Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2071174-Triplicity-Mini-Mans-Perspective
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2071174
The story of Mini Man and Copy Cat!
This is the story of two new super heroes that were created!
Mini Man - A man who is only 3'2". He was a normal boy, and one day he woke up smaller than he was the night before! Later on in life, he would discover that he has the ability to shrink, which is why he is so small. He shrunk himself and kept himself from becoming any taller.
Copy Cat - An extraordinary girl who can shape shift! She was raised by wolves after being abandoned and can currently only shape shift into wolves, but as she develops her powers, she can turn into more animals. She towers Mini Man, standing at 6'4".

Follow along the journey of how these two became super heroes!

*Please note that this is a collaborative effort. I develop Mini Man independently, while my friend develops Copy Cat independently. However, we DO share ideas. But, we also are still developing them, so some things are prone to change!*

If you want to get an idea of how Mini Man measures up to you or other characters in the story, use this link! http://www.mrinitialman.com/OddsEnds/Sizes/sizes.html?base_ft=5&base_in=5&comp_f...
Input the desired height for "left figure" and compare it to Mini Man's 3'2" stature!



I met Sara, or as you guys know her, Copy Cat, when she saved me from some 12 or 13 year old girls who were bullying me for being so little. I was on my way home from work. Income for the family has been tight since my father passed away a few years ago. I had to pick up a part time job at the grocery store and juggle school work as well to help my mom at home. Even though I probably won't be able to go to college myself, I want to send my younger sister to a good university so she can become someone in life, even though she always picks on me for being 3'2".
Being this small makes some things very hard. For example, work. Because they are not allowed to not hire qualified people because of "disabilities" (my height is considered a disability to them), they had no choice but to hire me. However, I'm too small to do some tasks, like work the register or bag. This means that they have to put me on cleaning duty or stocking, which makes no sense to me. The mop is significantly taller than me, and I can hardly reached the higher shelves when stocking. But, I can't complain. I need the money.
As I mentioned before, I was going home from work when these "little" girls came up to me. I usually get a ride home from work, but my sister needed to go with my mom to a doctor's appointment. I told my mom I would get a ride home from someone, but the only person who lives by me is the girl named Paige who I have a huge crush on. I have no courage to talk to her, and I think she only knows I exist because of how "unique" I am. Anyways, I decided to walk home.
I didn't recognize the girls, but one of them recognized me.
"Hey, mini man!" One of the girls shouted at me.
"Mini man? That's a new one…" I thought to myself.
"I know you! You're the little man who my mom almost tripped over at the grocery store!" They were no approaching me, and the closer they got, they bigger they got. "You better go apologize right now to her, mister!" At this point they were blocking off my path. I estimated the tallest one was probably about a foot and a half taller than me.
"Listen, I'm sorry. Ok? Can you tell her for me? I need to get home." I said as I tried forcing my way through them, to no avail. These girls were much stronger and bigger than me."
"No can do, little guy. You maybe older, but we're bigger!" She said while her friends were laughing at me. Although I'm little, you can tell that I look old.
I was thinking to myself "what are these girls eating to be so strong! This is so embarrassing!" while the one girl stepped on my feet and pushed me, causing to land on my butt.
"That was a short fall!" One of them chimed in, while the others laughed.
I didn't know what to expect next, and what happened truly shocked me. A howl was let out and suddenly, the girls ran back inside. The howl sounded very loud, so I assumed whatever animal it was nearby. I didn't know why the girls took off running, until the next thing I knew there was this massive wolf running by me. It stopped, turned around, and slowly made its way towards me.
"Well, this is how it ends," I thought myself, slowly crawling backwards. I even contemplated shrinking on purpose, something I haven't done in years, in order to see if I could get small enough to escape the wolf. But I knew there was no way back once I shrunk. I came to peace with my demise and closed my eyes. The wolf stopped growling at me. It was still so close that I could hear it breathing. It moved its massive about inches away from me to sniff me. When I opened my eyes, there was this wolf with its tongue out, wagging its tail at me.
"Huh? You don't wanna eat me? Well, thanks... Can I stand up?" I asked. Much to my surprise, it seemed like he nodded his head yes at me. "What the…," I thought to my self as I stood up. I stood up, but the wolf was still taller than me, even on all fours. "Are all wolves this big?" I said aloud. Again, the seemed to understand me, and shake its head. "Do you… understand me…?" And again, he nodded his head. "How?" I asked. "Well I guess that's a silly question. Not like you speak English." I said while petting his face.
Suddenly the wolf jumped up, and landed his paw on me, making me fall on my back. No matter how much I struggled, the wolf had me pinned.
"Did I do something wrong?!" I yelled, still struggling. Before my eyes, I could see the paw changing into a human hand. The hand grew bigger while still pinning me to the side walk. By the time I looked up, I saw this blonde girl easily holding me down.
"Hi! I'm Sara!"

*work in progress*
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