Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2074439-Who-will-remember-Holly
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #2074439
A new poem and request
This is a poem that I am asking all who read it share today. This would have been Holly's 33rd birthday. There is no life that is without meaning, there are none of us that should ever be forgotten

Who will remember Holly

Who will remember Holly
Some people might ask

Was she famous
An actress
A singer
Was she on television
Or the radio

Who was she

She was a mother
A daughter
A sister
And friend

She was a woman
One many of you
Will easily be able
To relate with

A single mother
Who had 2 wonderful children
One nine
The other only one
A woman who worked very hard
To try and keep a roof over their head
And food upon the table

She was a person
Most people would say
Was someone
That you would want to meet

She was happy
And tried to bring that happiness
Into the lives
Of all around her
She was the one
Who would insist that you had cake
On your birthday
And would do everything she could
To ensure that this would happen

You might find yourself asking
Repeating a question
One that I have asked you before

Who will remember Holly
But the question you should be asking

Holly was a wonderful woman
A single mother
A mother of two children
Whose life was cut tragically short
For at the age of 31
Someone came into her house
And took away
Her life

That someone is still out there
And her mother and father
Alice and Bobby
Are left to care for her children

She was the person
The one special friend in my life
Who first asked this question

Who will remember Holly

My answer to her tonight
Is that I always will

And hopefully
Now you will too

Ed Roberts

We never lose the ones we love
Not if we carry the smallest piece of them
In our hearts

Written for
Holly Bernice Van Auken
2/6/83 – 4/7/14
She now waits for her family in Heaven


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