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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #2070997
A high school freshmen attends his 2nd semester at Sundale High. This is a normal day
I'm looking to see if I can create tension and anger within this character in a way that would build over time eventually lead to the character exploding into full on rage later on as it will become a key element in later chapters.

A typical day at Sundale High

In the morning I wake at 6:30 and have my clothes on by 7:00. Momma usually starts cooking breakfast around this time and by 7:30 I’ve eating and heading out the door with my book bag in hand. The gorilla wakes up around 7:45 so I’ll miss his “father to son talks where he tries once again to tell me how protein shakes will solve all my problems. Ever since he made me late to class the first two weeks of freshmen year back in august, I now walk to school. I would ask momma to take me but again the gorilla had her sell her car so he could get a rusty Jeep Grand Cherokee. Thus my only option now is Richard who is my step dad though I prefer to call him the gorilla since when he works out, he always beats his chest like the ape.

Luckily for me school is only about two miles down the road which it great for my track star legs. I can walk it in under 40mins and run it in under 15mins. 8:15 and I arrive at school just as the buses park for the day. Derek and I usually meet up at the flag pole every morning to collect our thoughts and talk about the latest DBZ episode. Today despite waking up early was still late as he was already standing there waiting. This meant I had to pay for his cookie at lunch which would be second time this week I’ve had to. Derek Davis or Dee as we call him, is my best friend and has been since middle school. His dad owns a mechanic shop and lives across the river in a three story house though I call it a mansion. It’s where I usually go after school to chill out and do homework.

“wat up Nicky?”
“ha Derek!”
“You’ll late again and you know what that means?”
“I know favor do you want?”
“Chocolate chip my favorite!”
“Damn it that’s my favorite! …sigh…fine”.
“You ready for Mr. Macy’s test?”
“..ugh…I think so.”
“it’s okay if we fail we’re just gather up the Dragonballs and wish for a perfect score.”
“ha I wish ha that was a good episode.”
“yea it was now we better get inside or else.”
“right lets go.”

True friends are hard to find especially in this school I still can’t believe Dee convince his parents to send him here since the school’s nickname Some High as in someone is always high and hiding something. Sundale is where I live and Sundale High is nestled between the ghetto and the suburbs. Every morning we go through a prison style entrance where two massive officers with metal detector search our bags and clothes for any weapons or and I quote “explosives” we have our own police force though they insist to be called Resource Officers whatever the hell that means. We also had cameras installed along the main hallways due to all the fights that happen there. I surprise there isn’t a guard outside the bathrooms with a bucket and a stopwatch. Things have gotten pretty bad here especially since the leader of rival gang went missing over the summer. All is not lost for there are a handful teachers and admins that remain strong and continue to push our education forward. Mr. Nash our world history teacher is one of the strongest and beside him is Mrs. Watson our English teacher who is his running mate.

She’s the sticker of the two with Nazi attention to gramma and correct sentence structure. Worse she’s me and Derek’s first period. Her homework always comes first after school no matter what. At 8:30 before the bell rings, homework should be in her basket. if you stupidly waited after 8:30 to turn your work in, you got an “F”. Last semester I nearly failed freshman English thanks to the gorilla getting me to school late those first two weeks. I had to kiss some serious ass and stay over almost an entire month before she allowed me to make up those assignments. I wanted to punch that muscled ape so hard when I got my midterms in the October. Now I know better. She teaches both freshman English and literary studies which our both required before you can move up. Worse she even teaches sophomore English but thankfully that’s in the afternoon.

This morning, she was in a rather pissy mood and decided to make us read the next 3 chapters by ourselves while she graded our work. I hate reading to myself in class. I never retain any of the paragraphs and when I look up from the pages, I start watching others and get distracted. She would called students to her desk like a judge calls a criminal to be sentenced when she finished grading their homework.

“Nickolas Owens!”

My spine always turns to ice when my name was called and today I was an icicle when it was my turn. I saw the joy dissolved away from each person’s face after they were called to the gallows as walked up to her desk. Based on Derek’s forced smile and stuck out chin as he glares in the ceiling I knew my head would be chopped as well. I approach slowly eyeing the door though we all know she locks it after the class started and her windows are too high up to climb out of though they’re only opened to keep the heat from warming the room in the winter.

“I have graded your assignment and I must say you have improved since last semester. You annotation of the readings is more detailed and more focused. Your vocabulary has risen and your penmanship is now legible B-.“
“…ugh…t…thank you…ma’ma”

A B- I couldn’t believe it that’s the second one since the semester started two months ago. Normally I get a C or a D on her assignments but this is a relief I actually may be able to read the chapters in class now. I glance over at Derek and now see that he was smiling because he too got a B. We both made B’s today and to say the least the rest of the period went by quick and before we knew it the bell had rung and it was off to second period.

“So you get Nicky?”
“B-! I can’t believe it wat about you?”
“Same and that bitch actually look me when she handed me my paper.”
“Wow I can’t believe a B in the witch’s class. wow any chance of you splitting that cookie?”
“No way! For a B, you made just have to buy me two cookies today.”
“Oh come on Dee you know you wouldn’t have gotten the grade without me.”
“Hey we both wouldn’t have got that grade if it won’t for my brother who’s a English major.”
“True but still I deserve something.”
“I’ll think about it. See you at lunch.”
“Alright but you owe me.”

This is where Dee and I part. He has gym now while I have psychology or as we call it “the how to be cop class” because everything former officer Cunningham teaches is cop related. It’s arguably one of the funnier classes on my schedule and the better part of my school day though before I could even enter the class, I was suddenly slammed against the wall by one of Ryan’s boys.

“hi player how’s your day?” the thug growled.
It was Marcus Ryan’s favorite mutt to send to harass me. He wears a thick coat with a fur hood, is dark as night and has rotten teeth from all the cigarettes he smokes.
“ahh…be better if I wasn’t slammed into a wall everyday…ugh…wat do you want Marcus?” I snarl as his arm pushes into my chest.
“hehehe jus checking on Ryan’s favorite book worm. U know making sure you get to class on time and do all that homework.”
He reeks of cigarettes and close up his breath would knock you out if you breathed too deeply
“…ahhhh…I think I can walk to class on my own..ugh.” I groan struggling to break free and to avoid breathing in the cloud of smoke around him.
“hehehe you wish. Nerd! …so third period, Ryan’s got homework due and he’s gonna want to collect at lunch today, so I’m jus making sure you got it. I’ve hate for you to miss porky’s class again.”
“….yeah it’d be my fifth time but not today…ugh I did it already.” I answer braving the cloud and smell to look him in the eyes.
“hehehe…good boy…tats what we like to hear…ha!” I laugh attacking my nose with his smokers breath beam
“…ugh oh god…now will u let me go…ahhh!” I groan as I mistaken take a breath and feel my eyes starting to water.
“hahaha…sure” He grinned releasing me
“ahhh…gasping…fucking rotten tooth bastard…” I mumble now gasping on the floor
“wat was tat?”
“…nothing…gasping…I said nothing can I go now?” I groan finally catching my breath and looking up at him

He glares down at me for and moment then balls up his fist. The hit was light compared the usually but still painful.
“HEY! That’s enough! Marcus! Break it up!” Mr. Cunningham shouted after finally taking notice of us a punch too late.
“Sorry Cunningham the boy tripped over his shoe laces and I thought I give him a hand.” He grinned lying through his rotten teeth then proceeds to helping me to my feet.
“A likely story, now get out of here you know the rules no juniors on Freshmen Hall.” Cunningham snapped separating us
“Whatever you say officer.” He teases throwing up his hand playfully like he’s under arrest
“Go on and tell your boys there got another date with me afterschool in detention.” He barked as Marcus hurries away.
While Cunningham watched the thug leave I took the moment to examine my jaw. The pain didn’t hurt as much as yesterday’s when he punch me for saying his breath stinks.
“You ok kid?”
“…yea…sigh…never better sir…didn’t even feel it…” I joke forcing a smile hiding the pain.
“right…I’ll see you in class.”
“see ya…”

Class begins and Cunningham begins not surprisingly with a lecture on thug violence and the signs gangs in schools. I hate when he does this he did the same thing yesterday and the day before all after he came to my rescue a punch too late. I thought cops were supposed to be quick to react yet every time Ryan and his boys corner me they’re either late or don’t show up at all leaving me and my friends to suffer. Ever since Ice disappeared last summer, Ryan and his dogs have been trying to take over the school. Worse the admins and cops know their doing it but do nothing about it yet every day at 10:00 Cunningham gets on the podium and preaches about taking action and brings these thugs to justice. The sad thing is a part of me still believes in his speeches. I’ve gone to principle and talked with the “resource officers” but they all tell me the same thing “we’re working on it, just keep calm, and keep reporting.” I’ve even gone to the gorilla for help but all he does is use my bruises to further his muscles and protein talk.

Useless is what they are and so I have started to fight back and have landed some good punches only to have my ass handed to me by a hell storm of punches and kicks to the gut. My ribs are still aching from last week’s brawl. It’s probably why I was late to get to school today can’t run on a broken set of ribs. It’s not fair it’s one against a pack and none of them fight fair. They will grab me from behind and let the rest pummeling me still I can’t stand. Then come the kicks to the gut and after that, I didn’t eat for a week maybe two. That was my first fight back in October when I managed to punch Ryan in the face. A punch I’ll admit I’m very proud of however that fight was in alleyway behind the school and since then I’ve why wised up now make sure our fights are on school grounds. The officers may hesitate to stop us but when thing get bloody their usually step in. Fighting in school also keeps the pack from ganging up on me as the new bloods still fear the principle but mainly with a crowd watching, Ryan is force to fight me himself rather than letting his dogs tear in to me especially when I call him out. I will lose no question but at least it’s one on one.

The bell rings and class is over. I however have completely zoomed out too angered with Ryan’s gang using me as their weekly punching bag that Cunningham had to remind me to leave. It was lunch time now and oddly enough it was the smell of Papa John’s that broke my rage cloud.

“I’ll take two slices please”

The lady handed me two slices of pepperoni and a handful of fries. At the register I nearly forgot Dee’s cookie but remember just as she was going to give me a total. I pay my dues and headed for the tables. Derek was sitting with our third partner in crime Josh. We met him last semester in IT shop. Guy’s really good with computers and a controller though he come use little more street smarts. He wears big glasses, is tall and thin and has an asthma attack whenever he smells cigarettes. He always wears khakis and button shirts with pen pockets. If ever there was a sign that said “I am nerd please mug from me” Josh wears is every day. He was home school most of his life and why his parents’ choice this prison for his first round in public school still amazes me.

“hey Nicky you’re late.”
“ahhh he’s use to it that’s the second time today.”
“very funny make room. Oh here’s you cookie selfish bastard.” I growl taking my seat between the two.
“Ha thank you!” Dee cheers taking the cookie
“Yea so Dee tells me you both got B’s on Mrs. Watson’s last assignment.”
“Yeah but I still can’t believe it though. That lady is so hard to please.”
“You’re telling me I think she had the A/C on it was freezing in there this morning.”
“Yeah damn witch Josh you dodge a bullet with her.”
“Yeah he only gets to deal with her for one semester lucky bastard.”
“Awe come on guys she can’t be that bad.”
“Ha you jus wait, if you pass her first vocab test, I’ll be impress.”
“...sigh…can’t that bad.”
“Ha so Nicky how was law school?”
“Well it was…” I pause as I notice another mutt hovering over Dee
“Wat? Oh ahhhh!” Dee scream as his arm is twisted back and his head force into the table
“ SIT DOWN GEEK!” another mutt yells pushing Josh into his seat after trying to run
“ohh… my arm.” Josh cries as his arm is also twisted and head pinned to the table
“Now now we talk about this Nicky. It’s lunch time. Time to collect!” Marcus gloats placing both hands on my shoulder keeping me from moving as the bulldog finally shows himself
“…sigh…I know…sigh…Sorry fellows.” I groan eyeing my pinned friends as Ryan now takes the seat across from me
“WATS up Nicky long time no see.”
“it’s been a week.” I snap
“oh…how time flies. And is that what’s for lunch today? Mine?”
“…no Ryan help yourself I was just going to eat the fries anyway.”
“Ha don’t mine if I do.”

Ryan Miller aka “Punch Me Charlie” aka the Bulldog is senior that is spending his third senor year beaten up freshmen and recruiting young thugs into his gang. He is a big white boy with red spikey hair, a pimpled face, and a smile that would kill puppies. He has gold ears rings, a tattoo of a bulldog on his right arm and a slayed dragon of the left. He wears a 50 cent shirt, camo jeans, size 14 Timberland's.

The Hood Rats is the name of his gang and they have ruled the school and much of the sounding neighborhoods unopposed since the summer when Ice leader of the (Black Diamonds) disappeared. Ice himself was a drop out but like Ryan he still hung around the school with his friends and recruited. Though he tried to recruit me I never agreed to join his gang but because he liked my brain allow me to ride with his gang to their favorite places like Mickey's BBQ & grill and the Foundation a warehouse they hang out in near the railyard. His crew was good people even if they did sell drugs. Momma certainly wouldn’t approve of them nether would the gorilla but they did offer me a place to chill when my anger was at a boil. In truth, Ryan was actually a part of the Black Diamonds but Ice kick him out when he started muscling people for more money. Since then, Ryan has made it his person mission to take everything from Ice and his gang and with their leader missing, the war on the streets has only gotten worse.

“oh mmmm….yes this a good slice. Oh Nicky you always get the warm slices…oh mmmm…you sure you don’t want the last piece?“
“…sigh…no Ryan like I say I only wanted the fries.”
“ahhh oh well…suit yourself ha.”

Watching this prick eat my pizza the pizza I use my momma’s money to buy made my blood boil Just like week he comes with his boys and helps himself to my plate and has been doing so since the semester started. I hate this bastard but there nothing I can do about it and I hate even more that my friends are once again involved. We watch helpless as his whole crew now digs in eating everything off our plates.

“ahhh I’ll take that cookie after all he was late today.” He smiles eyeing Derek’s cookie
“Hey that cookie was meant for me asshole!” Dee Snaps
“Dee…don’t…jus let him have it.” I groan not wanting to see him get punched
“it ain’t right Nicky! It ain’t right!”

Even Dee is starting to fight back though I wish he wouldn’t cause now I gotta worry about him but unlike the gorilla Dee’s dad will come down here with the 12 gauge if he finds out his son was beaten to the ground which certain solve our Ryan problem, yet I feel that Dee’s daddy would end up in jail while these thugs continue to roam free.
“Marcus wat are you doing man? Leave the man his fries along after all he said there were the only things he wanted to eat. “ Ryan snaps watching Marcus suddenly reach for my fries.
“Sorry boss.”

Within minutes are three of our plates were emptied. The bastards even drunk our sodas.
“ahhh…now that was a good lunch mmmmm don’t you all agree. “
“oh yeah hehehe”
“Come on Nicky I left you your fries now eat them.”
“…ugh…thank you Ryan but I seem to have lost my appetite. So why don’t we jus down to business and why you are here.” I growl glaring at his pimpled face
“Oh Nicky…you never seem to be hungry when we have lunch together. And you know I hate seeing good food go to waste.“ he gloated reaching over and taking back my tray.
“So it’s third period Nicky and homework’s due.”
“Yes I’m aware Marcus was kind enough to remain me.”
“Awe you got my message. Good job Marcus. So let’s see it.”

The only time I was able to move freely yet if I so much as flitch the wrong way I’d be kicked to the floor and turned into a doormat. Really all I could do was deliver the goods and hand this bastard his homework.
“Here, as promised. Took me nearly all night to finished but there it is.”
“hehehe you can always can count on Nicky. You remembered to makes some wrong answers right?”
“Oh course can’t be too perfect.”
“hahaha and looks like my hand writing awe you’re a natural hahaha I’ll take it.”
“Good now are we free to go?”
“Oh course” he chuckled snapping fingers

Like obedient mutts his boys released us and slowly walked away. Derek jerked his arm which would normally prompt a punch to the face but Ryan was now in a good mood and allowed it to go without a response meanwhile poor Josh who was nearly about to wet himself flitch after two of his boys jump screamed him. We could all breathe a sigh of relief except their pack leader still sat in front of me. He was watching me trying to figure out my thoughts; would to fight him again or had I learn my lesson.

“Is they something else I can help you with?” I asked hiding my snarls behind a fake smile
“No I’m jus wondering. How are your ribs?”

And like a baseball through a window my smile was shattered. He just had to bring up last week when we fought in the old dance studio in the basement. I did manage to get few good punches on him but in the end he destroys me and then broke two of my ribs. The lie we agreed was that I fell during track met and hit the ground hard. I was out of school for entire week.

“…sigh…still aching why?”
“hmm…ha no reason I was just thinking broken bones and bruises all over you really should take better care of your body Nicky. You got a really good brain in that head of yours and I would hate for that brain to get damaged.” He taunts poking at my head.
“…sigh…yeah be a real shame luckily for me I don’t plan on doing anything reckless anytime soon.” I snap growling at him pushing his hand away
“I’ll hold you to it…come see me afterschool.”

With that Ryan at last left and when I was sure he and his mutts were gone, I rejoined my friends in the stairwell. Poor Josh was terrified. He was wheezing like a fish out of water and his heart was pounded about to explode out of his chest.

“hey Josh…you okay?”
“…wheezing rapid…ugh…ugh…I’m…I’m okay…but…ugh…I think…I should head to….the…library…Nicky.”
“yeah…yeah go on it’s safer there.”

Without another breath, Josh rushed up the steps and was off to the library his safe haven when things got rough. As for Dee, well…to say the least he was upset. He had his arms folded with his lower lip sucked in. his leg must have been thumping at a 100mph and his face had hate writing all over it.

“he used his inhaler right? …Dee?”
“…sigh…yea he’ll be fine.”
“what about you?”
“me? I’m good never better. It’s always a pleasure watching others eat your lunch in front of you.”
“What did you expect? That’s how it work here.”
“oh really so…so tat’s how we do now. We jus seat bac n let the thugs have their way. I thought you weren’t gonna take that anymore?”
“Hey you need to calm down. This is nothing new. U know how Ryan is. He always eats our lunch.”
“It ain’t right!”
“It’s the way things are.”
“He’s a bully!”
“He’s a thug! This ain’t elementary, this ain’t middle school. These are real thugs that will beat you the ground if you cross them.”
“oh so now you’re an expert?”
“I might as well be I’m taking their punches a lot longer than you have.”
“And now you’re telling me to keep my mouth shut while this punk takes wats rightfully mine.”
“I was trying to keep your ass from getting kick. You’re welcomed by the way.”
“Fuck you and fuck him that was my cookie and you know it.”
“Forget the cookie Dee you’re lucky he’s in a good mood.”
“Ha…yea lucky me. Heaven forbid I ruin his mood.”
“Look…I’m sorry…sigh… I hate getting you two involved in this but from now on just watch your mouth when he’s around.”
“Whatever. I’m ain’t gonna to forget this Nicky you hear ain’t going to forget”

Derek was angry and so was I; another lunch taken from us by Ryan and his gang. Third period was next and whatever knowledge I gained from studying last night was all but gone thanks to Ryan and as the test begin both me and Dee were on the verge of exploding. Macy’s algebra was third period and while I excel on his homework, his tests were a different animal. He wanted the complete progress to get to the answer which on a calm mind is tedious but on an enrage mind was impossible. After 30mins I finally asked for a bathroom break which he is usually skeptical of but since it was me asking, he allowed me to leave. Free I headed straight for the bathroom and allowed the rage to flow. My hands gripped the sink like were a set clamps and as my breathes become harsh, I lifted my head to the mirror and from my reflection I remembered last week’s beaten. I remembered the punches to the face, the kicks to my gut, and Ryan standing in front of me laughing as his boys hold me. Then he moves in and with one punch near knocks out my teeth but it doesn’t stop there but instead continues with two more to the face and three to the gut and one in the chest before finally his orders his dogs to release me. I collapse and cough up blood. My insides are on fire from the pain now washing over me. Then a kick from his boots tosses on to my back before it finally ends with a nice firm stomp on my chest.

The sound of my ribs cracking was the button that pushed me over the edge. My voice rose up into and furious roar that must have echo across the entire building. It was followed by the sound of tiles breaking as my fist punches the wall.

Moments pass and as my mind returned to the present, I slowly removed my fist and saw the bloody knuckles and peeled skin. I cupped my hand bring it to my lips while looking thought the mirror. the mirror now tilts to one side thanks to my outburst and next to it I see the hole my fist has put into the concrete the same spot where I punched two weeks ago and cracked the tilt. I clean my hand, and calmed down before returning to class with just 40mins to left.

I had some paper towels wrapped tight around hand to hide the bleeding but Macy never questioned it just continued to read in the corner. Dee however gave me a worried look and continued to do so until the bell ring. He took me to nurse but when I told him I didn’t want to go in, he was a good friend and just got what I needed for me. I guess he saw the hole in the wall in the bathroom. Just on last class to go and for once I was grad it was Nash’s. As I said Nash and Watson were the strongest of the teachers here. Nash however was more friendly and more down to earth then Watson. He used to be a drill Sargent in the army and now drills us in world history. He is a big bald black guy with beady eyes and a smile that just brighten up your day. Today was a discussion day where we all sit in a circle and discuss things that happen in world history. He calls us out and demands we only share our honest options. But he also makes you defend those opinions for our opinions matter and we should be proud of them.

“Good afternoon class I hope everyone has had a good day so far. Today we are going to continue are talk on the Romans. This time we are talking about the gladiators or the warriors and the idea of a warrior. Now we all have seen warrior on TV and the history books; Achilles, Beowulf, Mahammad Ali, Westlie Snipes, and oh course our brothers in arms. But what does it mean to be a warrior? What does one have to do in order to become a warrior? Well in the Roman Empire if you were young and lived in a village outside the city. It was perfectly okay for soldiers to come to your home and take your sons to be trained into warriors to fight in the grand colosseum. Do understand however this wasn’t a grand adventure like the ones you see in Hollywood. No women awaiting you after a victory or dinner with the emperor no, these man were slaves of entertainment. Now we are no stranger to this word slavery and as I told you at the beginning of the semester, there are many forms of slavery beside the one you are all familiar in America. So we will now discuss what does it take to be a gladiator? And the first thing in my opinion is a reason to fight. Without a reason there is no point in fighting. For many of these men, their reason to fight was for their freedom while others loved the fan and glory that came with victory. So now let’s go around the room and share our reasons to fight.”

Over the next few minutes we each gave our reasons for fighting should we be “chosen” to fight in the colosseum. Derek thanks to his last name was fifth in line to speak and he said he would fight because he was tired of thugs pushing us around. Nash oh course challenged him asking for a more solid answer and Dee answered “cause it ain’t right” the same thing he told me in the stairwell and hearing his word again made the pain in my hand rise. It also didn’t help that afterwards he glared at me when Nash moved on. I quickly looked away rubbing my hand not wanting to look with in the eye. Soon though it was my turn and when asked why I would fight? I hesitated and tried to act like I wasn’t feeling good. But that act doesn’t work in Nash’s class so even though my eyes were moving across the room, his were dead set on my face.

“Nicky? Why would you fight?”
“…I don’t know.” I mumbled
“…hmm surely you must some reason to fight.”
“…I don’t know…maybe…I’ll fight because……because it’s my only option left.”
“hmmm…what do you mean?”
“…I mean…I fight because…I’ve tried everything else and nothing or…rather no one seems want to stop me from doing it so…ha….that’s why I fight…ha.”
“hmmm…I see Emily what say you.”

I could tell my words had shocked him. I was always the out spoken one in his class. We would debut each other for ten minutes straight on various topics beside everyone in the class if not the whole school knows of my “beef” with Ryan and his thugs. I’ve told every admin in the school of his bullying of me, but for reasons I’m too young to understand apparently, nothing can be done about so I must endure. The rest of the class period was uneventful with more discussion about the Roman. Before long the afternoon announcements came on and the final bell ring signaling the end of school. We all rush to the door to be the first ones out but then Nash called me over to have a talk.

“Nicky hmm…your answer to the question ugh…”
“It’s all true…”
“No it’s not we are all trying to help you through this.”
“yea…I can tell.”
“I’m serious…”
“So am I! I have gone to everyone who has told me they can help and yet that bastard is still eating my lunch in front of me while his dogs rough up my friends.”
“It’s complicated…”
“yea very complicated. His dad is the police chief and no one wants to piss off the chief I understand I get it. jus be patient right? I’ll just keep punching walls in the bathroom while I wait for you guys figure it out!”
“…sigh…I saw that…did you have it looked at?”
“It’s fine can I go now!”
“Sure…u have a good rest of the day.”

With that I storm out his room and rush down the hall once again enraged. At the corner however I find Marcus standing there waiting for me. Rather than let him snatch me up like this morning I throw myself into the wall.
“…ugh…hey Marcus you here to walk me to the bus?”
“u’re upset ha…Nash giving you a hard time?”
“no! What does the bulldog want now?”
“hehehe…hmmm…10mins then detention got it?”
“…got it I’ll be there.”
“You better.”

He soon left and I was free. I made it to the front door and out into the sunshine. It had warmed up since this morning and soon I found Dee standing at our usually spot by the flagpole.

“where you get that?”
“Josh you know how sweets calm him down.”
“right thanks.”
“so wat Nash want?”
“nothing the usual he saw my hand and wanted to know wat happen.”
“hmmm…your answer in his class today…”
“don’t want to talk about it by the way I got track meet today so you’re own this afternoon.”
“…track meet?”
“yea I just found out.”
“…really? Who you fooling? You don’t have track meet. Coach always tells you during third period. No Ryan wants you to come to detention afterschool.”
“…sigh…damn it…so wat if he does>”
“Well you ain’t going. Let him rot in detention he doesn’t own you.”
“Dee if I don’t go, we both get our kick asses tomorrow.”
“So what I ain’t afraid and wat’s this about you doing his homework again.”
“I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do that anymore.”
“…ugh…can we not talk about this…ugh look I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later tonight.”
“Nicky he’s using you cause he’s too stupid to learn himself.”
“I know that.”
“Then why are you allowing him to push you around?”
“like I said I’ve tried every other option and no one wants to stop him and the last time I fought him I got my ribs stomped in so I’ll do his work if it means my ribs get another day the heal. Now I’ll call you tonight later.”
“NO! You’re not going. You’re coming with me.” He shouted grabbing my arm and drags me out of the school parking lot
© Copyright 2016 Mindlessmutt32 (mattymatt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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