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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2071438
A young girl undertakes a fantastic and perilous journey in a Medieval like world.
The Lone Traveler
Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Hold!” Analia screamed, before the guards could remove Elise’s body. She stood and held her arms up with her palms held together in supplication. “Merlin, if you hear me now, please come to my aid,” she stated in a low trembling voice.

Everyone in the chamber was staring as if she had suddenly lost her mind. Emperor John glanced at the Empress and shrugged his shoulders. The guards were frozen in place, looking at the Emperor for guidance.

Suddenly, a dim figure slowly materialized before Analia. The form focused until a wise and powerful appearing wizard stood in front of Analia wearing pure white garments and holding a tall wooden staff. It was apparent that he was not completely solid for they could faintly see the walls through his awesome and impressive figure.

“What would you have of me, Eirean?” the gleaming wizard asked.

Analia pointed to the body of Elise lying cold and still on the marble floor. “I ask that she live, it is not her time to join the ancestors. I offer my life for hers.”

“Think you that I am a god to grant such a request?” Merlin replied raising his eyebrow to accentuate his question.

“God or no, Merlin, I perceive that the power lies within your ability,” Analia answered. “I ask this from the very fiber of my being, both past and present.”

Merlin stared at her for a long tense moment then slowly nodded his ancient head and glanced towards the Aelfen. “I ask that you Aelfen here form a protective ring around the girl’s body,” he stated. “I need your ancient spirits to combine with mine to keep her body safe and make this grant possible.”

Thoden looked at Analia in open awe then slowly bowed to the bright figure of Merlin. He reached out and grabbed the hands of Medee and Hilana. “Come,” he said to the rest of the Aelfen, “let us do as the great wizard requests.” A short time later they stood in a full circle around Elise’s body.

“Turn around and hold your hands with the palms facing out away from the girl,” Merlin ordered the Aelfen. “You must prevent any wandering spirits from coming near her lest they try to steal her body.”

A swirling white mist started to form around the circle and a very bright light lit up over the top of Merlin’s staff. Suddenly, ghostly figures begin to appear from all around them, eagerly rushing in to take possession of the empty body of Elise. Bright beams suddenly flared from the hands of the Aelfin and when they struck the specters they cringed back in a low wail of agony. A steady circle of glowing light kept the unwelcome specters at bay.

Merlin turned and held his ancient hand out to another phantom spirit that rapidly transformed into the spectral image of Elise. She appeared lost and confused uncertain of where she was. She reached out and touched Merlin’s hand and he guided her towards the body lying on the floor. As she neared the body she turned around and placed her spectral feet where the body’s feet lay. Merlin then ordered her to lay back and return to her earthly life.

As soon as the phantom lay back it quickly disappeared, reunited with her body. They watched as the body of Elise moved and coughed then sputtered to life. Her dazed eyes opened and she slowly glanced around her with a puzzled expression. Beneath her the pool of dark blood quickly disappeared and the wound and blood on her garment quickly followed.

“Why are all of you looking at me so strangely?” Elise asked, suddenly noticing Merlin and the ring of Aelfen. She quickly got to her feet and walked over to Analia, the faint memory of her death slowly returning.

“Magic did not accomplish this feat,” Merlin smiled at Analia. “The love you have for this young maiden and the purity of your heart made it so. No gods were needed and none were wanted. The power of the universal spirit transcends all. Your life is yours to neither give nor mine to take.” He slowly faded until all presence of him was gone.

The Aelfen were jumping up and down and holding each other’s hands and dancing around in a joyful circle. They were grateful that they had been given the opportunity and the ability to assist the powerful wizard and reveled in their success in keeping the unwanted spirits at bay while the true Elise regained her body. It was a tale they would pass along to their entire community for many years to come. The remainder of the mummer troop still stood frozen in awe, their mouths open and faces beaming, while the Emperor and Empress stared in disbelief and shock. The superstitious guards were bowing down to Analia in fear and homage as she was a new goddess to be served.

“I am no great magician, no goddess or sorceress, and definitely no special person,” Analia finally replied. “I am a simple girl, mortal and human with human feelings and human failings. Do not think me otherwise. Merlin is simply Merlin, my infrequent guardian spirit. There is no cause for fear or alarm.”

“You are our beloved daughter, Audrey,” Empress Cathrine finally broke the spell and spoke. “You are not just a simple girl, but a true princess.”

“I sure could use something to eat,” Analia replied, shattering the pensive atmosphere around her. She glanced down at her filthy clothes. “It looks like I could also use a warm bath and clean attire, those dungeons down below were disgustingly nasty.”

“I could also use a bite to eat and drink,” Elise smiled. “Death seems to make a body hungry.” They both chuckled at the bizarre comparison.

The Empress commanded the guards to open the doors and fetch the master chamberlain. She then turned to Emperor John and placed her hands on her hips looking at him with a stern and expectant face.

The Emperor finally grasped her silent message. “The queen will ensure that you ladies are properly taken care of,” he stated. “As for you men, alleged enemies of the realm, I will accept your word of honor that you will not exercise that status and offer you free reign of the castle. My majordomo will see to your needs and comfort. As for you little people…”

“We are the Aelfen, your Majesty,” Thoden cut in. “We require little in the way of creature comforts, a little wine, some food, and a wee place to lay our heads is more than sufficient.”

“Shut your face!” Medee yelled at him. “We have a real life emperor here who has much more to offer than that. Let’s take him for whatever we can get, opportunities like this don’t often come around.”

Emperor John chuckled at her unabashed comment. “If it is within my means, you shall have it, lady.”

“See, I told you!” Medee snipped at Thoden.

“We will assemble in my palace quarters after everyone has had an opportunity to recuperate from these difficult and rather astonishing trials,” the Emperor finished in an exasperated tone. “I, for one, need a goblet of un-watered wine.” He slowly walked from the chambers followed by his ever present guards.

“Where have you been, Little Lady?” Whiff mind-spoke. “Did you think I died?”

“It is a very long story, Whiff,” Analia replied, “and a terrible loss of memory. Have you news of Camalund?”

“Events are somewhat desperate,” Whiff returned. “The great castle is under siege by the Army of Angalund which has grown more powerful with the addition of Emperor Licinius’s forces. The people of Lorainne have been scattered into the wilderness and all of Alataria has fallen. The Sidhe and Khelti have returned home because of Licinius. However, your close friends are all alive and holding their own during these harsh times.”

“What news of my uncle?” she asked.

“Little is known about where he went when Licinius exiled him,” Whiff replied.

Analia was puzzled. “You mean he is no longer in command of the Army?”

“I guess I need to bring you up to date on everything, Little Lady,” Whiff returned. “I quickly scanned your memories and now know what happened to you since our separation. Don’t hold it against me but you’re telling the story piece by piece would have taken forever.” He then briefed Analia on everything that he knew had happened since she lost her memory.

“Pieter and you flew together?” Analia yelped. “Totally awesome.”

“He’s not bad for a human boy,” Whiff mentally chuckled. “Actually, he’s quite a bit like you, headstrong and stubborn. He’ll make a great lord someday if doesn’t get himself killed first.”

Analia shook her head, smiling at the cheerful thought of Whiff and Pieter sailing through the clear blue sky. Her thoughts then wandered to her and Pieter flying together, the look of pure happiness lighting up both their faces.

“Never happen if we don’t do something about the siege,” Whiff mind-spoke. “You two turtle doves will wind up over a crackling fire spit if Licinius has his way about things.”

“There you go, Whiff, butting into my personal thoughts again. I thought we made a bargain not to do that?”

“Well, Little Lady, what do we do about the siege?” Whiff returned, intentionally dodging her question.

Emperor John may be our answer, she thought. If only I can convince him to lift the siege.

Later that evening, the mummer group and Analia lounged around on comfortable chairs and plush couches in the Emperor’s private chambers. He had a contented look on his face and Empress Cathrine was bubbly and brimming over with excitement and enthusiasm. She could barely keep from talking, jumping from one subject and plan to another. She was so thrilled to have her daughter back; nothing could possibly cloud her enthusiasm and jubilation.

“You will be announced to the entire court tomorrow,” the Empress stated. “I want everyone of any importance to see that my baby has returned, to bear witness to your beauty and charm. All the girls will surely die with envy and the young squires will weep with hope.”

Analia looked at her with sadness and resignation.

“Why are you upset, my princess?” The Emperor stated noting the downcast look on her face. “This is a time for joy and triumph, a time to rejoice and be happy.”

Analia had seen the look of tenderness on the face of the Emperor and witnessed the euphoria of the Empress and knew that both were genuine. She did not want to squelch their happiness or her own, but the fate of her friends and adopted countrymen weighed heavy on her mind.

“My friends are back in Camalund, Your Majesty,” she finally answered. “I worry about their plight.”

The Emperor sat his wine glass down and looked closely at her. “Please call me father. I am your father despite you’re being raised in a foreign land under a different name and you are the future queen of Angalund, that cannot be changed. That said, I could deny you nothing that your heart wishes for, but there is little I can do about the war, it is completely out of my hands.”

He could see that Analia had yet to understand the limits of his power. “When the decision was made to annex Alataria, or, in plain words, to take their lands from them, it was the decision of the Royal Council. Too many lords in Angalund were without land holdings of their own and the population of this empire was bursting at the seams. We simply needed more land on which to expand, which happens throughout history, the powerful always overwhelm and absorb the weak.”

“When Queen Denize and Lord Connahe told me they held you and would return you to us if we invaded and shared the land and spoils of Alataria, my decision was made,” he continued. “Of course she offered her young son Prince Robert as an additional bargaining point, but that was moot to me, we simply wanted our daughter back. I now understand that it was poor judgement on the part of Queen Denize and other highly placed lords that led to their army being weakened, the exile of your uncle was a major factor, but we had no choice but to reap the benefits of victory. Believe me when I say, were the necessities of war reversed, Camalund would happily annex all her neighbors if it could possibly be done. We must accept the fortunes of war and move on from there. There is no conceivable way I could persuade the Royal Council to give up all the army has gained.”

Analia stood and addressed both the Emperor and Empress. “There is no doubt that I am truly your daughter, in both blood and spirit and I promise you from the depths of my very soul that I will do nothing further to harm you or your countrymen in any way. I honorably accept my role in life as your daughter and as your eventual heir, but I am also committed to a path I must follow first. People I deeply care for are in danger and by your leave I must return to Camalund to help them. I also swear to do everything in my power to do no harm to a soldier or subject of Angalund.

The Empress burst into tears. “That is not possible, she blubbered. What if you are killed? You cannot run off now that you are safe here in Havenhall. It is not fair; you have suffered far too much already.”

Emperor John walked over and sat next to the crying Empress on the settee and held her in his arms. “You witnessed the power of her wizard Merlin,” he stated. “Our daughter must follow a path laid down from the day she was born. I do not think the gods or this Merlin will prevent her from fulfilling her destiny, nor will I ask her to cast aside her honor and duty to those for whom she cares. Look at what she did for Elise, my dear. She was willing to sacrifice everything, even her own life, that she might live.”

“You and your companions are free to go with our blessing, Audrey. “I ask only that you delay your journey for one day so we may share our wonderful joy with the families of Angalund. They will one day be your loyal subjects, so they deserve to meet their future ruler.”

Analia nodded her head in agreement with the terms and walked over and hugged her father and mother. She herself was near to tears. “I do not know where my path leads,” she whispered, “but you will now and forever be in my heart and mind. I will do nothing to bring dishonor on your name or that of my new countrymen.”

“You will have the fastest coach in the kingdom,” Emperor John smiled. “And five full squadrons of the Imperial Guard to safeguard you.”

Analia smiled and canted her head to one side. “No need for such, father. I have my on transportation and escort and they will get me to Camalund in hours, not weeks.” Emperor John looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“You forget that I am one of the fearsome Dragon Riders, sire. “My dragon, Whiff, is already on his way with a squadron of Dragon Riders and one of Valkyri. You must inform the guard before they arrive; I swore that no harm would come to them.”

“How do you know this?” The Emperor asked.

“Because she is also the dragon princess,” Sean blurted from his seat across the room. “You dinna know she could speak with tha dragons and war birds, your Majesty?”

“Not exactly speak,” Analia smiled. “I read their thoughts and they read mine, we call it mind-speak. Don’t ask me how I do it, that even I do not know, it just happened.”

“What other amazing wonders are you hiding from us, daughter?” Emperor John asked. “You associate with powerful wizards who bring the dead back to life, you talk to and command dragons, you run around with the Sidhe and the Aelfen, mysterious and magical people who willingly placed their lives in jeopardy to find and save you, and you make Emperors and Empresses weep with joy.”

“She can swing a nasty quarterstaff too,” Ruolf stated downing another glass of wine. “Half the squires in the kingdom are afraid o’ her.”

“Her archery is better than many that I know,” Aideen cut in, “and she will stubbornly back down from no one.”

“Enough,” Analia cried. “You make me sound like something I am not. I am just like you, my friends. No better and no different. Well, I guess I am a real princess now,” she gave them a coy smile, “so you’d better show me a little more respect in the future.”

“You say the dragons are a comin’ to take you back to Camalund?” Ruolf asked. “Are you expectin’ us to be a goin’ back with ye?”

“Accommodations could be made,” Analia replied. “There will certainly be plenty of dragons and war birds to carry all of us back, or, you can take up the Emperor’s, my father’s offer and return by coach or horseback.”

“An get there when it’s all over,” Ruolf grumbled.

The next day a massive royal celebration was held. Although it was conducted on very short notice, every noble in the realm, those not too far distant or serving with the army, was in attendance. A lavish feast and grand ceremony proclaiming her royal status and heir to the throne was conducted and the citizens of the city were feasted at the expense of the Emperor. The Emperor dispatched message birds to his commanders in the field informing them of the great news and advising them that the Imperial Princess would be returning to the area.

Earlier in the morning, Analia had sent Elise and Aideen into the city to find the Grays. They were all rounded up and brought to the palace for the colossal celebration. After a serious amount of cleaning, barbering, and new clothing, they could almost pass for noble brats. Will was offered a position in the Royal Academy where he would study to be a squire and the remainder of them was to be placed in a dorm school, for adoption with a dowry, overseen by the Emperor’s closest friend and personal advisor.

Analia made a promise to herself that when and if she returned to Havenhall she would check on them and would press the Emperor to establish more schools for homeless children. She would never forget her days among the Greys, the hunger, the uncertainty, and the warmth and unconditional love of the desperate little ragamuffins.

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