Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2070519-My-first-blind-date
Rated: E · Fiction · Personal · #2070519
Blind Date
It was a beautiful and pleasant morning, the smiling sun hiding intermittently behind the puff of clouds sailing by. Just when I was savouring the beautiful creation of the Almighty, the phone called out, TRING TRING………so to silence the invention of Mr. Bell; I ran towards it and picked it up. “Good Morning” it spoke, the most pleasant feminine sound I have heard since long, and her voice made its direction right into my heart, as every girls does, pumping the blood with double the speed now.

She informed, “ My name is Bhavna, Sir, ……Is it a good time to talk?” she enquired

And I responded, “ Never was a better time.

She giggled and added, “Sir, I am calling from Citibank, and we handpicked your name on account of you’re worthy credit rating. You are entitled for a free Gold Card from Citibank.”

That moment who is worried about how truthful she is? To tell you the fact I did not even own any credit card then. But that is immaterial. So with genuine interest in my voice I speak, ”That is so kind of you, I am very much interested in you, ……….my heart jumps out of my mouth……….. “Oops the card” I correct myself.. I cannot resist myself but admit, “You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard”

She thanked me and accepted the praise, as if I am the first one to do that. She requested whether I would be able to provide her with the database of the contacts of the employees in our organization. I do not know what made her ask me that question, or what made her think that I would provide her the requisite information. But for me this was an opportunity to help a damsel in distress and break through the cryptic codes. To aid her reach her goal. So I promised, “the moment I reach office tomorrow, I will email it to you”. She thanked me again and the conversation stretched beyond the usual marketing techniques to casual talks. After which we concluded the pleasant exchanges.

The next day was my turn to initiate the conversation by doing my bit. I instantly logged on to the net and shot the email. The wait was unbearably long, but at last the thank you email popped up in my inbox, along with her personal contact numbers. I was pretty happy with my accomplishment on the first day of my conversation.

The next step was to buzz her and call her before anybody else does. My mind was cluttered with all the different topics, which would fill our conversation, so it never becomes dull. I was rehearsing my “HELLO”. At last after office hours I managed to ring her and eagerly awaiting to hear her voice. “HI” she responded and the voice still stimulated the same reaction it did the first time.

I was amazed by myself, my conversation skills, my sense of humour, I kept her laughing and giggling constantly. Than I dared to risk and tossed the question I waited to ask, “Would you be interested in watching a movie?”, she played around just to test my patience, I suppose and agreed to meet. But she suggested why not we go for the Bandra Fair in the evening and I readily agreed.

SO the groundwork had been done, the interest has been kindled and now the actual block building process would begin.

I hunted around the gift shops and chose an angel, a token of friendship, I thought. The day arrived and I groomed myself and dressed in the best of my outfits. The first impression is the last one, people say. Who would want to lend an ear to people otherwise, but on this day, I have to follow rules.

The place was already decided and the time was set. I normally have the affinity to make a grand entry, but this time I am supposed to be a thorough GENTLEMAN. Sorry not supposed to be, but I am a thorough GENTLEMAN. So no time lag allowed, I am already present ten minutes before time at Bandra Station, the place where we will meet and move further.

My eyes swiveled around to find the someone, the one whom I had already sketched in my dreams. Beautiful body, a beautiful mind, a refreshing sound - a female of medium stature, soft brown eyes, soft silky hair tingling her beaming fair cheeks.

The place was bustling as usual with human, of all sexes, all ages, some waiting for others and others waiting with a sole purpose of boarding the train.

I saw her, with a pink salwaar kameez with white polka dots, beautiful she was including her eyes, which was in hunt for somebody. I thought this could be the one.
But she was pretty happy to see a girl about two meters from her. A bit lost in my thoughts I crept to a corner, but still focusing on everyone entering Bandra station, literally every girl humanly possible. Ten minutes latter, my mobil called out for me, I picked it up.

“Hello”, I called out, “Where are you”

She quipped instantly, “Just look around”, she was standing besides me. She was two fists shorter than me. Her head rose up and her beautiful brown eyes observed me blabber. She was casually dressed, a stripe tee shirt and a blue denim which accentuated her figure. She was not fair but her skin radiated beauty and confidence and her soft straight hair was covering her face, which she frequently slid behind her ears.

We wedged and pushed ourselves through the waves of flowing humans to the rickshaw stand. Luckily we got one before we reached the stand and we hopped on to it, and headed towards Bandra Fair, which would be mammoth gathering of people to celebrate Mother Mary’s birthday. People of all faiths throng here to seek her blessing. The streets take on a carnival-like atmosphere, with shops and mini-bazaars offering everything from food, shopping opportunities and joyrides.

Looking at the kind of rush we saw on our way, we decided otherwise and directed the rickshaw driver to take us to Band Stand instead. At last pacing our way through the snail paced traffic of Mumbai, we made it to our destination.

We stepped out of the transport and walked our conversation to a quite and calm place. She was a good conversationalist as all fairer sex is. She was composed, her thoughts matched mine to some extent. There was so much to know about her, so much to talk about. There was never a void in the conversation; it flowed effortlessly as we had known each other for ages. We smiled, we giggled, we laughed and we agreed that we had an amazing time together. Just when I desired that this moment should never end, just when i thought that i could hold her hand, her mother rang her to check where she was. She had to reach before 8.45pm and it was already past 7.45pm, so we had to rush ourselves back.

So before the good times come to an end, i pulled out a gift from by bag, an angel, the token of our friendship, my first date.

We ebbed to Bandra station, to mingle into the sea of human beings, the place overtly crowded, so it seemed. I see her off with a promise to see her again.
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