Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2071296-Freedom
Rated: E · Fiction · Teen · #2071296
Is freedom even possible for the new princess of Millennium City?
A black leather jacket, a green tank top, denim shorts, black shorts and black ankle boots. Not too girly which I like.

Before I set off to school, I glanced myself at the mirror. In my reflection, I see a face with green eyes the same color as a leaf, long chocolate brown hair tied in a side braid with a strand of natural blonde hair. I look like a punk sixteen year-old who chews bubblegum during class and listens to rock music. Hopefully that isn't what people think of me when they see me walking in the hallways.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the front door. "Alice, come on! You're gonna be late for school!"

I tore my eyes from the mirror, grabbed my bag and opened the door. Immediately, I am greeted with a pair of peculiar shade of blue eyes.

If I was an artist, I would spend a whole day trying to recreate the same shade of blue on a canvas. "You're gonna be late for school too if you keep dong this." I grinned at my childhood and closest friend, Jamie.

Jamie shrugged. "I was going to stop but the gang asked me to pick you up because they have something to give you for your birthday."

I stepped out of my dorm room and locked the door. "Birthday present, huh? I'm excited to see what the gang got me this time."

Jamie smirked. "Yeah. Hopefully it's something colorful and girly; like last year."

I groaned and started walking. "Please don't mention last year."

Jamie laughed. "You should have told them that you don't like stuff that's colorful and girly."

"I thought they would already know based on my style and everything." I said, crossing the street.

"No, not really."

Once we got to the school's lawn, me and Jamie went to our usual meeting place for our gang under an elder tree. I guess I should who and what our gang is.

Our gang was formed when we were around in grade seven. We already knew each other from elementary school so it wasn't hard forming a friendship with each other. Most of our "members" are boys most probably because you don't see much girls taking the soldier course in our school. I don't mind. I sort of like being the oddball around here. Besides, I don't like being a barbie doll.

"There she is. There's the birthday girl!" Travis, our "leader", grinned when he sees us.

Soon, everyone in our gang was around me and singing "happy birthday" at top of their lungs. Horribly.

Some students turned their heads to see what was going on. It embarrassed me a bit but I was still grinning like an idiot when they finished singing.

"Right! Okay, boys!" Travis yelled. "Time to give our birthday girl her birthday present!"

Gary, our blacksmith, I'd guess you'd called him, gave me a rectangular package the size of an arrow tied with with a black ribbon. My favorite color.

In it was... a black quiver full of black arrows.

I was speechless. "Y-you actually-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

Gary grinned. "Since you already have a black bow, we thought it'd be fitting for you get a black quiver and arrows as well. These arrows are really strong. Strong enough to pierce through two grown man.Also, your previous quiver is quite ugly."

I slung the quiver over my shoulder. "Thanks Gary." I smiled at him.

He smiled at me back and everyone started cheering and clapping me on the back

Jamie stood beside me and put his hands in his pockets. "I hate to ruin the moment, but the bell's gonna ring soon." He said.

"Right. See ya." Travis called, as we split up.

Jamie and I waved at him.

While we were walking through the hallways, Jamie tugged on my braid. "No ponytail today, huh?"

I shrug, ignoring the electric shock I've been getting every time he touches me. It's been happening a lot lately, ever since I admitted to my brother (and myself) that I like Jamie about a month ago. "Ponytails are too... ordinary these days. I wanted to try something different."

Jamie smiled. He looks more handsome when he smiles. "Makes sense. Since you're all about different."

I felt my face getting hot. "Thanks."

Morning classes started normal enough. Math, Millennium history, then my favorite class of all: Soldier recruitment.

On my way back to class, I stopped by my locker and entered the code for my locker lock. When I opened it, my sleek black bow was hanging from one of the hooks. A simple gray phoenix was engraved on the top of each side of the bow. This bow was an early birthday present from my brother, Brad, before he went to study abroad.

I grabbed it and put it in my new quiver.

I looked around to make sure no one was looking and unzipped my jacket just a bit so I can see the right side of my collar bone. There it was as usual, an outline of a simple phoenix, its wing outstretched. It was drawn to the side so you could only see one of its wings.

"You look good. As usual. Ready for a whole morning of soldier recruitment?" Jamie asked behind me.

I zipped up my jacket, closed my locker and locked it. "Always." I said, grinning.

Me and Jamie went to the field where the others recruits are. As usual, I looked around to see if any girls joined but of course, they weren't any.

See, girls don't join Soldier recruitment because they think it's too "violent" and it would "break our nails!" But I think they're just all a wuss-puss. Which I'm not surprise. Wuss-puss come from girls. Girls comes from girly.

I am so glad I am not one of them. I may be a girl, but that doesn't mean I have to be girly.

We headed out to the field where we usually meet for soldier recruitment and joined our gang.

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