Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2073301-The-Last-Ship-to-Kendra
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2073301
Corbin wanted a life. Could a human help her find one?

The Last Ship to Kendra

'Maybe I'll just go away. Maybe today is my day.' The day had been long for Corbin. She had taken the time to whisper her thoughts to the ancient tree at the entrance of the gate. She let her negativity leave her as the wind flowed through the trees ember leaves. The morning had been filled with the usual melancholy and pander of the uninspired. Human dregs flowed into the ship ready to be carried forward to the stars.

Corbin watched the last passenger board for the day with a sigh. 'Maybe today is the day.' She thought again hoping that she would be the next of the Donticonti to be allowed to board the ship. Only one Donticonti per ship, leaving for Kendra per hour, until the last human had been skimmed from the dying planet. This was the Resenchi's edict.

The Donticonti had been enslaved by the Resenchi for the purpose of 'helping' other races. The Donticonti's enforced servitude would end only when the human race had become subservient to their new lords. This meant scraping every piece of humanity from the Terran planet. No one could be left behind. But there was that one ray of hope. One Donticonti per ship per hour, a steady flow off planet to get the chance to become something more that owned.

"Hey, could you please pay attention?" A voice came to Corbin's left. The space gate was not big enough to allow more than two single lines into her small checkpoint. So the voice came as a surprise.

"Excuse me." Corbin said looking for the deep voice that had broken her from her favorite daydream.

"I said I know what they are going to do with us. I know what the Resenchi want from us and I'm not going to become the property of a race that doesn't even know what a decent beer is." A male human appears from above Corbin's station and dropped into the small space next to her. "You must know where the escape pods or fighter jets are, right?"

"Fighter jets? What is a fighter jet?" Corbin asked confused by the new language.

"Nevermind. These creatures have more than one transport correct smaller, holds two to three of their species." The male stated as though he knew the Resenchi would have something like that. He had some weird ideas.

"No the Resenchi do not have need of smaller craft. The Resenchi are a peaceful race looking to help your race for a fee. The fee is your servitude for a short period or until the next race requires assistance." Corbin said in her practiced tones. She didn't understand the prepared statement as her own race had been enslaved for over two quatrons.

The male smirked as Corbin. "Well isn't that just pretty words. Look my name is Dual Bragen and I have no reason to trust you. But I am trusting you with my life and my freedom. I've been watching you. You want out of this as much as I do and I have the feeling you may know where we can go to be free."

"The core function would not allow us freedom. The core function has all of us noted and marked. We will be tracked, returned and ..." Corbin couldn't finish the horrifying thought. She would not become that kind of slave.

"You really buy that don't you?" Dual asked surprised by my reluctance. "I've been inside the distribution center and processed. Yet they have no idea that I escaped. The core function isn't real. The watchmen Haurasi took a sample of blood entered a name on his notepad and dropped to his butt to eat a doughnut. The sample wasn't entered into a computer or a core anything it filled his doughnut."

Corbin was shocked that couldn't be the Resenchi had a specific protocol that all Donticonti had to go through on a daily basis. The blood sample was taken every morning and entered into the core function. The core function then tracked them throughout the day. Each Donticonti was selected to be released based on the work they did that day. The blood sample allowed the core function to follow the work they were doing. "No the core function uses our blood to track our work. When our work is complete and meets standard we are released."

Dual breathed in sharply and slowly shook his head. "The core function isn't real. Those of your species that were taken with the ships were taken as food for the Resenchi. Unless I'm mistaken and you race likes cold storage?"

Corbin swallowed a large knot in her throat. Oh no no no he couldn't be telling the truth. It was a lie. The core function wouldn't do that. It was only a business deal. The Donticonti were a peaceful race that the Resenchi had helped to survive. The Resenchi wouldn't break the pact. The male had to be ...

Before Corbin could finish the thought celebration music filled her little check point box. A Resenchi voice followed the music. "This is your lucky day." The translator confirmed. "You have won your chance to be set free on Kendra."

"Don't go." Dual said pleading with Corbin not to take the offer.

Corbin looked up at the speaker and then to the offered hand of the human Dual Bragen. 'Today is my day. Today I'll just go away.' She thought taking the humans hand. "I know where the day cruisers are stored. We can be in and out of Kendra spaceport in less than two days."


The day cruiser storage bay was on the far side of the main transport allowing the Resenchi to move in near anonymity. The human eye couldn't move past the shield to see the hidden ship behind. "The Donticonti learned to see past the shields as time went by. They use the ships in conjunction with the ground troops to sweep the planet for strays." Corbin said as she pointed out the hidden cruiser launch.

Dual nodded seeing the bay for the first time. The room was filled with a total of sixteen ships each well-guarded. "How do we get one out without notice?"

"The maintenance bay always has a ship in for service. I have worked the bay before. If the right code is entered a cruiser with be moved from service in the launch bay to the service center. During a regular maneuver the ship can be piloted from service to launch without difficulty. No one will question it." Corbin said looking back at Dual. "Why?"

"Why what?" Dual asked without taking his eyes from the cruisers.

"Why me?" Corbin asked her sun scorched yellow eyes blinking slowly at the human.

Dual finally looked back at his new companion. The man sighed and turned back to watch the slavers. "I was in the first wave. A true believer. These benevolent aliens arrived in time to save us from our own self destruction. The planet was dying no way out. But here's a too good be true offer, silver platter and all. We could work off our debt in menial positions. Funny that's what all slaves are told. I was processed through your line. You don't remember do you?"

Corbin shook her head slowly trying not to blush at the man's intense stare. "I do not."

Dual grinned saying, "it's okay you seemed to be daydreaming at the time. You were the first Donticonti that I had seen. I was mesmerized by your chocolate and blue skin tone. Ahhh, sorry I didn't mean to say that."

"It's okay thank you." Corbin smiled shyly as the blush crept up Dual neck.

"Umm right, uh, anyway I was the last in line for the inspection by Haurasi. When he took my blood he set it aside rather than adding it to the cold store unit like the rest. I thought it was odd but when he competed my proc cred and data card forgot about it. I was sent on with the others. I stopped to get a rock out of my shoe and lost my line. When I went back to get directions ... that's when I saw it. Haurasi picked up my blood sample filled a donut with it and... well you know the rest of that." Dual said shaking his head after a moment he seemed to settle again.

"That was days ago... the first wave." Corbin said hoping to get Dual back on track.

"Yeah, I followed Haurasi when he finished." Dual said with a disgusted look. "He took the small cold storage unit to the main unit. That's when I saw a Donticonti hooked up to a machine being drained of all bodily fluids. I remembered seeing him in the station near yours and he was celebrating something."

"Enswar, he was the chosen that day. He was to be freed and released on the next planet stop, Kendra." Corbin said sadness in her voice that she didn't intend. Enswar was a 'friend' that she had taken over the last years. The male was good company if not a lifelong companion.

"I guessed. Anyway it reminded me of you. I wanted to get away as soon as I saw what they were doing but the planet is still dying. There was nowhere to go. Then I started to consider the strange things that had preceded the Resenchi decent into my neighborhood. The humming and whirring noise of engines that no one could place, no one could see. I started to put two and two together and came up with smaller transport ships."

Corbin tilted her head. "But two and two is four, not transport ships."

"Ha it's an expression Corbin. It just means I put the sound together with the ships." Dual said smiling fondly. "I started after that. Nothing weird, I just wanted to see if you were the right person to tell. The right person to believe me. This is just so messed up. I knew I would need someone's help but I felt like I needed your help."

Corbin smiled at the thought of helping the human male to leave the planet to find her own freedom then she remembered. "I was summoned to take the prize. They will notice if I do not show up."

Dual shook his head slowly. "No they won't there was another a thief, Dijendia. He took your proc cred actually he took many proc creds. He planned to take your place. If you had showed up at the ship line you would have immediately been detained."

"I would have had proof that I was me though. I would have all my data cards from the new arrivals for the loading ... oh no ... I lost some of my data cards for the third and fourth loading." Corbin said forlornly forgetting that her life would have been in imminent danger if she had boarded the departure ship no matter how she entered.

"I'm pretty sure Dijendia would have made sure you didn't arrive for the departure ship but the data cards were a backup. I tried to warn him. He's not like you. He wouldn't take the hand of a stranger trying to save his life."

The plan worked perfectly. Corbin entered the bay and stepped into the commbox without anyone questioning her. The two guards glanced up from their game, nodded then went focused back on the board. The crane pulled the ship assigned to be serviced from the line and moved another to its place. The cruiser ship was place in suspension then moved below the main launch deck.

Corbin appeared behind Dual a few minutes later. "Follow me; we must get you on board. I want to run a diagnostic just in case. I have already set the detailers to clean the ship and fully stock up for a long run haul. The Cruiser will be loaded to capacity for a crew of more than twenty. That will include fund cards and credit data. We can then set our own course."

Dual nodded. "Good. I want to thank you Corbin. I know this is hard to leave all that you know even if it was only a life of servitude. It was your life."

Corbin smiled at her new friend. "Do no fret a new life is what I have dreamed of, that is how you found me after all. This will take less than a truket to accomplish. When the main ship is ready to launch we will set our course."

"So I'm a little rusty on my Donticonti, truket?" Dual asked looking slightly confused.

Corbin tilted her head to think for a moment. "Of course, in earth time that would be one hour. Let me get up a translator infusion. We are going to be traveling to other planets and you will meet many other races. The translator infusion is a juice from a very intriguing fruit bear that can be found on most planets in the Adrondi galaxy."

Dual had to admit the infusion was delicious and helped him to fully understand Corbin. He realized that he must have been getting the infusions on a regular basis on Earth. There was no other way to have completely understood the two other races before. "Thanks Corbin that was actually really good."

Corbin nodded the led the way to the flight deck of the cruiser. "I will start initiation for take-off."

While Corbin set the ships controls Dual watched the launch deck above. The ship had been equipped with viewer screens that could capture images from all over the primary ship. Dual had wondered how the scopes would do as long range scanners.

A tall, thin gelatinous creature oozed through the ship gate moments before Corbin completed the launch function. "Hey!" Dual said not sure what the creature was and not amused when it nearly touched him. The creature had taken the seat by Corbin and seemed to know what he was doing. Dual realized that a thin layer of skin held the creature together allowing the viscus organs to show through.

"Orr, ready the hull shields." Corbin said without looking up at her new co-pilot.

Dual blinked surprised by the new development but not as disturbed as he probably should've been. "Okay what's going on?"

Corbin adjusted the controls and turned to the blob. "Control is yours."

The creature nodded taking the controls. "I will see us through."

Dual had to chuckle at the creatures sly look over its seat. "What?"

Corbin smiled. "That's Orr, his race is one of the few still in the service of the Resenchi. I guess that would be because they are not ... tasty." Dual looked disgusted for a moment. "Right so he works for the bad guys."

"Not exactly the Couloury were a quiet race that loved to engineer and to fly. Strange considering their gelatinous mass, I know. They build all of the ships used in the Resenchi armada and they alone fly them. It's more of a unique bond." Corbin said taking a seat behind Orr.

Dual sat in the opposite seat as the ship prepped for take-off. "So he's helping us because...?"

"He's my friend and he was reassigned to garbage detail when a new pilot was found to replace him. He is loyal only to his ship and his family. This is his ship." Corbin said waving a two toned hand around the room.

"Great so we are in his debt." Dual said.

"And I am in yours." Orr said from his seat in the front.

Dual laughed. "Maybe this won't be so bad."

An alarm went off on the deck below the ships control panel. "You speak to quickly human. We have a stowaway." Orr said lighting up a section of the map showing the stowaway's position.

"Yeah I generally do." Dual sighed and stood up. "Well let's go round them up deputy."

"Deputy?" Corbin asked.

Dual smiled taking her hand. "Well yeah pilot seems to be taken. So we should probably set up as security, unless you want to be sheriff?"

Corbin followed Dual through the corridors of the ship to the area indicated on the map be Orr. Dual took a position on one side of the door while Corbin watched. Then he said, "We know you're in there. Come on out."

After a moment the door opened and a young Resenchi appeared fear in her eyes, Corbin gasped she knew this Resenchi. "Grain, I thought you were lost. The guard said that you were gone and your cruiser was sold."

The girl glanced away from the human to the Donticonti. "Oh Corbin?" She said hugging the ex-servant. "What are you going here? I heard you were called."

"Okay this reunion is great and all but we need to get out of here preferably without the enemy." Dual said a little annoyed with the new development.

"I am not the enemy. The others are broken, addicted not me. Please help me. I need to find a way to save my people" Grain said hoping the human would understand her need.

Dual looked doubtful, "What do you mean save?"

The young Resenchi smiled seeing this as a good sign. "My name is Grain. I am an Oblect among my people."

"An oblect hat didn't translate, what is an oblect? Dual said confused.

Corbin sighed; Dual would need an hourly dose of the tea for a while. At least until his mind built up the necessary translation function on its own. "An oblect is someone different, who does not follow the status quo."

"You mean and anomaly, a defect." Dual nodded in understanding.

Grain nodded quickly. "Yes I do not need the life fluid to survive. I am different among my people. They fear me because I do not believe that I am an anomaly. My histories show me that my people were not always life fluid drinkers. The Resenchi were once like humans. We did not need fluid to live. I want to return to my home world to find a way to save my people. Maybe save yours as well."

Dual looked skeptical but before he could say anything the three were thrown to the floor. Orr's melodious tones filled the small space. "We've taken off."

"No spit." Dual said pulling himself off the floor. The man offered his hand to Corbin to assist her to her feet before offering his other hand to Grain. "You really think going to your home world would help save the human race."

Grain took a minute to review her plans and consider the question. If your people are like the others my race has taken control of then yes."

"What do you mean like the others?" Dual asked not liking the implication.

"Previous races have been subservient in every way. They did not ask questions or start anything that the Resenchi were forced to finish." Grain said glancing at Corbin.

"Yeah that could be a problem. If my people find out what they are really wanted for there could be a war. Hipes they may decide that the deal was unfair choose to renegotiate. Humans are warrior race. We have a bad habit of not being easy going pushovers. Once my people hit the point of no return... We have to hurry." Dual said apologetically.

"Corbin I am sorry. I do not mean to make your people seem less than what they really are." Grain turned to face the Donticonti who stood behind her.

Corbin looked surprised for a moment realizing that she was falling into old habits. "No you only speak the truth. "

"Truth or not we're not being fair to your people. I don't even know anything about them, not really. Though I think I'd like to know more." Dual said bringing a blush to the young Donticonti's two toned skin.

"I would be happy to tell you more." Corbin said quietly.

Dual smiled at the shy female. "I look forward to it. I guess we should set a course for the Resenchi home world.

"Thank you Grandma Syngey will be most pleased." Grain said pushing past Dual toward the main living space.

"Wait what, who?" Dual asked as Corbin passed him.

"Grandma Syngey she is the oldest and wisest of my people. She was once the nanny for Grain's family. She will not lead us wrong." Corbin said glancing back at the shocked human. "Do not worry Dual Bragen, Grandma Syngey will not bite, normally."

"Normally, what makes so special? Corbin?" Dual yelled, running to catch up with the two rapidly disappearing females.

The living space of the cruiser could hold approximately fifteen Resenchi and up to one hundred servants. The fact that the ships were primarily used for scouting parties was not too much of a stretch for the human. The fact that there had been two stowaways on board and Orr only located one did cause Dual's mind to trip.

The kitchen area smelled heavenly when the three passed the entry portal. "Wow Grandma Syngey you have out done yourself." Grain said entering the room first.

A crack of a kitchen implement on flesh sounded seconds before Corbin entered the food space with a snicker. "Get your fingers in the pudding again Grain?"

Dual entered the food space with a look of awe. The Donticonti behind the pot resembled Corbin in many ways and had an apron on that said 'Kiss the Kringle.' The older female turned to Dual. "Sit, drink your tea. I am surprised that you have not regressed to your native tongue only by now."

Dual dropped into the indicated seat and sipped his perfect temperature tea. "Yes ma'am."

"I have been immersing in your culture for the past year while the Resenchi took their time becoming friendly with your leaders. I have always been mission essential with the Resenchi. After all who else would look after the young and make the meals." Grandma Syngey said puttering around the kitchen area for a few more minutes before setting out five place settings and filling bowls. "Orr meal is ready; please return to the living unit. The ship course is set no need for you up there during meal."

Dual's head came up at that. "How does he know the course? We just made the decision and haven't talked to him yet."

Corbin smiled, "Well he is the best pilot out there. But more than likely he was listening to our entire conversation."

"The only places he does not listen in on are the private living areas. Those are personnel to each of us. So the pilot will not listen in unless given specific express permission by the owner of the private room." Grandma Syngey stated as she took a seat at the meal bench.

As the day cycle ended Corbin reflected on the strange turn her life had taken. The last ship to Kendra had boarded and she had not been on it. Today she had truly gained her freedom. She lay down on her new bed with only one thought flowing through her mind. 'This is only the beginning.' The moment her eyes shut the hyper crystal dropped into its chamber and the cruiser soundlessly entered its first hyper jump.

Corbin was jolted out of bed on the fifth night out from earth. The first few days of hyper jumping had left the ship in the Quada District. The cruiser now needed time to recycle the crystals before the next jump could be made. Corbin had decided to take a day for her, something never afforded to her before. Dual had told her to read a book, take a bath, and sleep in. It looked like that was out of the equation. The tri play would not be completed today.

The young Donticonti pulled herself to her feet when the second jolt hit. "What is that?" She murmured.

Before she could move the door was shoved open. Dual pushed his way passed the now non active panel. "Come on we're being boarded."

"Where are we going?" Corbin asked confused and afraid.

Dual didn't answer just pulled Corbin through the ruined entryway. He tapped the earpiece that Corbin had not noticed. "Orr you have the others?"

"Of course, we are awaiting your arrival." The pilot's voice filtered through Dual's communicator.

"On our way." Dual led Corbin to a dead end. She could hear the invaders pushing through the docking process.

"Where...?" Corbin started to ask.

"Shhh," Dual quieted her with a finger to her lips.

Corbin watched as the human ran a finger over a hidden lever. The DNA print opened the pilot's tunnel. The tunnel would lead to the inner deck leaving them safely tucked away from the invaders. Corbin led the way into the tunnel while dual locked the wall back into place. "How did you know about this?"

"Remember when you said Orr was being replaced by a new pilot. I think I was meant to be that replacement. When I completed check in I was given a packet and this uniform. The packet had instructions and ship schematics in a small DNA activated datastore. It was for a single man ship but they seemed reasonably similar." Dual said following Corbin to the safe room.

Corbin allowed herself only one thought on the dark red, two piece uniform, 'It is an absolute perfect fit for Dual."

Grain turned at their entrance. "Trailers." She said pointing to the viewer.

"Let me guess scavengers, pirates." Dual said knowing very little about space travel didn't mean that the universe was all that different from earth.

Orr nodded his jelly filled head. "Yes they have already taken most of our flight crystals and half of our food stocks. They should not be this close to Earth though."

"How far can we get without the flight crystals?" Dual asked calculating their success at planet touchdown.

"We can make the closest life planet for replenishment. Kendra." Orr said looking distinctly ill.

"Great." Dual said sardonically. "A Resenchi controlled planet."

"Now what?" Corbin asked not liking the idea of going to Kendra.

Grandma Syngey stepped forward without a care about the current situation of tea she was handing out was any indication. "Kendra in not completely a Resenchi controlled planet. There are three major spaceports. The planet is large and the Resenchi have become arrogant. The raiders will leave anything they find unnecessary to their travels. That means tradeables, they only have need for things that can be sold for large credit."

"She is correct. The only things we cannot get at Port Herio we can get at Port Watch." Orr said still watching the pirates. "The Donticonti will not be able to leave the ship there however."

Dual nodded understanding what the Coulouri was saying. The Donticonti would be considered high value goods and would be under constant guard by the Resenchi. Since they were being used to feed the addiction pirates would sell them back to the Resenchi or to the highest market bidder. Dual wanted to keep Corbin safe and that meant hiding her for now. "Your right, Grain and I will have to get the supplies."

"But what of mu condition I am basically exiled." Grain said unsure of the plan.

"Exactly, an exiled Resenchi wouldn't stand out in what is essentially a pirate town. Besides I'm sure that you are not the only one with this condition. There must be others." Dual said settling in to wait out the pirates. "We really should look at getting some weapons as well."

The pirates ghosted through the ship with military precision. The only items taken were food and hyper crystals which surprised Dual. Even with the reassurance of Orr and Grandma Syngey he was sure that the pirates would loot them dry. "I would have thought they would take more to sell."

"They were looking for Donticonti. They know of the new arraignments the Donticonti will be very valuable as trained servants or sold as a delicacy in high end eateries." Grandma Syngey said as she shuffled past Dual.

Corbin looked shocked that the older Donticonti was on the nose in her statement. "You knew about that?"

"Of course, I am old not blind. The Resenchi have been getting reckless with their meals. The addiction is slowly killing their race as well as ours." Grandma Syngey continued out of the tunnel heading to the mess.

Grain looked as confused as Corbin. "That female is creepy observant."

"We need to take stock and get a list of what we are going to need." Dual said assisting Grain and Corbin out of the tunnel. "Orr how long until the last crystal is recharged?"

Orr glanced up from his contemplation before answering. "Last check three hours. If it is still here we should be ready in half an hour."

Dual nodded watching the tall pilot enter another tunnel leading to the console room. "Great so we have half an hour. I need some more tea so I'll help Grandma Syngey in the mess."

Grain looked up from her ever present microstore. "I will review our mechanical supplies and electrics."

Corbin took a moment to decide. "I'll help you Grain. Grandma Syngey will be enough to keep Dual out of trouble."

Dual thought it was funny how they were only a few days from Earth and already mixing slang terms into the common language. Dual nodded to Corbin then turned toward the kitchen area.

Corbin watched the human leave with a bit of longing. She really wanted to be with him but Grain needed her help. Corbin sighed as she turned to face Grain. "What?"

"You have a crush on our new human." Grain said smiling at her friend.

"Crush?" Corbin asked.

"It means you like him as a possible mate; at least I think that is the main meaning. It's a human term." Grain explained as she started toward storage.

Corbin's two toned skin darkened at the idea. "T...t...that's not true."

"It's okay he's cute for a human." Grain said a smile in her voice. "Have you seen him in that jacket? It goes amazingly well with that tight uniform."

Corbin's eyes slid shut letting the embarrassment wash away. Once she felt in control she ran to catch up with Grain.

The supply list was shorter than expected but rather expensive. The hyper crystals were going to be the most difficult. Orr had said something about only really needing two jump crystals to get the cruiser to a safe star where the crystals could easily be harvested by the crew. The planet for the harvest was regulated by the Resenchi in theory. Dual was not comfortable with the idea of putting his crew in more danger. He was easily out voted.

Corbin has thought the democracy of the five man crew to be the best way for everyone to have an opinion. She had studied the earth culture when she found out about the newest Resenchi 'slave contract'. She wanted to live in a culture where the people had the vote not one maniacal dictator. The young Donticonti was a little afraid of getting caught out on Kendra; she wanted to be in and out as quickly as possible.

Orr took the ship around the far side of the planet which meant two extra days in the stars. Dual and Grain were getting ready to finish docking as Orr took Grandma Syngey and Corbin to the select guest quarters in the pilot hall. The pilot hall was created to house the pilot and his family on the cruiser. The Coulouri created the cruiser as a small yacht to take friends and family around the planet or the galaxy. The Resenchi never took the time to find out about the pilot tunnels and until the human planet earth didn't consider replacing the older pilot race. The pilot tunnels were still a well-kept secret.

"Okay we're set for docking." Dual's voice filter over the coms. "Everyone set for this? Good, Orr if we aren't back in two hours take off to the secondary rendezvous wait three days then get out. That should give you enough time to get to Port Watch."

Orr nodded knowing that Dual couldn't see him but sure that the young human understood his answer. "Wait what do you mean if you're not back?" Corbin asked not having heard this part of the plan or liking it at all.

"I'm not sure how long this will take and I'm concerned about staying in either port too long. I just want to have a backup plan in place if things go wrong." Dual said in an irritatingly calm voice. "Corbin I will be coming back. There's too much out here to explore for either of us to pass on this soon."

Corbin's skin darkened at the thought of exploring the galaxy with the sleek human. "You had better not be late."

The smile on Dual's face was obvious in his reply, "Never."

Duel set the cruiser down at the Palace Guard station of Port Helio. The city catered to the wealthy and the Resenchi allowed the city to thrive as long as they were provided a cut. Grain had chosen this docking lock specifically to give them credibility on arrival. The goods they carried for trade would bring double the price in Port Helio.

Grain opened the landing hatch and rolled her prize dirt walker to the lowered gate. The dirt walker hovered for a moment then dropped to the ground with a slow smooth thump. The storage of the four being pod would give them room to store large loads with little difficulty while hiding the purchases from prying eyes. It was also fun to drive.

Duel joined Grain saying, "Ready?"

"As ever." Grain said taking a deep cleansing breath. "Take control of the dirt walker. I'll negotiate the trades. We'll make a circle around the center then return to the ship."

"I'll pick up and store the goods like a good boy, got it." Dual said taking the pilot seat of the dirt walker.

The Palace Guard station was at the edge of the metropolitan area of Port Helio. A wooded expense filled the space between the station and a sheer cliff protecting the opposite side of the landing docks. Dual wondered what was living in the forest that no wall or guards were needed to protect an obvious VIP target. The human's military and law enforcement background helped to keep him on alert for these strange little quirks.

Grain pulled the man out of his thoughts when she said. "Stop here. We'll get the crystals first then the rest of the supplies."

The first stop turned out to be a Resenchi snack stand. Duel knew the purpose of the stop was a cover but he was still slightly revolted. "Should I wait for you Madam?" He asked hoping to keep his stomach from lashing out.

"Yes, I will only be a moment." Grain said in a haughty tone.

Dual glanced around the street getting a lay of the land. The small road, dirt path really, was lined be venders on both sides. Sellers hawking their wares for the best trade, but there was a feeling that he could not identify. There seemed to be no life. No enthusiasm. What was he missing?

Grain appeared before he could consider further. "I'm ready."

Dual nodded. He then helped Grain into the dirt walker before climbing into the pilot seat in front of her then saying over his shoulder, "Does it feel weird out here?"

Grain glanced around without moving her head. "Everyone seems a little tense. I noticed when I was in the shop. It's like anticipation something is coming. I'm not what though. Something different, new that has never been seen before."

Corbin was restless. The cruiser had taken off immediately after Dual and Grain left as planned. Ships were easily plundered when grounded without guards in the outer ports. There was no reason to be nervous though Corbin told herself everything was going to plan. They had only been gone an hour. Why was she so antsy?

"Corbin, please sit you are bouncing right now. Have a cup of tea." Grandma Syngey said watching the younger Donticonti. "I'm sure they are fine."

"Of course they're fine Dual promised he'd return. I just feel like something is wrong." Corbin said moving to the mess's port window. The view should have been of the deep black of space since they moved from Kendra's surface but now she could see the green of a forest. "When did we land? Are they back? Why didn't Dual call me?"

Grandma Syngey smiled slightly as the younger female ran out of the room. "I'm sure your Dual is right where he is meant to be as you soon will be my dear."

Corbin slowed when she reached the bay and ducked into the nearby pilot tunnel on instinct. She moved silently, as any good servant would, to the break box that Grain had shown her when they gathered the supply list. "Something is wrong." She whispered as she pulled the gear door open.

"You shouldn't leave this way." Orr spoke from a dark corner. Corbin jerked at the noise. A small tunnel opened to her left. "That tunnel will take you to the log station at the heart of the ship. Only two know of its location Dual and I"

"Why should I trust you? I know we are friends but so are Grain and Grandma Syngey." Corbin said a growing horror that she was betrayed.

Orr looked a little surprised by her boldness but a smile soon appeared. "You should trust yourself young one. Your instincts have told you who to trust otherwise you would not have taken Dual's hand."

He was right. She had trusted Dual on instinct and she trusted Orr and Grain. "True, thank you." Corbin said diving into the tunnel in time to close the duct before someone shouted about Orr's presence. She could hear the yelling for Orr to step out.

Orr was a wiley and flexible individual he would be okay. Now she had to find her way to Dual and Grain she had to warn them.

Corbin dropped into the log station. She flipped two switches on the deck console then turned to the screens. "Where are you Dual, I need you?"

Dual grabbed Grains arm before she could enter the last shop. The shop was only a few feet from the turn off to the Palace Guard station and the cruiser landing site. "Somethings wrong, do we have everything we need?"

"I have everything we need for the hydroponics and I have the jump crystals in our packs. Enough to keep us moving for the trip to the crystal controlled planets and Renvori. This shop was for a couple of parts that we could use in spare." Grain said glancing around. "What's wrong?

"The port guards are Resenchi but these ones look more focused like a feral dog about to rip apart pray. The cruisers also in the bay over there not off to the timberline as planned. They know we're here." Dual said pulling Grain around the building to the alley.

"Oh Corbin, Orr. Dual what are we going to do?" Dual ignored Grains panicked question as he scanned the Palace Guard station through a small gap between the wall and the guard house.

He could just make out the top housing of the cruisers ops deck. Below the ship a group of humans milled about. Dual froze taking a couple of deep breaths. The humans around the ship had formed to resistance units on Earth. The man was surprised to see they were still together.

Dual's own unit had been killed in an ambush six months into the Resenchi occupation. He had been 'court martialed' as a traitor in a mockery of military justice. The fact that he had been in the infirmary at the time was irrelevant to the proceedings apparently. Another unit had witnessed the event, his whole sale slaughter of his team and the held more water than the infirmary staffs statement that he was unconscious in a bed at the time.

Unfortunately as seemed to be his luck the same unit that testified against him now stood under his cruiser. Between him and Corbin, "Dammit!" Dual cussed quietly and stepped back from the wall. "I think I have a plan. Let's hope it goes well."

The first step 'getting into Palace Guard' was easier that Duel expected. He had sent Grain on to the last store for supplies and took the dirt walker back on his own. The guards at the station house barely glanced at the human servant returning to his master's ship alone. The Resenchi at the gate were looking for a human/Resenchi pair not a single insignificant human. Dual was able to process through the gate without any trouble.

Grain joined him at an out building near their cruisers dock ten minutes later. The cruiser surrounded by approximately eight humans, not armed, looked rather impressive even if Dual was trying not to be. The humans were well trained ex-military weapons or not these people were dangerous. Dual had to be careful.

The Resenchi were way too dependent on their 'servants' to be healthy around humans. Grain moved to interact with the human party but Dual caught her arm. The man shook his head when she glanced at him. "Not a good idea. They maybe pissed at me but I have a better chance." Dual said swallowing his anger at the people before him. Grain practically plastered to his back as he stepped forward.

"Well, well, well looky what we got here, Packs, a little lost sheep and a wolf in sheep's clothing." The big burly man closest to Grain said reaching out to pull her from behind Dual.

Dual grabbed the man's hand before he could connect with Grain. "Do you want to keep that hand, Jeng? Then I suggest you back off."

Jeng glared but yanked his hand back from Dual as he moved away. Before he could do more than growl another broke in. "What the hell are you doing here Brogan, thought these creatures put you to death for your crimes."

"Malaka, nice to see you again." Dual said pleasantly though his body language showed otherwise. The man was tense with anticipation. "I'm here for the same thing you are, my ship."

"Really why so confident that we won't turn you over?" The man said ignoring the Resenchi behind the former Detective.

Dual knew this man, Mitchell Malaka, was a decent man trying to survive. The man's only family had passed before the occupation and he dedicated himself to his unit. He hated traitors or perceived traitors and right now that was Dual. So Dual chose to play on his unit's one week spot. He smirked at the lanky ex-sergeant. "Cause no matter what you think I am or what you thing I did you need a pilot. Unless one of you suddenly took a liking to flying that I don't know about."

Malaka looked ready to blow, "Still holding onto that lie, being in the infirmary rather than out slaughtering your team."

"Not a lie, but think what you will." Dual said grimly.

Grain grabbed Dual's arm saying, "They think you killed your own team. But you were somewhere else? OH, you were the reptile change."

Dual tilted his head slightly in confusion before understanding passed over his features. "I was once known as the chameleon yes, why?"

"I'm an outcast. Individuals talk in my presence as if I don't exist. The Resenchi Allinios said a reptile change was causing trouble. They sent an Illitros to intercept and stop the reptile." Grain said clenching her hands.

"Illitros?" Dual asked ignoring the whispered comment from Malaka about enemies.

"They are elite, like Orr, They created a unique technology along with their natural secretions that messes with what is seen and what is known. They can create a near perfect image that is nearly flawless. They simple make sure their target is not in the room where they are and then pass for them." Grain said not noticing the disgusted looks that passed between the humans at the word 'secretion'.

"You mean one of them became me and killed my team?" Dual said reddening with anger.

"Yes." Grain whispered a little afraid of the human in front of her.

Malaka looked shocked at Dual's reaction. This was not the reaction of a man that went nuts and killed his own. Before the men could discuss the situation any further a Resenchi guard started from the guard station yelling, "There they are!" The laser fire that started a moment later was a bit of a surprise.

Corbin slid to a stop at the door panel of the log station. She had the start of a plan. The log station allowed her command control of many parts of the cruiser, specifically emergencies protocols. The Resenchi could not access these parts of the ship unless a Coulouri had added them to the program specifically. Corbin was starting to wonder if the Resenchi were ever really in control at all.

She was positive that their betrayer hadn't told the Resenchi of the tunnels, leaving her free to stop the small group trying to take her ship. Whoever tipped off the Resenchi off would be removed with them. The plan was simple use the ship locator to pinpoint the intruders then use the tunnels escape shoots to drop them out of the ship. Each deck had been set up with a shoot in case of catastrophic failure of the cruisers functions.

Orr had told her of the emergencies protocols when she had first met the pilot. The stressful flight years ago had nearly put her off flying entirely. Orr told her the shoot pods were there to keep the living safe. The fact that most of the drop pods had been removed or destroyed by the humans just made this part of her job easier. Orr said he could regrow the pods in a few days with the right supplies so no need to worry.

Corbin shifted in the launch seat ready to drop a few Resenchi and one old traitor when the ship rocked slightly. She glanced at the view screen to see, "Dual?" There was her Dual. He was with a group of humans and Grain. The dirt walker was between them and someone shooting at them. "Laser fire, Resenchi guard has to be. Palace Guard carries projectile weapons not laser. Hold on I got you."

Dual pushed Grain behind the protection of the dirt walker when the laser fire started. This he knew. The Resenshi guards were well trained and well equipped. He remembered the dreamy, floaty look he had seen on many Resenchi on earth. These Resenchi didn't have that look. These creatures were hyped up on something, blood lust maybe. The guns. He thought though before he could move a slim piece of metal slid from what appeared to be a gun port on the cruiser.

"Is that a gun port?" Jeng yelled over the weapons fire.

The gun started to fire at random when one of three docking ramps dropped to the ground. "Get the dirt walked and your little human friends on board I got this."

"Who the hell was that?" Malaka growled into Dual's ear.

"My heroin." Dual said waving Grain into the dirt walker. Grain started the little vehicle and glided it into the dock. They would worry about supplies when they were space borne again. Dual herded the humans up the ramp as well calling to the room. "We're in."

The dock closed quickly behind Dual when the voice came over the dock inner wave. "Now what?"

Another voice answered the first. "I will take over my young friend. Please remove our unwanted guests."

Dual smiled, "Thanks Orr. Corbin, can you get rid of them?"

"I have them cornered near a drop shoot. Releasing them now." Corbin said over the inner wave.

Dual sighed relaxing against the dirt walker. "Corbin, is she gone?"

There was pause before Corbin's voice came over the inner wave. "Yes she's gone. How did you know?"

"There's no other way the Resenchi would have known the plan. Orr and Grain were with you or me the entire time before secondary launch. I'm sorry Grain." Dual said knowing that Grain and Grandma Syngey were close. "When you told me about the Illitros it clicked. Syngey was in the mess alone after the Pirate's, Orr and I joined her after he sidetracked me to enter my DNA into the computer system. Do you know when the Illitros took her?"

Grain paled darkening her burnt orange skin color into a dark almost flaming red. "I...I... She..." She took a deep breath to release the shock. "She found me at a way station. She was working on the counsel flight to earth. She said that she found out the real plan and ran before they could get her. I should have known then and there. The only tell of the Illitros are that the eyes never matched precisely and Grandma Syngey had the most perfect purple standing almond shaped eyes."

"What're we going to do with her boss?" Jeng said pushing at Grain.

"Leave her alone Jeng." An annoyed female said from the group of humans.

"She the enemy, Renka," Jeng said turning to face the tall blonde.

"She helped me and mine of Earth Jeng. She's a genetic anomaly and she wants to save both our people." Dual said turning to help Corbin from a hidden tunnel that appeared behind him. "You do know what they wanted us for, right?"

"Yeah we know. Their blood drinkers." Jeng growled.

"How?" Malaka said glancing at the female with Dual.

"By going to the Resenchi home world, I can find out why my people are like this. There has to be a reason that I can live without the blood lust but they continue to spiral out of control." Grain answered without pretending confusion.

"What? You want to fly us into the heart of enemy territory?" Renka asked horrified.

"My people were not always like this." Grain said furiously hoping to win the humans over. "I am not just some genetic anomaly. I am a true Resenshi."

"Are there others like you?" Malaka asked not sure about trusting the girl but intrigued by the idea of saving the human race.

"There have been others over time. My research shows our world still exists. I'm sure there are others there." Grain said without showing the fear she was feeling.

Corbin stepped forward to take Grain's hand. "We will not let you down."

Renka snorted and Jeng laughed. "Again why should we help her? We've got the ship let's leave then and find out own way."

"He's right we have the ship and a pilot. You've outlived your usefulness Brogan." Malaka said snapping out of the daze created by the young Resenchi.

Before anyone could move another wall opened. The tall blob like Orr stepped out of the space. "The Track ship would be able to make the journey with the supplies we have."

"What is that?" Jeng said slowly moving away.

"Thanks Orr but I think we'll be fine here. Won't we ladies and gentleman?" Dual said nodding to Grain.

Grain nodded in return taking a deep breath. "Humans, those like you and Resenchi are hard to find. Your race is different."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Renko growled out.

"Donticonti are a docile race that only want to help, the Coulouri are an engineering race only looking to the skies. They have no concept of war for the sake of war for territory. They are not Warrior races. Humans and Resenchi are Warrior races." Grain said.

Dual grimaced, "Good to know we both have bad habits. Are you saying Warrior races are few and far between in space because I would have to disagree?"

"No there are many warrior races in the universes. But there are not the same. They do not have the passion or drive. They do not have the same loyalty, love or creativity that the humans have. They do not have the same soul for war as they do for peace. In those races you have one or the other not both." Grain said looking slightly mesmerized.

"Well that's great. We are the ultimate 'Warrior' race. What have you gotten us into here, Brogan?" Malaka asked not liking the implication.

"This changes nothing. We want to find out how the Resenchi came to be monster blood suckers. We need to save our people. Do we work together or do I have Corbin dump your asses now?"

Malaka glanced around the room. He had ten men to Dual's four but no pilot. He could see the curiosity and resignation on the faces of his team. Yeah Dual was right the opportunity was too good to pass up. They had a chance. Malaka extended his hand. "Looks like we're going to the Resenchi home world, but know this if you hurt anyone of my people you will deal with me."

"Good and that goes both ways I will kill you if you crew looks at mine crossways." Dual shook Malaka's hand sealing the deal.

The deal struck, the two groups taking shelter together on their way to the unknown. Trouble was the only thing they could count on as no one believed their escape was going to be that easy. Neither time nor space was on their side. Maybe the future would be made of war but maybe that peace was just beyond the battle.

© Copyright 2016 Stowe_Evermore (stowe_evermore at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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