Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2074824-Elsas-Happy-Ending
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2074824
Elsa meets her Prince, becomes friends with Cinderella but a jealous witch causes issues.
Merit Badge in Fairy Tale Princess Elsa
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    Hi: Our Merit Badge is finally here! Thank you for starting The Fairy Tale Princesses Group. And for letting me be apart of it!! You are a great friend and I love ya. Thank you for taking this adventure with me. Enjoy! Sunny

Elsa felt really happy these days. Anna was married to Hans. She spent time with Olaf and Sven. She would ice skate and race Sven and Olaf. She loved being with them but her reason for happiness was, she had met her Prince. Edward. How did she meet him? She met him through Cinderella. Cinderella and Prince Charming came to one of Elsa's balls and bought the Prince's cousin with them. Cinderella and Elsa became fast friends. They loved drinking tea and sharing memories of their parents. Cinderella told Elsa about her mean step mother and step sisters but all was forgiven. Cinderella loved sewing and taught Elsa how to sew. Cinderella stayed for two weeks with Elsa at her castle and Elsa stayed with Cinderella and the Prince at their castle.

Elsa and Edward danced at the ball she had and he stayed at the castle as well. They were out skating and Elsa had lost her balance and Edward stopped her from falling. He chose that moment to kiss her.

Elsa had never been kissed and she moved closer to Prince Edward. The kiss ended and Edward blushed. "I am so sorry. I mean. You being a Queen. I should have asked."

Elsa smiled. "It's quite alright. Don't think of me as a Queen. Think of me as a maiden or any young woman."

Elsa skated on the ice and said: "I'll race you!"

Edward skated after her and she made it snow. She picked up a snowball and threw it at him.

There was another dance the next night. Elsa loved when she danced with Edward. She loved his blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She never really thought of men as being handsome but he was. She loved dancing with him and he had held her close. He told her he and the Prince were raised together and his cousin would be King someday but he didn't mind.

They had a dinner by themselves once or twice. Edward was an only child like his cousin. He loved the snow and he was a knight for awhile. Elsa found that honorable.

The castle was a busy place and everyone was getting ready for the ball. Servants were cooking and decorating and Elsa was going to wear a purple dress and Anna had picked out a pink one. Cinderella loved blue and was wearing a blue one. Elsa hadn't seen Edward all day.

"You know I think Edward is in love with you." Cinderella smiled.

"He told Sven and Olaf." Anna giggled.

"What? You two are just saying that." Elsa didn't know what to say.

"It's true. Just wait. He will want to marry you."

The servants helped Elsa, Anna and Cinderella get dressed for the ball.

DID HE LOVE HER? DID SHE LOVE HIM? Elsa didn't know if she dared hoped it was true.

Elsa was all ready in her purple dress and so were Anna and Cinderella. Elsa had to greet the guests. Dukes, Duchesses, Noble men, some knights and then Edward appeared. He was handsome all dressed in a light blue outfit.

Edward bowed and kissed Elsa's hand. "You are beautiful, my Princess.

Elsa blushed. "You are handsome as well."

They were being watched by Adriana. A beautiful red hair who was in love with Edward.

Elsa danced with Edward and she realized that she loved him and a look passed between them. Elsa had to dance with others but she only wanted Edward. Elsa and Edward went out into the flower garden.

He took Elsa's hand. "Elsa, I love you. I really do. I want to marry you. Will you be my wife?"

"Oh, Edward. I love you, too. This is so sudden but yes, I will marry you." Edward and Elsa kissed. They went back into the ball.

"I have an announcement to make. Edward and I are going to be married." The whole kingdom cheered.

Anna hugged Elsa. "I told you."

Cinderella hugged Elsa. "This will make us related."

Adriana was a witch in disguise. She went outside and scared Sven as she lit the sky with fire. "Edward is mine. Elsa will not have him. She will get the fever, lose her ice and snow powers and die. Adriana wins!"

Olaf was over by Sven hugging him. "What do we do? We have to tell Anna."

Olaf ran off to tell Anna.

"Is she a witch?" Anna was shocked.

"Is who a witch?" Cinderella asked.

"Someone named Adriana. Olaf said she made fire in the sky and said Elsa is going to get a fever, lose her powers and die."

Cinderella felt faint. "Adriana is a witch. She was in love with Edward but he gently let her down. She left to go back to live in the woods and no one has seen her in awhile. This is awful."

"What do we do?" Anna asked.

"We tell Elsa. We warn her."

Anna and Cinderella went back to the ball. Edward told them that Elsa had fainted and was taken to her room. Anna started to cry. She ran to Elsa's room and Elsa was sleeping and she was sweating. Kristoff told it, it would be alright. He put his arm around her. Anna couldn't lose her sister.

Cinderella went to the flower garden. "Fairy Godmother. I need your help. My friend Princess Elsa is sick. A witch Adrian put a spell on her. Please appear before me."

The Fairy Godmother appeared. "Adriana? I know her. She is my enemy and she isn't going to get away with this. I have been wanting to settle a score with her for years." The Fairy Godmother disappeared.

Several miles away in the woods, the Fairy Godmother appeared at Adriana's cottage.

"We have a score to settle. Undo your evil spell on Queen Elsa!"

"Never, sister. I am tired of you doing good. You are going to be dead just like Elsa soon will be.!"

The Fairy Godmother threw her wand at Adriana. Adriana fell backwards but she made a tiger appear and Fairy Godmother used her wand to make mud fall on Adriana and the tiger disappeared. Adriana threw darts from her finger tips but Fairy Godmother's wand stopped them. This was going no where. Just then a clap of thunder appeared and a big, tall man appeared. He was nine feet tall with waist long blonde hair and he was scary! He was a Viking named Therian.

"Daughters, stop this nonsense! Adriana, take off your spell on Elsa and if you don't, I will make you marry the Goblin King. I will take away your powers."

"As you wish, father. I love this man. This isn't fair. Why can't I have the man I love?" Adriana took off the spell, was crying. She hung her head. The Fairy Godmother thanked her father.

"You were always the kind one, my Dear. I promise Adriana will behave, my Methabelle. Your mother sends her love. Adriana, you will find someone to love if you change your evil ways."

Fairy Godmother hugged her father. Adriana knew she didn't dare do any more evil deeds.

Elsa woke up and her fever was gone. Cinderella told her about Adriana and what happened. Methabelle appeared and Cinderella told Elsa about about how she got to meet the Prince and she called on her Fairy Godmother to help her. Methabelle told them Adriana would never harm her again. Elsa thanked Methabelle and hugged her. She promised that to tell anyone about Cinderella or the Fairy Godmother. What to tell Anna and everyone? The Fairy God Mother smiled.

"We will tell everyone that I gave Elsa a special tea that cured her."

Edward was so glad that Elsa was better. The wedding went on as planned. Elsa wore a white wedding dress with a light blue cape and Olaf and Sven were there and a lot of guests. Elsa and Edward stood on the balcony and kissed. Edward looked dashing in his navy blue coat.

Elsa and Edward had three children and the daughter had Elsa's freezing powers but was taught how to use them. Life was good for everyone in Elsa's kingdom.

Another beautiful Sig of Elsa from Frozen by best friend Angel.
Another beautiful picture of Elsa by best friend Angel.
Another beautiful Cinderella Sig by best friend Angel.
© Copyright 2016 Princess Morticia Megan Rose (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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