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Rated: E · Article · Women's · #2069633
career status of Pakistani women

Female Brain Drain in Pakistan

With increase in labour contribution of women in Pakistan, let it be in the form of primary teacher the value of women is elevating. Being dedicated students ever since kindergarten helps them in getting a reputable degree. The dream of expanding career is shattered right after they get married and are expected to take care of the house and children. Such is the injustice of Pakistani society, after being educated with top class education they are compelled to become homemakers even if it is against their will. Even those who continue to work after marriages are expected to play double roles, being the breadwinner as well as the housewife; with no contribution from the male counterpart. The money earned by the wife is looked down as insult especially if it exceeds the amount earned by the husband instead of being appreciated as additional support.

With utter disappointment I must say, the career oriented degrees taken by women are wasted when instead of becoming researchers or businesswomen, they settle down as primary teachers just so they can play their part of being a housewife or mother. This sacrifice results in loss to the individual as well as to the specific industry; and to the country as whole. This can be defined as another form of ‘brain drain’.

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