Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2073058-Dear-me
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Contest Entry · #2073058
My goals, dreams, for 2016 in a letter to myself.

Dear Me,

What are my goals for 2016 when it comes to writing.com and my writing? That’s a good question. The obvious answer to that is to keep on writing, on a daily basis, and reviewing as much as I can. But I think I need a little bit more to go on. What I mean is that this is too general. I need to go into a lot more detail as to what I really mean.

For the next three to five months, probably four, I’m not going to be able to do much in the way of my own writing. I’m not even sure if I can keep up on my daily contests, actually it’s just down to the Writer’s Cramp Contest at the moment – but I would like to return to the Daily Flash Fiction Contest too, that I am involved with. I also try to write a stories for the for several of the monthly contest too. The main ones are Dialogue 500, Genre Times Four, Three Prompts, Try Something New, Twisted Tails and whatever contest it is for the $100.00, $50.00 and $25.00. This month it’s the ‘Dear Me:’ contest. If I have to give up any of them, and it looks like I’m going to have to again, it’s the Three Prompts, Try Something New and the Twisted Tails contests I will not write for this month. Next month is going to be even worse because of the semi-annual Parallel Universe contest.

As for my Reviewing nothing is going to stop me from doing that. I love doing it so much. True, I will admit that I do it for the GPs, especially during the monthly WDC Raids, but I mostly do it because I like to read, and if I am going to read I might as well review it – and get the GPs for it too. Most of my reviews come from Anniversary Reviews. I try to do as much of them as Anniversary Reviews as I can. For the next few months I might only be able to do about twenty-five to fifty review – mostly during the monthly WDC raids. But after my seasonal job ends I should be able to double that at least. I also like to review my competition. True, I haven’t had the time to do it the last couple of months because of the holidays and us moving back to Lawrence KS, and I probably won’t be able to for the next few months, but after that I hope to start doing that again too.

The last few months of 2015 I dedicated myself to writing for contests and reviewing. I told myself that once 2016 began I would start working on my own writing too. So far I haven’t done too much of it. One of my goals this year is to complete my own writing too. Which means either my Movie Scripts Challenge, my Television Script Challenge or my Novel Challenge. If you don’t know what I mean by challenge you can check out Portfolio – or you can read on if you haven’t stopped reading this boring letter yet.

Once I get finished with one of my own writing projects I plan on opening up a challenge for it to see where I should advance on from there. I’m working on fifteen movies, fifteen television shows and ten novels. I know I’m not going to be able to do all of them this year, and I am hoping I am wrong about that, but I might be able to do the movies and novels though. One of the reasons why I probably won’t be able to do any of the challenges at all is because I am going to offer GPs for each review, vote – that includes those under eighteen too, that I get. At three hundred for my movies and television Outlines and Treatments – and one hundred and fifty for my novels, that means I will be giving out forty-five hundred and/or fifteen hundred per member if they read, review and vote in each folder category.

I don’t have that many GPs to give out if everyone on Writing.com accepted my challenges. Yes, I know that not everyone is going to do my challenges. I’ll probably be lucky if ten to twenty-five, if that many, review and vote. But I need the additional GPs just in case I am wrong again. That’s one of the reasons why I am entering all of these contest. The more contest I enter – like this one, and win, the less GPs I have to get for my challenges.

Last, but not least, my goal this year is to upgrade my membership to a Premium account. I might try to do that in the next few months or I may wait and do it when my Upgrade membership is renewed. There is another option I could do too. Instead of upgrading to Premium I could just get a Secondary Account. That would solve my problem with my Item Limitations. But it wouldn’t solve my problem with my needed GPs. In fact, it would probably make it even harder to do. I might still go that way, but I probably won’t.

Those are my goals, dreams, for 2016. I know I’m not going to be able to do it all. There’s so little time and so little time to do it. But I’m going to try my best to do it all.

Sincerely Me,

PureSciFi aka

PS Another goal that I have is to get better with my writing too. I still have a
   problem with mixing Tenses – like I have done in this letter to myself. It’s
   true I also have a problem with punctuation and spelling, but I am getting
   better at that??? I’m just glad no one else is ever going to see this letter.

The Word Count, including this line, is 988

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