let each other go and began walking back towards the factory. A few feet from the door and they were thrown back by an explosion into the water. Alex hit the edge of the concrete dock, hitting her head hard enough to daze her as she went into the water, Luna not far behind her. The explosion lighting up the night sky, parts of the building falling down around them in the water. Alex was slowly sinking to the bottom, blood coloring the water around her a large piece of wood sticking out of her chest just below her heart. She could feel herself in-between the stages of conscious and unconscious. She felt arms clasp around her and pull her top the surface. “You know..we should stop….meeting like this” Alex said as she leaned her head back on Luna’s shoulder as she pulled them to the dock, blood running from the side of Alex’s head.

Once back on the dock Luna gently placed Alex down, looking around at the damage. Her werewolf hearing picking up on sirens, they would not be able to stay her long. She watched the fire for a few minutes, anger, hurt, the feeling of wanting vengeance for the attack on their people. She looked down at Alex, her head turned to look at the building as what was left burned. Luna reached down, in one swift motion pulled the wood from her chest and tossed in into the water. Alex let out a painful yell, Luna helped her to her feet. “We can’t stay, we have to go.” Luna said as Alex swayed on her feet, before slumping forward into Luna. Unconscious.

© Copyright 2016 Dani (dani_s89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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