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Sharing time with and appreciating loved ones can be so rewarding! |
Striking it Rich! (Subtitle: I am Rich) By G. B. Williams 2016 Good morning. I wanted to share my blessing this morning. Left home early yesterday. Spent the day running around. I enjoyed the company of my grandson Timothy and his two sons and my granddaughter Eriyana and her son yesterday. It was an excellent day. All of us went out to brunch, then shopping, then home. It was great spending the time together. Upon arriving home and settling in for the evening, I walked to my back porch/office, and there sat a wireless keyboard AND a wireless mouse. Gifts from my son. I had just mentioned to him the day before that I really needed a new keyboard because some of the letters on my keys had faded off. My big new fancy keyboard will take a little adjusting to, but I am excited with all of its new features. For many, these two things are just small potatoes in their scheme of things. For me, these are testimonies of God's goodness to me. Yes, both types of caring (items and time) are special to me. I have learned that neither have to be done or given for there are many other ways the grands and greats could spend their time, and my son certainly has a wife and five children that he could have used his funds to support. Small things and a little of their time shared with me. Both were so valuable to me! Big shout out of thanks to all of them. Then there were my daily phone calls from the daughters, and older grands. As always they were just checking in. I am reminded of the time that I worked in Baltimore. I heard on the news that a woman had been dead in her house for six (6) months. It appeared that no one had called her or checked in on her during that entire period, and here in one day, I had more than ten calls and visitors checking on me. If you don't understand my crowing about this, ask one of the seniors in my neighborhood that haven't heard from their children in months and have never laid eyes on their grandchildren or have no prospect of ever having grands. As the grands and great grands roamed the store, a lady stopped me and said, "Are these all yours?" Of course, I said yes and told her about all of the others. Here is er story. The lady said that she had one or two children, but never expected to have any grandchildren. Her son has autism, and her daughter did not want any children. Both are up in age and that season has come and gone, and so she is never going to hold a grandbaby. I shared mine for a brief moment, and you could not buy the smile on her face. Thank you, LORD, many times over for my riches. As they say in Georgia, "I may be poorer than Joe's turkeys, but I am richer than most people!" I have my own little group of backers and supporters, and lovers, and kisses, and problems, and answers, and EVERY SINGLE DAY is a GIFT! Have you checked out your blessings recently? Peace and blessings always. |