Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077075-I-Came-To-Borrow-Some-Sugar
Rated: 18+ · Outline · Erotica · #2077075
As they endure sweet love and passion, can they handle being purely physical...
Roxy's P.O.V

''Uggh, this is so frustrating, I have no creative ideas''. As I lay on my bed with my laptop sitting in my lap, I struggled to write a draft for the first few chapters I was supposed to be writing for my upcoming erotic novel. As a three-time best seller, this should be no problem but lately, my writing was taking a slow path. My friend Gloria was coming over to help me, but as usual, she was late. I picked up my phone and called her to find out what excuse she had this time.
(Ring, Ring, Ring) ''Hello'', answered a moaning Gloria, ''Gloria, Oh God! Who are you doing this time''? I inquired with a hint of laughter. ''Hold... on... ah..., okay, girl, Italian guys are so kinky, Whoo, Vodka, a chair, handcuffs, and strawberry syrup, His tongue should have a noble prize for an outstanding performance.'' ''Gloria, I would tell you; you have an addiction but that's an understatement''. '' Oh Crap, I had that thing with you today, I forgot, sorry, oh he's coming out of the bathroom, I got to go, Love you, bye''.
''Bye Gloria, have fun'' If I had a penny for every guy Gloria had been with, I would be rich by now. There was always a different man in her life, she had screwed with everyone, I am surprised she does not have any STDs yet.
Anyway, after laughing to myself a bit at how ridiculously sex-crazed, Gloria was, I continued to attempt to finish my draft, when all of a sudden there was a loud noise and, I jumped up to see what it was. As I looked outside, I realized, there was a moving truck, in the driveway of the condo next to mine, someone was moving in, Hmmmmmm, I wonder who I will be sharing my pool with.
As evening came in, I settled in my favorite lounge chair and was eating my vanilla caramel brownie ice cream, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
'Hi, I'm Derek, I just moved in across the street, and I heard we'll be sharing the pool'', he said, Firstly, from the moment I opened the door, I had chills, he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen, he stood tall and masculine with his tanned skin and chiseled muscles, his jaw line looked as though it had been sculpted by God, himself, his dark shaggy brunette hair fit his face perfectly, and his eyes shone like the finest emerald green, his tone was deep and seductive, it was like every word he spoke touched me somewhere deep in my soul. ''Hi I'm Rox'Anne, but everyone calls me Roxy, umm welcome to the neighborhood'', I replied quite too aroused than I should have been, ''Yeah, well I am, I'm just going around getting to know the neighborhood, I have a basket for you'', he said handing me a well put together basket, ''Oh, thank you that was so thoughtful of you''.
I wanted to let him in, but I trusted my better judgment, and decided to say good night politely, and closed the door, I slumped down against the door frame, and let out a breathy moan I had been holding in, from the minute his fingers brushed against mine, when he handed me the basket, On contact I shivered but quickly covered it with a smug smile, that man was too gorgeous for his good, and now he'd be walking around, wet and shirtless around the deck. 'I wonder how he'd look, with water dripping down his bare sculpted chest'. No. I must stop this, he just moved in, I must control myself, for the good of both of us.

Derek P.O.V

I had to run around the block to cool myself, she opened the door, wearing sweatpants that she seemed to be wearing to hide her shape, which was not working because her curves were so clear, she'd be better off wearing nothing at all, her crop top, complementing her beautiful, well rounded, bust, and the cut of her shirt showing, her perfectly toned body, Oh God, I'm gonna need a cold shower when I get home, her long brunette curly hair with highlights of gold, making her resemble Aphrodite 'goddess of beauty', brilliant chocolatey- hazelnut eyes, perfect cheekbones, and seductive plump, pink lips that almost dare you to kiss and nip at them. 'I wonder if she wears clothes when she is in the pool', or 'If she'd let me lick all of the water off her....' No, I must stop this, I just met her, I cannot be having thoughts like this about her, I just must learn to control myself before I do something stupid.

Roxy's P.O.V

I woke this morning and my draft was pouring out of me, and when I looked it over, it's what happened last night, this guy, I awesome in every way, I was writing, about how I felt, when he came to the door when I almost dropped my computer from the kitchen counter, standing there shirtless with swim shorts on soaking wet, was Derek racking his fingers through his seductive drenched hair, I could feel my insides tingling, I groaned inwardly, because I was already, undressing him in my mind, then he did the unimaginable he came and knocked on my screen door. Impossible! He was not expecting me to hold a conversation with him, in that state, Oh, God, I am screwed, this guy is going to be the death of me, I can feel it.
He shyly, tapped the screen, and I made my way to it and opened it with shaking hands, ''Hey Derek what's up,'' I said trying and failing at keeping from looking at his ab-clad stomach, ''Hey, I, um, sorry to disturb you but my towel dropped in the pool, and it's soaking wet, can I borrow one, please'', 'Sweet Jesus', this man is trying to kill me. ''Ummm, sure no problem, just um, sit there and don't move because you'll wet the place up'', ''Thanks Roxy'', ''Sure no problem''.
I made my way to the laundry room and picked him up a towel, calmed myself down, and headed back to the living room to find him reading my draft quite intently, he saw me and apologized, ''Sorry for snooping, your Rox'Anne Jewels, ''Yeah'', ''I've read all your books, their amazing''.
"Wow, thank you", I answered as I felt the bright pink rushing to my cheeks. " Yeah, speaking of your books, you seem to write about a lot of passion and love-making", "Yeah, it intrigues me why? speechless. From what I sneakily read; you seem to be missing that erotic atmosphere that most of your books have". At this point, I was completely speechless. And, I am a writer for Christ's sake! I am never speechless. But while I drowned in my thoughts, the beautiful specimen in front of me continued to speak. " Are you recently out of a relationship? " he asked boldly, and for a split second I saw anxiety flash in his striking green irises, I wouldn't almost missed it if I hadn't paid attention I would have missed it because it was there in a flash and gone in another.
I cautiously considered my answer and proceeded to answer saying, "Well, I have actually".
I answered meekly, it had been a month since I talked about it. And I felt vulnerable talking to him about it, as if reading my mind, he quickly answered.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to", he said sincerely, I was grateful for his compassion, but I realized that I needed to talk about it, I couldn't keep holding in my emotions. I knew that, it was disturbing everything in my life, including my writing. And if he could see that by taking a brief look at my work, then I needed to make a change, so, I straightened up in my seat and began to pour out my soul to this stranger who had gained my trust in a matter of minutes.
By the time I was finished, I was in tears wrapped in Derek's arms. How I had gotten in his embrace was a blur all I knew was that I felt safe.
He willingly let me sob in his chest, while he rubs my back and hair. I was thankful for the compassion, but the sincere gesture made me tear up even more. I soon got a hold of myself and managed to stop crying enough to speak, I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and shakily said, “I’m so sorry, for getting so emotional, you must feel so uncomfortable", He looked at me square in the face and said, " I've never been more comfortable with someone in my life, don't apologize, you were hurt and you have every right to cry, I'm just happy I was here to hold you, and I'd do it over and over again if it means helping you deal with the pain."

I was overwhelmed with so many feelings at that moment, he had just come into my life and I felt like I knew him forever.
So without thinking, I did the first thing that pooped in my mind, I held onto the nape of his neck and kissed him, he didn't take long to respond, and he returned the kiss with equal passion and hunger. If he were not holding me, I probably would have fainted.
He stopped the kiss and looked at me as though he was searching for something, something flashed in his eyes, something I couldn't decipher, then he looked around the room at everything but I, and he started walking to the door, I held on to his wrist and hastily said, "Wait, were are you going, what's wrong", He didn't even look me in the eye, he turned his back to me and said, " I... I... I have to go”, and without another word, he left me standing in front of the glass door watching his retreating figure walk away.

I stood frozen in that spot, not having a clue what to do. Should I go after him? But what would I do when I catch up to him? What would I say? Amid my inner questioning, I turned toward the foyer only to be met with my disheveled appearance, my mascara was running down my face in streaks, my skin splotchy and my eyes red and puffy from my sobbing; staring at my reflection a bit longer I hung my head I shame. Look at me. Here I was debating whether or not I should run behind a man I had known for nothing more than a day. A man that, I had just forced all my emotional baggage on, and invaded his space by kissing an almost stranger. I was appalled at my behavior, he probably left because he was embarrassed, God, how could I allow myself to get so desperate, that I allowed myself to be a pawn for the first man who showed interest in me after Terrance? I have to set some ground rules for myself because I am losing my resolve, from now on, no more personal interactions with Derek.

Derek P.O.V
I got home and sat on my sofa, scolding myself mentally for allowing things to go that far with Roxy, what was I doing, I couldn't have that kind of relationship with Roxy, She was kind, she was pure well She was with a man who didn't adore her, who didn't take care of her needs, he didn't make lover to her, he had sex with her in the dark, never truly giving all she needed, and in return would cheat on her, she was fragile; like a piece of fine china, she felt so frail n his arms like she fit perfectly. All I want is to hold her touch her care for her, and make love to her like no one else ever has. I want to make her feel good and show what a real man feels like, but I cannot risk hurting, I am starting to care for her, and I cannot risk it.

Roxy's P.O.V

It's been a week since my 'incident' with Derek, I have avoided the deck at all costs, I've been avoiding him like crazy but I can't help but feel a way. Every afternoon around three, he comes outside and waters his garden, to my surprise he is quite the gardener, but does he have to do it shirtless!? I feel like such a creep watching him through my balcony window, the way sweat rolls down his stomach, the way the muscles in his arms pull and tense up against his taut forearms, while he flicks his hair out of his face, drinking straight from the hose when he gets thirsty, Fuck! I want a cigarette and I don't even smoke.
He's been gone all day, so I think I'll finally have a chance to go out on the deck and get in the pool.

Derek's P.O.V

I'm obsessed with her. I don't even know when it happened, but it did, she's so, so unaware of how unbelievably gorgeous she is. I watch her, all the time, I feel like a fucking stalker, it's sad. But I can't help it, everything about her is just so intoxicating. The way she walks, the way she purses her lips against her wine glass when she talks a sip, or sucks ice cream off her finger, while she writing. Every time I see her do that, I can't help but imagine how, good it would feel if she sucked my finger like that after it was inside her, if she would taste herself right off my finger. How it would feel if she pursed her lips against me like that. Fuck! I need a shower. Better yet I need a swim, I haven't seen her all day, so maybe I can finally go for a dip, so I can calm my nerves.

The sunset. and I head out for my swim, and as fate would have it, so was he, with his towel slung across his shoulder, and a V-line starting at his hip and disappearing into the waistband of perfectly fitted shorts, he seemed just as taken aback to see me. Almost like he'd seen a ghost. I immediately begin covering myself and turn to go back inside, Why did I decide to wear a bathing suit, Geez Rox, he's a young guy, he's used to seeing young, beautiful girls, who have five percent body fat and shit. You probably scared his ass. I turn to get back inside and hear him drop his thing and call out to me. "Roxy!" I try to get a handle on the door so I can retreat inside before he can get to me, but his long legs have him closing the gap between us in seconds.
"Roxy, wait, look you go ahead and take the pool tonight, ok", "What, nooo, I'm fine, you know what I just remembered how busy a day I have tomorrow, I really should just go upstairs and get some sleep'. "Roxy?" "It's okay, you have it tonight, okay, enjoy yourself". I turn to leave, pulling my towel around me, to cover myself. To my surprise, he pulls my hand so I'm facing him. I don't meet his eyes. And fidget with my towel trying to cover myself even more, "Why are you doing this?" "Well, I realize I must have startled you, with my 'seasoned' body,' I laugh bitterly to no one but myself in particular. ''I know I'm not what you're used to seeing", "You're better," My eyes shoot up to meet his. "You're so, so much better, your gorgeous Roxy. Breathtakingly stunning", "Derek, I", "Please, please don't go inside". I watch his beautiful features contort in seemingly genuine displeasure, and his eyes pleading for me to stay. ''Derek, you don't have to do that'', I say quietly and cast my eyes downwards. ''Do what Roxy'', ''Be nice, you don't have to be nice to me. Look I know what I look like, okay, I'm getting up in age, I'm not as young as I used to be, I know what I look like okay, Hell, so did my ex-husband, hence my big empty house, so you don't have to do that, you don't have to be nice to the old''... ''Shut up.'' It was so abrupt I almost thought I had imagined his words. ''SHUT UP'', Yup, definitely heard it that time. ''I beg your pardon'', ''I'm sorry, I apologize, I didn't mean to yell, it's just that, you kept talking down on yourself, I couldn't take it anymore.'' Now I was even more embarrassed, had my self-esteem plummeted so low, that it made others uncomfortable to converse with me. I hadn't even realized I was piling on myself, but apparently, it was blatant that I had inadvertently managed to make Derek feel like he needed to scold me. Great Rox, just great, just when you couldn't seem any more pathetic.

Roxy's P. O. V
I moan as a piece of ice circles my nipples, the coldness making me shiver in pleasure and uncertainty. Derek continues to trail ice down my stomach and between my thighs holding it against my skin, with every movement comes a nipping-biting sensation from his warm lips. He then quietly tugs at my panties with his teeth, pulling it down and thrusting his now fully erect hardness in me I gasp in surprise and move my hips in time with him....

As he released inside me, he rested his head on me breathing heavily after our intense lovemaking, “Damn”, “You’re a little vixen aren't you mmm you taste so good". He said, kissing my neck and softly biting it, I let out a breathy moan leaning into his touch craving more of him inside me. He then lowered his voice to a low growl whispering in my ear "Ready for round two". I shivered in pleasure at the thought of him inside me yet again, But then I decided that I was done letting him take charge., I realized that this man had always been the one doing all the work so I decided that it was my turn to show him what it felt like being pleasured...

Tentatively, I trace my tongue along his length swirling it at the tip. Derek moans as I continue to work my hands and lips bringing him closer to the edge, with each stroke Derek struggles against the tie, but it is no use because he is still bound to the chair. I continue and he laces his fingers through my hair, when his grip tightens, I know he is almost there. "R... Roxy I am going to c... c... " I let go and he released me on the floor. "WOW, that was amazing".
Continuation of the last sex scene
In one swift movement, I pulled him under me, hmm judo did come in handy, I did not have the power, he looked at me with amusement in his emerald green eyes and that amusement was quickly replaced with desire. I then started to bite on his neck, seeing as he never got a hickey, I sucked on the tender spot I had been hitting and a throaty moan escaped his lips, I then got up off the bed and took his hand in mine leading him to a chair in the room. I took his tie tied his hands behind the chair and sat in his lap moving and dancing, grinding on his growing bulge. He murmured "Oh God", "Cone on Roxy, let me touch you, it's driving me crazy", I turned around glaring at him seductively then I pressed a finger to my lip, saying, " Shhhhh". I traced kisses down his ab-clad stomach and went for the syrup he used on me I poured it on him and then started to lick it off slowly and gently down his stomach stopping at his waist, "Please,", he begged, " P.. P... P... Please, d... do not s... stop”, he stammered. So, I took his fullness in my hand and.....

I had achieved my goal and was able to pleasure him, but I was not done just yet. I untied him, and the moment Tie fell to the floor he grabbed me, pushing me against the wall, devouring my lips with passionate, hungry kisses his emerald pools had burning desire and passion in them, he was bursting at the seams with desire. "You were amazing, ahhh, I want you bad," he said breathlessly, "Well then who am I to stop you" I slowly whispered in his ear nibbling in his ear lobe as I did, which drove him wild. He plunged inside me cupping my behind as he did, I hooked my legs around him as we made love against the wall, each stroke pushing me up the wall. "Ahhhh, Derek, Oh God don't stop”, I was screaming his name. My fingers found his hair and I pulled on it, turning him on even more. His strokes became faster, deeper, his mouth found my nipple and he squeezed it between sending pleasure and pain coursing through my body, he sucked and fondled until he was breathless, he reached his peek, released inside me and we both slumped to the floor, both us breathless from the encounter...

When my breath got back to normal, I broke the silence, "Thanks for the sugar" and we both chuckled at the thought.

Yes. I answered meekly, it had been a month since I talked about it. And I felt vulnerable talking to him about it, as if reading my mind, he quickly answered.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to", he said sincerely, I was grateful for his compassion, but I realized that I needed to talk about it, I couldn't keep holding in my emotions. I knew that. It was disturbing everything in my life including my writing and he could see it by just taking a brief look at my work, then I needed to make a change, so, I changed my position sat up straight, and answered, " No, I need to talk about it".
By the time I was finished, I was in tears wrapped in Derek's arms. How I had gotten in his embrace was a blur all I knew was that I felt safe I was sobbing into his shirt and he willingly let me, the gesture made me tear up even more, I soon got a hold of myself and managed to stop crying enough to speak, and I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and shakily said, "I'm so sorry, for getting so emotional, you must feel so uncomfortable", He looked me square in the face and said, " I've been more comfortable in my whole life, don’t apologize, you were hurt and you have every right to cry, I'm happy I was here to hold you, and I'd do it over and over again if it means helping you deal with the pain.
I was overwhelmed with so many feelings at that moment, he had just come into my life and I felt like I knew him forever.

Next sex scene
I was still shaken from this afternoon’s events and decided to take a late-night swim, I had just finished my sixth glass of wine, so I was tipsy. I decided to skinny dip since no one was around.
So I stripped and dived into the pool, as I was floating sipping on yet another glass of wine I felt something hard against me, I squealed and turned around ready to fight but found an also naked, smirking Derek behind me.
I quickly tried to cover my exposed skin, at this Derek gave a low whistle and said, "Damn, Roxy, seeing you naked is trip, Fuck, I want you so bad right now", I could only imagine how red my cheeks were, and then I answered his dirty remark, "Derek what are you doing here"? I inquired still feeling completely uncomfortable, “Taking a swim, “he said calmly while swimming around me in a circle, “While I'm in here,
....... Naked"!!!, “What better time than now”, he answered amusement clear in his eyes.
I angrily answered well get out, he hesitated and then said, "Okay", and started to climb out of the pool, I realized his plan because he was smirking at me while he was slowly pulling himself out of the pool my face into horror once I caught on and I frantically replied, "Wait, no no.... Do not .... don’t get out the pool", he came back in and swam until he was right in front of me, he leaned towards my ear, and said in a low voice, " I knew you'd change your mind", he said.
A shiver went down my spine, but I knew it had nothing to do with the water.
So without thinking I did the first crazy thing in my mind I held onto the nape of his neck and kissed him, he didn't take long to respond, he returned the kiss with equal passion and if he hadn't been holding I probably would have fainted.
He stopped the kiss and looked at me something flashed in his eyes, something I couldn't decipher, than he looked around the room everywhere but at me, and he started walking to the door, I held on to his wrist and hastily said, "Wait, were are you going, what's wrong", He didn't even look me in the eye, he turned his back to me and said, " I... I... I have to go”, and without another word, he left me standing in front of the glass door watching his retreating figure walk away.
I swam to the other end of the pool and he followed after me, he was quickly closing the space between us and soon enough I was pinned against the corner of the pool and he whispered in my ear, I want to make love to you.
I was so taken back by what he said, that my brain temporarily shut down, and without thinking I foolishly replied,
"Oh ... um... that's lovely," he chuckled and said "Oh really" Without warning he started kissing me softly gently on my neck then nipping on my collarbone, I moaned in satisfaction, and for a few moments I let him explore my body with his lips, he was devouring my body in hot hungry passionate kisses, nipping at sensitive areas and turning on every inch of my body. I closed my eyes and leaned my head to give him access to my neck and he willingly took it, then I felt his warm tongue licking and suckling my breasts.
He grabbed the other one in his hand and fondled it pinching my nipples between his fingers, bringing me so much pleasure I cried his name.
His lips and the cool water around us were so intoxicating. And the throbbing sensation between the folds of my thighs was getting harder and harder to ignore.

Yes. I answered meekly, it had been a month since I talked about it. And I felt vulnerable talking to him about it, as if reading my mind, he quickly answered.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to", he said sincerely, I was grateful for his compassion, but I realized that I needed to talk about it, I couldn't keep holding in my emotions. I knew that. It was disturbing everything in my life including my writing and he could see it by just taking a brief look at my work, then I needed to make a change, so, I changed my position sat up straight, and answered, " No, I need to talk about it".
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: By the time I was finished, I was in tears wrapped in Derek's arms. How I had gotten in his embrace was a blur all I knew was that I felt safe I was sobbing into his shirt and he willingly let me, the gesture made me tear up even more, I soon got a hold of myself and managed to stop crying enough to speak, and I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and shakily said, "I'm so sorry, for getting so emotional, you must feel so uncomfortable", He looked me square in the face and said, " I've been more comfortable in my whole life, don’t apologize, you were hurt and you have every right to cry, I'm happy I was here to hold you, and I'd do it over and over again if it means helping you deal with the pain.
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: I was overwhelmed with so many feelings at that moment, he had just come into my life and I felt like I knew him forever.
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: Next sex scene

I was still shaken from this afternoon’s events and decided to take a late-night swim, I had just finished my sixth glass of wine, so I was tipsy. I decided to skinny dip since no one was around.
So I stripped and dived into the pool, as I was floating sipping on yet another glass of wine I felt something hard against me, I squealed and turned around ready to fight but found an also naked, smirking Derek behind me.
I quickly tried to cover my exposed skin, at this Derek gave a low whistle and said, "Damn, Roxy, seeing you naked is better than Viagra, the solider is already at attention", I could only imagine who red my cheeks were, and then I answered his dirty remark, "Derek what are you doing here"? I inquired still feeling completely uncomfortable, “Taking a swim, “he said calmly while swimming around me in a circle, “While I'm in here,
....... Naked"!!!, “What better time than now”, he answered amusement clear in his eyes.
I angrily answered well get out, he hesitated and then said, "Okay", and started to climb out of the pool, I realized his plan because he was smirking at me while he was slowly pulling himself out of the pool my face into horror once I caught on and I frantically replied, "Wait, no no.... Do not .... don’t get out the pool", he came back in and swam until he was right in front of me, he leaned towards my ear, and said in a low voice, " I knew you'd change your mind", he said.
A shiver went down my spine, but I knew it had nothing to do with the water.
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: So without thinking I did the first crazy thing in my mind I held onto the nape of his neck and kissed him, he didn't take long to respond, he returned the kiss with equal passion and if he was holding I probably would have fainted.
He stopped the kiss and looked at me something flashed in his eyes, something I couldn't decipher, then he looked around the room everywhere but at me, and he started walking to the door, I held on to his wrist and hastily said, "Wait, were are you going, what's wrong", He didn't even look me in the eye, he turned his back to me and said, " I... I... I have to go”, and without another word, he left me standing in front of the glass door watching his retreating figure walk away.
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: I swam to the other end of the pool and he followed after me, he was quickly closing the space between us and soon enough I was pinned against the corner of the pool and he whispered in my ear, I want to make love to you.
[27/02, 10:08 p.m.] Re-Elle🤣👸🏾🤳🏾👑: I was so taken back by what he said, my brain temporarily shut down, and without thinking I foolishly replied,
"Oh ... um... that's lovely," he chuckled and said "Oh really" Without warning he started kissing me softly gently on my neck then nipping on my collarbone, I moaned in satisfaction, and for a few moments I let him explore my body with his lips, he was devouring my body in hot hungry passionate kisses, nipping at sensitive areas and turning on every inch of my body. I closed my eyes and leaned my head to give him access to my neck and he willingly took it, then I felt his warm tongue licking and suckling my breasts.
He grabbed the other one in his hand and fondled it pinching my nipples between his fingers, bringing me so much pleasure I cried his name.
His lips and the cool water around us were so intoxicating. And the throbbing sensation between the folds of my thighs was getting harder and harder to ignore.

Then without notice he lifted me out of the pool and put me to sit on the edge of the pool, I came back into reality once he did this, " What are you doing Derek", I questioned him, "I'm making sure that when you dream tonight you dream about me inside you", my cheeks flushed beet red at the comment.
I was just about to reply to his dirty comment when all of a sudden I felt Derek's warm wet tongue inside me, I gasped at the sensation as he continued to flick his tongue up and down on a sensitive spot, I moaned in sheer satisfaction, he put his hands on my thighs and straightened my body pulling me closer to his face as his tongue went even deeper inside me and finding an even more sensitive spot to work on, he swirled his tongue in a circle which drove me up the insane, at this point I was screaming his name at the top of my lungs, I gripped his hair in my hand and pulled on it this seemed to turn him on even more, he started sliding his tongue up and down the sides of my clit, I told him with a quivering voice, " I'm going to...... I... I... I am going to. cu.., I stuttered my words, he seemed to understand and stopped and let me release.
After I did, he pulled me back into the pool and if it weren't for his strong arms holding me up, I probably would have fainted, He pinned me against the wall yet again, put his lips to my ear, and said, "You taste amazing", in a low sexy growl, he bit my neck and I moaned in pleasure.

Continuation of the last sex scene

He continued kissing my neck and stopped now and again to whisper sweet nothings in my ear, I closed my eyes and let the soft touch of his lips engulf me. After a while he stopped to catch his breath for a moment my hands made their way into water, I grasped his fullness and he jolted in surprise. I massaged and rubbed on his growing thickness, Derek was on the verge of letting go, "Roxy, oh God........ I can’t take it anymore; I want you right now".
He demanded, "Then take me, are you waiting for an invitation", I cheekily responded, " Oh so you’re going to play dirty... ok", As he plunged inside me, I screamed out his name in pleasure, "Ah Derek... Oh god, oh", it was like he got better with every stroke, my back arched and moans left my mouth without hesitation, my legs wrapped around his waist, as I tugged on his for support, he went even faster, I was screaming his name at the top of my lungs.

He stopped and said suddenly, "You skidding too much in this water, I want you to feel all of me", I looked at him in utter shock, "That wasn't all of you"?, He answered in a low growling voice still thick with desire and lust, "Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet"......
He lifted me out of the pool and we headed to the house, all the while my legs were still around his waist and our lips didn't part for a moment, he opened the sliding door with one hand, and I broke away and whispered in his ear, "I can't wait to have you back inside me", lust flashed through his eyes and without another word he pushed everything off the dining room table and pushed me on top of it hungrily kissing all over my body sending bursts of flames and lust with every kiss then without warning he was back inside me, there was an explosion of desire inside, I hadn't spoken French in years but I'm pretty sure I spoke then, He had to speak in tongues, thanking the Lord for making someone as big as him, front ways, back ways, to the side and the center he was plunging into me, couldn't get enough of it him I was consumed in his body, and he was consumed in mine.

"When I am done with you, you won't ever want anything else but me... I am going to make your dream of me inside you every time you close your eyes... I'll rock your boat all night if I have to", he growled in my ear "Well captain sail my ship, and anchor me well", He went ballistic, I had no idea he could get any deeper, but he did, and I didn't complain we were going at it and then without warning we heard a creak and we dropped to the floor..... The table broke under the pressure and the speed we were going but, I did not stop us, we did it on the floor.
Derek's strokes grew slower and he stopped and released on the floor.
We both lay on the floor breathing heavily and smiling both content with the events

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