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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Other · #2069054
All characters in this story belong to me. I hope you enjoy!

"GD-001, GD-003. Please report to the waste oil and toxic waste disposal immediately. Thank you." A voice announced out in the garbage dump. Among all the rubbish and garbage two girls popped up.
"Looks like that's our call." GD-003 said who wore a black latex stretchy hazmat suit that glistened in the sun, there were a few belts around on it to hold medical shots. On her back was a claw to grab garbage that could switch to a flamethrower to burn up the garbage. She had a natural rat's tail on her backside. She also wore a gas mask that resembled a rat's face with the two chambers on each cheek. She always had her hair in a braid and a backpack holding canisters for the flamethrower.
"Coming... just give me a moment..." GD-001 said. She wore a very dark purple stretchy jumpsuit that allowed her wings to poke out revealing just as dark purple feathers. She was also armed with a claw to grab the rubbish and a drill to get through the tougher garbage. On her backside was a natural crow's tail. She wore a mask that resembled a plague doctor's with a movable beak and modified so that it would fit over her beak along with specialized goggles to see in the dark. She had her hair that consisted of three bangs on top of her head.
"We don't have a moment here Spewla! Let's. Go!" GD-003 grabbed her friend and hauled her out of the garbage.

"Fine! I'm coming Kiline! Wait up for me!" Spewla yelled dragging herself out of the garbage and running after Kiline.
"You should be quicker then next time sister!" Kiline shouted back. Soon the two made it out of the landfall and into the nuclear facility where they could see some of the hazmat men looking through clipboards of papers filled to the brim with checklists and maintenance schedules.
"There you two are! We need you to hurry. There's been a serious leak in the waste disposal so we it's up to you two to drink it all up. Expect to grow rather... large this time." One of them explained,
"How large exactly?" Spewla asked,
"Larger than either of you have ever been before." He replied,
"Sounds like a fun challenge! You're on!" Kiline said excitedly,
"I've always wanted to break my personal best. This might be a great day." Spewla joyfully chirped,
"Then get down there and get started!" The hazmat said before running off to find the leak.

Spewla and Kiline crawled down the ladders to the bottom floors of the facility to find the leak. It was common for leaks to occur in the disposal facility due to the incredibly faulty pipes that the workers and GD Biohazard had patched more times than they could remember. Luckily they were expected to be replaced next month with brand new corrosive proof piping which meant less leaks and more GD Biohazard out cleaning up the garbage. Finally after a while the two reached the bowels of the facility where the leak could be seen, or rather multiple. Both the toxic waste and waste oil pipes were completely disconnected. From what the two could see the bolts had finally gave away and broke under the pressure.
"There's no time to waste! I'll get the toxic waste while you get the waste oil!" Spewla shouted as she ran over to one of the tubes and grabbed it. Before she could get it to her mouth however she instead slipped on one of the bolts hidden beneath the murky gas leading her to instead stick it somewhere else.
"YOWCH!" She cried out as she could feel the toxic waste enter her body and begin to fill her up with its green glowing contents.
"See what happens when you're not careful? Good thing for me I was going to put the pipe in the same spot." Kiline said taking the pipe and putting it into her backside. She could also feel the oil gush straight into her system.
"Shut up it's not funny. That really hurt..." She whined rubbing her now expanding bottom. The two would have to continue taking in the fluids until the workers above were able to find out the problem.

Back at the top the workers were scurrying around frantically to find out which dial was the one to stop the waste flow. Unfortunately none of the dials seemed to stop the fluids. After a bit more the workers realized that only one dial was going to work.
"GD-004! GD-004! Please report to the waste disposal facility immediately! Please don't delay, we have a serious problem!" The voice announced out across the landfill. GD-004 popped out from a pool of sludge which the GD Biohazard members called a sludge spa. He wore a navy blue jumpsuit with arm attachments both and a small rig stack on the left part of his back. On his bottom his legs were replaced by more powerful robotic parts that allowed him to run at high speeds. He wore a mask that split into two parts that allowed him to eat garbage without having to take it off. He had messy black hair that he didn't bother combing. He sped like a bullet straight to the facility.
"What do you need my help with?" He appeared out of the blue to the panicking workers,
"We have a major leak down in the bottom of the facility and we sent your two sisters GD-001 and GD-002 down there to clog it up. But now we realize that's there's only going to be two valves that'll shut down the pipes." One of the workers explained,
"And where would that valve happen to be?" GD-004 asked,
"All the way up there." He pointed to the top of the disposal tower,
"Understood. Just give me half an hour or so and I'll close down that leak in no time." GD-004 grabbed onto one of the pipes and began climbing.
"Please hurry... we want to still be able to get the girls out of there easily." He said worried.

Meanwhile back in the bowels the girls were still holding out quite well even though their bodies had grown out quite a bit. Their bottoms now kept the tubes well wedged into place to make sure they weren't going anywhere. Their stomachs were gigantic already and their limbs were losing mobility.
"So... do you know when they're supposed to shut off the valves?" Spewla asked,
"Shhhh. Quiet for a moment." Kiline said. She wrapped her tail around the tube and pushed it in deeper,
"That's the stuff. Anyway, I don't know. They never said like they always do. Just like us they don't know when they'll be able to stop the leak. So just sit down and get comfortable because we're going to be here for a while." Kiline said lowering her huge gut onto the ground and laying upon it.
"I'm not going to sit. I'm going to lay on my stomach like you thank you very much." Spewla said. With great difficulty she got back up with her large stomach sloshing all the while and fell upon it.
"There. Now wake me up when the leak is over." Spewla said before falling asleep.
"That might not be for a while unfortunately." Kiline said sighing.

"Got it! Nearly there!" GD-004 said hopping onto the next pipe retaining his balance. He was nearly halfway up to the top where the shutdown valves were. Though the next pipe he hopped onto came loose,
"I can't wait for these pipes to be replaced next month!" He exclaimed before being caught by another person,
"Leroxi! Thank goodness you're here." He let out a sigh of relief,
"Don't mention it! Anything for you Putrax. My little brother." The mermaid replied. She wore a green hazmat suit and had a claw/vacuum tool. She had a fin in place of her hair and wore a regular green gas mask.
"We need to hurry up to the top. Kiline and Spewla are waiting for us down in the bowels." Putrax said climbing onto the pipe.
"Then we should hurry before they become impossible to remove." Leroxi jokingly said,
"Way ahead of you." Putrax took one giant leap and found himself quite a bit higher than before. He waved to Leroxi to hurry up.
"Just give me a moment! I'll be there in a second!" She yelled to him before swimming through the maze of pipes to continue their journey upwards.

Back in the bowels the two girls had grown exponentially. They were practically now lying on their blimps for bellies with their limbs now engorged beyond all belief. Their bottoms now made it impossible for the hoses to slip free without some serious force. Their faces had also grown out a bit.
"Good mornin' Kiline... so is the leak gone yet?" Spewla asked,
"Nope. I'm not going to know so stop asking." Kiline replied irritated,
"How long does it take to find a valve to stop this thing?" Spewla complained,
"Perhaps it's a faraway one or one that's completely hidden." Kiline suggested. Just then,
"GD-001, GD-003. We sent your brother and sister up to the top of the disposal facility since the only valve that was going to work on those pipes was way out of our reach so just hang tight, everything will be over soon."
"Great I guess so we at least know what's taking them so long. This is going to be such a fun time." Spewla sarcastically spat,
"Just shut up. I'm keeping track to see how far I'll break my personal best right now." Kiline retorted before pouting. The two could feel their bodies growing softer and softer as they got larger from all the waste that was being pumped into their bodies.

"We're... almost... there..." Putrax desperately pulled himself up onto the pipe.
"I'm not sure how many more dead ends I can take before I decide to drink up all the waste." Leroxi said,
"We can't have you drinking all that stuff you know. It's against the rules." Putrax reminded her of the rules,
"Yes... I know... do you see those stupid valves?" Leroxi asked,
"Right over there!" He pointed to two red turning valves on top. He hopped across a network of pipes onto the platform. Putrax grabbed one of them and pulled with all his might but to no avail. Unshaken he took out his wrench and got a good hold of one of them to attempt to get it to budge.
"Let me help here." Leroxi grabbed part of the wrench with Putrax and pulled with all their might. Finally after a bit they were able to move the valve and turn off one of the pipes. After that little victory they quickly did the same with the second.
"Great job! High five!" Putrax held up his hand,
"Oh yeah!" Leroxi yelled out and high fived her brother.

Down below the two girls could feel the flow of waste entering their now engorged bodies coming to an end. There once chubby bodies were now filled to the brim with liquid waste. Their hands were blown up and sunken into what was now balls for arms. Their legs were no different with their bottoms being far bigger and prominent than before. Their faces had also gained a bit more form the waste. Their stomachs were now the equivalent of giant weather balloons. Their breasts had also grown exponentially during all of this.
"Are we done? Finally! I'm so happy to have that be over." Spewla said relieved,
"Me too. But how are they going to get us out of here? This is one of the most radiated areas in the whole facility you have to remember." Kiline said,
"They'll just send down Putrax to hook us up to the nets and pull us into the storage where we'll burn up all the fat in about a week and be back out there eating garbage in no time." Spewla explained.
"Sounds like fun. What will we do while were in there?" Kiline asked,
"I don't know. Just sit tight and we'll be out of here soon." Spewla responded,
"Sit tight? I'm pretty sure that's all we're going to do for a while." Kiline said,
"True I suppose." Spewla said.

It took a couple of hours but finally with enough patience and perseverance Putrax and the workers were able to get the two out of there.
"Good job you two. Get some rest while you're digesting all of the waste. You guys deserve it." One of the workers said,
"They certainly weren't lying saying that you two probably took in a bit of liquids." Putrax observed poking and prodding Spewla's stomach,
"I'm glad I wasn't down there to stop the leaks." Leroxi murmured,
"Well we need as many of us as possible out there while those two are resting. Now let's get back out there. We have garbage to chow down on. Enjoy your rest." Putrax happily pat Spewla's soft mass before heading back out into the landfill.
"Nice job again as always. I'll see you two in a week!" Leroxi said hugging Kiline's mass before jumping into murky waters and swimming off.
"Alright! Get the trucks and cranes! We need to hurry up and get them out of the way so we can begin planning on the new pipes!" A worker announced but before the two could hear anymore they drifted off to sleep.

A week later the girls were back out there eating up trash and continuing their work. A month later the facility staff was finally able to begin construction on the new pipes so there wouldn't be any more leaks. The event that day was still remembered as the time GD Biohazard realized that they could take much more than they originally thought and soon one would find out just how far she could go...

© Copyright 2015 Gary Mega (garymega77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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