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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2075671
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land
Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Seven

Book Two –Lady Dragon Riders

Chapter Seven

Geoffrey started to follow the dark figure leaving the stables but he was more concerned for the safety of his charges. He had not witnessed what happened inside but he knew that Analia and his two other Lady friends had entered the stable, a ruckus had occurred, and then this shadowy figure left followed shortly by the cowering soldiers who departed in a different direction. As he entered the stables he spotted them standing near a pile of hay talking with DarDar.

“Anything wrong?” he asked glancing at the ladies then at the broken halberd lying on the straw.

“The soldiers were playing with DarDar,” Analia replied. “They were intoxicated and thought it would be fun. No real harm was done.”

“There was another man at the door,” Geoffrey stated. “He wore a long dark cloak and quickly walked down the street just before the soldiers left the stable.” Geoffrey was suspicious after seeing the shattered halberd shaft. “Did he witness anything that he perhaps should not have seen, My Lady?”

The three Ladies glanced at each other, and then Elise nodded towards Analia without saying anything.

Analia sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I accidently used my strange power,” she replied. “It happened before I knew it was going to happen. One soldier, a very drunk one, witnessed it, but I think he will mark it up to his drunken imagination.”

“Not so the man in the shadows,” Geoffrey mused. “I am certain he witnessed everything. Obviously, he was instructed to follow you and report everything to his master.”

Elise grabbed a lantern hanging from a long iron hook and walked towards the open stable door. She bent down and searched in the dirt and straw then started to follow a set of prints out to the cobbled street. She returned and replaced the lantern on the hook. “There is a set of man’s boot prints overlapping ours,” she stated, indicating that the owner had followed closely behind them. “Whoever it was wore a boot with a star shaped crack on the upper right side of the left boot soul.”

“Not much to go on,” Analia answered. “Hopefully his master will disregard his wild story.”

Geoffrey did not look pleased. “What of the soldier, could you identify him?”

Analia immediately knew what Geoffrey was insinuating. “I will not be responsible for the death of an innocent drunken man,” she flared. “If he is found and questioned, so be it. I will deal with the consequences when and if that happens. I think it best that we now return to our rooms. Thank you Geoffrey for your concern, are you being treated well?”

“My accommodations are adequate,” he smiled, “much better than I am accustomed to of late. Of course, I miss the company of you beautiful Ladies. You will allow me to escort you to the door of the keep, I pray?”

Analia smiled and nodded for him to lead the way. “I will see to it that you receive more food and drink,” she mind-spoke to DarDar, noting the spilled jug of watered wine and food scraps scattered throughout the hay.

After two very boring days of lounging around their luxurious chambers, the King’s entourage arrived just before twilight. They were high enough in the palace keep to witness the arrival from a small balcony overlooking the main gate. A large squadron of mounted infantry led the procession followed closely by a troop of fully armored knights with their distinctive banners fluttering in the mild summer breeze.

Behind the knights a long train of carriages slowly made their way through the massive gates. Marquis Cornwall had turned out his own bevy of knights to line the street from the gate to the royal keep’s main entrance in honor of the King. The first carriage, pulled by six beautiful white stallions, was a massive contraption, much larger than any conveyance they had ever seen, made from a rich dark wood and gilded with gold bands around the doors and body. Footmen stood on the back of the carriage wearing brilliant red and white attire and shining knee length black boots.

As soon as the carriage ground to a halt, they quickly jumped down and lowered a small set of stairs from the underside of the carriage then opened the double carriage doors. They bowed low as the King exited the carriage. King Athelfyrd was a tall slim man with curly chestnut hair worn down to his shoulders and he possessed a generous mouth, he also sported a well-trimmed beard. From the distance they could not see the color of his eyes but his regal bearing was ramrod straight and his movements were smooth and sleek akin to a graceful lion.

As he moved towards the waiting Lords, a Knight in exquisite armor assisted the queen from the carriage. Queen Anne was a short and very slim woman, about the same size as Elise. She had an abundance of dark blond hair and was dressed in sumptuous traveling attire. Anne was several years younger than the King, perhaps twenty-eight years old as the Brittanics measured time, and she greeted the waiting Lords with a bright flashing smile displaying a set of perfect white teeth.

They watched the arrival of the other Lords and Ladies until it became boring and the light faded so they could see few details. Clearly, the King enjoyed traveling in comfort and with a large host of fawning nobility.

They were not called to attend the royal dinner held that evening, but well before daybreak the next morning Brigett advised them that the Marquis expected Princess Audrey to join in the King’s hunt, and her Ladies-in-waiting were invited to attend Marquise Ruanna’s tea held for the commoners. The Marquise was well known for her love and support of the lower classes and she thoroughly detested hunting. Although both ladies did not wish to make an appearance, they thought it may be seen as an insult to the Marquise if they failed to present themselves.

“Wonderful!” Elise snapped. “While you get to ride in the fresh air and enjoy a good hunt, we’re stuck drinking that awful tasting tea with a bunch of royal clucking snobs. Under close scrutiny, I don’t think either Kenzy or I could pass for, Ladies-in-waiting, and we are sure to arouse suspicion. Besides, I made an oath to protect you, sister, and I doubt our dear Geoffrey will be invited to the royal hunt.”

Analia smiled at her sudden flash of heated anger, something which Elise seldom displayed, except in battle. “You do present a good argument,” she replied. “I will tell Brigett to advise the Ladies that Kenzy has taken ill and that I require your services as I am a poor equestrian. I doubt they will even miss your presence.” Both girls smiled in obvious relief, Kenzy even faked a rasping cough loud enough to be heard by the attending chambermaids.

They were allowed to ride their palfreys since they were already accustomed to them. A pair of gaudy dressed knights escorted them from the castle to an open field several miles from the city to a clearing next to the thick forest. Servants had prepared field tables covered with white linen cloths for the highest of the nobility, while others spread cloths on the rich green grass. Less than a dozen Ladies were in attendance, most having chosen to remain with the Queen and Marquise.

King Athelfyrd sat at a field table on a folding camp stool and a heavy set man dressed in rich, but sturdy clothing, sat across from him. The other tables were occupied by four or more Lords and Ladies, eagerly chatting and clearly boasting about the upcoming hunt. As they rode up and tied their mounts to a long rope stretched between two trees where many other mounts were tied, Analia and Elise were at a loss as to where to go for the knights who had escorted them tied their mounts and negligently disappeared among the host of people.

They stood near their horses like old maids at a boring dance, occasionally glancing at the diners but enjoying the beautiful sunny morning. It was a perfect day for a hunt or even a picnic, a warm gentle breeze, cloudless sky, and the scent of fresh grass and evergreen abounded. They finally noticed a young squire approach the King and bow deeply. The King talked with him then pointed in their direction. A few moments later the young man approached them and bowed low again. “His Majesty requests that you break you fast with him,” he smiled pointing back to the King’s table.

They followed the young squire or page, and even before they reached the royal table, two other young men appeared with folding chairs and arranged them at the table, laying another basket of fruit, bread, and butter down, and placing two napkins and butter knives on the crisp white covering.

The King stood and bowed slightly. “Welcome to my humble table, Lady Audrey,” he stated glancing at Elise and nodding. “I do not know if you have had the privilege of meeting our host, Marquis Cornwall,” he pointed at the heavy set man. Lord Cornwall was completely bald with a fleshy face and dimpled cheeks. His bulbous nose and skimpy eyebrows gave him the appearance of an aging cherub. Although not obese, he was a good forty or fifty pounds overweight. He smiled and pulled the stool out for Elise to sit. “Had I but known two such lovely ladies were in residence at my estate, I would have greeted you much earlier,” he stated in a rich tenor voice. “Unfortunately, my duties keep me far too busy and the Bishop keeps adding more and more demands.”

“No talk of work, Charles,” King Athelfyrd smiled. “We are out to enjoy a day of hunting and relaxation.” He sliced off a piece of pealed apple and passed it to Analia, then sliced another section for Elise. He returned his gaze to Analia and casually asked, “I am told you are the daughter of an Emperor?”

“My father, Emperor John III and mother, Empress Cathrine, rule in Angalund, Your Majesty,” she replied. “It is located far to the west across the great salt sea.”

“No need to be so formal,” the King winked. “We are not in a royal court but in a peaceful countryside, and what of your pretty Lady-in-waiting here, she is also from your homeland?”

“Her name is Elise, Sire. She is both companion and friend and a well-trained squire.”

“Goodness,” Lord Cornwall blurted. “You allow females to become soldiers and squires in your realm?”

“And you do not?” Analia smiled back.

King Athylfurd chuckled. “She got you there, Charles. By iesos, the Princess has spunk. I like that in a woman, especially a young and pretty one.” He reached over and patted Analia’s hand, lingering a bit too long for her personal comfort.

By the Six Kingdoms, Analia thought, is the King flirting with me?

They enjoyed a leisurely meal of bread, fruit, honey and watered wine. By the time the meal was done, the King and Marquise were acting like long lost friends and learned much about the customs and kingdoms beyond the great salt sea. The King was particularly impressed by the large size of the Angalund military, which, - if fact was true - was three or four times larger than that of Brittanica and a possible threat or ally. Finally, King Athelfyrd signaled for the Grand Master of the Hunt to attend him and a tall rugged man with a weathered face and hound-dog eyes jogged over and bowed.

“Are we ready, Sir Milton?” He asked wiping his mouth for the third or fourth time.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Sir Milton replied. “The limers I sent out early this morn have found three ideal targets. We have a family of wild boar in the north woods, another to the east in the thickets, and a large herd of deere with several harts of ten was spotted in the south woods. Relays of alaunt and mastiff’s have been position along the way to each and the running hounds are ready.”

“What will it be, Charles?” the King asked. “Are you in the mood for wild boar or red deer?”

“I much prefer deer,” Charles smiled. “The wild boar in this wood are huge and incredibly aggressive and it is the dangerous mating season, a very bad time to challenge them. We’ve had several knights killed over the past year hunting the beasties, with permission, of course, since it is your royal preserve.”

“And what of you Ladies?” the King asked. “Do you prefer clubs and wish to join the other Ladies and hunt birds and hares or do you warrior women from Angalund prefer a real chase?” He grinned at the slight insinuation, looking more towards Elise than Analia. “Of course, we could also hunt the unicorn, however, it is written that it is notoriously evasive and can only be captured if enticed to fall asleep in the lap of a virgin, but, we are also prepared for that too, I dare say.”

“Deer offer a good challenge and I am tired of hunting boar,” Analia smiled back realizing that the King was a womanizer. “I have heard that you have large deer in this kingdom with massive racks. We will accompany you and Lord Cornwall, if it pleases you.”

“Two bows and sheaths of gray goose shafts for the ladies, and two hunting spears!” the King commanded the Hunt Master, “We seek glory in battle with Sir Red Deer.” As soon as the King stood, the remainder of the nobility quickly rose from their tables and ground cloths and prepared for the hunt.

Elise rolled her eyes as they reached their mounts. “I think the King is less interested in the hunt than in the chase,” she rolled her eyes. “His heat has nothing to do with deer.”

“We must be careful not to find ourselves alone with him, or any of them,” Analia replied. “Stay close to me no matter how difficult the chase becomes. According to Brigett, it is strictly forbidden by Church law for the nobility to lay with peasantry, but that has never stopped them. However, if a peasant girl becomes pregnant, Brigett said they always disappear, never to be seen again. For the nobles to force themselves on girls of equal birth is considered the height of dishonor. You, therefore, are in more danger than me on that account.”

For the hunt they had dressed in thick woolen knee length Lincoln green pants and long tunics which went down almost to their knees, acceptable female attire for women in a rigorous sport and similar to what the other Ladies wore. Elise removed her dagger belt from beneath her tunic and strapped it around her waist on the outside then drew her bow to determine the strength of the pull. It had a slightly weaker pull than the Dragon Riders were accustomed to, but it would suffice. She then removed an arrow from the unusual folded cloth sheath and looked along its length, shaking her head with a nod of approval.

As soon as they were mounted, the groups took off in four different directions, the Ladies to hunt hares with their clubs, two separate groups to hunt wild boar, and the larger group followed the King and Master of the Hunt towards the last known position of the herd of red deer. Analia noticed that the higher ranking nobility tended to stay with the King, probably hoping he would notice a particular act of bravery or skill and reward them accordingly. They were the only two ladies in the group.

After several miles of riding through open grazing fields and small clumps of trees, they came upon a line of men. Each man was holding two hounds by their leashes and they were straining to be let loose. As soon as the nobles were in proper alignment, they released the hounds who took off after the scent of the deer. The limers had previously smeared deer droppings on the ground around the hounds so they could seek the animals from the scent they smelled.

Suddenly, the King took off on his favorite destrier in pursuit of the baying hounds, followed closely by the rest of the anxious riders who made an effort to stay behind the King whose right it was to make the first kill. Analia and Elise easily kept pace on their faster palfreys and obeyed the rule of the hunt allowing both the King and Marquis to stay slightly ahead of them.

As they rode over a small hill, they saw a large herd of Red Deer grazing just outside the thick brush near a dense copse of trees. There were at least two dozen of the beautiful animals, five of which possessed racks of fifteen to eighteen tines. The animals quickly darted for the supposed safety of the trees without realizing that mastifs had been placed on the open outskirts of the small woodland to frighten them into turning back into the thick underbrush. They were cornered no matter which way they tried to run.

They rode into the thickets among the trees, dodging right and left, urging their skittish mounts in back and forth burst of heedless speed despite the low hanging limbs and thick briars. The King spotted a magnificent hart, by which the male of the red deer were called, with at least eighteen tines on his huge rack, and took off in reckless pursuit. Elise and Analia were right behind him. They followed the hart for half an hour or more, their mounts wheezing and snorting.

The hart suddenly broke out into open grazing land, his heart pumping and nostrils flaring. It heard the baying of the hounds and stopped in confusion. King Athelfyrd and the ladies suddenly appeared from the thick foliage, their mounts lathered in sweat from the extreme exertion. With no apparent escape in any direction, the magnificent hart lowered its deadly rack and charged directly at the King.

They were all taken by surprise. By then, a handful of other nobles had exited the thick undergrowth and gaped in awe at the charging deer. The hart ran directly into the side of the King’s destrier in full force, knocking it down to its knees. The king held on tight to his reigns but dropped the heavy spear. As the hart quickly raised his rack, one of the stout tines slid under the King’s thick leather belt and lifted him completely from his saddle.

The hart backed away and started bucking and swinging his rack back and forth in an attempt to throw the uncomfortable weight from his head. The king was screaming in agony, fearful that the sharp tines would pierce his leather jerkin at any moment and impale him. He was in a deadly situation with the tine beneath his belt securely hung up. It was only a short matter of time before he was gutted like a fish.

Analia had her bow drawn and ready but the hart was bucking and twisting and turning so fast she could not find a clear shot. She also knew it was only seconds before the King was pierced. She saw an opening which lasted less than a second and released her arrow. The shaft struck a rib and glanced upwards into the hart’s shoulder, not a killing shot but it was enough to startle and distract the massive animal.

Elise had maneuvered around to the other side of the hart and took advantage of the few seconds of time when the deer was startled. She released three daggers and each flew straight and true to hit just behind the foreleg. Two struck bone, the third buried itself deep nicking the animal’s pounding heart. Analia then fired rapidly at the hart’s front legs in an attempt to cripple it. The deadly hunting shafts tore into muscle and ligaments and the deer quickly dropped to his front knees.

Elise rode in and jumped on the animal’s back. She drew another dagger and sliced deep into the hart’s throat releasing a torrent of gushing blood then reached over and sliced through the King’s thick leather belt freeing him from the lodged tine. Both she and Analia rushed in and grabbed the spectacular rack, pulling the hart’s head down toward the torn up ground. The King quickly slid off and crawled away from the dying animal.

Within seconds, it was over and the beautiful animal let out his final breath. The King stood and stared at the deer then at the two blood drenched ladies. Except for bruises and shattered nerves, he was unharmed. A tall man wearing a cassock pulled up to his waist, rushed over to the King blubbering about checking his wounds.

King Athelfyrd slowly pushed the medical man away. “I am fine, physician. The only damage I have is to my royal pride.” He glanced around the growing crowd of nobles who were whispering and talking like a flock of startled geese, then slowly walked over to where Analia and Elise stood still holding on to the hart’s beautiful rack. He noticed the three daggers in the hind’s side, the one in Elise’s hand, and the four arrows which had ripped through and tore the hind’s front ligaments. All were displays of incredible martial ability.

“I know of no man, Knight or Lord, in my kingdom that could have done what you two ladies accomplished,” he smiled. “It is beyond question that you saved my life.” He pointed to a small hole in his leather jerkin. “I felt the sharp tine pierce this jerkin and knew that death stared me in the face. A few more tosses and I would have had my royal bowels decorating the hart’s magnificent rack like steaming sausages in a butcher shop. If there is anything in my kingdom you wish, anything, it is yours for the asking. How can I possibly repay you?”

They both smiled and bowed to the King. “We could use a bath, Your Majesty,” Analia stated finally noticing the drying blood on her hands and Elise’s face.

King Athelfyrd chuckled and turned to the growing mass of nobles. “They could have anything in my kingdom for the asking, and all they want is a bath. I wish I had more nobles like these two out land ladies. Please continue with you hunt, your King is unharmed and anxious to get back to the hunt himself.” He turned and looked around for his destrier and spear. After remounting, he walked his mount over and looked down from the saddle. “You may return to the castle and enjoy your bath,” he smiled. “I would say more but I fear that I have already engendered too much jealousy in my pampered Lords and Knights by merely thanking you. Be wary of them, they are like animals and will turn on you at the first opportunity. The hart, I believe, belongs to you, it was your kill. I will address you both in private later.” He turned and signaled for the hunt to continue.

“Quite a king,” Analia whispered. “Most men, nobles in particular, would have to be carried from the field with a weeping maiden holding their hand and twenty medical men following in their wake. Yet, this king merely mounts up after being nearly killed and resumes the hunt.”

“I think he is a man we can honestly trust,” Elise replied. “But, there is one here whom we cannot.” She pointed to the torn up dirt and at a left foot print firmly pressed into it. The print had a star shaped crack on the upper right side of the left soul. “That medical priest, or whatever he was, was wearing those boots. He is also the one who was spying on us outside the stables.”

“It will be interesting to find out to whom he reports,” Analia smiled.

Lady Dragon Riders - Chapter Eight  (13+)
The adventures of Analia and Elise continue in a far off land.
#2077067 by Oldwarrior
© Copyright 2016 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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