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Anya's seeks to learn more about the powerful Medallions. |
" Tale of the Demonic Medallions" It has been over a month since Ivan had begun to live with Anya and her family. During that month she had found out that those hunters had been arrested not for hunting Ivan but for other various crimes they were wanted for. Her father wasn't very pleased to learn of her going out of the house without bothering to get permission, he was glad that she was able to return home safely. Curtis attempted to find a family or a place for Ivan to live at, however few people wanted him. They were more worried about there own problems instead of helping this child out. Over the course of the month Curtis grew quite fond of Ivan himself and decided that they would take care of him at least until they were able to find a home that had the time to take care of him. Anya and Ivan have yet to find the Demonic Medallion that he had lost at Anya's school about a month ago. Aside from that her life continued on. School was about the same and since she was the only one in the house able to go there she would often ask the other students if they found anything. Unfortunately so far anyone that she's asked has had no clue about the whereabouts of this Medallion. She kept a vigilant look out for any who might now and even searched her school's lost and found but didn't find any trace of the Medallion. Anya slowly rose out of her bed as her alarm constantly beeped. It was quite annoying to her ears but signaled that it was once again time for her to go to school. She slowly rose out of bed and got out on the left side of her bed. Anya then took off her pajama's and began setting up her school uniform for when she was out of the shower. Her usual fight to be the first into the shower did not happen today as her father had the day off today and wasn't going to be at work. She got in the shower without any fighting to be in there first. There were a few times she thought she would have to fight Ivan for the shower, but she quickly learned that he hated taking a bath. In her shower she washed her body with soap and shampooed her hair, it took her about thirty minutes before she was done. She then put on her usual school uniform like it was just any other day. Finally dressed and ready to go to school Anya headed towards the kitchen where breakfast was waiting. Due to her recent transformation she had certain senses of hers were still heightened despite not being in the werewolf form anymore. She could smell the breakfast and hear it's sizzling far before she got out the shower. Today it was Scrambled eggs with bacon and buttered toast. She went and sat at her seat at the table where Ivan was already waiting. Once they began eating breakfast the three of them began to talk. " Dad, it's been about a month now, any news from that Detective you've hired?" Anya asked. " So far it's been quiet she's finished her interviews and say's she's narrowed down the suspects but hasn't told me a thing." Curtis replied to his daughter. " What about you Anya have you been able to find Ivan's lost item?" Curtis asked. When Anya went out a month ago to take care of the hunters she had left a note saying that she was looking for an item that was very important to Ivan, yet didn't reveal what it was. "No, not yet I've asked a few people but so far none of them had it or even knew what I was talking about." Anya replied. " Anya you think we can head to the library this afternoon?" Ivan asked. Anya wasn't exactly too keen on going to the library as it seemed like a boring place. Despite this she still didn't understand his desire to go to the library. " Ugh! Okay we will go, that is if you are okay with it dad?" Anya replied to Ivan while asking her dad for permission. She secretly hoped that she would say no as she didn't really want to go. " I think you two should go, your punishment's over now and I believe you've learned your lesson." Curtis said to Anya much to her disappointment. The three of them finished breakfast and Anya went and headed towards school. Curtis had yet to find a school Ivan could be in so he usually either took him to work or Educated Ivan whenever he was at home. Anya waited for the school bus with her friend Becky who she hasn't seen in quite awhile. They were getting along but in the recent months it seemed to Anya that Becky and Cassie were spending more time together than they used to. Cassie and Becky spending time together caused Anya to be a bit on edge as she had assumed that Cassie was just trying to get dirt on her. Although Becky said that has never been the case. She even told Anya that she has misunderstood Cassie and that there were good points about her that Anya has yet to see. " Any luck looking for that thing of Ivan's you are looking for?" Becky asked while the two of you got on the bus. Anya simply shook her head. "No, so far no trace of it, he asked me to take him to the library today though so if you have plans you wanted to do today I'm sorry but they are going to have to be put on hold. " Anya told Becky and she nodded her head in understanding. In fact she wasn't worried about you having plans with Ivan at all. She did however eagerly want to meet with him. " I wish I could go with you Anya but I have things to do today as well. I hope you two have a good time I can't wait until I meet Ivan from what you've told me of him he sounds so cute." Becky said. The bus then arrived at school and there you got off and went towards the school building. Before heading in you and Becky heard Cassie yelling at her mother. "Mom! How could you do such a thing!" Cassie yelled. " Honey you know, the only people you can trust our those that you pay." Annabelle told her daughter. You weren't too sure what it was about but you knew whatever it was. Cassie wasn't too fond of her decision on this matter. Everyone soon headed towards their classes and awaited for the first bell of the day to ring signaling the beginning of school. Anya went and began attending her classes. While she attended her classes she still looked to see If anyone was wearing the medallion Ivan had lost but so far found no one. Her day went by as it usually does and before she knew it the bell for lunch had begun to ring. She then went to lunch and got her food. With her food in hand she then headed towards the table Becky was sitting only to find Cassie sitting next to her friend Becky. " Cassie? What are you doing here?" Anya asked. " Does It matter that much if I'm here to you. I came here for Becky not you, So if your bothered by it then leave." Cassie said. Her tone of voice showed that she was clearly angry at something but Anya didn't know what she could be angry about. " Becky's my friend I'm not going to have you steal her." Anya responded frustrated by Cassie being here. " Anya, I appreciate but let her sit here today she's been having some troubles and kind of unsure who to turn to. Besides that thing you've been asking about lately wouldn't she be able to help as well." Becky said reasoning that the two should at least try to get along for the day rather than fight and argue. Anya wasn't exactly keen on the idea but she didn't want to upset her friend Becky so she agreed to at least try to be civil. " Alright, Becky you win this one I'll try to get along." Anya said. " Good, now Cassie you wouldn't mind telling me what's got you so riled up today?" Becky asked. " I just found it that some people who claim to be my friends are doing so because my mom paid them too." Cassie told Becky. Anya was shocked by this news but remembers hearing Cassie yelling out towards her mom. She then understood why Cassie was in such a bad mood today. It was because finding out your friends are your friends because someone is paying them must have been painful for Cassie. Anya would be upset too if she learned her friends were paid to be your friends. " I can understand why your upset about it. Even though we don't always agree on things I don't think friends should be paid to be your friends." Anya said. " For once I agree, still I asked the ones who were paid and learned that many of them had just accepted the money. How could my mom do this! Doesn't she understand money doesn't make friends! It's for servants and people you hire! I don't want friends if they are bought with money from my mom." Cassie vocally lashed out her frustration and anger over the matter. She then continued with her outburst. "Then my mom is like you can trust people you pay, but not people you don't! You'll only be betrayed in the end if you do that! That is not how friendship works!" " How do you want people to be your friends Cassie?" Becky asked. Cassie looked at Becky and calmed down a bit after she was finished with her rant and stating her opinion. Anya understood her frustration but had yet to ask her questions about the Medallion. " Well kind of how like you two are. Granted I don't think you two deserve each other but your still friends. It would be nice for you to have a friend like me! After all there is nothing more greater than being my friend." Cassie replied. From Cassie's reply she was obviously feeling much better now, but still had that bit of pride and arrogance that Anya disliked about her. Becky's response was quite surprising to Anya when she replied. " I'll be your friend Cassie." Becky said. " What?! Becky you can't be like this!" Anya said, however Anya's words only forced her friend Becky to give her a rather harsh look. " Anya! She wants to be our friends and that's all that matters!" Becky said. " She didn't have to say it that way she did." Anya argued back. The bell signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of the afternoon classes then rang. It was time for them to head towards their classes. Although Anya understood Cassie's dilemma she still thought Cassie is trying to steal her best friend. Even if Becky has told her several times that is not the case. Anya still had her doubts about it, and lunches like today in her mind kind of prove Cassie's trying to steal her friend. While Becky and Cassie were alone in the hallways Becky had remembered about asking for the medallion she was looking for. She went and quickly grabbed Cassie's shoulder before they were about to part. " Cassie have you seen anything that might of looked like a medallion? Anya has a friend who's been looking for it quite some time ago." Becky asked. " A Medallion? I think I might have something like that, but I can't say for sure. I don't just grab random things off the street after all." Cassie said. "Alright if you know anything more, let Anya know okay?" Becky asked. Cassie then nodded and they headed towards there classes. Within a few short hours the final bell of the day rang and all the girls had went home for the day. Anya found Ivan waiting right at the doorstep ready to leave for the library as soon as she had gotten home. Anya however still had other things she had to do before she could leave. " Wait a bit longer Ivan I have to change clothes and do my homework, once I'm done with that we will head to the library." Anya said. Ivan nodded and understood and patiently awaited Anya to get done with changing her clothes and homework. It took her a half hour to finish her homework. It was finally time for them to head to the library. Fortunately her father wasn't at the house right now allowing Ivan to assume his werewolf form at least for awhile. " I still don't understand why your so eager to go to the library though. What will it have that could possibly help us?" Anya asked. ' You will understand when we get there. The Crescent Hill library is no ordinary library." Ivan said. Now the two of the head off towards the library and Anya hopes that when she get's there she indeed will understand what Ivan means. The library fortunately wasn't that far from the museum and would take about two busses from her house to reach. Within an hour Ivan and Anya had reached the Crescent Hill Library. It was an old building that Anya had hardly ever went by and looked and was not too far from the museum where her father had work. She didn't know what Ivan was goin to show her in the library but she did know that Ivan found it important. He handled it with such great importance that he has yet too tell you anything about it. As Anya looked upon the library and saw the pillars and large staircase that reached towards the library's entrance she couldn't help but feel something odd about this library. It wasn't an odd feeling that was bad. It was more like a feeling as if the library were not what it seems. As they entered Anya looked around uncertain why she was getting this feeling but continued to look in search of whatever was causing this strange confusion. The library was filled with bookshelves, desks, computers and they even had a little kiddie corner. Naturally the kiddie corner was filled with various children books. " This place feels odd." Anya said to Ivan. " Of course it does, the last time you were here was probably before you ever transformed right?" Ivan asked. " Yes, that was long ago though." Anya answered Ivan's question. She remembered the first time she went to the library when she was little. Back then her dad wasn't working at the museum but instead was out on the field have many adventures of his own. Her mother during those times was also still alive. Anya was about three years old when she and her mother first came to this library. It looks like that however was such a long time ago that she can hardly remember it. Ivan took Anya to a more private section of the public library. The Library was big so it had rooms were people who needed to be away from others for a bit could be should they need the privacy. Anya was curious about what Ivan was doing, it wasn't until he pulled a book and it revealed a secret passageway that she discovered there was far more to the library than she had initially thought. " Where does this passageway lead Ivan?" Anya asked. " You will see soon Anya." Ivan answered without giving it away almost as if he had wanted it to be a surprise. Anya and Ivan continued down the secret library corridor. They continued further and further down ignoring at least three doors. Once they reached the fourth door Ivana followed Anya past it and heard him knock on the wall. He knocked three times, then waited for thirty seconds and knocked again this time in a pattern. The wall then opened up and there it was this secret café full of mythological creatures! Anya couldn't believe her eyes at what she saw at first. There were fairies, werewolves, and much more. She was surprised to see that so many creature's live in this town and yet it's been kept a very well hidden secret. " Welcome to Myth Café! Here we can talk in private and not have to worry about anyone who overhears us at all. Not only that but other creatures can come to you here if you need to help them, but can't bring them home." Ivan said. " This place is incredible but I doubt you brought me here just to try and make things easier for me. So what do you need to talk about?" Anya asked. " You want to get right to the point then? Fine I'm okay with that. As you know the medallion I had before it was lost is a demonic Medallion. So you should know that there are two kinds of magic medallions one an find. One is made from witches and the other is from demons. But in this room is a book that tells you the story of how the demonic medallions came to be." Ivan said. He then quickly went and grabbed a particular book off the shelf in this area. She began reading the book that Ivan had handed it to her. At first she didn't expect to be interested in it at all. However the book had a detailed history of the witches that created her medallion and as well as how the demonic medallions were created as he had said. She looked carefully and read each and every word of the book aloud at least the first chapter of it. " A long time ago when the world and humanity was still young witches would use there magic to fight off demons who would try to lure humans with promises of grandeur. These fights lasted centuries for a long time the witches and the humans had a mutual understanding. They would fight off the demons that would try to lure them and in exchange the witches were offered valued positions in human society. If things had continued this way perhaps thing would of been better some say. However in those days demons were able to have a physical form in the human world. While the trust between human and witches was great at the time, it slowly began to unravel. The witches were once again called upon by the humans, but this time not to defeat the demons but seal them off from there world for good. The Humans had tire of living in fear of the demons and wanted nothing but for the fight to end. However doing so would require lots of witches and magic power. During this time the witches agreed to the humans request and agreed to seal the demons away. The effort they had to put to this however would take several years before it would come to fruition. While the witches had the patience to do so, the humans however did not and many were starting to accuse the witches of summoning or even conspiring with the demons. This was part of a demonic plot lead by a great demon ruler who was far stronger than any other demon. The demons knew of the witches plan to seal them away forever and thus created there own medallions that would allow them to possess humans even if they were no longer allowed to be in the human realm physically. They believed by accomplishing this plan they would continue to sow the mistrust between witches and demons. Unfortunately for the witches who sealed the demons this proved to be true as over the years humans mistrust of witches became more and more apparent. Threw the humans distrusts of witches a large hatred began to spread within them. This hatred grew so intense that it increased many demons power's greatly, especially the ones that fed on hatred. However this was a double edged sword for the demons as the humans began to only trust in humans and only humans. They then spread fear and terror for all mythological creatures by killing a few as an example. This was unprecedented in the demons plans the humans were so blinded by their own hate and rage that many of the mythological creature's that existed at that time began to fear humans more than demons. For something to be more feared than a demon it took an intense hatred that was originally directed at only Witches and eventually spread to all things that weren't human. A few centuries later this hatred had died down a bit, but the Witches had finally concocted a plan of their own. One that would save all creatures. They just had one problem to take care of before they could go through with it, they had to end the reign of the Most powerful demon they would ever had faced. The witches knew what they had to do, fortunately all the years of being hunted by the mistrusted humans had brought many witches together. Together they used their powers and created several powerful medallions that would allow them to assume the form of one other creature. Assuming another form would allow the witches to weaken the Ruler of demon's and seal him at last. They quickly began their attack on the Great Demon Ruler. The attack began and at first it looked as though the Great Demon was about to win, however the witches knew they could not seal him in just one medallion for he was far too powerful. So instead they sealed him into seven different demonic medallions, each a personality of the Great Demon Ruler. The first part of the ruler to be sealed was his intense greed. Once that part was finished that great ruler shrank in size and the witches continue with sealing the second part of his personality his Lust for power. Eventually all parts of his personality were sealed each with a different part of his personality. The Demons Wrath, Envy, Laziness, gluttony and finally his pride. When all parts of him were finally sealed the Great Demon Ruler had vanished from the world, believed to never be seen again. " Anya had finished the first chapter which had answered some of her questions but not all of them. In fact the book had caused her to have even more questions than she did have before. " That was a nice read Ivan, the book answered some questions I had but I still have more." Anya said. " What questions could you have?" Ivan asked Anya curious to what question she could possibly have. " Well witches are humans right? So why are they referred to as Witches here and not as humans? Aren't witches humans with extraordinary magic powers?" Anya asked. Ivan was a bit surprised as it wasn't a question he ever thought someone would ask him. Unsure of what to answer he did the best he could. " Well do all humans consider themselves the same?" Ivan countered Anya's question. Anya thought about it and realize many humans would not consider it. " No in fact some would rather believe that they are far more special than anyone else in the world." Anya answered. The two of them looked at the clock and saw it was getting late and decided that now it was time for them to head home. The two got on the bus and during the entire way home pondered the many questions they had from one chapter of a book that they read. Meanwhile as Cassie finally rested in her room she took out a medallion from her pack. " Finally we are alone again! Are you sure I can't tell any one about you?" Cassie asked. " No, but if you allow me I'll make it so your mother sees you as perfect no matter what you do." An eerie voice from the medallion told Cassie. She had thought about what the voice said before eventually giving it a solid decision. " That's my family matter, I can do that myself I may have saved you from falling into the sewers but don't think for a second I'm going to let you do as you say." Cassie told the eerie voice from the medallion. She had thought by then it would give up but the next time she heard the eerie voice it sounded quite confident. " You may think that now, but I know eventually you'll use me and when that time comes no one will stop us." Cassie then scoffed at the words of the eerie voice confident and full of pride that she would never resort to using it. Just as the eerie voice was confident that Cassie would eventually give in to the medallions wishes. End of Chapter |