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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #2073809
Cassandra has her first trip to the hotel with a man claiming to be a werewolf
Amelia ordered another round of long island ice teas, their third since finding a nice table at the bistro. They were strong, and the small garden salad wasn't soaking up the alcohol. “Have you been practising howling?” She drained the last of her second drink as the third arrived, “What do we do if he has fleas?” She sipped at the fresh drink. Normally the more drinks she had the weaker they seemed but the opposite seemed true with the teas.

Amelia sipped on the straw of her new drink, seemingly immune to them. “If the members of the club are infested with parasites then I would be terribly disappointed. In ancient Egypt hedonistic parties were thought to stem from a worry that the afterlife might not be as euphoric as the religious leaders described. I can't find any reference to when the club started, but imagine a group of immortal creatures, they don't have an afterlife of pleasures to look forward to so they decided not to wait.”

The glass almost tipped as she put it back down on the table. “Are you saying you actually believe in werewolves and vampires and whatever else?” The leaves on the trees were blurring into a solid mass.

She laughed, not her normal laugh but the fake one she used in social situations where she felt a laugh was needed to avoid sounding too patronizing, “I'm talking about the mentality behind a society set up to enjoy every pleasure they can find.” She sipped more of her drink and then lent in, “But imagine a huge powerful half man, half wolf creature bearing down on you.”

She briefly tried to imagine but found all her attention was needed to remain upright in her chair.

She was expecting a nerdy guy, perhaps carrying a wolf costume in a bag and a bunch of comics under his arm. The man who approached them was over 6 feet tall, she guessed mid-twenties, blonde hair that looked windswept, rather than messy. He seemed wider than any man she had ever met and in a checked short sleeve shirt that seemed to cut into him around his large biceps.

“Sleeping beauty, it's a pleasure to meet you and your lovely friend.” His voice was deep and gravely, it was accentless but summoned associations of pioneers exploring the wilds with an axe in one hand and a deer slung over his shoulder. She wanted to say something but was sat speechless.

Amelia fortunately, was not speechless, “It's a pleasure meeting you as well, I am Amelia, and sleeping beauty here is Cassandra.”

His large brown eyes fixed on her, making it even harder for her to form words.

“Would you like to have lunch or would you rather we go somewhere a little more private?” He spoke with confidence and no sign of embarrassment of having organised casual sex on a role playing web site.

“We ate earlier, and I feel the drinks that accompanied the meal have left Cassandra in need of a walk.” Amelia's polite euphemism understated the effect the three drinks had made.

He held out his hand helping her to her feat, but even with support she could barely stand. He slipped his large muscular arm around her. She felt the warmth radiating from him as they walked along the sidewalk. With him supporting her she barely needed to walk, her feet seeming to glide over the ground.

They stopped in front of a large building, dark glass doors besides which was a bronze plaque that read “Hotel Epicurus” in smaller lettering underneath is said “Private Hotel”. Cassandra tried to think why a private hotel would exist. As she was attempting to ponder the meaning the doors opened in silence.

The foyer was white marble, a long purple rug ran from the door to the elevator. On one side was a reception desk, also white marble. A small bronze bell sat on the top and behind a girl with piles of red curls spilling from her head, pale skin covered by a baby blue blouse. “Good to see you again Mr Landings” Her voice was pleasant sounding, like a southern bell trying hard not to slip into her local accent.

He didn't reply, at least not with words, but Cassandra felt him nod his head at her and she imagined a large smile with immaculate teeth.

As they walked towards the elevator it opened, inside the walls were padded red leather up to waist hight and then mirrors above. As the doors closed they too were mirrored. Cassandra looked at her own reflection, she was shocked at how drunk she looked, her make-up needed touching up, her eyes looked red. Then her eyes drifted from her face and found the infinite reflection upon reflections and felt she might throw up. Squeezing her eyes tight she clung to him and hoped the feeling would pass.

The doors opened, although she couldn't remember feeling it move, nor did she see the buttons used to choose a floor.

The hall was white, not marble but painted walls, the floor was carpeted with a deep purple that looked soft enough to swim amongst the tall fibres. They walked down to a door that opened before they reached it.

The room was large, a small table sat before a balcony overlooking the park, three chairs circled the table. A sofa ran down the wall, black leather that shined in the sunlight filtering in through lace curtains.

A large bed, at least a king size, was the focal point of the room, black leather headboard and a crimson duvet. It was upon the bed he laid her, she felt like she sank a foot into the softness.

“Perhaps, I should leave you to sleep it off. Meeting you has been a delight in itself and I look forward to a future encounter.” His voice was soft and kind, edged with regret.

“For a werewolf you are rather more courteous than I imagined. There is no need to leave, is there Cassandra?” Amelia sat on the sofa and slipped out of her heels.

With some effort she pulled herself up into a seated position. “I'm OK.” It was all she could manage.

“A kiss might enliven her.” Amelia pulled her feet up onto the leather and leant on the armrest like a child watching something fascinating.

He knelt, even on one knee he seemed massive. His large hand slid over her cheek, its warmth made her press against it like a cat against a radiator. His lips found hers, warm and soft she opened her mouth in response and the mist that covered her mind lifted momentarily.

Her hand rose of it's own accord, to let her fingers delve into his thick hair. He pressed closer against her, her heart beating strong in her chest. When they had planned it they talked of finding out what the club was like but she had not imagined they would actually participate but her body yearned for him.

The kiss broke and she could feel his heart beating against hers. Then he pulled back and the contact was broken, inside she pleaded for him to return.

Her fingers went to his chest, they trembled as she tried to push the small buttons back through the holes. His fingers closed over hers, taking over, he unbuttoned his own shirt.

She gazed upon his naked torso, she could have believed it chiselled from stone if she hadn't felt the heat from it and the beating heart within. It was a body that could adorn calendars and posters, that deserved to be worshipped. Her fingertips glided over his hot skin, “I expected more hair.” She spoke to no one, her thoughts brought to life rather than contained within her head.

He smiled, the warm smile that revealed his shining teeth. “The beast is encaged for the moment.”

“Why don't you release it?” Her pulse pounded, she wanted him upon her.

His hands went to the buttons of her dress, “The beast would tear this dress from you, he is strong and powerful but selfish. I would like to take my time with you before I release him upon you.” The dress was undone and he managed to pull it from beneath her and up over her head.

She lay back down, white lace panties and matching bra. Her feet dangling over the edge with white sandals that displayed red tipped toes. His hand caressed her ankle, pushing the sandal so it fell to the floor where the thick carpet cushioned any sound. His lips pressed against her shin as he gently unshoed her other foot.

His mouth travelled along the front of her leg, lifting it as he travelled up to her knee then letting it slowly drop as his head lowered as he continued up her thigh. She hoped he would travel inwards delving between her legs, but instead he made his way with light kisses up her stomach, each rib was kissed and then he reached the lace.

His teeth gently grazed the top of her breast as he dragged the lace down enough to reveal her nipple. His rough tongue pressed against it and in an instance it was hard and throbbing. She moaned as he licked it.

His teeth nipped at her, she remembered the feeling of Mark's fingers pinching her and she felt the jolt between her legs again. She opened her eyes, although she wasn't sure when she had closed them. The ceiling was white, in the middle a plaster rose encircled a simple brass chandelier, a traditional fitting with candles, not bulbs. The flames danced as she felt the heat within her building.

She had forgotten about Amelia, the lunch time drinks still playing with her mind. She turned to find her. Upon the sofa she had stripped to her underwear, a black set that mirrored her own. Her fingers had delved inside the panties, the denser material undulating slowly between her soft thighs that Cassandra's cheeks had brushed before.

Jealous of Amelia's ability to give in to the urge of being touched, she gently pressed on his head in a silent plea for him to move down her body. He followed her wishes laying another path of kisses across her stomach.

On his knees at the bottom of the bed he lowered his mouth to between her thighs. The material was already damp from within, as his tongue wet it from without. She moaned as she felt him through the thinnest of material. His large hands slid under her ass pulling her up to his hungry mouth. His fingers gripped the waste-band of the panties and she urged him to pull them down, to allow his tongue to push into her flesh.

He paused, his mouth moving back from the wet material. He looked up at her, his face between her thighs. His eyes shone brightly, “The beast can smell your desire!” His voice was deep, more gravely than before. “Are you ready for me to release him?”

“Yes! Please!” She almost screamed the words at him.

Amelia rose from the sofa, she pushed her damp panties down her long legs. She reached behind her back and her bra fell sagged the cups falling from her large breasts. She dropped it on the floor and she climbed onto the bed.

He rose from the bed standing at the foot, he unthreaded the belt from his jeans, brown leather that cracked as he pulled it free. His jeans were fastened with buttons she watched biting her bottom lip as he popped them slowly one by one. He pushed the denim down his body, revealing tight black briefs straining to contain his hard rod. His thighs were thicker than her waist.

His thumbs pushed into his briefs and with a shift movement they were gone. Unleashed from the stretched fabric his member stood proud from a hairless base. She gasped at the size of it, thicker than Mark's and just as long.

Amelia pressed close against her, “Don't be scared, this is what you want.” The whisper was accompanied with warm breath on her face.

He stretched his arms out to the side and raised his head to the ceiling. He let out a howl that shook the room. Amelia's hands gripped her shoulders to keep her down on the bed as before her his limbs lengthened with a sound of creaking bone. His chest expanded to the sound of snapping ribs. She lay with her mouth open wanting to scream but unable to make a sound. His face elongated and hair sprouted all over his body.

It stood 8 feet tall before her, a hairy monster. Fingers had turned to long claws that looked dangerous. It's large member grown to a full foot in length, it's fat red tip pulsating. It stood breathing heavily, its chest covered in wiry hairs expanding and shrinking.

Her alcohol soaked brain couldn't work out what to do, half believed it a hallucination the other half wanted to flee, but neither half seemed to control her body.

“Don't be scared, this is what you want.” The whisper repeated in her ear. “He wont hurt you, just relax and you'll enjoy it.”

A long thick tongue stretched out, running over sharp teeth and thick lips. Eyes stared down at her, as if ready to devour her, the same big brown iris but surrounded in yellow. She felt it holding itself back, waiting, but soon it would be unable to restrain itself.

Hands moved from her shoulders, one moved to her cheek the other to her exposed nipple. A gentle pinch reawakened her, fear still filled her but she felt excitement, a strong and powerful creature watching her, desiring her.

The hand moved on, slender fingers slipping beneath the lace of her panties. Whilst she could find no voice for a scream, a moan rose on it's own as a fingertip delved into her wet cleft. It continued down gently rubbing her throbbing bud and then pushing down into the wetness.

“Are you scared?” The question was a small whisper, she shook her head. “Is this what you want?” She nodded.

The finger retreated, passing back over her swollen clit. Amelia kissed her gently on the cheek and then nodded at the creature as she moved her hands back.

The beast released by the signal, growled. One clawed hand reached out, the long sinewy arm reaching to her waist. With a yank she was moved down the bed, her legs splayed around him. His other hand ripped the lace from her, the claws tearing through the fine material with ease, the remnants pulled from her body and dropped on the floor.

A claw slipped beneath her bra to emerge between her breasts. It sliced the garment in half revealing her breasts in their entirety.

As if she weighed nothing, he lifted her from the bed, her bra left behind leaving her naked. Finally she found a scream as he impaled her onto his long shaft. Her scream was joined by a howl.

She could feel it deep inside her, it filled her completely and she felt, if her body could accommodate it, there was more that would follow. His face dipped between them, his long snout reached the top of her smooth breasts, she could feel hot breath against her skin. The tongue reached out, its rough surface rubbing over the soft skin searching for the hard nipple.

Her legs wrapped around him, the long hairs on the back of his legs pricked at her skin. His large hands gripped her, holding her tightly as his tongue circled around one nipple and then the other. His head lifted, the long powerful tongue once again back behind the teeth. She wondered if he could be convinced to use the tongue on her in another fashion.

Before she could broach the subject he lifted her until she was almost free from the thick rod and then she was slammed back down upon it. There was a flash of pain eclipsed by a surge of pleasure that rendered her senseless. Before she could recover he repeated the move. His claws gripped her tightly, the tips pressing into her soft flesh, each point felt like a splinter of ice inside her, from which heat spread through her body. As the heat grew, the icy pricks intensified.

His breath was hot, forced through his sharp teeth in his clenched jaw. His eyes glowed, reflecting the candle light to turn the yellow to orange and the brown to black.

Another howl and she felt him thrust hard into her depths. His large member swelled, she felt it like a bulge travelling along the shaft, and then it's release inside her. His warning of the beast being selfish came to fruition as he placed her back on the bed, his orgasm achieved but hers unrealised.

Amelia moved down the bed to her. She kissed her as she reached down to between her legs. Her touch was light compared to the creature who was slumped on the floor. Her fingers delved, even with two they were small in comparison to her previous lover. As they sank in she felt the fluids of their encounter bubble from her, thick and warm, it ran down her skin.

Two fingers pushed inside her as a thumb gently circled over her burning clit. The touch was applied with practice and expertise, just a moment was enough to release the orgasm that the creature had failed to elicit. Her body jerked upon the bed as more of the creature's juices were forced from her body mixed with her own.

The creature, once more a man rose. His body was again hairless, his claws replaced with fingers, and the large member now limp. He dressed quietly as she lay on the bed before him. Amelia lay beside her, both naked and unashamed of their bodies.

“I do apologise if the beast was overly violent with you, I have little control once he is unleashed, and the scent of you was so overpowering, in all honesty I myself had little control.” He buttoned the shirt back up. “I must take leave of your company, I hope that does not seem rude. I look forward to future encounters we may have.”

“Are you really a werewolf?” The question seemed ridiculous considering what she had seen but it was out of her mouth before she could think to stop it.

He smiled, “I was amiss to not introduce myself, Thomas Landings of Kent Ohio, born 1778 and cursed with the beast at the age of 23, pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
He made a small bow and turned and left.

Amelia turned to her, “How about we try out the shower?”

Her legs wobbled as she crossed the room, her toes curling into the thick pile trying to keep her upright. Amelia slipped an arm around her for support.

The en-suite was large, a bath with built in jets looked enticing, but it was the shower they sought. Large enough for a family, three heads hung down with side jets coming from the wall. A panel on the wall let Amelia select a temperature and the heads started.

Amelia kissed her tenderly and then gently prompted her into the water, “I'll join you in a moment.”

The water was warm, she felt it envelope her like a warm blanket. Resting on the unused side jet she closed her eyes and let the water run freely over her face.

The hands pressing on her shoulders jolted her awake. She pulled the arms round her enjoying the heat from the water and the cool skin pressing against her. Then she felt the point against her, rubbing against her wet ass. The hands were undoubtedly Amelia but she felt as if it were Mark who had joined her.

They pressed closer against her, the point slid up her back. A hand slid down her arm taking her hand and directing it to the member. Slick with water, it almost felt real. She ran her fingers up and down it's length, veins ran along its shaft.

“I told you about the first girl. Mark fucked her pretty little ass while I lapped at her dripping pussy.” A hand moved down her stomach, over the wet mat of hair down to her own wet opening. “Over the years he has taken many girls like that for me, for some it was their first time, for others it wasn't. But you are special, I didn't want to just watch him.” She moved and the plastic was between her legs, the curve of it seeming to mold to her body, curving beneath it.

“I… I can't do that.” Cassandra had very few things she wouldn't try, including apparently sex with an 18th century werewolf, but it was one of the things she wouldn't try.

She purred in her ear, “You were such a good girl for my husband, wont you be a good girl for me?”

She felt her resolve weaken, she felt compelled to please.

“I can't say it wont hurt, but a little pain can sometimes make things better, can't it?”

The memory hardened her nipples and she knew she would give in. She murmured her agreement.

“Rub it for me.” Her hand reached between her legs, she rubbed it again feeling the veins and the raphe running along the underside, “I chose this one as it reminds me so much of Mark.”

A finger circled around her wet clit, above the plastic head. From behind a thumb circled her puckered hole. Her resolve was gone, she didn't need to tell Amelia. The thick plastic pulled back, she braced herself waiting for it.

She jumped, she didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't a cold slippery tip pressed between her cheeks. Amelia laughed, and then she pushed. Cassandra rose up onto her toes, her mind had given in but her body still tried to resist.

The pain burned, as she felt the lubricated tip push inside. For a moment she wondered if starting with something so large was a wise decision, but then it was inside her. With the head pushed inside, the shaft followed more easily but the pain continued to grow.

With the whole thing buried inside, Amelia pressed her wet body against her, “Good Girl.” The simple praise made her heart flutter. Less than 3 months had passed since that first night she had accepted the offer to join them in bed and the changes were already profound, she longed for their approval.

Water hit her skin, running down her body as she breathed deeply waiting for the pain to subside. Slowly her body adjusted to the large implement that had forced it's way inside.

Amelia was fast, moving before Cassandra was prepared. She pulled back, the plastic almost leaving her body. The thrust was hard, forcing Cassandra forwards into the tiles, her hip narrowly missed the jet she had been holding. Her breasts squashed against the wall.

Before she could push herself from the wall another thrust pressed her harder against the wall. There was no gentleness, each thrust harder than the one before, Cassandra struggled to keep on her feet as the plastic, come to life, repeatedly thrust into her over and over again. She didn't feel pain, her body was too occupied trying to keep herself from collapsing.

Amelia pulled out, Cassandra could feel her ass eager to be refilled. “Come little girl!” The instruction was accompanied with the giant cock impaling her ass. From deep inside her she felt the orgasm explode, as if summoned from the tip of the cock forced into the middle of her. It travelled out through her body, unlike any orgasm she had felt, till it was like every cell in her body was exploding.

A hand on her shoulder span her round, she sank down the wall, her back sliding over wet tiles.

Crouched on the floor she got her first sight of the implement, a translucent orange penis that she could have believed was modelled after Mark's own. It sprang from black PVC briefs and from her position beneath it she could see the oval section removed, engorged lips flushed with excitement pushed through the gap.

Amelia's hand reached out, fingers pushed between wet strands of hair to curl round her head and pull her forwards. Her mouth lifted to the plump lips, as she was drawn closer. The wet plastic rested against her forehead, as she pushed her tongue between wet flesh.

Her hand reached up, fingers curling around the plastic to lift it as her tongue followed the wet flesh up to the hot bud.

Amelia closed her fingers around Cassandra's, slowly she moved up and down the warm plastic. Her other hand moved up between Amelia's legs, two fingers pushed inside. Her tongue licked, flicking quickly over the hot nub, as one hand pumped up and down the cock that felt once more like real flesh and the fingers of the other twisted and stroked inside the pulsating flesh.

The pouring water meant that she couldn't hear Amelia's moans but she didn't need to to tell how close her lover was to climax, she could feel and taste it. Her tongue stopped flicking as her mouth clamped around her and she sucked on the engorged bud, forcing her over the edge.

Amelia's body shook in orgasm, towering above Cassandra crouched on the floor of the shower. Exhausted Cassandra sat down in the small layer of water, while Amelia stepped from the shower and threw a towel round her, the bulge from the prosthetic member a comical sight. She left Cassandra with the water raining down on her.

Slowly the water reinvigorated her, her body was sore and she knew after a nights sleep it would be worse. She staggered to her feet and managed to wrap a large soft white towel around herself. In the main room Amelia was sat at the dressing table brushing her wet hair as she gently wafted the hair-dryer back and forth.

“You knew it was real didn't you?” During the encounter she hadn't thought about how Amelia had acted, telling her to stay calm, she was preparing her for it.

“Would you have believed me if I told you it was all real?” She didn't raise her eyes to look at her, she just kept looking at her own reflection as she dried her hair.

“And you got me drunk!” They both had the same drinks yet she had to be carried to the hotel.

“Werewolves are frightening, the first time I saw one change I ran and hid. But they also have what I guess you could call animal magnetism. With your adventurous nature, I just needed to suppress your desire to flee long enough for the magnetism to work.” She placed the dryer down and finally turned to look at the young girl, “I must say, I did underestimate the effect three drinks would have on you, but then I guess you are still under-age.”

Cassandra wondered if it was just her age that had meant she was more affected by the drinks, or if Amelia was just trying to sow doubt. Not wanting to push the matter, she let it drop and just watched Amelia brush her hair remembering how as a kid she had sat and watched her mother brushing her hair after a bath, one of the few memories she had of her mother.

The water jets rumbled as she slipped into the hot water. “Come join me!” She called into the bedroom.

He walked in, his large body filled the doorway. His jeans were back on but his torso was still bare. It was their fifth meeting in two weeks. “I should eat.”

She reached for the phone on the wall beside the large bath. “Hi, can I get two steaks, one rare and one raw.” She placed the handset back down and smiled at him, “Anything else? or are you going to join me?”

He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down his body, the briefs with them. He climbed into the tub. He chose to sit at the opposite end to her but it was large enough for her to move round to sit next to him.

“So how does someone become a werewolf, and were you always this strong and powerful?” Her hand rubbed his naked thigh under the water.

“I told you I am Thomas Landing of Kent Ohio, but I was not born in Ohio, my father was a carpenter and our family helped to settle the state, I was ten when we built our house. My Father could craft the most intricate of pieces, it seemed like magic to me, I could help him build houses and was growing fast.”

Her hand moved to between his legs, “I like what you grew into.”

He continued with the tale, “I was 12 when I accompanied my father to see a tribe of Erie Indians. That was when I first met Onatah, the daughter of the chief. I didn't talk to her, it was another 2 years before we ever spoke. But I saw her, and she saw me. She had black hair that ran down to her waist tied in a child's braid, big brown eyes that sparkled.”

“She sounds cute.” She pressed against him, her hand stroked at the length between his legs as it hardened beneath the water.

His hand gently plucked hers from him and placed it down on her thigh. “I watched her grow, she watched me. When she reached 14 she would stand beside her father as I stood beside mine when they met, for 4 years we greeted each other and smiled, she would wave, she never raised her hand, just wiggled her fingers only for me to see.”

She let him talk, enjoying spending time with him in his human form.

“When I turned 18 the chief presented me with a gift, an embroidering made by her. A simple wooden frame surrounded it and in that was a letter from her. The letter contained directions to a clearing, I waited for hours in the grass, time passing was agonizing, the sun set and moon rose high, a new moon that covered the grass in a silvery light.”

She rested her cheek on his chest, “Sounds beautiful, did she meet you there?”

He sighed deeply, his chest rising and falling beneath her, “Not that night, 5 nights I waited in that clearing, until she came to me. We loved each other, we didn't need to tell each other it was just something we knew. That night we made love in the grass, both each other's first.”

She forced herself to stay awake while his voice tried to entice her to sleep.

“I married the daughter of my father's friend, she married the brave destined to be the next chief. I had two daughters with my wife, she had a son that took after her although his hair while black grew in curls. It was her second child, a daughter who took after me. 5 years our love was secret, in that time she had gone from the daughter of one chief to the wife of another.”

She felt him grow colder, his body turning as his mind turned from the happy memories to the sad.

“I awoke in a wooden cage, large enough to stand and walk around in. She was in the cage with me, around the outside some of the braves stood. When I moved to her she pulled back in fear, I froze unsure what to do. She explained I had been cursed with the dog, that the punishment for what we had done was death, her at my hands and me at the knife of the chiefs.”

“They turned you into a werewolf to kill her?”

“The curse was meant to turn me into a beast that would devour her, but the curse was a mere legend, the chief was angry when he handed out the sentence. I felt the beast within me, it wanted to be unleashed but I withheld it as long as I could. Days passed, we had nothing to eat, my resolve was fading.”

She could feel the pain inside him, “It wasn't your fault. You couldn't control it.”

“They didn't understand the curse, the beast desired her, but not for food. Unable to control it, it escaped my grasp. It took her on the floor as the braves shouted. Once sated, it tore through the cage as if it were paper. Every male over the age of 13 in the camp was slaughtered, a few of their wives joined them in death when they tried to help.”

“So she survived?”

“The beast retreated, I found her in the cage, we went to her hut and found our children slain. The sentence of death had not been limited to just us. Panic gripped me and I ran back to my house, my wife and daughters were dead. My sins laid upon my wife and children. When I returned to the camp the woman I loved, had followed our children into the afterlife. I ran from her when she needed me, and in desperation took her own life.”

The water had grown cold as they sat and she felt a shiver run down her spine, she had no idea what to say. A knock on the door saved them from silence, the receptionist entered without waiting for an answer. The trolley contained the steaks she had ordered, hers with a side of fries, his just on a plate, a bottle of red wine accompanied the steaks.

She served them as they lay in the bath, the few remaining bubbles hid nothing the receptionist's eyes travelled over their bodies, she smiled but said nothing and then left them to their food.

She expected him to take it in his hand and tear at it with his perfect teeth, instead he sliced it like anyone else eating a steak. The sharp knife sliced through raw meat with ease, each small morsel eaten with a delicacy she wouldn't have thought a werewolf could posses. They ate in silence, the mood subdued, which even rich wine couldn't lift.

With the plates empty, she climbed from the bath and tidied the food away. She turned on the hot water to top up the bath and then refilled the wine glasses. Placing the empty bottle down she climbed back into the bath. “Tell me about the first night, tell me about the clearing.”

He drank half the glass, “I was sat whittling, I didn't have my father's skill but it occupied my hands. At dusk the sky was streaked with orange, it was September and the leaves had started to turn, with the orange skies the trees seemed to be engulfed in flames. Then out from under the burning trees she walked.

“She walked towards me, my mouth was dry, I had no idea what to say. She didn't say anything, she pressed her lips against mine, my heart stopped. I had never kissed anyone other than my mother. My hands rose to her cheeks, they were soft and hot. Her hand moved to my hair, our mouths opened and the kiss deepened.”

Cassandra stroked his thigh beneath the warm water, his length growing once more as he reminisced about his past love.

“She wore a simple strapless soft leather dress with a strip of hide to hold it round her body. As I untied the bow between her breasts it opened and slid down her body. Her body was flawless, her skin was like smooth caramel, bare breasts tipped with dark nipples. She stood before me in a cotton loincloth and sandals. I pulled my shirt up over my head and was bare chested before her.”

She moved her hand from his thigh to his large hardening member, it's tip bobbed just beneath the surface.

“She untied the draw string on my pants and the loosed clothing fell down my legs. My cotton under-shorts didn't hide my excitement. I was young and inexperienced but my body knew what to do. I fumbled with her loincloth while she seemed to have more composure as she relieved me of my shorts.”

Her hand rubbed up and down the hard length, enjoying the feel of his excitement. She had experienced him multiple times as a wolf but never as a man. She climbed onto of him, his member pressed between their bodies.

“We sank to the grass and it was all I could do to restrain myself long enough to enter her. A mere moment inside her and I was undone, covered in sweat I rolled over to look at the darkening sky, the stars still not arrived.”

She pushed against him, her body rising and falling gently in the water against his solid shaft.

“She pressed her cheek against my chest as her fingers walked down my torso, before she reached my member, it had re-hardened and was straining for her touch. Her hand gripped my sticky shaft and I turned back to her. I shifted down and took her dark nipple in my mouth. My hand clumsily moved to between her legs.”

Rubbing against him she ran her fingers through his hair, his eyes closed reliving the memory. “Tell me how she felt.” She whispered into his ear.

“She was warm and wet, her flesh soft, as my fingers explored. She moaned beneath my inexperienced touch, I moaned as her hand slid along my length, my mouth filled with her engorged nipple. She rolled me onto my back, and climbed on top of me. Our first time had been an overload of my senses ,but as she sank down my length I felt everything.”

She lifted herself up, dragging her body up the soft underside of his long shaft till she was out of the water, beads clinging to her wet golden strands above his bobbing head. Her hand moved him gently into position as she descended.

His hands gripped her ass as she took his full length inside her. “I felt every inch, my tip stretching her body, and then pushing up through her velvet lined channel. Her eyes were dark pools that shone in the moonlight, her wide smile opened as I pushed up into her, her eyes rolling skyward.”

She gently rolled back and forth enjoying the full length of him throbbing inside her.

His hands moved up her body to her wet slippery breasts, “Her breasts were soft, her nipples hard points.” His thumbs circled over her nipples, as memory and reality merged.

She leant back forcing the large member to rub against the more sensitive areas inside her, the tips of of her hair dipped into the warm water. She pressed her breasts into him, enjoying his large hands.

“The stars appeared one by one as our bodies undulated on the soft grass, our first joining had been over before it began and I was determined not to let the second end too quickly. Her above me against a blanket of stars was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.”

She felt his throbs becoming more urgent within her. She reached down between their bodies. Beneath the water, her fingers found her own throb.

“She looked down at me and whispered words in her own language, her breath was laboured, her breasts rising and falling heavily against my hands. My determination was failing, but I felt her building to her own climax. Her hands moved over my chest, her fingers felt cool against my burning skin, beneath, my heart was trying to escape.”

Waves formed on the water as she rubbed her body up and down his large cock. Her fingers gently teasing her own orgasm out from her wet clit.

“My hands moved over her body in a frenzy, wanting to feel every inch of skin, her soft thighs, her slim waste, her round breasts, her slender neck. My fingers sampled every part of her, for years all I'd been able to do was imagine and with her on top of me, I wanted to spend years exploring her.” His hands echoed those of the memory, sliding over her wet skin.

Her free hand grabbed his shoulder to support herself as she felt her body ready to explode.

“Her flesh surrounding my column, rhythmically squeezed me, soft and firm she gripped me. I couldn't contain myself.” His words were punctuated by deep breaths, the end of his tale destined to end with his own. “She cried out into the night that had fallen around us.” He grunted, his body pushing up from the porcelain to cause the water to surge and slosh.

All three orgasmed in unison, the women from past and present and the man entwined with both. She moaned as he surged inside her, his girth swelling in climax as her body convulsed around him. Spent within her, his body relaxed plunging back to the bottom of the bath sending a tidal wave to break over the side and splash onto the floor.

She slipped from him falling backwards in the water sending another wave over the edge to slosh over the tiled floors as she fell between his large legs.

She watched him as he slowly opened his eyes, the smile on his face didn't fade as he saw her and not his Indian lover, “It's been a long time since I've thought about her and smiled, thank you.”

She climbed out of the bath, “Anytime!” She said as she wrapped a large fluffy towel around her wet body.

Upon the bed lay a folded note with her name written neatly in sprawling script.
© Copyright 2016 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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