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Rated: GC · Short Story · Other · #2069628
Someone you don't know that well makes you feel a certain way. (vore, full tour, scat)
Ever since the beginning of the school year you knew a boy in one of your classes. Something about him was enticing. You always looked his way and no matter what, and whenever you saw him, your stomach let out a monstrous rumble. Convincing your chubby belly to silence itself was near impossible. Being around him made you feel.....hungry?

Your body would always prepare to make space for this apparent intake of food. When around him your bowels and throat irritably grumbled, begging you to release this air so that there would be less pressure on you. Sometimes it was so sudden there was nothing you could do, which was embarrassing.

You'd never felt this way towards another human being, and your body has never done this around anyone else. There wasn't anything particular about him that made you feel this way either. It's like your body just reacted this way in its own!

Your mouth watered. You bit your lips or the inside of your cheeks. You desperately tried to hide it but it seemed to get worse every day.

After being around you enough, he began to notice. "You're a pretty gassy guy, huh?" He joked, patting your stomach. It released an angry growl in response, causing his eyes to open wide. "That's pretty scary actually. Your belly must be really mean to its food." He commented, standing up and beginning to walk away.

You watched him walk away and tried to study his body. He didn't smell any particular way. He was pretty thin, so he wouldn't be filling, if anything. He wasn't even that attractive.

As he walked into his classroom, you walked to yours also.

Your next class was the class he was in currently. It was Biochemistry. They didn't often have labs in that class but today was an exception. You didn't know what it was about, but you heard some people had got sent home.

After your Literature class ended, it was time. You noticed a lot less people walked out of that class than the amount that had walked in. Were they still working?

As you sat in the lab you could swear you heard someone calling your name, but as you looked around you saw no one. Weird. You really thought you heard someone faraway calling to you.
If that was the case, then they needed to come find you.

When you reached down to your backpack to grab your calculator, suddenly you realized the source of the name-calling.

There, a handful (in this case, literally) of miniature people in miniature clothes casting miniature shadows stood waving and jumping up at you. They couldn't be bigger than a segment if your finger. This was bizarre, and you had convinced yourself that it was none of your business and that you should ignore them.

But the guilt overwhelmed you. You had to do something! As you looked back at them your insides excitedly began to kick start. A huge fart was already begging to escape your budox ass. That was when you realized. You could eat every single one of them. That would surely stop your body from this forever.

You put them into your backpack and after the period ended, rushed into the bathroom. This was your lunch period.

You went into the handicapped stall, and pulled down your pants, plopping it down onto the surprisingly clean toilet. You unpacked your lunch and dug in. You noticed them looking up at you from inside your bag as you ate. They seeemed mad. You picked them all up and inspected them. You recognized them all, and more importantly, that boy was now in your hands. Your stomach rumbled eagerly.

Without warning you tossed them all into your mouth, hearing their tiny voices call out and scream. Before you could feel any sort of regret you quickly grabbed your water bottle and chugged it and continued eating like nothing happened.

Something inside you made a sound and vibrated, you farted loudly in response. As you finished your lunch you patted your belly and burped.

They were inside you now, and they were in for one hell of a trip.

The acids inside your stomach, as you learned, are meant to absorb proteins in addition to melt everything down into a goop. As they traveled to your small intestines, the carbs and fats would be taken from them and everything else you ate. After that liquid mush ran all the way through your small intestines, it'd travel to you large intestine, where the water would be taken from it and it would solidify. Everything left over would be packed into excrement and pushed out your anus.

It was kind of an exciting thought. As you looked down at your belly you felt your crotch tighten as you realized all this.

After a couple of seconds you peed, flushed the toilet and continued your day without breathing a word to anyone about what you'd done.

Once you got home you decided you would just wait it out. You played video games for hours until your bowels quivered and you released a booming fart that bounced off the walls. Time for them to come out, you thought.

Pausing the game and setting down the controller, naturally this was like every other dump you took around this time. But in actuality, there was something quite different. You'd done something really bad. But you didn't feel bad.

You stood up, your butt struggling to keep the massive impending turd inside you. It felt kind of good, actually...

As you strode to the bathroom you noticed your gut had been awful quiet. You figured this must be the end of that senseless noise

You opened the door, turned on the light and closed the door. As you pulled down your pants you got a little excited for the next part. You sat down on the toilet with a heavy smack as your cheeks pounded the toilet seat.

You gave a grand push but before anything else one unexpected fart rudely heralded the exit of your classmates from your posterior.

Then, it began. A crinkle and some exhausting heaving finally convinced your asshole to open wide enough to get this giant dump out.

A fat turd and a slimmer one made their way into the water below with some powerful splashes.

You sighed with relief and began peeing, which also felt good to do after such a big dump.

After you finished you wiped your ass and tossed the paper into the toilet.

You felt like you should say something but you figured it'd be pointless. You stood up, flushed, and washed your hands.

When you came back into your room everything was just as you left it.

After all, it was like every other evening dump you took.
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