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by Snacky
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2074443
A girl gets tasty revenge on her perv brother.
Keith and his friends were all typical degenerates, 20 somethings that dropped out of college or high school and still living at mom and dad's. Not only did they all freeload and thought their families should wait on them and support them forever, they all tried seducing their younger sisters!

Amy and her friends were sick and tired of their older brothers trashing their houses and eating all of the food and perving on them. Some actually hid in the trees outside the girls' bedroom windows! Amy was at the end of her tolerance when she found her 22 year old brother Keith had hidden webcams in her room! She was only 14 and he kept asking her to perform oral sex on him or telling her what a great ass she had! Yuck!

She was going to march up in to his loft bedroom and let him have it as loud as she could scream, what she did not know was he was naked and laying across one of the exposed beams sneaking peaks down her shirt and when he saw her marching towards the steps to his room he started backing up. As he did he slipped and yelled, this caught Amy's attention and she gasped in shock at the sight of her brother cartwheeling off the beam!

Before she could think, his head slammed in to her open mouth and she panicked. She tried pulling on his dirty long hair to get his filthy head out of her mouth but could not get a grip on such greasy hair. She tried pushing her feet against his chest but that did not work either. She was in dire need of breathing and realized she had one choice to live. With a smirk and a shrug she started swallowing. YES! It was working! As her brother slid deeper and deeper down her throat he started coming out of his shock and realized what the situation was, he started wriggling as hard as he could, but this simply helped Amy swallow him faster. She was slurping him down like a long spaghetti noodle! Her swallowing muscles were much too strong for a scrawny disoriented piece of meat like her brother. Down he went until his suddenly awakend boner was poised at her lips. Well she reasoned, he kept asking her to deep throat him! Now she would! Amy tucked her brother's member up and quickly swallowed as she used her hands to pull him in so his hard on would be in her mouth for the least amount of time possible. Sitting down and leaning her head back to let gravity help bring the rest of her meal to her tummy, Amy smiled around her older sibling's legs. She should have done this years ago!

Keith could not believe what had happened, his little baby sister had just slurped him up like a noodle! He had always admired her petite flat belly but now wished it had more room in it as he tried to get in to a sitting position. It was hot and cramped and sticky and humid and about the worst place he could remember being. He tried climbing back up her throat after he turned himself around but a fast and powerful swallow sent him back down again and again until he was too tired to try anymore.

Amy laughed to herself as she realized she had just made a meal out of her brother. She felt his twisting and squirming and was happy he was alive and awake to realize what happened. The reject kept trying to climb back out but her throat was stronger than he and with a few easy swallows he finally stayed down.

Keith decided to try to speak to his sister. “Amy, what are you doing?”

Amy heard his slightly muffled voice, smirking a little. “Digesting you silly, isn't it obvious? It is all your fault for ramming your head down my throat!"

“That wasn’t my fault either, I slipped, why did you swallow me? I would have pulled my head out.” Keith screamed.

“Well who's fault it was doesn't matter now, it’s all over, and as for spitting you out, I tried but you didn't help, besides all the times you told me to suck your dick and take ALL of you in my mouth, well I finally DID take all of you in my mouth!.”

“Ok ok ok I get the point, now let me the fuck out you little bitch!”

“Yeah like that will win you any points. I’m sorry Keith, I can’t get you out the same way you went in, I guess you are going to have to wait for the back door to open tomorrow!” Amy giggled.

“What the fuck is that?”

“Are you really that stupid? I said you will get out when the back door opens for you sometime tomorrow!".

“Why can't you cough me up now, what do you mean by the back door?”

“Sheesh dumbass, you should have studied biology in school instead of hanging out trying to pick up underage girls! You entered through the front door and sometime tomorrow AFTER you are digested you will exit out the back door”

“Wait, wait, what the fuck!” Keith cried out

“Did you really think your life was going to turn out great? I am going to digest you and shit you out tomorrow. I can’t say I’m sorry, a loser like you should have left and gotten a job a long time ago”

“I'm your brother, your BIG brother and you can't eat me like some roast!” blurted Keith in panic

“Ummm actually I just did, and you WILL be digested and finally be useful! By the way, you always wanted to get in my ass! Now you will! See I fullfilled your one fantasy by taking ALL of you in my mouth and swallowing too as you mentioned you wanted so many times. Tomorrow I will fulfill your other fantasy of being in my ass the whole way, just like you told your friends you would be some day soon."

“Amy you can't do this! This is murder! Please let me out, I don’t want to be digested ANYTHING BUT THAT PLEASE!” pleaded Keith, who was starting to panic.

“You really should thank me Keith. You will soon pass out, just know that you will end up finally being in my ass like you always wanted” giggled Amy.

And then he started to cry, and shout, and scream and curse and beg. Apologies blurted out endlessly. Amy smirked and laughed to herself.

She felt her stomach churn her brother and for her it was much more pleasurable than for him, this knowledge made it that much better!

She sat on the couch and drifted off while watching some cheap SciFi movies. As she woke from a wonderful dream where she had many brothers instead of just one to eat, a gurgling below her stomach alerted her that she really did in fact swallow her brother alive and whole! She rushed to the bathroom to see if she could recognize anything that came out.

It was taking what seemed forever for Amy to expel her rather huge meal from the day before and she tried to guess what part would come out intact enough she could tell what it was. She even thought she might wash off a bone or two if she could find some. Mementos like that were hard to come by after all.

"Oh that must be fingers, or toes maybe" she exclaimed as she felt something small but hard slip out in to the toilet. She looked down and saw what looked like finger and maybe some of the arm bones, but they were in too bad of a condition to keep.

"Aaaaaa mmmmmmmyyyy"

Amy almost jumped off the toilet, he was still alive!

"Keith, shut up, your fingers and hands just came out and you are not looking so hot!” she laughed. "I always knew you were a piece of shit, but I guess you are not as much a quitter as I thought, I never imagined you would make it through this alive"

More moans and begging was muffled inside her bowels, which she ignored of course.

She was still tired from such a big meal and laid down again. She drifted off to sleep as she planned on how to tell her friends what she had done. She hoped the girls would let her swallow the annoying older brothers instead of trying to eat them. She was woken up by increasing pressure as farts ripped out of the very ass her brother kept trying to touch. She rushed to the bathroom and started to let her brother out the back door, just as she promised.

Amy felt giddy as toe bones dropped out. Then came the leg bones, with the rest of the toes. Now came the hard part, the rib cage and skull, she was nervous about this but anxious to examine the remains as well.

She felt a HUGE object slowly stretching her anus open as it gradually eased out.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Aaaaaammmmmyyyyy" she heard! She looked down between her legs and saw an astonishing sight!

It was Keiths head sticking out from her ass still attached to his torso! The bastard had made it!

Keith looked at her and tried to say something only to cough and choke. Amy laughed and started thinking about how to get rid of him for ever and ever. She felt the rest of him enter the toilet and she had to stand for his body to fall out. She looked him over as he tried to beg for help. She saw some ribs where the flesh had been digested, try as hard as she might, she could not find anything lower than that.

“I am sorry for doing this to you, but you were always such a shit!” she giggled as she suddenly had an evil thought. How dare can he beat her digestive tract! At best she could only claim a tie!

"Keith, I am so sorry after all. Let me get you out of there and cleaned up so we can get you fixed up!"

Amy had to get some rubber gloves and put Keith in the tub. She turned on the shower and let it wash him while she went about her day. Several hours later she returned to check on Keith, the shower had done a good job but he still was not clean enough for her plans. As she flipped him over to let the shower wash his back she was careful to make sure he did not drown. That could not be how she ended his pathetic life. Her digestive system was going to do that!

"Keith, I did some research on how to fix you up and I need to soak you in some stuff" Amy said as she placed the stopper in the tub and started filling it with clean water and adding herbs and spices to it.

"Ammmmmmmm yyyy, please. Nnnnneeed hosppppital" he moaned to which she replied "Oh don't worry Keith dear, I know exactly what I am doing and I will fix you up right, I promise!"

Amy left Keith to marinate in the tub for a few hours while she set up the camcorder and webcam so her friends could watch what was next, wishing she could have filmed the original swallowing as well.
"Maybe I can find someone else to do this to before too long" she muttered to herself.

When she was satisfied the cameras were set just right and she had her friends waiting to see her surprise, she went to drag her poor brother - errr meal - down to the table.

"Aaaaaaaaaaamyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, are youuuu taking me to the hospital?" was all Keith could muster as she placed him on the table, he was still heavy despite her having digested his arms and legs already so she rested a few minutes while chatting with her audience.

As her friends asked what she wanted to show them, she stepped aside and revealed Keith on a folding table with a glass of water and some candles on the counter nearby.
"Remember when we all said we wished he would just go away? Well he is going away, again actually and this time he won't be coming back!"

Her friends astonished remarks, mostly positive and a few in disbelief with not a single one asking her not to do this, drowned out Keith's pleading moans for a hospital.

She explained how the original swallowing, or meal as she referred to it, happened and how no way was he going to be able to claim he beat her GI tract so it was time for round 2.

She had thought about this in great detail when her meal was in the tub earlier and reasoned that a huge bump was what forced his head in her mouth the 1st time she would place him at the far side of the table and coated in olive oil and seasonings. The added lubrication would make it easier and the seasonings would improve his taste. She positioned herself at the other side of the table and opened her mouth as wide as it could go and kicked the table legs. This made the table slope downward and poor Keith slid down with great speed, ramming his head completely inside her waiting mouth, just as she planned it! Since she already knew she could swallow him and was ready this time, she took her time savoring his fear and the delicious marinade. GULP! His head entered her throat where her powerful muscles could really get a grip on him and pull him back down where he belonged. GULP! GULP! GULP!

Inch by inch her meal was forced inside her greedy stomach, she orgasmed at the thought of digesting her brother not once but twice! What a sweet sick way to get rid of the dork she thought.

After he was completely swallowed she placed the microphone against her stomach so her friends could hear his pleas and they all laughed and discussed how they could end their brothers the same way.

The next time she saw her brother, she knew her digestive track had definitely won, she kept his skull in a shoe box under her bed and compared it to those of her friends' brothers over the next few years.

"Hmmmm daddy looked at me funny when he was teaching me how to drive yesterday ..."
© Copyright 2016 Snacky (r_u_snacksize at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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